Man Gets Prison Time For Torching Home, Pickup In Cantonment

August 3, 2012

A man has been sentenced for torching his pickup truck and Cantonment home in two different fires.

The State Fire Marshal’s Office said Lawrence William Patterson III, 24, set a fire inside his 2006 GMC Canyon pickup truck just before midnight on February 15, 2011. The fire was extinguished by the fire department, but not before it caused extensive damage to the garage in the 1800 block of Wareham Way in Cantonment.  The rest of the house was not damaged.

The fire marshal left the scene at 5:03 a.m. on February 16. At 5:23 a.m., the fire department was called back to the house. This time, the other side of the house was on fire.

Patterson told investigators that the first fire was caused by some sort of malfunction in the truck. But when fire marshals investigated the two fires, they took debris samples from inside that truck that later test positive for gasoline.

Two fire marshal investigators and an independent fire investigator all determined that the fires were not accident and had been intentionally set.

Patterson attempted to file claims with two insurance companies — one for the truck and the other for the house. During the investigation, he gave conflicting statements to the insurance companies, claiming the fires were accidents.

Patterson was convicted of two counts of arson first degree, arson second degree, arson resulting in injury, two counts of insurance fraud and two counts of burning to defraud insurer.  He was sentenced to Judge Linda Nobles to 10 years in state prison followed by 15 years in probation.


13 Responses to “Man Gets Prison Time For Torching Home, Pickup In Cantonment”

  1. Kc on December 13th, 2019 7:52 pm

    I’m still upset he got charged with this he was and is a good man that I miss everyday the time got for something I don’t don’t believe he did is ridiculous and makes me second guess the justice system.

  2. Lisa Patterson on September 15th, 2019 4:23 pm

    I’m his Mother,and he didn’t do these crimes. I know my son. For once in his life he had his dreams (A nice house and nice truck). He was happy. His GMC Canyon truck cased this fire. If you have 1 these trucks, get rid of it! Many had had fires. Just research that. As to the 2nd fire, he was next door with his girlfriend and her parents.

  3. David Huie Green on August 5th, 2012 10:27 pm

    “it makes lawrence really look guilty. if you were at his trial, you would see his innocence too.”

    I’m sure you’re right and that this is a travesty of justice, but wasn’t the jury who convicted him at his trial?

    David confused

  4. frox850 on August 5th, 2012 7:29 pm

    the florida judicial system is so backwards. 10 years for something like fraud when you can get 3 years for murder? he was offered a one year deal but turned it down because he didn’t want to plead guilty for something he didn’t do. he’s a good man. shame to know if your own house burns down in florida you lose everything and have to serve time for it. this story didn’t capture all the facts from this case. it makes lawrence really look guilty. if you were at his trial, you would see his innocence too.

  5. David Huie Green on August 5th, 2012 9:43 am

    “maybe you don’t have anything better to do”

    What could be better than being here?

    “ He knew there wasn’t anybody in the house. That’s all I’m saying”

    But he didn’t know some fire fighter or bystander or neighbor might not get hurt fighting the fire. He didn’t know the fire wouldn’t spread into other homes. It seems he didn’t care.

    “For example the girl that killed her sister got 1 year in the county jail.”

    Do you really believe children should be held to the same standards of conduct as adults?

    David for reason

  6. Allen Buchanan on August 4th, 2012 11:56 pm

    Continued David, It was a really harsh sentence they gave him. It doesn’t make any sense to me that murder or attempted murder in any circumstance besides self defense would get a lesser sentence. He commited insurance fraud not murder.

  7. Allen Buchanan on August 4th, 2012 11:30 pm

    David Hue Green I know u spend a lot of time on northesc commenting on articles maybe u don’t have anything better to do I don’t know. Ur right if somebody was In the house it would have been attempted murder. What he did was definitely wrong I know this young man and his family and they are good people.I see a lot worse crimes commited with a lot lighter punishment. For example the girl that killed her sister got 1 year in the county jail. That’s just one example everyday there are people robbing and killing and getting half the sentence Lawrence got or less. He knew there wasn’t anybody in the house. That’s all I’m saying it was

  8. David Huie Green on August 4th, 2012 3:48 pm

    “Lawrence doesn’t deserve 10 years for what he did. He didn’t kill anybody 2-3 years would have been enough”

    When you commit arson, you risk the lives of many in a criminal act. If they die, that would be felony murder. Therefore, if they don’t die, that should be attempted felony murder.

    How much should an adult get for felony murder?
    How much for failing?
    And should he be armed when released?

    David wondering at appropriate penalties

  9. Allen Buchanan on August 3rd, 2012 8:16 pm

    Lawrence doesn’t deserve 10 years for what he did. He didn’t kill anybody 2-3 years would have been enough. I’m really sorry Mr. Wilbanks u were a great neighbor and Im sorry ur grandson was judged unfairly.

  10. chrstefl on August 3rd, 2012 10:51 am

    As it is a crime to commit fraud. Yet getting 10yrs for destroying your property is more harsh that destroying someone else’s. Geesh
    If you commit murder you get a year. Rape is 5yrs. Theft is 20. Possess drugs and you get life… There is something wrong with this picture. Florida Judicial System is a joke..

  11. kevin on August 3rd, 2012 9:00 am

    You really have to feel for the LEO. They risk life and limb all the time to protect us and to enforce our Laws. Our fire departments are called out continually to risk their lives to save victums and help save peoples belongings. ( former vol fire fighter here). And then the judical system disrespects ALL these efforts by sentencing Violent behavior to only one year . At least, in this case, the punishment is far more appropriate. ! You are so right Bb,,, The judicial system should be ashamed, and maybe should be held accountable for this trash.

  12. Bb on August 3rd, 2012 6:51 am

    Are you kidding me just yesterday a girl got one year in a county jail for MURDER and this guy gets ten years for FRAUD . judicial system give me a freaking break you ought to be ashamed.

  13. 429SCJ on August 3rd, 2012 4:18 am
