Man Faces Sexual Battery Charge After Massage Session In A Barn

August 13, 2012

A Century man has been charged with sexual assault for alleged improper conduct while performing a massage on a female in his barn.

William Haynes Gandy, age 68 of Gandyville Road, was charged with sexual battery 12 years of age or older with special conditions, according to an arrest report.  The victim was a legal age adult at the time of the alleged incident, according to Deputy Matt Baxter, spokesman for the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.  Gandy was released from the Escambia County Jail on a $25,000 bond.

The victim told deputies that she met Gandy about a year ago because “he is a well known certified massage therapist”, and she had gone through massage therapy school and was told Gandy might be able to help her find a job. The victim later stopped pursuing a job, but Gandy did give her a few free massages associated with her pregnancy, the arrest report states.

After giving birth to her child, the victim told deputies that she began to ignore Gandy’s phone calls until he told her to come over, bring her resume and get a free massage and “see what he could do about getting her a job”, the report states.

The victim said Gandy took her to a barn outside his home where he keeps his massage table and equipment. She was partially unclothed and covered by a sheet, the report states, when Gandy began to touch her inappropriately and against her will.

The victim told deputies that when she tried to leave the barn, Gandy held the door shut with his hands and would not let her exit until she accepted his apology.

Gandy told deputies that he is a registered massage therapist and tries to help out friends by giving them free massages to relieve stress. Gandy, according to the arrest report, stated that he did invite the victim over to give her a free massage to relieve stress and possibly help her find a job. He told deputies that the victim did ask him to stop when he was appropriately massaging her inner thigh, and she left. Gandy stated that he did not know exactly why she was upset.

Gandy told deputies that at no time did he inappropriately touch the victim.


35 Responses to “Man Faces Sexual Battery Charge After Massage Session In A Barn”

  1. Papa Bills Girl on August 16th, 2012 11:37 pm

    Yaw need to leave him alone i know him really well im friends with all his family and dated one of his grandchildren he is a great man and would never do such a thing he is in church just about every sunday and i love going to his house!!

  2. shaena on August 16th, 2012 12:53 am

    This is a sad story. People can do things to you and ruin your life. For people that do not know coach gandy, its hard to understand why he would give a. Free massage. My guess is to get business. If u like the massage chances are you will come back or refer a friend. That’s business. Perhaps it was poor judgement not having another female present, but he probably just thought no one would ever accuse him of horrible inappropriate things. He is the type of person that wants to see everyone succed. Like most teachers. I worked with him all through highh school I never felt uncomfortable. He is a good family man. If you think nothing like this could ever happen to you, it only takes crosssing the wrong path with an evil person. Chances are this will happen to u. Or a family member one day. So careful how u judge. My thouhgts and prayers are with him and his family

  3. JH on August 15th, 2012 1:39 pm

    With all due respect Gandygirl, My Dad, Uncle, Brother would not have been alone in what was called a barn with a female. If indeed they had some sort of business like this (in which they do not) they would have someone present.
    He may be guilty or he may not that is for the judge to decide but in most cases unless there is a mod out to get him when its being said by more than one person that they where strangely invited to his barn (metal building) then in most cases not necessarily this one, then there is something to the story.
    I hope for his family’s sake that he is not guilty.

  4. Jayite on August 15th, 2012 7:29 am

    There is more to this story than what we are being told, yet everyone has tried and convicted him. I’ve noticed a couple of women on here saying they were also going to be molested. Yea right, I’ve got a bridge to sell you. This man deserves a fair trial, not a hanging by a bunch or people who get off judging from the sidelines without knowing the FULL story. This is a kind, caring man who loves his family and believes in his fellow man. Yet your ready to ruin his life before you know the truth behind this woman’s story. Judge not lest ye be judged! Bill you and your family are in my prayers, I’ll stand by you.

  5. prayinforthem on August 14th, 2012 7:39 pm

    This man has been one of my dad’s heros ever since i can remember and he is also a member of our church family, he does a lot of good things for a lot of people, for me his good charactor is not even a question. we are praying for him and his family.

  6. Joe on August 14th, 2012 5:33 pm

    I can not find a license either. here is the link to verify licensed professionals in Florida. It should take you to massage therapy.

  7. Gandygirl on August 14th, 2012 3:37 pm

    Come on people this isn’t some old wooden barn! Metal building with a real space for home business. Let’s not make my Uncle guilty or pass judgement because we are talking about his reputation. This could be your brother, Dad or Uncle being accused. So many innocent men and women get accused and when the truth comes out the damage is already taken it’s toll. So be kind…………Grand children can read what we adults write.

  8. JW on August 14th, 2012 12:04 pm

    I went to school with his son, praying for the victim and the Gandy family.
    I hope you find justice and peace.

  9. Help me on August 14th, 2012 11:46 am

    Somebody help me here…I’ve tried and tried to find a business license or a massage therapist license in his name and I can’t find one? Can someone point me to the license he supposedly has?

  10. Mom of 3 on August 14th, 2012 8:37 am

    Past Jay teacher so even if he is guilty, he will be loved & welcomed by the community of Jay!

  11. anon on August 14th, 2012 6:07 am

    My Momma told me to beware of men bearing free gifts…..she said nothing’s free.

  12. joe on August 14th, 2012 1:47 am

    The Doer – a person does not have to prove innoncence in court, the prosocution has to prove guilt. there is a big difference.

  13. CD on August 13th, 2012 10:37 pm

    Good reason why a male massage therapist should only operate from his place of business or employment and if working with a female patient……even if a ‘free’ massage for a friend, he should always have a female assistant with him. Otherwise he is setting himself up for a fall……sooner or later.

  14. sad story on August 13th, 2012 10:07 pm

    Bill,so sad to read these terrible things that have been said about you…..It matters to me if you are guilty or innocent…..if you are guilty…you deserve what you get ..if you are innocent there is no way you will ever overcome this nightmare and you and your familys lives are changed forever…I lived through this with a family member and they were proven innocent but narrow minded and cruel people will always find a way to keep the gossip going….you and your family must stay focused on our God…from where our help comes from….He will see you through and give you the strength you will need everyday. I pray, Bill for you and your family….strength and His mercy and grace….I’m an old friend from your past…who believes you are innocent.

  15. Local Neighbor on August 13th, 2012 7:59 pm

    I am not God so I dont know if this man is innocent or guilty but I do know him and can’t imagine him doing something like this. I agree defiantely all the pieces of the puzzle not here.

  16. William on August 13th, 2012 7:14 pm

    “stop judging ” wrote: >>First off its not a barn.its metal building that is a place of business

    We referred to it as a barn because the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office report states that it was a barn.

    The deputy that was there also wrote that “S/Gandy did allow us inside the barn” in the report.

  17. H2O on August 13th, 2012 6:50 pm

    First of all….He himself refers to it as his barn.

    Second….It says “charged with sexual battery 12 years of age or older with special conditions,”… doesnt mean she was a child or an adult, it means that the victim was at least 12 years old but may be older. Then it stated she was an adult so you would know they were not talking about a child.

    Third…..I too have been asked, in a very persistant way to go there. I refused. Say ‘gut instincts”.

    Fourth…. Just about everyone who commits a sin/unlawfal act has family that believes in them.

    And lastly….. People can give money away for awards and still be evil. It can be a cover up. He also could be innocent, but glad I refused his services because I do not need the hassle of all this. And just because someone treats you with respect doesnt necessarily mean they treat others with respect. Behind closed doors in an isolated area things can be done anyway wished. The proper way to have done business is have it in town and maybe have another employee in the office, such as chiropractors do.

  18. stop judging on August 13th, 2012 2:29 pm

    First off its not a barn.its metal building that is a place of business that has massages done.daily and regular health inspections. He has been giving massages for years because he cares about a persons well being I for one do not believe he done anything intentionally I have had massages by Mr Gandy and other therapist and even physical therapist there are times where a person could feel uncomfortable but you should voice that I am not saying he is innocent or guilty I can say he has always been very professional with me and he gives free massages to help people and also may of thoes come back and pay which the money then is put into a fund in which he awards to three students every year in honor of his son I I really hate this for his family and I agree people should not crack jokes.or be rude accusations can easily be put on anyone he will have his day in court until then.have a little more respect for him and his family

  19. CF on August 13th, 2012 1:55 pm

    this whole thing is sickening……I hope they find the real deal here and
    can let the rest go…..

  20. Jay Citizen on August 13th, 2012 1:38 pm

    To The Doer: The Word spcifically states: I Thess. 5:22 states: …refrain from all APPEARANCE of evil. Absolutely inappropriate….I don’t care what a GREAT reputation you have in the community. He should have had someone else with them in mixed company and not out of eye sight. Now the “victim”……wasn’t thinking clearly – no doubt. I think I would have thrown caution to the wind. Just sayin’….

  21. THE DOER on August 13th, 2012 11:39 am

    In the State of Florida, anyone can accuse anybody of a crime. The accusation usually leads to an arrest, if the accusation is sexual in nature. Then that person must prove his/her innocence. You who are so quick to leave a negative comment should hope and pray this doesn’t happen to you. It isn’t quite so comical when a person’s entire life’s work and reputation is being attacked. Yes, Satan and his demons are alive and well in some people’s hearts. That is obvious when tongues start wagging or fingers start typing. This man’s wonderful character speaks for itself, but in the meantime, he and his family will go through the turmoil of this battle. Isaiah 40: 31–”But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. “

  22. gmmc on August 13th, 2012 10:30 am

    lets not judge him just yet. may be more to this than we know. stranger things have happened. to me he is still a good citizen and this is an unbeliever story. give the man a chance . i pray this is not true.

  23. P.J. Bear on August 13th, 2012 10:18 am

    I am concerned now about how this will effect my barn massage therapy business, as if the oil spill wasn’t bad enough.

  24. Ben Thar on August 13th, 2012 8:47 am

    I’ve always has bad luck getting massages in barns, dental work at tattoo studios, and my taxes done at pawn shops.

  25. Garry Baggett on August 13th, 2012 8:35 am

    This is my father-in-law he is a wonderful man and friend I believe in him[ trust] .Im sure their is more to this accusation than what was written .if you don’t know the good in Bill ,the many things he has done to help people .don’t say hurtful comments.

  26. dw on August 13th, 2012 8:35 am

    How much time passed between all this? A year ago was an initial contact and some several times thereafter and then the current event?…..

  27. BentStraight on August 13th, 2012 8:33 am

    This is a very confusing story . . . “Gandy, age 68 was charged with sexual battery 12 years of age or older . . . The victim was a legal age adult at the time of the alleged incident . . . after giving birth to her child” ———- Not stating the victims age, yet, declaring her “an adult” and the charge of “sexual battery 12 years of age or older” seem to be contradictory???

  28. mom on August 13th, 2012 8:30 am

    A girl should NEVER be alone in a barn with a man, PERIOD!!!. There is no discernment here ON EITHER PART. HE knew better I’m sure!

  29. missgrit on August 13th, 2012 8:29 am

    I am glad that I did not take him up on my complimentary session last week. I asked a friend what he though before calling to schedule and his words were,” sounds strange to me.” He could be INNOCENT! Just glad I’m not involved.

  30. aam on August 13th, 2012 8:02 am

    We don’t have the whole story or the integrity of the person claiming to be harmed. I do know Mr. Gandy and for now I give him the benefit of the doubt.

  31. Just wonderin' on August 13th, 2012 7:58 am

    I agree with Nicole. There’s a lot we’re not hearing here and I’d love to know, as Paul Harvey used to say, the REST of the story.

  32. sam on August 13th, 2012 7:49 am

    not saying it didnt happen. probably did, but it don’t look right. free massages in a barn at his house? just sayin…..

  33. Nicole on August 13th, 2012 7:39 am

    yeah im sure there is more to this story. always is. im not taking up for him. but come on really lol

  34. N. H. F. on August 13th, 2012 6:57 am


  35. mnon on August 13th, 2012 5:33 am

    What a shame, you just can’t trust anyone giving away free massages in a barn these days…