No Criminal Charges Against Candidate Sam Archer; Elections Commission Investigating

August 11, 2012

A State Attorney’s Office review into a campaign finance complaint against Escambia County Commission District 5 candidate Sam Archer does not warrant criminal charges.

McDavid resident Brent Cravey brought a complaint alleging that Archer violated Florida elections laws by filing incorrect, false or incomplete campaign finance reports. The allegations were based on six campaign expenditures where  Sam Archer’s wife Karen was reimbursed for loans made to the campaign. Campaign documents show that  Karen Archer had not contributed to or loaned any funds to her husband’s campaign.

During the campaign, documents filed by Sam Archer show he loaned his campaign about $82,000. The funds were from a joint bank account shared with his wife, according to Chief Assistant State Attorney Greg Marcille.

During the campaign, three loan  repayments were made to Sam Archer in the total amount of $4,300. Six additional loan repayments were made to Karen Archer in the total amount of $1,597, documents show. The campaign treasurer told the State Attorney’s Office that the refunds were made to Karen Archer for  convenience sake and because the funds were from a joint account.

“Any possible violations regarding the loan payments do not rise to the level of a criminal violation and should be handled by the Florida  Elections Commission,” Marcille said.

Cravey said Friday that he had filed a complaint with the Florida Elections Commission. The State Attorney’s Office confirmed that the complaint had been filed and is under investigation by the Elections Commission.

Florida Elections Commission investigations, reports and other documents are confidential under Florida Law until after the commission finds probable cause or dismissed the complaint.


58 Responses to “No Criminal Charges Against Candidate Sam Archer; Elections Commission Investigating”

  1. Bruce Hampton on August 14th, 2012 4:24 pm

    I know that the Sam Archer supporters are trying to excuse him for not paying his taxes. And I guess you can’t fault them for being behind their friend, but for me, the problem isn’t that he failed to pay his taxes on time as much as it is that he spent $80,000 on a very risky gamble to win a public office and did not pay his property taxes.

    Would it have been so hard to pay his taxes like everyone else, spend $72,000 and maybe do without one bill board. I know he want to be county commissioner but doesn’t he have to follow the rules like everyone else?

    As far as the issue with the States Attorney goes, that was ridiculous. The first thing the Supervisor of Elections tells candidates is that their spouses CANNOT loan them more than $500 for the ENTIRE campaign. SAM said in his report that he was paying back his wife loans that he never reported and that were more than the $500 limit. The Florida Elections Commission says that that is a first degree misdemeanor.

    How can the States Attorney convene a grand jury and prosecute Powell and ignore Archer?

    The fact is that the States Attorney should have never gotten involved in either case. The Florida Elections Commission is ALWAYS the one to send criminal investigations to the States Attorney. Greg Marciile is playing favorites here and it will probably bite him in the rear.

  2. Rick on August 13th, 2012 6:16 pm

    At lease Morgan didn’t have Mr. Arched arrested. You think this race is dirty try running against Morgan. Just sayin

  3. Mnon on August 13th, 2012 6:08 am

    Everyone keeps bringing up unpaid property taxes… Is that the WORST you have against Mr Archer? Seriously?

    So what! The only thing that Mr. Archer not having paid his property taxes proves to me it that the man is human. There’s thousands of us with something unpaid!

    You do not know the circumstances of the unpaid taxes. Maybe there’s something going on with the property and the county, state, government etc. Maybe he got an extension on paying those said taxes? Also if memory holds true for me, you can waive one year only to pay it in full the next year as well as that year.

    Smart people manage their money appropriately, if I knew I was planning to run for an office seat I would put off any expenditures I could. I can almost bet my life that after the election it would be taken care of and what of it is my business if it isn’t?

    There are too many eyes on office seats, goings on, etc. Too many ways to check online now-a-days for paper trails for anyone to get away with anything shady without it being caught in the public eye. Just because the man has unpaid property taxes does not mean he’s going to fleece the district!

    And no I’m not an Archer supporter, nor am I a supporter of anyone else running for the district. I’m a common sense person. If I had a way to make it to the polls Mr. Archer would have my vote, just as well as Powell, only because anti-supporters want to pull stuff like this a few days before election so they can get a leg up. To me that is the shady candidate you need to watch out for!

  4. jd on August 12th, 2012 11:04 pm

    would be nice if Sam Archer would pay his 2011 property taxes, since he plans on spending mine.

    Talk about fiscal responsibility loans 82k to cmapaign and has a lein on his condo for not paying fees!!!

  5. susan on August 12th, 2012 9:24 pm

    To all the Sam Archer Supportors, I do apologize for the comment about the fire, I was informed wrong. But I still don’t trust him and I will not be voting for him. So again I apologize for the miscummanication.

  6. FHM on August 12th, 2012 9:05 pm

    Naturally, his child is going to take up for him…..they’re all the same. Drama stirs the pot!

  7. Tracy on August 12th, 2012 8:50 pm

    Sam Archer is one of the best people you could ever hope to meet in your life. This man goes above & beyond every day. Where his money comes from or how it’s spent is no ones concern. This is really a shame to do this mud slinging so close to the election. A desperate attempt to sway votes. Dirty politics at it’s finest. GO SAM ARCHER for not lowering yourself to their level.

  8. STEVE on August 12th, 2012 6:43 pm

    sam is a good guy hope he gets the job he has got my vote

  9. Janet Horn on August 12th, 2012 5:40 pm

    I have known Karen & Sam Archer for 35 years. They are both very fine, upstanding Christians. I am sorry that Sam’s opponents are trying so hard to dig up something to criticize him about. “When the the enemy comes in like a flood, I believe the Lord will raise up a standard to defeat them”. “No weapon formed against them will prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against them in judgment, they shall condemn, for this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord”. Sam already has my “early” vote!

  10. wow on August 12th, 2012 4:44 pm

    can someone please enlighten me on the hard evidence of Sam Archers experience? I have looked everywhere and I can’t find any…

    @kari……classy…very classy….

  11. Firefighter on August 12th, 2012 2:26 pm

    @ Susan I’m a firefighter that was on scene and I can tell you that mr archer was there and was checked out by Ems and they took a refusal on taking him to the hospital.. So as alot of this controversy that is going on rumors lies and stories just to bring someone down by someone else ….so while you sit back and play armchair politician get your facts straight.. And for all those that sit back and think they know how to run a campaign and know what someone should do with their own money this is a open job in 4 years throw your name on the ballot , qualify, and run for it an see what kind of belly crawlers come after you to try and make you out to be a bad person… Mr Sam has got my support keep your head up… HATERS ARE MY MOTIVATORS…

  12. Chelsea on August 12th, 2012 12:37 pm

    Me and my family have known the Archers for almost 13 years and have never seen or heard of Mr. Sam being a dishonest or crooked man, so what if he hasn’t paid his property taxes for last year yet I’m sure there is a lot of us that hasn’t that doesn’t mean we’re not planning to in the near future and what is it your business if he has or hasn’t . If any of you really knew Mr. Archer you would know why he doesn’t work and where his money comes from instead of just guessing and making a fool out of your own self. As for Mr. Archer waiving everyday Atleast we know who he is and can see that this campaign is a family effort so keep your head up Acher family we support you.

  13. Kristi on August 12th, 2012 12:36 pm

    @ Susan…..Mr.Archer was on scene the day of the fire….I saw him myself….so unless you were there you might want to keep the hear say to yourself and stick to the facts!

  14. hmm... on August 12th, 2012 10:37 am


  15. Kari on August 12th, 2012 10:00 am

    @ Susan. He should have payed a little bit more attention to his surroundings!! All the other firefighters saw him. Like I said… Someone just trying to take low blows!!!! Absolute nonsense!!!

  16. Susan on August 12th, 2012 8:52 am

    Well I am tired of seeing Sam Archer” face on Signs. Before you go and vote for anyone you need to get their backgrounds. Don’t vote for the one’s who has the biggest signs or the most money. I want someone who loves his community, who has put in the hours for his community without pay. I myself will be voting for Packy Mitchell, look at his past with this district. He has put in many,many of volunteered hours for this district. He helped build the Miricle League Ball Park without any pay. He will do anything for anyone and he knows what needs to be done to help this district and he is the man for the job.
    Now the fire that was at Sam Archer’s place, I know one of the firefighters that was there and he said he wasn’t even there so how could it almost cost him his life. I do know Mr. Cravey too and he is a good man and I believe him, no I do not know who he is voting for and I don’t care but the truth is the truth. As far as Sam Archer waving at everyone on the side of the road, the rest of his opponents must have jobs to go to. I know for a fact that Sam Archer isn’t a honest person.
    So like I said “Don’t vote for the person with the biggest signs or the most money, vote for the one that can will put his heart and soul in his job, Packy knows what we need and he will fight to get it. So my vote will go to Packy Mitchell not Sam Archer.

  17. mnon on August 12th, 2012 6:30 am

    If I were retired and had the money I would do the same thing Mr. Archer is doing. I see nothing wrong with trying to put himself out there. At least he’s up first thing in the morning and doing something. Not sitting around his house wanting something to fall in his lap. Campaigns cost a lot just in advertising and if there’s one thing I’ve learned if you want to get “out there” and ahead in anything you do, you must be a shameless self promoter, because not many will rise up and do it for you. Most would rather sit at home, on their computers playing arm chair politician.

    Hang in there Mr. Archer, I see nothing wrong with spending your own money and paying a little of it back on your own campaign. I see nothing wrong with wanting to greet your fellow voters and neighbors and putting yourself out there. I see nothing wrong with a retiree wanting to do more than sit around watching TV and going fishing, which I might add you totally deserve as well after working your entire life. Also Mr. Archer another thing I’ve learned in life, haters will always hate.

    Good luck!

  18. Kari on August 12th, 2012 6:22 am

    Hey WVM….that “mysterious fire” at my dads shop about cost him his life..not to mention his hotrods and all his favorite memorabilia!!! Quit taking low blows for absolutely no reason..especially when you have no idea what your talking about!!! Absolutely sickening!!!! I am sick and tired of people bashing my dad!!!! He has worked so hard to gain District 5’s trust over the past 2 years and he has done a great job!!! For ya’ll who aren’t voting for him….don’t complain when it don’t turn out!!!!!

  19. Molino Resident on August 12th, 2012 6:12 am

    Everyone is getting way off subject and missing the main point here. People need to clear their minds and think from an accounting stand point. Why would someone fund $82000 of their own money to a job that only pays $70000 a year? Doesn’t that raise any red flags?I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to make an investment into something that’s not going to pay me back. Between payroll taxes & federal taxes, there’s no way it would pay him back in the first year. And this thing about “for convenience” well if it’s a joint account and both of their names were on the account, why need to change who the checks written to? That brings a red flag for me also.

  20. Rg on August 11th, 2012 10:01 pm

    I might vote for him if my dog doesnt die or one of his campain people would stop posting all the great things about him over and over. Be sides he has not said a word about doing anything for county employees who have not seen a raise or cost of living increase in 6 years or more.

  21. Bobby on August 11th, 2012 9:33 pm

    Sam and his wife Karen are some of the most honest people I’ve ever met. Working by the hour may not have suited him. My late father-in-law told me that a person will not become financially successful by working physically hard, but rather by working legally smart. Perhaps Sam understands this concept. Now he wants to give back and serve his community! GO SAM!

  22. WVM on August 11th, 2012 9:20 pm

    Have any of the Sam Archer supporters took time to see how past due his property taxes are ? How about the mysterious Fire at his shop ?

  23. Patsy Weekley Marquis on August 11th, 2012 8:05 pm

    I have been helping Sam with his campaign for approx. 13 months now. He is one of the most honest men around. Well Sam, I guess i’m in the same category as you. I have been waving with you, I’m reitred, and so what if some people have money. We worked for it. While other people were out stealing fertilize from their employer and on boards with the schools and getting drunk, well just maybe we were taught to save our money and invest for our golden years. Some people will never learn, the friends that they think they have and have you to do their dirty work, well I’ll just say this, they will throw you under the bus in a second and make a joke out of you. Also, about the salary get your figures straight. The job pays about $70,000. yearly. It’s no one’s business what Sam Archer does with his money. I don’t see were he has to ask anyone’s permission how he chooses to spend his money. Some of you just got caught in your own game. Yes, it backfired, so you’re on to something else now.
    Before anyone starts to smear someones name, please get the facts straight. The old saying, “if you live in a glass house, don’t throw stones”.

  24. Randy Ard on August 11th, 2012 4:54 pm

    Hey Mr. Wrong (who doesn’t have the fortitude to provide his real name), are you saying that the only way to retire is to have “a job” where you work for 30 years then retire? Surely you cannot be so nieve………or can you? By the way, anyone not willing to identify themselves cannot be trusted to be telling the truth. Let a man be a man and stand by his word!

  25. Karen on August 11th, 2012 4:03 pm

    I will be voting for Sam Archer and Powell.

  26. Mike on August 11th, 2012 3:33 pm

    Our great Governor bought the election with $85 million of his own election? Thoughts about how that turned out???

  27. Wrong.. on August 11th, 2012 3:17 pm

    Madison, I think that you need to get your facts straight before you make a public statement. If Sam Archer has ever worked a tax paying job long enough to retire, please inform me of where it was because I have known this man and his family for a very long time and he has never retired. He has not ever worked long enough at his jobs combined to be able to retire. Standing on the side of the road doesn’t bring in an income.

  28. hmm... on August 11th, 2012 3:11 pm

    I dont understand why people have to be so nasty during campaign. who cares if Sam doesnt work. who cares if Sam is spending his own money. He obviously doesnt have to work. Hes surviving isn’t he?! ya we all work for a living but if we had money or inheritance where we didnt have to work … we wouldnt. Sam is a good man and he has been the only one trying through this whole election. Sam may spend every morning waving but no one is forcing himThere to be out there. I think people should stop being so nasty and jealous of Sam. There will always be negativity in this world so keep your head up Sam! you have my vote!

  29. Randy Ard on August 11th, 2012 2:45 pm

    I have known Sam for many years. Sam is an honest trustworthy man who you can trust to do the right thing for Escambia County. It is a shame that people make outragous accusations without presenting any facts to back them up. It is obvious that Sam’s opponents are desparate and cannot run on their own merits. Sam is a man of integrity and has run a clean race. I know for a fact that Sam has knowledge of things about his opponents that he could have made public but chose to stay his course and run a race based on his experience, abilities, and moral character. Escambia County will be very fortunate to have a man like Sam Archer for county commissioner. Keep your head up Sam, you will soon be our commissioner in district 5.

  30. Madison Holland on August 11th, 2012 1:54 pm

    I am really just shocked at how nasty people can get about a man most of you do not personally know. As a person who lives in District 5, my family will be voting for Sam Archer. He is the only one who has not participated in such negative antics with his opponents. This was a weak personal attack at Mr. Archer to try and paint a negative cloud over him before the election. Looks like it did not work Mr. Taylor!

    Who cares if he used his own money to fund most of his campaign? Good for him to not be out begging everyone for a dollar like his other opponents! Sam is retired and there is nothing wrong with that. I hope to be retired by his age too. District 5 needs a change from Kevin “do nothing” White. Mr. Archer’s opponents have done nothing but been soooo nasty to him during his whole campaign. That is where the true character shows! Mr. Archer could spend his money trashing his opponents very easily. However, he is a good man that has chosen not to cast the first stone.

    Shame on the rest of you for trying to trash this man you know nothing about. From what I know… he is getting our vote! Go Sam Archer! Keep your head up!!!

  31. David on August 11th, 2012 1:42 pm

    Me and my family voted for you today Sam. Keep it up!

  32. district 5 resident on August 11th, 2012 12:25 pm

    Sounds to me like other candiates are a little intimidated. Sam keep your spirit up we all still believe in you.

  33. Michelle on August 11th, 2012 11:35 am

    Even if you set aside the information Mr. Cravey has brought forward, which I appreciate b/c I think it is important to know all the facts. The fact is Mr. Archer wants to help district 5 with our taxes but yet he can’t pay his own, wake up people we don’t want someone in office like that. What else is he hiding and lying about. Don’t vote for who has the most signs or money in this but who’s the best for the job and that’s not Mr. Archer.

  34. Ashley on August 11th, 2012 10:59 am

    What is so sad to me, is that people would put so much time and money into politics when in the grand scheme of things doesn’t really matter. The people who get to the top always have money and connections, it doesn’t mean that they are the best person for the job. Instead of plastering your face all over town, put that money to good use, like helping schools or the homeless. But, I guess that would make too much sense!!!

  35. Sadie on August 11th, 2012 10:17 am

    Wow , Mr.Archer is out waving every morning while the rest of us are headed to work. Maybe if he would get a job he could pay his property taxes!Poor Mr. Cravey, I’ve seen the Jim Taylor sign in his yard all year long , I too, would like to know why or how ( Eddins and Archer) covered this up since June.Congrats to Mr. Cravey for raising the question of wrongdoings, at least you stood up for what you believe!

  36. REF on August 11th, 2012 8:51 am

    The way I see it nobody is out there telling you how to spend your money so who are you to step in and tell mr archer how to spend his. Politics are dirty and everyone that has their eyes open can see this was just a political move to try and smear the opponents name. One thing is for sure mr cravey your name is out there now as the one who caused all this and what opponent you are affiliated with sounds like a good dose of karma to me…

    When you throw mud to smear someones name you lose the ground your standing on.. Glad this was handled and I like seeing mr archer devote his time and money into this at least you know he cares.. If you don’t see them now good luck at seeing them if they get elected And you have a problem that needs to be addressed..

  37. @lisa on August 11th, 2012 8:47 am

    Off course u have seen his face more then the other canidates. he has no real job.. he has money from inheritenve and law suites he has won from sueing other hard working ppl… while the rest of the canidates work for.their living.. Further more.. to all u archer supporters..mark my word.. he is a crook..he is willing to spend 80k on a campgain he may or may not win bc the payoff for some of the “plans” he has to profit for him self and a small group of fellow crooks is substantual.gains and veru decitful to the district 5 residentd.. i.agree this ordeal reported today is a some low political moves by.the jim tayler camgpain. so dont vote for him u still have a couple othe hard working honest canidates.. dont just vote for archer bc u ” see” him more or u feel bad for him bc if this scandal

  38. steve on August 11th, 2012 8:45 am

    Sam got my vote best man for the job

  39. The facts on August 11th, 2012 8:43 am

    Mr. Archer has a history of lying on property purchases, so he may pay lower taxes. Why would we want someone wi this low demeanor to represent our county and OUR tax dollars. Just because you went to school with his kids or go to church with him does not mean he is a good fit for this position. Some of you people need to wake up to this mans history and check him out thoroughly before casting your vote in his direction. The reason that you see him all over ridiculously waving at cars is because he has NO job like most people in society. I want to see someone that does not evade paying taxes and actually works for a living. This is only the beginning of what we will see if he takes office, which I’m sure there are other suspicious the that haven’t surfaced yet.

  40. Just saying on August 11th, 2012 8:29 am

    I think they should use their own money not begging for it grow all us HARD working class people… They get the benifits of being selected not the working class.. Use their money and put a cap on how much could be spent and leave the working class and senior citizens alone we live pay check to pay check……

  41. William on August 11th, 2012 8:20 am

    >>Why did North Escambia wait to run this story three days before the election? Seems like political assassination. Shame on you.

    Because the State Attorney’s Office released their report Friday afternoon.

  42. Reader on August 11th, 2012 8:18 am

    Why did North Escambia wait to run this story three days before the election? Seems like political assassination. Shame on you.

  43. M.H. on August 11th, 2012 8:17 am

    Much ado about nothing it seems to me. Some would say that a candidate that was willing to put so much of his own money into his campaign would be an indication that he isn’t willing to be obligated to any paticular group or organization. As far as recouping a small amount of his money (especially if it was understood ahead of time) It was a loan. Why wouldn’t he pay himself back. I don’t see the why anyone would take issue with the way the man has run his campaign.

  44. Cocerned on August 11th, 2012 8:16 am

    Guess i’m not very smart. I don’t see how it is wrong to spend your own money and pay yourself back to campaign and advertise for an election. It’s not like he paid someone else to alter records or buy someone off to make sure he wins the election. We are definite supporters for Sam Archer. I wish all politicians had the same values as him.

  45. tallyho on August 11th, 2012 8:10 am

    You can see Sams money up front, what about the other candidates. An you can tell whom is leading when the other ones get nervous. Like in the Sheriffs race.

  46. Neighbor on August 11th, 2012 7:41 am

    I am so sick of seeing Sam Archer’s face all over the place. He is trying to buy his way in to office. I agree with Joe, why would someone spend so much money to get in a position like this. I smell a crook.

  47. what on August 11th, 2012 7:23 am

    Yes, just why does it matter how he spends his money? U all must have something against Archer, u need to run, and I also like Morgan and think he has done a good thing but what he did I think was wrong. Me may self I didn’t know that u counldn’t see more than $50.00 dollars. What to say more than one person got together and sent the money in why should he have to send it back. If anyone what to back u than they should be able to send what ever they want to. Doesn’t mean they will win. Sorry about all this maybe , the guy that sent the complant in, is working for the other guy and it didn’t get what he wanted from Archer.

  48. concerned citizen on August 11th, 2012 6:50 am

    I to have to wonder if someone no matter who it is loans there campaign more than the Job is worth in the first year if they have personal political motives. I am concerned they would be trying to buy the office so when they get in there they can get things done that will benefit them. 82,000 could be a great investment for someone with personal motives

  49. Jud on August 11th, 2012 6:32 am

    Let me get this correct, Sam Archer spends over $80,000 of his own money for his campaign, but does not have the money to pay last year’s Escambia County Property taxes? Go to Janet Holley’s website: and look under Archer Sam. You’ll see he hasn’t paid last year’s taxes on eight different properties totally more than $6,000 in 2011. He wants to be the watchdog of our tax dollars but can’t pay his own taxes. Beam me up!

  50. CHRIS on August 11th, 2012 6:19 am

    Of course this is a low ball move by Mr. Cravey who just so happens to be Jim Taylor’s most ardent supporters. As someone who lives and works in district 5… I will not vote for any candidate which resorts to these gutter Politics.

  51. concerned citizen on August 11th, 2012 6:15 am

    i am with Richard on this one. why was it not handled like Mr. Morgans complaint against Powell? I don’t care what candidate it is if laws were broken and there is a real creditable complaint then Mr Eddins office should investigate each one the same as the other. In my opinion this should go to a grand jury. It appears if you have money in this town anything can be covered up.

  52. Cheryl on August 11th, 2012 6:12 am

    Brent Cravey is a supporter of Jim Taylor, according to the financial records. DIRTY POLITICS AT IT’S BEST!
    I plan to vote for SAM ARCHER because he’s connected with this area’s people and not UWF or special interest groups.

  53. Throwing Dirt... on August 11th, 2012 6:04 am

    Mr. Archer has our vote!! It’s a sad day when other opponents feel that threatened by someone…that they have to go to this extreme. This is for sure a dirty political move. Way to go Sam!! We are behind you and so are alot of other folks in District 5. As for Joe…what is there to question? You have a man that cares that much about Distict 5 and its people, that he has put his own money out there…he doesn’t have to go looking for handouts from the “moneybags” of the downtown crowd or the people of District 5. Sounds pretty honorable to me..

  54. Sue Ballard on August 11th, 2012 6:03 am

    I agree with you Joe. Why spend this much money for a county job? I wonder if he pays his taxes?

  55. Richard on August 11th, 2012 3:27 am

    So Archer has violations in excess of what Powell had and you don’t hold a grand jury, you, Mr. Eddins, can make a decision on this one and send it to the elections commission. Morgan feels a duty to report Powell’s only after he fixes his and then he doesn’t feel a duty to report the violations of any other candidate. Something really smells in this election and it’s between Bill Eddins and David Morgan. Sorry but this was pure dirty politics.

  56. mom on August 11th, 2012 1:55 am

    Could this have been a political move from the apposing candidate?

  57. joe on August 11th, 2012 1:50 am

    I have to question a candidate that spends more than two years salary for the job they are running for on a campaign. Seems like a high price to pay for a county position. We will have to see if the expense pays off for him.

  58. Lisa on August 11th, 2012 12:16 am

    Go Sam Archer ! Have not seen nobody in the public showing their face beside Sam. Every morning on my way to work I see him. Looks like someone is trying to smear his name, i wonder who Mr. Cravey is doing work for ?