Gas Prices Take Huge Leap

August 14, 2012

Gas prices have shot up aboutĀ  33 cents during the last month in the North Escambia area. In theĀ  Pensacola metro, the average stood at $3.52 Monday, up from $3.19 one month ago. The increase is being blamed partially on the partial loss of production at a refinery in California.

Pictured: A recent gas deliver at a station in Atmore. photo, click to enlarge.


16 Responses to “Gas Prices Take Huge Leap”

  1. David Huie Green on August 17th, 2012 5:38 pm

    “Washington should do something about it, they mess with everyone else. The fat cats keep getting fatter.”

    And you think the skinny Washingtonians would improve matters like they improve everything else they touch?


    David for rose colored glasses

  2. Dishearted on August 17th, 2012 9:54 am

    When OIL was $168. a barrel gas was about $4. a oil is at $96 and gas it at $3.50 a gallon… Washington sould do something about it, they mess with everyone else. The fat cats keep getting fatter.

  3. David Huie Green on August 15th, 2012 10:39 pm

    “Anybody knows that the POTUS does not control the oil business..OPEC has got that covered.”

    So who is OPEC trying to put in power or keep in power?

    David wondering

  4. hmmm on August 15th, 2012 10:11 pm

    Somehow I knew this would happen. During the last few months nobody mentioned a word @ gas prices being down & what a great job Pres. Obana was doing while they were low. So I say to myself..they are as quiet as mouses when gas prices drop, but just wait until they go up again & then it will be Obama’s fault. Ya’ll never fail to disappoint..Any body knows that the POTUS does not control the oil business..OPEC has got that covered.

  5. David Huie Green on August 14th, 2012 4:02 pm

    “Global demand is supposed to be in decline right now, so why is the price going up? Hmmm, are there any elections coming up?”

    So would higher prices help President Obama or Governor Romney?

    It makes the President look ineffective in keeping down prices but the most left-wing types keep wanting the prices to go WAY up so we can be just like Europeans.
    It looks like it would cost him votes.

    On the other hand, it incites the anti-business people to hate businessmen such as Governor Romney.
    It looks like it would cost him votes.

    Those many oil companies (many of whom are state owned) have done an amazing job of conspiring against whoever it is they’re conspiring against, haven’t they?

    David for happy conspiracy theorists

  6. shiloh on August 14th, 2012 1:56 pm

    Gas is way to cheap. Raise the price to at least $4.50 a gallon. Thats about what its worth!

  7. Frank R. on August 14th, 2012 1:10 pm

    Who is the biggest investors or holders of the oil Co,s? Tycoons in Washington…why are the taxes we pay not posted on the fuel pumps anymore?? Take a look at Government. Don’t blame the local stations.,they just provide service. You want to get rid of this problem? Start voting out your local reps to Washington, and send them a message that they work for you. Yes, we are the largest exporter of oil & fuel.

  8. brent on August 14th, 2012 1:07 pm

    Its all about GREED, they stick it to the public with their lame excuses. The U.S can build more refineries, they say its so cost prohibitive, I say if you can spend a billion on a Mars project you can build more refineries. Its the oil companies and their blatant greed. Look at what they spent on the BP oil disaster and the money that is still being paid on that… build the refineries and quit screwing over the people

  9. 429SCJ on August 14th, 2012 10:17 am

    Why not regulate all communications on all energy commodities? If the maket had no input data they could not raise the price? Make it a federal crime PBD, for producers to reveal production data? Maybe it would be easier to just take fuels off the AMEX.

    Of course such an Orwellian proposal is a litte off the wall, but it would be interesting to flow chart such a thing and examine how each element and step would be effected by such processes, or go cut the hedges?

  10. kb on August 14th, 2012 9:09 am

    Why is it that the excuses to raise fuel prices are always the same three or four? One is used for a while and then another one is used and another. Pretty soon we’re back to excuse number one again. They gotta get more creative ’cause we’re all tired of hearing them. (Either that, or leave the prices reasonable)

  11. Friction against the machine on August 14th, 2012 8:30 am

    Thank you Mr.Obama for the federal taxes, regulations and EPA “summer” blend that makes our fossil fuels soooo much more expensive. I know u want us all taking mass transit but how many subways run from Atmore to Brewton?

  12. BentStraight on August 14th, 2012 7:55 am

    To “briarroot” : it’s not “gouging” unless it occurs during periods of “civil emergency” such as hurricanes and the prices have to raise significantly higher than “current market prices”. The fact here is that these ARE “current market prices”.

  13. BentStraight on August 14th, 2012 7:47 am

    ” The increase is being blamed partially on the partial loss of production at a refinery in California.”
    Yeah right, the number one net export product in the USA is GASOLINE, not aircraft, weapons, computers or software as has been the case for previous decades, it’s gasoline!
    Global demand is supposed to be in decline right now, so why is the price going up? Hmmm, are there any elections coming up?

  14. bill on August 14th, 2012 7:22 am

    I read that the fire was in the diesel production area and didn’t effect the regular gas production. I also read we had a glut of domestic gasoline because Americans have reduced their consumption. In a free market that would mean that gas prices go down! This is just another way for the “illuminated ones” to manipulate us and laugh all the way to the bank.

  15. Henry Coe on August 14th, 2012 6:41 am

    You’d think they would carry insurance for such events so the cost of their failures/accidents would not hit consumers?

  16. briarroot on August 14th, 2012 5:25 am

    Why does no one investigate the gasoline companies for price gouging?