Registration Event Scheduled For Danceworks Classes

August 12, 2012

Registration is underway for Heather Leonard’s Danceworks, and a registration event will be held Monday in Byrneville.

The registration will be from 6-7:30 p.m. Monday  at the Byrneville Community Center. Or students can register by mail; click here for a form.

Ballet, tap and jazz classes will be taught by Heather Leonard beginning the week of August 20 for girls ages 3 and up, including a class for teens. Leonard has taught dance to hundreds of girls from North Escambia and surrounding areas. She is also the coach for the Northview High School Dance Team.

For a printable information sheet, schedule and registration form, click here. For further information, contact Heather Leonard at (850) 529-1358 or email

Pictured: “A Dancing Circus”, the 2012 spring recital from the students of Heather Leonard’s Danceworks. NorthEscambia.comp file photos, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “Registration Event Scheduled For Danceworks Classes”

  1. William on August 12th, 2012 8:58 am

    >>>Which is it ? Article says registration is August 13, but registration form says August 14.

    It is Monday, August 13.

    For a brief time this morning after an update, the registration form had the incorrect day. It is now correct.

  2. Terry on August 12th, 2012 8:53 am

    Which is it ? Article says registration is August 13, but registration form says August 14. Please let us know which it is so we can go on the right date.