Obama, Romney Race Gets Uglier

August 16, 2012

The U.S. presidential election campaign has become bit nastier over the last 24 hours, with the two sides exchanging a series of accusations targeting their respective opponents personally.

Presumptive Republican candidate Mitt Romney charged Wednesday that President Barack Obama’s campaign is “all about division and attack and hatred.” Speaking to the CBS television network, the Republican challenger also accused Obama of “running just to hang on to power” and being willing to “do anything” to win re-election.

Romney’s remarks came after Vice President Joe Biden, speaking Tuesday at a campaign rally in the southeastern state of Virginia that included hundreds of African Americans, said Romney’s call for fewer regulations on the financial industry would put voters “back in chains.”

The Romney campaign strongly criticized Biden’s remarks, accusing Obama of running a campaign of “hate.”

For its part, the Obama campaign said Wednesday that Romney’s latest comments seemed “unhinged.” Romney responded by saying that “unhinged” characterizes “what we’ve seen from the president’s campaign.” He added that the president’s “personal attacks” are “demeaning to the office of the White House.”

The Republican National Convention takes place the last week of August in Tampa, Florida. The Democratic National Convention will be held the following week in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Pictured: Vice President Joe Biden speaks to a crowd on the campaign trail in Blacksburg, Virginia, on Tuesday. Courtesy photo for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.



17 Responses to “Obama, Romney Race Gets Uglier”

  1. David Huie Green on August 18th, 2012 5:48 pm

    “The goal of the Stimulus was to get money moving in our economy.”

    But if you get money moving by pumping it into the system, you tend to have removed money from the system to do so. Thus, the net effect is zero — at best. We can say, “We saved this job and that job. See what a wonderful thing we have done.”

    We can see the jobs which were saved or created but it is harder to see the back side of the transaction.

    We find ourselves paying interest to China for the money we borrowed and that is adding to the burden on Americans.

    Is the net benefit to the good or to the bad? We shall see. In other cases getting deep in debt is a bad thing, but maybe the government in its greater wisdom has found a case where getting mired in debt does no harm. We shall see.

    “Republicans did do a lot to create much of the problems that caused of debt that was built up at the time of the economic crash and they did very little if anything when it came time to fix the problem.”

    Sometimes saying NO is all you can do. I know we reject the concept of “Just say no.” but it’s amazing how many times it works. People who say NO do not become pregnant, do not become drug addicts, do not become drunks, are not arrested as co-conspirators in armed robberies.

    David for appropriate NOs

  2. Jim on August 17th, 2012 7:40 pm

    Here something the Republicans didn’t make up. It’s a little bill called “Too-Big-To-Fail” Fannie and Freddie that belongs to Rep Chris Dodd (D) and Barney Franks (D). It’s called the Dodd/Franks Bill. Heres a couple of quotes from both of them.

    ” I do think I do not want the same kind of focus on safety and soundness that we have in OCC (Office of the Comptroller of the Currency) and OTS (Office of Thrift Supervision). I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation towards SUBSIDIZED HOUSING…” Rep Barney Frank Sept 25, 2003.

    ” I just briefly will say, Mr. Chairman, obviously, like most of us here, this is one of the GREAT SUCCESS STORIES of all time…” Rep Chris Dodd Sept 25, 2003

    This great success story turned out to be the an EPIC FAILURE. This legislation has doomed our housing market and we can thank Chris Dodd and Barney Franks for this WONDERFUL piece of work.

    Looking for some big Changes (NOT HOPE AND CHANGE) in November.

  3. Bob hudson on August 17th, 2012 10:03 am

    Republicans do not have to lie about any thing, really Obama’s record speaks for it self. And it says ( Failure )

  4. john on August 16th, 2012 10:11 pm

    just like a bunch of republicans, lie to get their way through

  5. Henry Coe on August 16th, 2012 4:54 pm

    @RJay , No one has said there is a plan to spend our way out of debt.

    The first problem with Political discourse and any division that is going on is the Republicans are and have been Ant-Obama & Dems and the R’s just make things up to cry about. Like saying there is a plan to spend our way out of debt.

    In context to reality,our economy was crashing hard in 2008 and we were losing 750,000 jobs a month when GWB left office.

    All those jobs that were gone represent a giant amount of money that was no longer moving around in our economy. The goal of the Stimulus was to get money moving in our economy.

    The plan had its ups and downs, but we had never had this problem before and Republicans were doing everything they could to obstruct progress for purely political reasons. They even made a record number of filibusters in the Senate and blocked presidential appointments in key positions connected to the goals of progress.

    The typical cry baby GOP response now would ask me, “so you blame Republicans for everything?”, “It’s all Bush’s fault?”, “blah,blah,blah”.
    Fault doesn’t matter except to recognize how big the problem was because of where and when it started.

    The point being, Republicans did do a lot to create much of the problems that caused of debt that was built up at the time of the economic crash and they did very little if anything when it came time to fix the problem.

    The GOP also diminishes the point of what our economy would look like had there been no stimulus. The Stimulus in Florida saved something like 90,000 jobs of Teachers, Police and Fire Fighters.

    So please, for the sake of America and real political discourse, force the Republicans to have real political discourse, especially if you are a Republicans. The rest of us aren’t interested in hearing another GOP campaign with the same old song and dance about hate fear & smear. Our country can’t take it.

  6. RJay on August 16th, 2012 1:01 pm

    By reading some of the comments on here I can only surmise that there are people that actually believe that we (The U.S.) can spend our way OUT of debt. I don’t understand this logic. It doesn’t work with any financial organization that I have ever personally dealt with. Would someone please explain how this works to me? I must be doing something wrong. I would love to spend more than I make and it not cost me more in the long run.

  7. David Huie Green on August 16th, 2012 12:48 pm

    “how could I ever vote for OBAMA, Who is clearly not a Christian ,”

    How is this clear?
    You may be right, but how do you profess to KNOW?

    Consider the teachings of the great Joseph Smith. They included the thought that Christianity had died from the face of the earth and had been revived by his reception of the Book of Mormon. His followers believed that all non Mormon people were not Christian and that is why they work so hard to convert them to Christianity/Mormonism today. They even do proxy baptisms for those who’ve been dead for centuries in a noble attempt to save their souls.

    Admittedly, if we used their definition, you would be right, that President Obama is not a REAL Christian unless he converts to Mormonism. Using that definition, you would be definitely right about President Obama’s non Christian status. On the other hand, that would make all the previous Presidents non Christian too (unless they converted after they died, of course).

    Other people think “good person” and Christian are the same thing. “If Soandso’s not a Christian, I don’t know who is,” has been said many a time.

    Those people think kindly Buddhists are Christians as well as kindly Atheists. I’ve even seem some who disputed the claims of some to not be Christian simply because they figured such a good person MUST be a Christian even if he denied it as strongly as Peter did. If we went by their definition, President Obama is a shoo-in because he is clearly a decent enough fellow.

    Other people don’t pretend to know the state of a person’s salvation, just letting their fruit indicate the truth. You obviously aren’t one of those, though, so just what is the basis of your certainly.

    David wondering

  8. Bob hudson on August 16th, 2012 12:34 pm

    Obama and the democrats had 2 full years to do something, they controlled the house and the senate, What did they do? Nothing but run up the national debt. I’ll be glad when he and Biden are gone. Kill Obama -care, deregulate business and let it grow and invest, Get the energy killing EPA back under control. Cut the entitlement programs back. I really do not care how hard they cut the federal budget, just as long as we start making head way on paying down the national debt. Free ride is over with.

  9. mc on August 16th, 2012 10:49 am

    people choose not to remember that bush and his super rich friends caused the biggest financial mess in history. no president could clean up a mess like that in four years. especially when he has to deal with the least productive legislators in history.

  10. Barack Reagan on August 16th, 2012 9:41 am

    Findley: you need to lay off the kool-aid.

    Obama IS a Christian (just like you and your Momma and Daddy was) and he is not a Muslim.

    Your comments are ill informed at best, and lies at worst.

  11. PSU1Earl on August 16th, 2012 9:22 am

    ‘WE” the people has not existed in our governement for some time… It’s all about the win for ‘D’s or ‘R’s… D’s win it for the poor and R’s win it for the rich… Middleclass (who pay the majority of the taxes and who spend more money on whole than the rich) get ignored by both sides… The thing that gets the country going is not feeding the poor/welfare/unemployment checks or giving the rich tax breaks so they can move more money off shore, its good old capitalistic demand in the market place, and that means more money in the hands of the middle class who will spend it! More demand means more jobs… more jobs more money to spend, etc…

  12. Nathan Findley on August 16th, 2012 9:15 am

    I am a Christian person , So how could I ever vote for OBAMA , Who is clearly not a Christian , People you need to read and get a GRIP !! Do we really need a Muslim in charge of our once GREAT COUNTRY !!

  13. bill on August 16th, 2012 8:02 am

    Friction is correct. The elite’s play one side against the other so that no one sees what is happening behind the curtain. In his book, 1984, George Orwell describes a world of constant (made up) conflicts to keep patriotism foremost in the minds of the sheep. Orwell knew some of the elite’s and heard their plans for world domination and wrote about it. Rothschild financed Lenin. Bush, Rockefeller and Harriman supported the Nazi’s and made fortunes. The elite don’t really care who wins because they win either way.They own both sides!

  14. Friction against the machine on August 16th, 2012 7:49 am

    The Republican establishment manipulates conservatives and the Dems manipulate minorities. Meanwhile…they fiddle “Rome” burns….

  15. bill on August 16th, 2012 7:33 am

    The Demo-crooks and Republi-crooks are two sides of the same coin. They say the worst things about each other and then sit side by side at the Bildenberg
    convention and party together at the Bohemian Grove. They both work for the same “elite” who own the Fed and the IMF. They are all bought and paid for and the results of electing one or the other, are the same. Vote Ron Paul.

  16. billy1 on August 16th, 2012 4:57 am

    Ha………NorthEscambia would have no election…….they would just give the presidency to obama.

  17. 429SCJ on August 16th, 2012 1:11 am

    When NorthEscambia holds it’s first Presidential election, I hope the candidates will be more dignified. I hope I live to see it.