One Dead In Another Escambia County Shooting

August 23, 2012

A man was shot and killed Wednesday night in Escambia County.

The victim was identified by neighbors as 21-year old Darrington Lovely.

He was  found shot in the front yard of a home about 9:15 p.m. in the 1100 block of Webster Drive  in the Mayfair community. Lovely was unresponsive as he  was transported to an area hospital where he later died.

There were no immediate arrests, as Escambia County Sheriff’s Deputies canvassed the area for clues.

Investigators and the Gun Crime Response Team are continuing the investigation and are asking anyone with information on the murder to call the Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620 or Gulf Coast Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP.


33 Responses to “One Dead In Another Escambia County Shooting”

  1. david thomas on September 20th, 2013 9:51 am

    I was born and raised in Pensacola. Attend BT Washington High School. I predicted in the early 80s that this would happen to this city, as a result of witnessing guys and girls in my class becoming teenage parents. There was no discipline enforced by these teenage parents. They displayed no discipline in their lives in reference to prioritizing education, teaching morals and value, and simply creating a plan for their own lives. The young people that are committing crimes in Pensacola are kids that were raised by parents that became parents in their teenage years and early 20s. The parents allow the kids to sagg their pants, put the dreads in their hair, the gold grill teeth, and the tattoos on their bodies. I blame the thugs that is committing the crimes in Pensacola, but I also blame the ignorant parents. I visited Pensacola this summer and it is a shame. AGAIN, I went to school with a lot of the parents. These are parents that live in their mother house and raising their son and daughters in the mother house. three generations of people living in one house. No discipline, no morals, no respect for others, no motivation to succeed, and most of NO GOD!!!!

  2. Susan on August 26th, 2012 10:22 pm

    As a society we have become more accepting toward bad behavior of young people. Slouching pants and obscenities would not have been tolerated by our parents or the rest of the community in the past. Many kids do not go to church, scouts, Boys Club, and the schools can not teach moral behavior. So, I’m wondering if our society really wants kids to behave.

  3. smith on August 26th, 2012 2:44 am

    I live in Montclair and I love it over here. Sure there’s been some problems but not everyone is bad. I also cut thru Mayfair to get to mobile highway. I never had no problems. There’s lot crime since katrina. I would not move from here for nothing. I still like it but I feel the police harrass people more than anyone. How can they pull you over for no reason and search cars that’d should be violation of our rights. Then they are rude on top off it. I feel some of the bad behavior with the police in these areas have brought some of the rising crime. If the law crooked so will the people. I did not know this young man but my thoughts and prayers to his family. I hope find closure.

  4. countywide on August 25th, 2012 2:12 pm

    It is not the police’s fualt. It is not the guy who got shot fualt. The person who pulled the gun and shot him was at fualt. Stop blaming and saying skin colar brought this on or rap music,ect… Yes there are guns around , if you own one you are supposed to be responsibale for your actions. The police can’t be everywhere and I don’t want pulled over everytime they look at my vehical and decide GUN IN THAT CAR. Or thatI just don’t look right.

  5. Spoon Champion on August 24th, 2012 2:24 pm

    Southeast is feeling like the Old West!

  6. R.I.P Tooley on August 24th, 2012 9:52 am

    Rip tooley. We gone hold it down in Mayfair for ya. I miss you big dawg

  7. hmmm on August 23rd, 2012 10:37 pm

    No one can blame the sherriff because some one shot a gun…. however he and the county can be blamed for allowing these people to run amuck and not being PROACTIVE in gun and drug control…. obviously when something gets this bad it is because the stages leading up to it were not handled appropriatly. I agree with the previous comments about some random road blocks and checking cars. SOMEHOW our law enforcement has got to get this under control. Pensacola is just not safe anymore… Sad to say

  8. LC on August 23rd, 2012 2:48 pm

    Again, another senseless shooting and Again every one is pointing the finger, and Again everyone has a solution ,and Again it continues, and Again lives are lost ,its sad , it just sickens me … Blame it on the cops , Blame it on the upbringing ,Blame it on skin color ,Blame it on rap music,Blame it on morals, Blame it on not having God in your life, Blame it on whatever you want but the fact is that its getting worse and something diffidently needs to be done about it,no wonder I prefer to stay home and to myself ,people are NUTS.

  9. vicki on August 23rd, 2012 12:34 pm

    @ bamagirl: You’re SO right! Kudos to you!!!

  10. law_abiding_citizen on August 23rd, 2012 11:04 am

    I wish I was surprised, but I’m not. Even young kids around here can tell you where not to be after dark.

  11. sonors on August 23rd, 2012 10:47 am

    hey henry,,, maybe we could name them like the hurricanes?

  12. Bob hudson on August 23rd, 2012 9:32 am

    One more thing , that’s why every one in the old west carried a gun and knew how to use it. Seems in our ultra modern way of life , that is now frowned up on. Well we know how to do it, we have just forgotten. Never let any one convince you that you do not have the right to protect yourself, they are fools.

  13. Bob hudson on August 23rd, 2012 9:19 am

    Well with the intent of every left wing group trying to remove God from every public place, schools , and other places , we wonder what went wrong? Even if you do not believe in the 10 commandments, It is still a very good moral guide. But no can’t have those either. So take that out. Yes we may be going back to the old west. In the old days you could be a farmer, shop keeper, ranch hand. Or you could be a outlaw, rob, steal, hire killer, but what happened? You were hunted down , hanged or went to jail, so here we are, same place,different times, same basic crimes. One thing has not changed. You live by the sword (or gun), you will die by it. You commit crimes against mankind for profit and selfish greed, you will suffer, and so will your love one’s. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

  14. bamagirl on August 23rd, 2012 9:15 am

    It is very sad and my prayers go out to the parents and families of these young men. We all need to learn the power of prayer. but it would really be nice if the commenters would please remember that these young people have families. They have parents and siblings that have lost someone that they love. yes, you have a right to your opinion but at least be considerate to their lost. An older woman said many years ago “if you have a child that has never taken you to the courthouse, jailhouse or graveyard you can consider yourself nothing but blessed.” Have some kind of compassion. Just as it appears that the youth of this city need to get God in their lives, SO DO YOU!!!
    Basically said your negativity breads what?

  15. 32514gator on August 23rd, 2012 8:48 am

    Hey there’s a new sheriff in town , oh yeah Morgan won,,, so here we go again, Cops not being able to do there job effectively and Bail being set low on these thugs and judges like the bleeding heart liberal T. Terrell letting criminals have chance after chance again. Enough is enough. I had the chance to talk to a probation officer the other day and she was telling me that these criminals are given points based on the crimes they do, Certain crimes have more than other “points” when they get to so many points that is when the Judge can send them to prison. ARE YOU KIDDING ME, I asked her about it and she informed me that it has something to do with the Legislature passing some new laws.What ever happened to the days when you commit a you were sent to prison and Bail meant that your thug self stayed behind bars.

  16. Karen on August 23rd, 2012 8:39 am

    Mayfair has the same issue as Brownsville. There are still good people there, but the ‘other’ elements get the press, get the attention.

    People who live in the ‘good’ neighborhoods like to have people to look down on, it’s better for their egos. “Oh, hah, well that would never happen where *I* live.” It can; it will.

    My favorite signs…Trisha’s One Stop on Green St: One has the standard ‘no trespassing / loitering’ spiel, the other just says “NO CHILLIN”.

  17. Rick on August 23rd, 2012 8:31 am

    Per capita, in 2011, we are second in violent crime only to Dade county per FDLE statistics.

  18. cw on August 23rd, 2012 8:23 am

    the problem starts at home if you don’t spend time with your kid,s and make them get and education and get out of pensacola this is what you get . thing like this didn’t happen in mayfair win i was growing up we could walk the streets at nite and not worry about being shot , IT START AT HOME give your kids a home that they want to come to or be at .

  19. MIKE O. on August 23rd, 2012 8:18 am

    Its just another form of population control. Im all for it. Just stay out of my neighborhood.

  20. chris1 on August 23rd, 2012 8:05 am

    We live is just another violent mid-sized violent Florida city.
    Get ready for more of this as the generation brought up by absent parents ,rasied by rap vids , music , glorification of gangeters ,etc.


  21. Leslie on August 23rd, 2012 8:01 am

    This county is beginning to remind me of the old west with all the shootings and crime going on.

  22. Rick on August 23rd, 2012 7:58 am

    It is ridiculous, too!!


  23. Rick on August 23rd, 2012 7:56 am

    I live in Mayfair and have for 20 years. Although our hood is painted with a broad brush, there are many good people that live here that take pride in their homes and community.

    That being said, we obviously have a terrible element present here as well. That particuliar house where the man was discovered has been involved in the open sales of illegal drugs business for the last decade. At any given time one can witness the sale and delivery of drugs while passing by. It is rediculous! At one point the previous Sheriff had posted a sign on the front gate reading ,and I paraphrase “NO TRESPASSING BY ORDER OF THE ECSO/VIOLATORS SUBJECT TO ARREST”


  24. Jenine on August 23rd, 2012 7:45 am

    Its crazy ..all theses senseless violence.I live right around the corner from where it happened .when is dis going to stop…when our race is killed off?.. anyone of those bullet could of easily took a innocent person (not saying that he wasn’t a innocent bystander) life

  25. bama54 on August 23rd, 2012 7:14 am

    Remember back in the 60s they had the chain gangs working on the sides of the roads. We need to make it hard on those who do crime!! Take away the air condition, weight rooms, and the tv’s. Put their butts to work!!

  26. SHOOTEM on August 23rd, 2012 7:11 am

    When the sheriff is to scared to let the law enforcement do there job without worry if they will get fired then it becomes his problem!!! But as long as its crack heads killing crack heads GIVE THEM MORE BULLETS!!!!!!

  27. paul on August 23rd, 2012 12:44 am

    I don’t understand how anybody can blame the sheriff for a shooting … It’s the shooter who did it and nothin can stop it.. I’m not a morgan fan but he did win by a big margin and there’s nothin anybody can do to prevent a crime before it happens.. solving the crime with a No Snitch policy amongst the thugs makes it kinda hard too..

  28. quita on August 22nd, 2012 11:59 pm

    This senseless stuff needs to stop teach your children morals!!!

  29. Susy B. on August 22nd, 2012 11:38 pm

    Well, at least the budget for the Sheriff’s Dept looks better…right??? How about some unannounced traffic stops on Mass.Ave., Johnson Ave., W Street, Detroit Blvd, and many more. Check for DL, Registration and Insurance. If they turn around when they see the stop up ahead, make it automatic suspicion and have units ready to stop them and search. Drug dogs making a quick round on each car like on the borders could be at each stop and may alert to many cars which gives reason to search. Then, gosh, the unregistered and illegal guns will probably be in those cars, too. The right to bear arms is one thing but this free gun/killing zone we’re having in Pensacola is the worst it’s ever been and I’ve lived here all my life. Jeez Morgan…do something !!!

  30. Henry Coe on August 22nd, 2012 11:23 pm

    Media needs to come up with some kind of numbering system to make it easier for us to keep up with which killing is being discussed or a new number with the date in it.. Just a thought.

  31. john on August 22nd, 2012 11:07 pm

    I sure am glad our newly re-elected sheriff to support and protect us! Keep the momentum baby!!!! Keep it rolling!!!

  32. Todd on August 22nd, 2012 11:02 pm

    Wow,bullets fly’n everwhere,keep out the hood.Invest in crime Scene tape and body bags ,the stock tip of the day.

  33. kim on August 22nd, 2012 10:26 pm

    REALLY… are ya’ll just gonna keep killing each other? what is going on back home? geez. thought birmingham was bad. you people are NUTS.