Schools Hold Orientation Sessions

August 17, 2012

Ernest Ward Middle School held a sixth grade and new student orientation Thursday, one of many held at schools across Escambia County. School begins Monday in Escambia County. Pictured top: Principal Nancy Perry speaks to students and parents. Pictured below: A school tour. photos, click to enlarge.


4 Responses to “Schools Hold Orientation Sessions”

  1. A Mom on August 17th, 2012 9:24 am

    Great ….. Its Bryneville ! When? What time? I dont know if I can even go now. Have other kids and things to do …. to boot Dad has to work. Ugh How were we suppose to know. How did they notify people? Or did they. My son has some special needs to boot so I ALWAYS meet with and discuss with the teacher.

    Sorry if I sound irritated with this. its just that whenever hes been in public schools before last school year, they always notified before hand and you had their website to rely on as well. This is the first year weve gotten ZERO information. Kind of dissapointing :(

    Ill try to get them on the phone. Thanks for the help Ladies

  2. jenn on August 17th, 2012 8:20 am

    A mom- I know bratt is having a meet the teacher today, and you can find bus route and other info there, normally a postcard with the teacher your child is assigned to is mailed, I’d call the school or go today to your school!! Good luck!!

  3. Mom of 2 on August 17th, 2012 7:46 am

    What school do they attend? Today is open house for Byrneville Elementary. They already had orientations.

  4. A Mom on August 17th, 2012 2:56 am

    I was wondering about this. Do all school have a “meet n greet”? My childs school hasnt sent ANYTHING via mail, telephone, email as to any preparation for school. Their website doesnt look updated for this year either. Dont know who the teacher will be nor even when the bus will come. Im confused by this :(