Ryan Calls For ‘Turnaround’ In America With Romney In Charge

August 30, 2012

Paul Ryan of Wisconsin officially accepted the Republican vice presidential nomination during the party’s convention Thursday night in Tampa.

“I accept the duty to help lead our nation out of a jobs crisis and back to prosperity – and I know we can do this. I accept the calling of my generation to give our children the America that was given to us, with opportunity for the young and security for the old – and I know that we are ready,” Ryan said at the Republican National Convention.

“Our nominee is sure ready. His whole life has prepared him for this moment – to meet serious challenges in a serious way, without excuses and idle words. After four years of getting the run-around, America needs a turnaround, and the man for the job is Governor Mitt Romney,” Ryan said.

Ryan called for a “turnaround” in the country, accusing the Democrats of creating a division in the country.

“They’ve run out of ideas. Their moment came and went. Fear and division are all they’ve got left,” he said.

For the full text of Ryan’s speech, click here.

Mitt Romney will give his nomination acceptance speech Thursday night, following an introduction by Senator Marco Rubio of Florida. Rubio was tight-lipped Wednesday about the speech, saying that he planned to outline the differences between Romney and Democratic incumbent President Barack Obama. But Rubio did say he wanted the moment to mean something to his parents, including his late father.

“I hope on a personal level, for my mom, watching from home, and my dad, wherever he’s watching from, it will be affirmation that their lives mattered, that all the sacrifices and hard work they went through was worth something,” Rubio told reporters.

For the full text of Ryan’s speech Wednesday night to the Republican National Convention, click here.


14 Responses to “Ryan Calls For ‘Turnaround’ In America With Romney In Charge”

  1. charlie zale on September 1st, 2012 8:27 am

    Sorry for the past post that says Bob stop blaming the republicans, It should say stop blaming the democrats.

  2. charlie zale on September 1st, 2012 8:26 am

    Bob, Do you forget that the Republicans have held the White House over half of the the past 50 years? 28 years of the past 50 we have had a Republican president. Stop blaming everything on the Republicans. I have a strong feeling you may be disappointed in Romney if he wins and as much as you have campaigned for him on here may cause you some embarrassment. How do you feel about Republican Rick Scott?? As I have said I support Romney this election, but I am not going to blame the Democrats for everything. The republicans have raped the working class, robbing them of their life savings and the jobs they promise are jobs with no benefits, and low pay. Personally I do not want to see the Country become a Socialist Nation, nor do I wish to see it become a 3rd world nation where the rich are ultra wealthy and everyone else is starving. You say you were a lifelong Democrat, but now the party is not worth saving. I disagree. If the working man would stand back up and take the party back from the liberals we would see a change. Instead many of us are jumping over to the republican or tea Party. What are they doing for you??

  3. me on August 31st, 2012 11:48 am

    Good job Ryan! God bless you and Mitt and the USA!!!

  4. Bob hudson on August 31st, 2012 8:42 am

    Some people forget that the Democrats held the house and the senate for 2 years, And what did they do? nothing, Did they make or pass a budget? No. Wow 2 years, Then when America was fed up with that, The republicans took back the house, and now the liberal democrats want to “blame ” them because nothing is getting done? You can not blame some one for your failures , if you were doing nothing in the first place.Some body needs to define (Fair Share) , They did not make money to give to every one who thinks they need a hand out.And by the way, you DO NOT give a government MORE money when they will not manage what they are getting in the first place. That is pouring money down a black hole. Cut government spending to the bone.No one can run a house hold budget the way the government spends its money.Common sense.

  5. Patriot on August 30th, 2012 10:12 pm

    A recent Congressional Budget Office report states that “the bottom 20 percent of American earners paid just three-tenths of a percent of the total tax burden, while the richest 20 percent paid 67.9 percent of taxes.”

    So for those who believe the rich don’t pay their “fair share”, how much is enough?

    If you designed the tax system, who would pay what? With the top 40% shouldering 85% of the burden, how much more would you ask them to pay? And how many in the lower brackets would you exempt?

    Once you’ve removed huge sections of people from paying anything, what incentive do they have to demand controlled spending? They’ll always vote for the candidate who gives them the most handouts… after all, they’re not paying for it.

    Do those claiming the rich don’t pay enough really want socialist income redistribution? Really??

  6. Fairlane63 on August 30th, 2012 9:44 pm

    Huh: I’m no fan of Romney, but your statement that the rich “don’t pay any taxes much” is factually incorrect. The wealthiest 10% pay over 70% of the income taxes while the lowest 50% pay less than 3% of the taxes.

    And trickle-down doesn’t work? How do you think jobs are created?

  7. huh on August 30th, 2012 7:37 pm

    I dont see how any middle class citizens would vote for the GOP. They only support corporate welfare and tax breaks for the rich .

    Trickle down doesnt work, those jobs are going to be out sourced.

    The rich dont pay any taxes much , ask Romney about his tax returns. Rather than people screaming about where Obama was born, at least he paid his taxes …

  8. Henry Coe on August 30th, 2012 5:36 pm

    I love how those who comment about how they did support Obama but are now supporting Romney, don’t post using a real name. What a bunch of Karl Rove’s.

    For those claiming Obama made things worse, how can prove that? Things would have been much worse without the Stimulus that kept us out of a full fledged Depression. The goal when we were losing 750,000 jobs a month, when Bush left office, the goal was to get money moving in the economy again.

    The only thing I’d like to see that I haven’t seen, is more of those Wall Street cats going to jail, but they were pretty much calling the shots and would have made things worse, so I think with Bush’s TARP, we got the lesser of two evils.

    Our lack of progress has a lot more to do with Republicans blocking progress through obstructing legislation and Presidential appointments than it does with a lack of effort from the POTUS. The Republicans have worked hard to distort information and block progress so they could campaign on a lack of progress. They count of Republican supporters to be dishonest or not informed and once again Republicans are falling for the hate, fear and smear of the GOP while they offer no real plans for anything.

  9. Kathy on August 30th, 2012 5:33 pm

    The republicans say over and over in your ear Obama failed and suck it up and slurp it down and believe it. If President Obama hadn’t been there we the middle class would be worse off and paying taxes that the millionaires don’t. Don’t be stupid and listen to a bunch of crap.

  10. Patriot on August 30th, 2012 12:09 pm

    Neither party can “create” jobs, not private sector ones anyway. We don’t NEED public sector jobs, the country can’t afford the ones we have.
    If the government would stick to it’s duties, as laid out in the Constitution, we could start to crawl out of this hole. (creating jobs ain’t in there)
    Obama believes that the Constitution is a “guideline”, and if that doesn’t scare you, then we’ve already went over the edge.

  11. PSU1Earl on August 30th, 2012 10:47 am

    Romney-Ryan, hypocrites! “Fear and division are all they got left”…lol… I gues they are going to bring the GOP and the commie, fascist, left wing, liberals together? Ryan, accepts the duty of bringing the nation out of the job crisis, but will only do that if you never ask him how he plans on doing it… The party of NO, has NO idea how to do it… Can they at least promise to create good paying jobs and not part time, no benefits jobs like the Asian Model of job growth?

  12. 429SCJ on August 30th, 2012 10:07 am

    I have, after much review, decided to Vote for Romney.

    President Obama did not create this problem. but he has only made it worse. Mr Obama and his Atty Gen have ignored border security and demonstrated reluctance to deport illegals. I see more of the middle class slipping into tent city type poverty ect, ect. There are not enough chairs at the table for citizens as it is.

    I do not think Romney is a great choice, but by narrow margin, the lesser evil.

  13. xpeecee on August 30th, 2012 8:31 am

    Romney for president!!!

  14. Abe on August 30th, 2012 7:06 am

    The GOP moment came and went when:
    1. Trickle down failed to trickle down
    2. Free trade turned into free for all trading
    3. Free market failed to police itself in absence of regulation as promised
    4. No child left behind – enough said
    5. etc., etc