Escambia United Way Honors Key Partners And Volunteers

August 17, 2012

The United Way of Escambia County thanked special partners Thursday for a year that included $3.5 million that was leveraged into an $8.1 million impact in the local community.

“We couldn’t have done it without you.  Your 30,000 hours of volunteer service and your generous giving means we can fund nine new programs.  That combined with efforts of 2-1-1 and the 36 other funded programs will serve 212,000 citizens in Escambia County.  Without you, we could never have leveraged our funds and efforts to the $8.1 million impact that will create opportunities for a better life in our community,” said local  United Way President and CEO Andrea Krieger.

Special recognition was given to the following individuals and organizations:

DAY OF CARING VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR: Dan and Connie Cassidy have demonstrated exemplary support and innovation in the creation of a Breakfast Committee that helps with donations to keep costs down and inspiration that builds participation.

VOLUNTEER GROUP OF THE YEAR: Gulf Power Resistors always answer the call and help multiple area non-profits.  The Bay Area Food Bank and BRACE joined United Way in thanking this group comprised of John Hutchinson, Ron Robertson, Chris Edwards, Mark Davidson, Jeff Pike and Caroline Wilson… all from Gulf Power.

VITA VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR: Nancy Taylor has served others for 20 years.  With over 800 volunteer hours in 2012, she led 42 other volunteers who processed over 1,700 tax refunds for a $2.2M return to the community.

2-1-1 VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR: Denise Ables joined the 2-1-1 team in the fall of 2011 and quickly became one of our community’s most valuable resources.  She directs callers to the best available resources and referrals.

EMERGING LEADERS SOCIETY MEMBER OF THE YEAR: Cherri Baker served as the Engagement and Volunteerism Chair for the 2012 ELS Steering Council. She led volunteer activities and drives for Early Learning Coalition, the CDAC Early Riser program and Bridges to Circles.

BOARD MEMBER OF THE YEAR: Linda Hoffman’s peers on the United Way Board praised her for her quiet willingness to help whenever and however needed.  Her hours and guidance provided as Chair of the Community Impact Initiative resulted in the first United Way impact initiative to improve third grade reading scores through The Next Right Thing tutoring program at the Global Learning Academy.

STAFF MEMBER OF THE YEAR: Tom Hilton was praised a United Way’s “unsung hero.”  He is a constant at United Way on the weekends and volunteered 427 hours to United Way and to other charities in our area.  His expertise and willingness to lead is shared with United Way staff and other non-profits who need financial guidance.  Tom is United Way’s CFO.

RAYELL IRISH – COLOR A BRIGHTER WORLD AWARD RECIPIENT: Donna Fassett has been serving our community since 1979.  She has dedicated her life to serving those in our community with developmental disabilities.  During her time as the Executive Director of ARC Gateway, she has achieved many milestones and has expanded the organization’s programs to serve more than 900 children and adults with developmental disabilities.

AGENCY PARTNER OF THE YEAR: Gulf Coast Kid’s House was recognized for their exceptional partnership in 2012.  They conducted 6 presentations, 3 agency tours and 1 agency expo for the annual workplace campaign. They hosted meetings of the United Way Agency Director Association (UWADA) and their Executive Director served as Secretary. On all levels, they participated in volunteer and fundraising efforts to support the community, while at the same time serving 2,000 child victims of child abuse. In addition, they excelled at collaborative partnerships and expanded their advocacy and preventive through a new prevention coordinator who enabled the organization to serve 620 children and 95 adults in Escambia County.

DISTINGUISHED COMMUNITY BUSINESS PARTNER: Gulf Power had 129 employees volunteer in service to the community through United Way partnerships.  They collaboratively donated 1,470 hours to United Way and 9 partner agencies. Employees donated over $209,959 to multiple local agencies including United Way, Council on Aging, American Heart Association, Communities Caring at Christmas, Ronald McDonald House, Cram the Van and the American Cancer Society…to name a few. The corporate match in 2012 increased this giving by another $47,239.  Their volunteer hours and efforts alone represented another $31,443 in free labor that enabled area agencies to do more to serve others.

UNITED WAY SERVICE AWARD: Shannon Lands has been serving her community with passion in partnership with United Way for over 12 years.  Her dedication and commitment is evident in all that she does and can be seen in her engaged pursuit of service.  In 2012, she donated 183 hours in service to United Way and our community.  She was present at agency trainings, volunteer trainings, tours and oral presentations without exception. She even coordinated use of her company’s board rooms for agency oral presentations.  Currently, she also serves on the Human Resources committee and the strategic planning committee with United Way. She has served as the Youth Support panel chair, the Family Support panel chair, the Health Support At-Large member of the Full Committee, the Physical Health Conditions panel chair, the Funds Distribution Vice Chair and now as the Funds Distribution Chair.

DISTINGUISHED COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD: Quint and Rishy Studer’s commitment and impact in the field of human services impact the Pensacola community is inspirational.  They demonstrate a true empathy and compassion which they readily share for the betterment of others. While they do daily good works under the radar, any quick perusal of local media or the internet will show broad and significant gifts of time and financial resources from this couple.  They embody the goodness of “uniting” to serve others.  From a baseball team conducting charity nights at a University Field starting in 2002 to gifting proceeds from selling the team their philanthropy has grown.  Their $2.25M gift to the stadium and their leadership in bringing the Wahoos was the fuel that is igniting positive change that lifts our entire community.  Wherever they have seen success, they have willingly and generously shared with others.   This includes the annual lead gift they have maintained as members of the Alexis de Tocqueville Society for the last five years.   They also share the resources of their businesses and the assistance of staff and personnel trained to assist with organizational management and personal spend hundreds of hours annually serving as leaders in various roles in our community.  They inspire others to do the same and in 2010 alone supported their employee’s performance of more than 5,000 hours of volunteer service in the Pensacola community.  They feel that giving back to one’s community is not just an option – but an obligation.   We are lucky to have Quint and Rishy as committed community partners who are dedicated to serving others.  They continually live the ideals of Distinguished Community Service and are well-deserving of this award.


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