Local Unemployment Numbers Edge Upward Again

August 18, 2012

One again, the latest job numbers released Friday showed a jump in unemployment  in the three-county North Escambia area.

Escambia County’s unemployment rate increased from 8.7 percent in June to 9.0 percent in July.  There were 520 more reported unemployed  during the period, for a total Escambia County unemployment of 12,756 people. One year ago, unemployment in Escambia County was 10.4 percent.

Santa Rosa County unemployment increased from 8.4 percent in June to 8.8 percent in July. Santa Rosa County had a total of 6,495 persons still unemployed. The year-ago unemployment rate in Santa Rosa County was 10.1 percent.

In Escambia County, Alabama, unemployment jumped from 10.6 percent in June to 10.8 percent in July. That represented 1,622  people unemployed in the county during the month. The year-ago rate was 11.6 percent.

The jobless numbers released by Florida and Alabama do not include persons that have given up on finding a job and are no longer reported as unemployed.

Florida’s unemployment rate reversed course last month, edging up to 8.8 percent, 0.2 percent higher than in June, but was still nearly two percentage points below where it was a year ago, the government said Friday.  The state’s total number of jobs in July decreased by 3,300 from June, the state Department of Economic Opportunity said.

Alabama’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate, at 8.3 percent in July, was up from June’s rate of 7.8 percent but was still below the year-ago rate of 9.2 percent.


5 Responses to “Local Unemployment Numbers Edge Upward Again”

  1. David Huie Green on August 19th, 2012 11:27 pm

    “so, where are the money going to??? where is the jobs??? as for some people who also have seen this trend…can someone tell me why this is happening?”

    Many corporations have holdings and jobs are in other countries.

    Many corporations buy their products from other companies in other countries. For example, Apple has its products made in China. It raised the standard of living in China even if it is below what workers have in this country.

    Normally, some of that money would have been used to buy products from the USA or other countries which wanted our currency, but the government holds onto much of it or loans it to our government to finance our spending, knowing we will be paying back much more than we borrowed over the life of the loans, since we will never pay off the principal.

    Sometimes companies can’t find enough skilled workers here so they have to farm them out to places which have better skilled laborers. This tends to leave only the low skill jobs in abundance. There is no good way out of this because many Americans won’t get training in higher skilled jobs unless they are already being paid and many businesses don’t want to train someone to do a job he could already know how to do had he studied back in school or at least basic literacy and numeracy.

    Another thing that is happening is that the companies in this country are trying to do more for less, including automating manufacturing and production. This provides a superior product but fewer workers. Even farmers use machinery to plant, tend and harvest crops rather than people sweating in the sun all day long.

    David hoping this partially answers the question

  2. bk63 on August 19th, 2012 10:07 pm

    Well according to democrats, 4 million new jobs has been created since “it” has been in office. Well? I ask where? Not the gas pipe line that could have done us all some good. Where are these socalled jobs? Its a lie. The POTUS lies? No , Never. Please dont make the same mistake twice.

  3. eeyore on August 19th, 2012 2:13 am

    …oh and another thing…why are most of the jobs (as some people say “be grateful to have a job”…sighs…) at minimum wage or just right above it…if one works 40 hours at these wages…they make approximately $290.00 a week…that is below the poverty level…let alone be able to pay for insurances…its said that an adult with a dependent needs the minimum of $570.00 just to keep their heads barely above water…so, where are these jobs?

  4. eeyore on August 19th, 2012 2:08 am

    …hmmm, i just dont get it…in the wall street journal, the corporations are making record profits…stocks are at close to the all time highs…huge bonuses are being paids out …dividends are up…and jobs are not being created????? so, where are the money going to??? where is the jobs??? as for some people who also have seen this trend…can someone tell me why this is happening?

  5. JH on August 18th, 2012 12:44 am

    Once the:
    - Hyatt Hotel and Business Park at the PIA
    - PIA’s Parking Garage Expansion
    - Cordova Commons: Food Market, Marshall’s, Shoe Store, Cosmetic Store
    - Sacred Heart 5 Floor Expansion
    - Belk Expansion
    - Downtown Pensacola’s Food Court Project
    - Maritime Park Studer Group Building
    - Everman’s Expansion in Downtown Pensacola

    …have been completed by the year 2014, up to 1,500-2,000 jobs will be created on a permanent basis. Barely enough to keep up with the local High School Graduates, and Pensacola State College Graduates, but at least jobs have been created…and more jobs will come to the area as Escambia County catches up with the year 2015.

    Once Navy Federal starts their project, another 1,000 and growing. Perhaps this will lead to Beulah finally getting their own city complete with a Main Street Downtown development, adding even more jobs.

    Also the Development of the new 4-H Land when they have chosen a site.

    Feel free to add to the list of projects that I am not aware of.

    Job Growth…it happens a little bit slower in the South…but we’re catching up.