Florida Not Getting GOP Delegates Back

August 22, 2012

[TAMPA] Florida is still going to see its delegation to the Republican National Convention — held next week in Tampa — cut in half for breaking party rules on when the state could hold its presidential primary.

But all of the would-be delegates will be allowed on the convention floor, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus told the Tampa Bay Times’ political blog The Buzz.

The other half of what would have been the Florida delegation will instead be designated as “honored guests,” Priebus said.

The state will also lose 160 guest passes. “They received 90 percent of every penalty available to us,” Priebus said.

By The News Service of Florida


6 Responses to “Florida Not Getting GOP Delegates Back”

  1. Not You on August 26th, 2012 1:16 am

    @Sane American “I also believe that it’s the media playing the part of building Romney as the Messiah.”

    That would be the liberal elite media?

  2. David Huie Green on August 23rd, 2012 4:07 am

    “Not too long after being in office, he gave the “New World Order” speech. I’ve had problems with them ever since.”

    President Bush One was explaining things were ordered differently with the break up of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, that things were different. Some peculiar people took that to mean there was now a One World Government.

    He was a very smart, decent man with a communications problem. It’s a bit like when President Obama said nobody built anything all by themselves, that others contributed to the victory. At least Sir Isaac Newton had the wisdom to put it, “If I have seen a little farther it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.” (and Newton wasn’t famous for his humility)

    David in a new world disorder

  3. Sane American on August 22nd, 2012 10:57 pm

    @ Mr. Barentine,
    I agree, with most of what you have said. But the last 12 years? I’d go back as far as the day President George H. W. Bush took office. Not too long after being in office, he gave the “New World Order” speech. I’ve had problems with them ever since. Raegan was the last great president we have had. I also believe that it’s the media playing the part of building Romney as the Messiah. Most intelligent voters, like I believe you are, know what we as citizens are up against. And you’re right, we the people have to change this, because the government will not do it on its own. Everyone says “power to the people”. Well, we already have the power. We just have to use it before its taken away. I agree with you about Ryan as well, but his intelligence about economics is unmatched in government, especially the current administration. It’s pathetic that we have come to the point in this country that our choice has been narrowed down to the lesser of two evils. Can we please have Milton Friedman back, please? That’s someone who should have run for office back in the day.

  4. pete barentine on August 22nd, 2012 9:13 pm

    They should be penalized. While I am a registered republican and consider myself conservative, I am disgusted with the way my party has been acting the last 12 years. I am voting for Mitt Romney by default only. I cannot stomach another 4 years of President Obama, but am tired of Mitt Romney being portrayed as the Messiah. And if you take a hard look at Ryan I think you will see he is a spinoff of Rick Scott. We need a candidate that has the Country’s best interest at heart. Not one that has his own wallet and the special interest groups that financed his campaign at heart. t will never change until we the people change it.

  5. Sane American on August 22nd, 2012 3:11 pm

    I consider myself an independent voter even though I am registered with a party. I understand why Florida moved the primary up, because they (Republican Party) want their primary to matter more. But does it matter more when you lose delegates at the convention? Seems like they should have left it alone so that all of the delegates votes are counted. That’s when it matters. That being said, Romney/Ryan 2012.

  6. David Huie Green on August 22nd, 2012 1:06 pm

    break the rules, pay the penalty.

    set a good example for other rule breakers