Gulf Power: 1,000 Without Power; EREC: No Outages

August 28, 2012

Gulf Power is reporting about 1,000 customers without power as of 4:00 this afternoon, while Escambia River Electric Cooperative is reporting no outages.


Gulf Power Company crews battled strong winds and on-and-off rain Tuesday to restore scattered outages across Northwest Florida caused by Hurricane Isaac.

As of 4 p.m. just a little more than 1,000 customers in Northwest Florida were without electricity with no major damage done to the electric system.

“Even though we had small numbers of outages today, we expect there to be more tonight and tomorrow as the storm comes ashore,” said Jeff Rogers, Gulf Power spokesperson.

A staging site has been set up at the Pensacola Interstate Fairgrounds where more than 400 out-of-state utility workers are headquartered to help restore electric service across Northwest Florida.

“We’re putting our plans into action, making sure we can respond quickly and safely to outages,” Rogers said.  “The only thing that might slow us down is having to work in the wind and the rain. But hopefully that will subside tomorrow.”

“Outages today were mostly from blown fuses, tree limbs on lines and connections loosened by the wind,” Rogers said.  “There was minimal damage to lines and poles and hopefully that will continue to be the case. It still takes time to get the power back on safely in this weather so we do ask for patience and understanding.”

EREC continues to maintain a complete activation of  emergency response personnel in the event they are needed to restore power.

“EREC will remain in this   prepared state for emergency until the storm has passed in order to expedite the restoration  process in the event of damage to our member system,” according to Sabrina Owens, EREC spokesperson.


4 Responses to “Gulf Power: 1,000 Without Power; EREC: No Outages”

  1. Consumer on August 29th, 2012 5:31 am

    AND ROLLS. When needed!

  2. Crystal on August 28th, 2012 10:31 pm

    EREC rocks

  3. pbare on August 28th, 2012 5:41 pm

    Wrong, wrong, wrong. I lost power before I left my home in Walnut Hill.

  4. WRM on August 28th, 2012 5:08 pm

    We had an amazing 14 mph gust at 4:15.