One Shot At Escambia County Apartment Complex, Two Arrested

August 3, 2012

One person was shot Thursday evening in Escambia County, and two men are behind bars charged with the crime.

Van Spikes, 19, was shot in the groin and thigh while at the Alabaster Gardens Apartments off Massachusetts Avenue about 7:30 p.m. He was transported to an area hospital by ambulance  with non-life threatening injuries. His name has not been released.

Witnesses told deputies that they heard gunshots and then saw two white males jumping the fence and leaving the area in silver Honda.

Deputies in the area located a car matching that description a few blocks away and witnessed the occupants throw a gun out of the car window. The vehicles occupants — Anthony Schubert, 20, and Dylan White, 17, — were arrested for aggravated battery.

Shubert and White, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, admitted to investigators that they were at the apartment complex to sell drugs.

Further details have not yet been released by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

Pictured above: One person was shot at the Alabaster Gardens Apartments off Massachusetts Avenue Thursday evening. Photo courtesy Anthony Pura, WEAR 3, for, click to enlarge.


7 Responses to “One Shot At Escambia County Apartment Complex, Two Arrested”

  1. Mike P on August 6th, 2012 2:37 pm

    You can’t be serious!? PNJ wants a 7 day free trial, then charge $25.00 a month for slanted news? An idoit wouldn’t even pay that! Hahaha. Looks like layoffs at PNJ soon, much needed anyways for the trash they provide.

    Thank you North Escambia!! A real news outlet!


  2. matt on August 4th, 2012 11:03 am

    I can’t begin to tell you how mad this makes me, I worked with Schubert “step-dad”. I was at his parents house visiting when I got back home my .40 Handgun had dissappeared from my truck . Made a report, CSFU came out and tried to dust for prints, but there was to much dew on the truck. I was told it may be a dead end. Told the deputy that it was there before i stopped by schuberts parents, where schubert just “stopped by to visit”. Later I heard of him bragging, and even had others tell me that they had seen him with the gun. Called to report these new details…. never even got so much as a call back. I don’t know but maybe if there was a little bit more interest in pursuing new leads m, maybe that kid wouldn’t be in the hospital. no matter what, these punks need to be nailed to the wall. they are a danger and a poison to everyone they come into contact with. I just hope they didn’t use my stolen handgun (this crap isn’t what it was purchased for) and I pray that young man makes it thru this horrible ordeal. he might have been trying to buy drugs , but no one deserves to go thru the nightmare of being gunned down, no one.

  3. Laverne Baglio on August 4th, 2012 8:59 am

    I knew PNJ was carzy but $25.00 a month…………I wouldn’t pay a penny………You get a heck of alot of better news here on North Esc. and i have told all my friends about it………..always up to date………Thanks North Esc.

  4. brent on August 3rd, 2012 9:22 pm

    That whole area over there is like a cancer of crime…time to surgically remove the criminals and put them away for so long that if they get out of prison they are in wheelchairs

  5. Helen on August 3rd, 2012 2:37 pm

    I was wondering why I couldn’t get on I suppose I’ll just delete that off my computor. I’m not giving them a dime either. Thank you William for your heartfelt interest in our county! Where can I send my donation to for
    Your news has always been more “well written” anyway! I’d be happy to make a donation for your effort!

  6. Bill on August 3rd, 2012 10:55 am

    I agree with me!
    I will never join Facebook or as Groucho said “any organization that would have me as a member”.
    Thanks for providing the news and this local forum.

  7. me on August 3rd, 2012 7:52 am

    Thanks William for keeping us all informed with the latest news – even the news events that are not “north” of Nine Mile Rd. We appreciate it! Looks like now PNJ is charging $25.00 a month if we want them to keep us informed. Ha – good luck to them – they won’t be getting a dime from me! And thanks also for not requiring us to be a member of Facebook to make comments.