Hospitals Fight Workers Comp Changes

August 23, 2012

The Florida Hospital Association is legally challenging proposed changes in how much hospitals get paid to provide outpatient treatment to workers-compensation insurance patients.

The association last week filed the challenge in the state Division of Administrative Hearings, contending that the changes in a hospital-reimbursement rule are invalid.

The case was filed against the Florida Department of Financial Services’ Division of Workers’ Compensation. The department last month published the proposed changes, which relate to a manual that spells out reimbursement rates.

In its challenge, the hospital association argues that the revised manual “contains radical changes in how hospitals would be paid for services and supplies rendered outpatients covered by workers’ compensation insurance.”

It also argues that the proposal could lead to a 10 percent drop in reimbursement for outpatient services.

By The News Service of Florida


One Response to “Hospitals Fight Workers Comp Changes”

  1. Henry Coe on August 23rd, 2012 4:52 am

    So a decade ago, hospitals and doctors were working together with the state & insurance companies to create Jeb Bush’s plan on how to prevent quality health care in a timely manner and now the Insurance Industry and the State and working together to put the screws on the health care providers. Ha! Serves y’all right. Any way you slice it, Florida Work Comp is a scam to get money out of business while not providing quality health care. Work Comp hurts small businesses and as far as the care they provide, it’s cruel and inhumane. Health care should be between a patient and their doctor, not the patient, the doctor, your attorney, the employers attorney, the nurse case adjuster, the claims representative and the OJCC judge.

    Work Comp administrative abuses and lies, in what they called providing care is a farce and changed the course of my life. I’d rather be a dog in the dog pound taking chances between getting adopted or put down. Just sayin’.