Alabama Man Arrested For Shooting Outside Cantonment Grocery Store

August 13, 2012

A Robertsdale man has been arrested in connection with a shooting in the parking lot of the Grocery Advantage on Highway 29 in Cantonment Sunday evening.

Coy Carter, 33, remains jailed without bond. Deputies say he met his estranged wife in the parking lot to return his children to their mother. During the exchange, a fight broke out between Carter and victim Robert Slay. Slay is currently dating Carter’s estranged wife, according to Deputy Matt Baxter, spokesman for the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

Carter was also transported to a local hospital for treatment of minor injuries sustained during the fight. Deputies said he was not shot.

After being released from the hospital,  Carter was arrested and charged with battery, aggravated battery, discharge firearm in public, and child abuse without great harm (domestic violence).

Pictured: One man was shot in the parking lot of the Grocery Advantage in Cantonment just before 6 p.m. Sunday. The photo at top and immediately below were taken just minutes after the shooting. photos, click to enlarge.


76 Responses to “Alabama Man Arrested For Shooting Outside Cantonment Grocery Store”

  1. mamana on August 15th, 2012 3:36 pm

    I dated Mr.coys Daughter and he always seemed like a nice man but that should have never happened Prayers to Mr. Robert!!!

  2. mnon on August 14th, 2012 3:15 pm

    @victim, have respect for your family?! That is some nerve! You, the estranged woman, and the gun carrying husband had no respect for the public!

    My wife and small kids had just left that parking lot 5min earlier when this happened! One of them could have been shot, or someone else. You’d be singing a different tune if an innocent child was shot because YOU couldn’t stay home and let the exchange happen. Also protecting the kids? If the kids need protecting during the exchange it is NOT YOUR PLACE to do that, it is LEO’s job!

    So next time have some respect for my family by not causing a shoot out at the grocery store by staying out of it and letting LEO do their jobs, if it is needed.

    Thank you.

  3. my own two cents on August 14th, 2012 12:51 pm

    This is a public news story with a section for comments, so that’s what people will do. They have a right to do that, no matter their opinions. I don’t know any of those involved, but it seems to me if the father of the children was foolish enough to shoot someone, then that says a lot about him and it seems the estranged wife had plenty of reason to leave him for that fact alone. A person builds up to this kind of violence. I doubt this was the first time he was a “hot-head”. If the woman is legally separated, there’s no reason she can’t move on with her life. Too bad married couples can’t “live happily ever after”, but it doesn’t always happen and then the pieces of shattered lives have to be picked up. Now this man won’t get visitation, the woman will surely be granted sole custody (no child support because he’s in jail/prison) and I wonder if the new boyfriend will decide this was more trouble than it’s all worth.

  4. MargieLU on August 14th, 2012 12:29 pm

    No woman (or man) should have to exchange custody of children under these conditions. A safer place (maybe less convenient, but safer) or calling a deputy ahead of time would have been a better choice. However, when emotions are rolling, sometimes choices are made to get the task done and over with.

    Nobody can judge whether the boyfriend’s presence was a catalyst or not. She was smart to make the transfer in a public place. Maybe now, the court will ensure she doesn’t have to take a chance with the custody transfers ever again, and mandate he pick his children up at the nearest substation under a watchful (and armed) eye.

  5. David Huie Green on August 14th, 2012 10:28 am

    “I am trying to remember how that 5-15-25 law works. “

    I think you’re thinking of 10-20-Life.
    If so, from

    “- – - Florida Statute 775.087, the so called 10-20-Life Law. Law enforcement takes a zero tolerance approach for anyone who uses a firearm in the commission of a crime. To accomplish this, the 10-20-Life Law requires mandatory prison sentences for armed offenders.

    “Just by pulling or improperly “brandishing” a gun during a crime, a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years is imposed. For certain felony crimes or attempted felonies, the 10 year mandatory sentence is authorized if the criminal possessed a gun or other destructive device. If you shoot or discharge the gun during a crime the mandatory minimum sentence is 20 years. For injuring or killing a victim by firing the gun during a crime, a mandatory minimum sentence from 25 years to life in prison is authorized. It has always been a felony crime in Florida for felons to possess guns, even if they are not committing any other crime. Recognizing that felons who possess guns, despite this violation of law, may intend to commit other serious crimes using guns, the 10-20-Life legislation provided for a mandatory minimum prison sentence of 3 years for such known felons who possess a gun. This provision alone has affected many felons sentenced to prison in Florida.”

    David trying to be helpful

  6. David Huie Green on August 14th, 2012 10:19 am

    My vote goes to Darko Sladovic, do not endanger the people at the parking lot

  7. diane banks on August 14th, 2012 9:41 am

    We do not have to know all the facts of these “should be adults” lives to know that not one of them showed respect for these children. They did not show respect for the community and those shopping in this area. 1) for starters. The “MOTHER” to use that word loose..had not reason to take a boyfriend with her to pick up those children. If she did not feel safe to pick up children law enforcement would have gone with her. She is STILL married thanks for confusing your young children with ALREADY putting them around a boyfriend. 2) BOYFRIEND. You have no reason to be around these chidlren while their mother is still a married woman. So you took up for a child! the law could have been called and a report made. You did not take up for these chidlren…You did just what you wanted to do and that is to start a fight with their dad. making you look like a big man.. WRONG 3) DADDY. now aren’t you the “Father of the Year.” so your children get to see the man they think will protect them for life whip out a gun and shoot someone . Great example of how to handle problems in this world. I can remember from the age of 4 of my mom coming to my dad’s house and starting a fight (she was drunk) with my step mom and dad. Broken an ashtray and tried to cut them. Yeap.. that was over 61 years ago and I remember it like yesterday. The 3 of you should have these children. taken away from you.

  8. What was SHE thinking? on August 14th, 2012 9:35 am

    I really think more blame should be put on the MOTHER. I don’t care how good of a person Mr. Roberts is, or how crazy of a person Mr. Coy is….the boyfriend should have NEVER been at this exchange of kids. If the mother really is scared of Mr. Coy, meet at the Police Station to exchange kids. The fact of the matter is that this would of probably NEVER happened if Mr. Roberts was not there. Instead this woman is parading her boyfriend in front of her husband. I personally feel bad for the kids in this case, but have zero remorse for any of the adults involved in the case.

  9. Nomorals Central on August 14th, 2012 8:28 am

    Our crime rate is not affected by the person in office as sherriff. Simple fact is some (or most in my experience) people these days have no respect for others and live in there own la-la land where they are the center of the universe and there are no consequences for their behavior. The crime rate will continue to go up.

    I feel so sorry for the children…they are the real victims.

  10. 429SCJ on August 14th, 2012 7:05 am

    I am tryin to remember how that 5-15-25 law works. He pulled the gun thats 5 years, he fired the gun thats 15 years, he shot some one, though they did not die?

    I think I am a little lost on this one, but I think it is safe to say we won’t be seeing that joker anytime soon.

  11. Kenny on August 14th, 2012 3:02 am

    well the “dad” pushed the small child and the “boyfriend” defended the child… i have children about the same age i believe and he had no right to pull a gun and POINT IT AT HIS NECK. The guy that pulled the trigger is where he should be in JAIL. those kids will never be the same… all it was is someone put hands on a child someone stood up for the child and the person that couldn’t back up his words had to pull a gun… In these days no none knows how to take an ass whipping and get over it.. and no i have no problem with gun ownership as i am a gun owner… but if u didnt see what happened as i DID for the whole thing how can u condemn either person???

  12. CD on August 14th, 2012 2:39 am

    Let me be sure I understand this. A married woman who has separated from her husband brings her boyfriend with her to pick up her children from her husband. WOW, what a great example she’s setting for her kids! Some people just can’t stand to see their spouse with another lover.

  13. Terri Sanders on August 13th, 2012 10:11 pm

    Whether Mr.Robert is a “cool” man or not… the fact remains the woman is still married…..was she estranged for a day? a week? a month?….estranged is NOT divorced which means she really has no business with any other man other than her husband…

  14. Ben on August 13th, 2012 9:19 pm

    Everytime something like this happens, we get relatives and friends on here defending the “honor” of one of the participants. As somebody who has never been involved in a fistfight in a grocery store parking lot, and is not dating someone’s estranged wife, please tell us the “whole story.”

    Our families have had enough of your personal drama spilling out into public areas. Please be “great people” and mess up your own lives in private.

  15. chris1 on August 13th, 2012 9:05 pm

    And the kids suffer.
    Most adults really are not grown up anymore.
    They are raised and ruled by their flesh and TV.
    This is what the end looks like.

  16. Amber on August 13th, 2012 8:44 pm

    How are you people sitting here and attacking the person that DIDNT have the gun?

  17. roll tide on August 13th, 2012 6:34 pm

    @victim…have respect for our community and take your fueding out of the public where innocent folks are. Stop and think about the fact that innocent folks could have been shot due to adults that don’t know how to act in public. If you don’t want your kids exposed to violence you sure have a heck of a way of showing it. If their smart at all they know who has the problem and it sure isn’t the folks commenting here. It sounds to me like people are fed up with all the violence in this area.

  18. Jake (neighbor and close friend) on August 13th, 2012 6:30 pm

    I agree with fyi. All of you are jumping to conclusions and attacking Mr Robert need to back off. You don’t know the situation at all or him apparently. He is a great man and he is always there to help when myself or any other neighbors have needed it. I am also close to his children and he has been a great father. So you should show some respect and keep your comments to yourself for the kids sake.

  19. everette on August 13th, 2012 6:13 pm

    Mr Robert is the coolest person I know.

  20. Aunt Terry on August 13th, 2012 5:55 pm

    Love you Robert and praying for you all. If there is anything I can do for you please let me know.

  21. Darko Sladovic on August 13th, 2012 4:45 pm

    I don’t know the whole story, and I don’t judge anyone….but if a myself or a family member got struck by a stray bullet–I would not care who got offended at what I say. I shop at that store and Pizza Hut. I–and everyone else–in this community don’t need to be dodging shots in the parking lot of a grocery store.

    So if anyone is offended–too bad–take your feudin’ somewhere else. I don’t care who started what, or who might be a victim or perp–don’t care! Tough! Once bullets start flying–it becomes irrelevant. I hold all the adults in that incident responsible.

  22. EA alumni cheerleader on August 13th, 2012 4:29 pm

    I can’t believe he did this in front of his kids….

  23. Beth on August 13th, 2012 3:31 pm

    Thanks candy but it was actually me, Beth that made the comment.everyone of our children is having a hard time with this. And the pain is very fresh

  24. Respect? on August 13th, 2012 2:40 pm

    The news is all fun and games until your husband and boyfriends are fighting and shotting up the local grocery store. You want respect? Your “family” made the news because they were fighting and shooting in front of the same kids you are concerned about reading these comments and this is what you are concerned about?

  25. Candy on August 13th, 2012 2:10 pm

    Well said Robert! These people are ridiculous with their comments when they don’t even know the whole story. They should be ashamed of their selves. We love you and are glad you fought back and saved your own life and maybe even more lives. There’s no telling what that psycho had planned. Any decent man would have done the same exact thing!!! We are proud of you!!! Glad you’re coming home soon.

  26. Victim on August 13th, 2012 1:36 pm

    Please stop posting for my children’s sake they read this please have some sympthy. You don’t know the whole story and it’s easy to sit and judge. Please just stop. Have some respect for my family.

  27. The Truth on August 13th, 2012 1:22 pm

    Now thats the Thruth!

  28. Son on August 13th, 2012 1:03 pm

    I love how all of you can talk about something y’all don’t even know about. My dad goes to pick up the kids because coy Is psycho and would probably try to attack his ex wife so don’t say anything if you don’t know the story. He was protecting the girls when he got shot for no reason. It was cowardly to pull a gun and I hope he rots in jail for the rest of his life

  29. daughter on August 13th, 2012 12:54 pm

    Love you daddy! (: I am glad you are comming home tomorrow.
    Coy needs to rot in jail. (:

  30. FYI on August 13th, 2012 12:51 pm

    I love how everyone is so quick to judge. I know Mr Slay personally and he is the kindest man I’ve ever met. I can 100% say that he didn’t start the altercation he just defended himself and the ex husband took drastic measures. Mr Slay has kids of his own and isn’t the violent type and any one that knows him would agree. His kids are some of the best raised kids I know and I know all four of them personally and went to school with two of them. So before you judge maybe you should know the person. Oh and way to talk about a veteran you should all be so proud to beat down someone who fought for all of you.

  31. The Truth on August 13th, 2012 12:20 pm

    Well, George et al, I think ya’ll should refrain from commenting about the boyfriend unless you know the situation. I am sure that Squirrel was running around behind Beth’s back and now he got upset when he sees she has moved on. Well, he should have known better and not screwedup what he had.

  32. mnon on August 13th, 2012 12:19 pm

    What a great example to set in front of your children. Pick a fight, to the point of throws and when you’re losing pull a gun and shoot the person.

    The mom shouldn’t have had the “boyfriend” there, that is another great example, leave your husband but in the meantime have guy “friends” around your kids.

    People these days just have no couth, as my grandmother would say.

  33. neighbor on August 13th, 2012 11:30 am

    I agree with george the new boyfreind should have never been there.

  34. David Huie Green on August 13th, 2012 11:23 am

    It’s things like this which make it hard for estranged wives to find dates while still married.

  35. Snowy on August 13th, 2012 11:08 am

    Thumbs Up @George of the Jungle:

  36. 429SCJ on August 13th, 2012 11:03 am

    There goes the child support.

  37. gOOGLE eARTH on August 13th, 2012 10:22 am

    The corruption starts at the top and goes all the way to the bottom… Every single person in escambia judicial system should be replaced.. Start over,, they’re all corrupt,, even the cops are brown nose. There is no justice here and just try “stand your ground” here.. They don’t want to hear it.

  38. Dan on August 13th, 2012 9:30 am

    Is it the responsibility of the sheriff to prevent crime or to arrest those who’ve committed crime? I don’t think it’s the sheriff’s department’s responsibility to “babysit” the citizens. “Adult” Citizens need to take responsibility for their actions. Sure, having police presence can deter crime, but you can’t expect them to prevent everything!

    I believe stiffer punishments are the best way to prevent crime. However, you will always have knuckleheads out there that don’t care.

  39. misspriss on August 13th, 2012 9:30 am

    Thank you NorthEscambia for the great job you do keeping the public updated. I truly appreciate it. However, I may stop reading until the election is over. People are using these comment areas for political “egg throwing” and, please forgive me, a woman of my intelligence is sick of it! Please tell me how in the world one man can prevent two idiots from a gun fight in a parking lot. The job of law enforcement is to protect and serve. It is not their job to fix stupid! I could care less who the next sheriff will be. I promise you that both men are well qualified. Neither can fix stupid!

  40. Molino Mom on August 13th, 2012 9:20 am

    It amazes me that people were not a witness to something but seem to know what happened, Why don’t we let the deputies do their job and investigate the situation and tell us what happened.

    Thank you to the law officers, firemen and EMT’s for all the work they do for us. We would be very upset if they were not there when we needed them.

  41. Rick on August 13th, 2012 9:14 am

    @Tim. Uhmmm……. cuz he lost?

  42. George of the jungle on August 13th, 2012 8:58 am

    Omg…political?? Really?!!! Here’s the real story! It’s a family dispute! A father was returning his children to their mother when her new boyfriend who probably shouldn’t have present (obviously) got into a dispute with the father. An altercation insued which ultimately ended with the father (who has a concealed weapons permit) shooting his attacker! If you were not in the parking lot you really shouldn’t make false claims or accusations about this! But the way I see it the “victim/attacker” should be thankful that the father did not shoot to kill as you are taught in class prior to receiving a concealed weapons permit. If you have never been cheated on and left for another you can not fully understand the pain and anguish that he was under. Yes there are other ways to channel your emotions but obviously this father was at his breaking point! My only disgust is that their 2 precious children were witnesses to this altercation. Sadness looms over all parties involved, my God bless you all.

  43. Ben Thar on August 13th, 2012 8:50 am

    “don’t be a fool an make the right choose”

    Did you seriously write this?

  44. Tim on August 13th, 2012 8:22 am

    Why is the loser of the fight automatically always the victim?

  45. Mary on August 13th, 2012 7:29 am

    OK? This was “political”?? I dont think that whoever was/is Sheriff could have stopped this particular incident!! YES there are way too many shootings in Escambia County. I have lived here all my life even before Lowman. I shop @ this grocery store every week & it has good meat I just want go alone!!

  46. Kenny on August 13th, 2012 5:58 am

    wow really lets mAke this political…. the ecso was right there… cuz i one of the people that called 911…. i watched the shooter pull out the gun and point it at the other mans neck…. glad he didnt shoot him there…i guess given the out come i guess the leg was better than the first….

  47. bewildered on August 13th, 2012 2:26 am

    I also don’t have a dog in the fight for the Sheriff’s race, because I don’t live in Escambia County. Anyone on this forum who thinks they solicit votes for Morgan’s opponent with constant attacks on he incumbent because of the lack of personal responsibilty by a segment of our population are accomplishing exactly the opposite, They are hurting Powell’s campaign and should knock it off until they come up with credible constructive criticism that intelligent people can relate to.

  48. Kenny on August 13th, 2012 1:53 am

    i watched the whole thing happen… the only perso that had any right for the stand ur ground law is the man that was shot…

  49. pizza man on August 13th, 2012 1:48 am

    ok all you comment making folks. this is a domestic situation gone wrong. get a clue. if you know these people and I do its a unfortunate turn of events and the ECSO did what they are paid to do. respond!!!!!!!! they aren’t super hero’s. Lets just be concerned for the man shot and his kids.

  50. Livewire on August 13th, 2012 12:19 am

    It is easy to set back and point fingers at this one and that one about who should have done this and who should have done that. Opinions about who should be elected sheriff is not the issue here. They are only allowed to just what is allowed by statutes and what us as citizens vote on giving them authority over. As far as which sheriff is to blame, why don’t anyone blaming them run for sheriff and see how you handle the position.
    It all stems back to us citizens stepping up. The problem with society today is that too many people think of how to better issues in our communities, but never really put any actions behind their thoughts or words. It isn’t so much the fact of what our law enforcement officers do or don’t do, nor whether the crime rates are at the all time highs or lows…but it is strictly based upon us as citizens getting involved and helping maintain a safe environment for us to live in.
    So instead of voicing opinions or rubber necking while we citizens see a problem, get yourselves involved and maintain control of your tempers and try to help resolve an issue, so that your loved ones aren’t the ones getting hurt or becoming the next victim. Wake up lazy citizens.

  51. EMD on August 13th, 2012 12:01 am

    I hear more about what Morgan has done than I remember ever hearing about any others in the almost 40 years I’ve lived here. Perhaps many here are just jealous of , or have contempt for, the educated. I think the man has tried to do well, and also think he has a heart. And, I totally agree with what Jimbo said.

  52. Scooby on August 13th, 2012 12:00 am

    @ wow: I’m suprised the cops didn’t see the 2 sets of couple (same people involved in this shooting) right in front of the Cantonment Fire Deptartment. You could see the one couple from Hwy 29 fighting/arguing like crazy. Just suprised the cops didn’t see this before the tragic happened.

    I was working at Gee Willies at the time of the incident and I know the couple that was arguing in front of the Cantonment Fire Department, and it WAS NOT the same couple that was involved in this shooting. That young couple comes into the store all the time and DO NOT have any children (either of them). Please get your facts straight before you talk about someone that you don’t really know!

  53. Jimbo on August 12th, 2012 11:38 pm

    @ Northend voter. No Sheriff or any other elected official is “knighted”. This Morgan fellow puts his pants on each day, like we all do. For you to come this or any forum and point fingers at a Sheriff for crimes that occur in his district is akin to Jim Cantore blaming Ronald Reagan for Hurricane Ivan. Vote for Powell, Vote for Morgan, vote for Donald Duck for Sheriff, but don’t jump on here and say that Morgan, or Donald Duck, or Powell could have prevented this incident.

  54. Cheerleader on August 12th, 2012 11:07 pm

    WOW that is crazy what’s going around in escambia county so many shootings hope everyone will be ok!!

  55. bigbill1961 on August 12th, 2012 10:42 pm

    Yep, blame Morgan. We sure wouldn’t anyone to be held responsible for their own actions, now would we? Come on now, grow a brain and lay the blame where it belongs…on the perpetrators.

  56. richard bowen on August 12th, 2012 10:12 pm

    im sure they will claim the stand your ground law

  57. twocents on August 12th, 2012 9:51 pm

    Vacationers robbed of their fun at the beach this summer due to rain! Why it is just criminal. Let’s blame Sheriff Morgan for that too! The rain, domestic violence, oh wait, let’s add logs on Hwy. 29 too. The Sheriff needs to get his act together. If Sheriff Morgan looses who will be blamed next? The new Sheriff? I for one will be glad when the elections are over. Stop the insanity! And no, I am neither for or against Morgan. I have not made up my mind but I sure am tired of the negativity on both sides.

  58. roll tide on August 12th, 2012 9:33 pm

    Folks you can’t blame this on anyone but those involved. I agree this is scary happening in our own backyard. I shop here often and have always felt safe. I wish people could settle their differences with words instead of violence. Hoping all recover and justice will prevail for the suspect.

  59. Zoe on August 12th, 2012 9:21 pm

    When people stop beating and shooting each other then the crime rate will go down! Blame the cops for others actions. really??!!!

  60. wow on August 12th, 2012 9:20 pm

    I’m suprised the cops didn’t see the 2 sets of couple (same people involved in this shooting) right in front of the Cantonment Fire Deptartment. You could see the one couple from Hwy 29 fighting/arguing like crazy. Just suprised the cops didn’t see this before the tragic happened.

  61. Tiffney on August 12th, 2012 9:04 pm

    Gosh this is scary, I have been going there for years and have always felt safe. Cantonment has always felt like a safe place to live. I hope it dont start going down hill like the rest of pensacola!!

  62. eeyore on August 12th, 2012 8:57 pm

    …i just dont understand the level violence around here and resorting to deadly force every single time…even when it was not needed…?

  63. Nonna of 6 on August 12th, 2012 8:55 pm

    Thankfully no innocent bystanders were injured, but traumatic for the children of this couple who witnessed this senseless violence. I hope the parents are proud of themselves.

  64. northend voter on August 12th, 2012 8:54 pm

    A single fight in a parking lot whether it is domestic violence related or not is directly Morgans fault. It is Morgans constant push to try and make us (the citizens) believe that Violent Crime is down 21%. Morgan keeps trying to brag that he has developed TAC unit. Every Sheriff dating back to Lowman has created a TAC unit. McNesby disbanded it because alot of citizens rights were violated with the majority of cases that were being made were thrown out of court. There is a shooting almost everynight, unlike when he took office. Unlike you Jimbo, I do not honor the Knighthood of Sir David Morgan.

  65. 429SCJ on August 12th, 2012 8:37 pm

    Amen, I do not understand Northendvoter, he has blamed Sheriff Morgan for everything but the Lindburgh kidnapping and murder.

    No law enforcement officer could have forseen and prevented this incident.

    Good response ECSD.

  66. paul on August 12th, 2012 8:29 pm

    I don’t understand how some people try to put blame on the sheriff instead of the shooter, when I looked at the dispatched calls on the ECSO website the dispatch and arrival times are the same, I don’t know how you can expect a faster response than that…

  67. Jimbo on August 12th, 2012 8:23 pm

    Debbie, please understand that I really have no dog in this fight. I’m not a Morgan devotee, I don’t care if Powell becomes sheriff. In all likelihood, Powell would make a great Sheriff. But to attack Morgan over someone’s domestic violence incident is indeed a reach. Do you really think that if Powell were the Sheriff, that this incident would not have occured? As Bill Klinkton once said, “Give me a break”.

  68. Jimbo on August 12th, 2012 8:16 pm

    @ Northend voter. Sir, if you’ll explain to all of us how Sheriff Morgan could have prevented this, I won’t call you a hack. Otherwise, wear that title with pride.

  69. MolinoMomma on August 12th, 2012 8:12 pm

    That’s scary. We shop there all the time..mmmmm might start shopping somewhere else

  70. Debbie on August 12th, 2012 8:11 pm

    No need to worry the crime rate is bad an since David Morgan has been shriffe it’s just getting worse so pay attention an vote for John Powell August 14 an u will see a big change in this county an crime rate will go done so don’t be a fool an make the right choose

  71. Reader on August 12th, 2012 8:04 pm

    Wow. This happened at what, 5:55? Story with photos posted by 6:05. I found out what happened before I got checked out in the store. Love me some!

  72. northend voter on August 12th, 2012 8:00 pm

    Nothing to fear, folks who live in Escambia County. Sheriff Morgan said Violent Crime is down 21%. Now please go on about your business. Nothing to see here!

  73. Phillip on August 12th, 2012 7:21 pm

    What is going on around here? I can’t believe how many shootings there have been around Pensacola the last few months.

  74. Lc on August 12th, 2012 7:10 pm

    What a shame, hope they are going to be ok , that,s the store i always go shopping at i,am sure there’s more to this story .

  75. Shopper on August 12th, 2012 7:07 pm

    and I was gonna go there today!! Sure glad I didn’t

  76. STEVE on August 12th, 2012 6:40 pm

    Wow thats just crazy