Scott Appears With Romney At Florida Rally

August 14, 2012

Gov. Rick Scott joined Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney at a campaign stop Monday morning in St. Augustine. While he continued to talk up Florida’s economy, he said his job would be easier if Romney were in the White House.

“We cannot afford another four years of Barack Obama, his policies have failed us,” Scott said in introducing Romney. “Our economy nationally is struggling … here in Florida, even though we have a president that is making it much, much more difficult to do well, in Florida our econ is getting better. Our unemployment has dropped faster than any state but one in the past 18 months, 127,000 private sector jobs. Just think if we had a president … and a vice president that knew that you build business, government doesn’t build businesses. Think what this state could do then, if we had the right president.”

Romney’s newly announced running mate Paul Ryan made his first solo campaign appearance at the Iowa State Fair.
“President Obama has given us four years of trillion dollar – plus deficits,” said Ryan. “He is making matters worse, and he is spending our children into a diminished future.  We don’t have to stand for that; we’re not going to stand for that.  And on November 6, we’re going to change that.”

President Barack Obama also campaigned in Iowa Monday, taking a jab at Ryan.

“Governor Romney’s new running mate, Paul Ryan, might be around Iowa the next few days,” said President Obama. “He is one of the leaders of Congress standing in the way.  So if you happen to see Congressman Ryan, tell him how important this farm bill is to Iowa and our rural communities.  We have got to put politics aside when it comes to doing the right thing for rural America and for Iowa.”

The News Service of Florida contributed to this report.


12 Responses to “Scott Appears With Romney At Florida Rally”

  1. Frewnel on August 17th, 2012 1:32 pm

    To Abe
    I am proud of my country and my president for bringing us back from the very real threat of another depression after the last GOP president got through. We are in debt due to two unfunded wars and tax cuts and loopholes for the rich that we couldn’t afford not to mention a congress that has raided the general fund for every pet project under the sun.

    WHAT !!!

    I agree, Obama inherited a mess. BUT WHAT HAS OBAMA DONE to help ?
    MUCH “O” NUTTIN !!!

    Also to Mike J, applaud,applaud,applaud, Well said !

  2. Abe on August 16th, 2012 8:21 am

    Mike, good question. Fact is that I lean conservative but I’m a moderate. I tend to believe that the truth lies somewhere in the middle. And yes, I, unlike many on each extreme, do seek the truth no matter where it may lead me. Paul Ryan said himself that Ayn Rand was the main reason he got into politics. Ayn Rand’s philosphy was that selfishness (covetness) is not only good but it was the best state of man and that altruism (generosity) is evil. Be sure that Paul Ryan does not care if you don’t have the programs that you were forced to pay into (SSI and Med). Paul Ryan wants to completely dismantle those programs so the wealthy can profit more by taking it when you lose it in the stock market. Further Ayn Rand believed that there was no God and it is a womans right to have an abortion. I’m sure those are things the far left would agree on. In summation the Romney/Ryan ticket is all about “I got mine what’s the matter with you loser”.

  3. Abe on August 16th, 2012 7:46 am

    429, As I understand it, the new law allows those that were brought here as children to stay. The immigration debate is a sticky and complicated mess as it involves real human lives.
    The borders were left wide open for 20 years or more so now we have let the illegals get deeply rooted into our society and reversing that is not going to be easy. I will say that Bush running the country off the fiscal cliff has really helped the problem as there has been negative net illegal immigration over the last several years.

  4. 429SCJ on August 15th, 2012 9:44 pm

    Abraham, Obama may not be a marxist, but how do you define his impotence in securing the US border? How do you explain his decision to bypass congress to gain political favor, in allowing those who came here, in defiance of US law, to stay?

    I am no Romney supporter either. I feel the political process is lost, if all that it has to offer is Obama or Romney. I do not feel I can shade in a vote for either candidate.

    As unconventional as it may sound, I am starting to view myself as a NorthEscambian as opposed to the alternative.

  5. Abe on August 15th, 2012 12:23 pm

    With all due respect President is not a Marxist, anti capitalist, socialist, etc. etc. just because Fox news and all their ilk says he his. And while we’re at it he’s Baptist.

    I am proud of my country and my president for bringing us back from the very real threat of another depression after the last GOP president got through. We are in debt due to two unfunded wars and tax cuts and loopholes for the rich that we couldn’t afford not to mention a congress that has raided the general fund for every pet project under the sun.

    Paul Ryan is aligned with the philosophy of Ayn Rand. Ayn Rand believed that abortion is a womans right, selfishness is mans hisghest moral and their is no God. Don’t take my word for it, use that computer to educate yourself on this very important issue.

  6. 429SCJ on August 15th, 2012 9:40 am

    Romey will promote tax breaks for the 1% and ensure the rest of us pay the deficit off through higher taxes. Obama will spend to oblivion and allow a flood of illegal immigrants to pour in.

    The problems started with Dick Cheney and only got worse under Obama.

    King Midas vs Karl Marx should be title of the current presidential campaign

  7. Mike J. on August 15th, 2012 9:34 am

    Abe and others, If Paul Ryan is so bad then why did former Clinton guy Erskin Boles Jr. say all those great things about Ryan? If a liberal Clinton guy likes Ryan, he may not be so bad for you. Also you guys (except Jane) probaby were not Gov.Romney supporters anyway. HOWEVER, I will agree that Rep.Ryan is a bad pick for appearances sake (I was hoping for Sen.Rubio or Gov.Jindal). I agree that we probably get Pres.Obama again. Not only is that bad for business because he is anti-capitalist (“if you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that”) but also because he is marxist who wants the rich to pay for everything and the poor to pay for nothing. My wife noticed a bumber sticker the other day as I was driving. It said, “Socalism is nice until you run out of other people’s money”. Now when the retoric calms down (if it does) then take the time to read the budget that Ryan actually had, not the first one but the 2nd one. Seniors over 55 have no worries with this budget. Me? I’m under 55 but I’ll still support business chief executive experience & success over no experience jump-to-the-top failure. If they Democrats wanted experience they should have choosen Bill Richardson. Have a nice day!

  8. Abe on August 15th, 2012 8:28 am

    What we have here is a man that just wants to be president like his rich daddy did but doesn’t have an original thought in his head. So to compensate for his ineptitude he chooses an ideologue with an agenda for a running mate. Sound familiar? This is our next Darth Vader.
    Ryan along with his Ayn Rand/neocon philosophies will finish doing to this country what GW Bush started. He’s cut from the same cloth as Dick Cheney, Alan Greenspan and Donald Rumsfeld.
    If you have not educated yourself on what Ryan is all about you really should; this is a dangerous man.

  9. bill on August 15th, 2012 7:27 am

    Gov. Flim Flam just got caught double billing the counties for Medicare, the same thing that he did when he ran HCA. This time he probably won’t have to plead the 5th, 75 times. Mitt has been chosen by the Bildenbergers although they called Obama a good soldier. They chose Obama before the last election, he did what he was told and Mitt will make little difference; just maintain the status quo and do what he is told. Send the overlords a message and vote Ron Paul.

  10. Jane on August 15th, 2012 6:34 am

    Unfortunately I have to agree that we may have a second term for Obama. There is a huge block of seniors who disapprove of Paul Ryan. Romney could not have made a worse choice when he picked Paul Ryan.

  11. huh on August 14th, 2012 10:41 pm

    Yeah these guys just got Obama a 2nd term. They think they can take away social security and other benefits that the people of florida have paid into.

    We already know that private insurance companies are out to make a profit, and do all they can to not cover you unless forced by law.

    Bush had a huge surplus that was wasted on wars, trillions of dollars. And now they want you to have your programs cut .

    The people of Florida aren’t going to stand for this, they have already had it with Scott and the locals are afraid of losing what they have paid into already. No one wants an even higher retirement age. Nuts!

  12. henry on August 14th, 2012 3:43 pm

    Romney + Ryan + Scott = 2nd Obama term…