Escambia Commission: Barry And May Win, Robertson Race Close

August 15, 2012

Steven Barry came out the winner in a five-way race in the Republican primary for Escambia County Commission District 5.

Barry received 41.4 percent of the vote, followed by Sam Archer with 38.4 percent — a difference of 249 votes, according to complete but unofficial results Tuesday night. Jim Taylor received 10.5 percent, while Pat Burkett and Glenn Austin received five percent of the votes each.

The race is not over for Barry; he will face no-party candidate Packy Mitchell in November. Incumbent Kevin White dropped out of the race earlier this year.

Luman May easily defeated two challengers in the Democratic primary election Tuesday for Escambia County Commission District 3. May received 69 percent vote to 23.5 percent for Annie Thomas Walker and seven percent for Clinton Earl Powell, Sr. May will face several write-in and no-party candidate in November.

The race for Escambia County Commission District 1 was too close to call early Wednesday morning.  Incumbent Wilson Robertson and Jesse Casey were just 30 votes apart with some absentee and provision ballots to be tabulated before the numbers can be considered official.

Pictured top: Eli Miller of Walnut Hill shows his support for Barry at the Walnut Hill precinct. Pictured inset: Stephen Barry celebrates his District 5 Escambia County Commission Republican primary win Tuesday night with young supporter Layton Woodward. Submitted photo for, click to enlarge.


47 Responses to “Escambia Commission: Barry And May Win, Robertson Race Close”

  1. JustMe on August 17th, 2012 8:43 pm

    Because I don’t make it a habbit to not like people for no reason. Too many haters in the world as it is. I have a very valid reason to not like him for commisioner but I will refrain from posting it here due to the rules of the website. good luck living inside your little bubble and with your commisioner who will probably turn out to be worse than what we have been stuck with the last 4 years.

  2. Nodogintherace on August 17th, 2012 3:48 pm

    I don’t know if a breathalizer test was administered. It would sure seem to me that if he had, it would be in the notes. I can assure you this though, that prosecutors thrive on conviction rates. It is more important to convict on a lesser charge than to have an acquital and enforce nothing. I don’t think for a minute that the prosecutors office would reduce a charge for something as serious as DUI for no reason but “it was his first offense” and I think you are naive if you believe that. If the evidence was that strong, they would not plea to reckless driving, they would convict him of DUI. Also, if you do research as you claim to, you would see that since they reduced the charge to reckless driving, that if he were to get charged and convicted of DUI in the future, it would be considered his first offense, not his second. Knowing that, I can probably say with certainty that it was reduced due to lack of evidence.

    Also, a law enforcement office would not be in “deep crap” for arresting someone for DUI if they did not blow over the limit because a person can be under the influence of a substance other than alcohol. Let me give you an example. Perhaps Mr. Barry was prescribed medicine which had an adverse effect on him. And perhaps this medicine caused him to swerve while driving, and perhaps this medicine also caused him to slur his speech. If I was a cop, I would think immediately that he was under the influence. I would do my job and arrest him and let the prosecutors office settle it. During the legal process, the defense attorney could provide evidence showing that the defendant was prescribed medicine which did not come with a warning to not operate a motor vehicle. They could show that while the defendant did ingest medicine and operate a motor vehicle, he/she was only impaired because the medicine had an unusual/adverse reaction. Perhaps after reviewing this in conjunction with no breathalizer result which shows no B.A.C. It would be in the best interest of the prosecution to take some action to protect the public and make the defendant attend a class to inform them on the risks of driving unde the influence. Furthermore reducing the unconvictable charge of DUI and taking the charge of reckless driving.

    There literally are hundreds of reasons a charge could be reduced. Breathalizer machine not calibrated correctly, cop did not show for court, etc. etc. You just do not know.

    Now I do not know the details of Mr. Barry’s case but to just assume he got off due to paying money or because it was his first offense is naive. Why don’t you just come out and say you don’t like the guy for no reason.

  3. Patsy on August 17th, 2012 1:29 pm

    You can refuse a breathalyzer which is probably what he did because if you read the report correctly you’d see he absolutely does not have a DUI

  4. JustMe on August 17th, 2012 10:53 am

    I do research before I get on here posting unlike most people. Tell me this..if Barry was arrested for DUI which he was, along with that arrest comes a breathalizer test I am sure..I know that is the way it is where I work. So how in your mind do you think they dropped the charge due to insufficient evidence? If he got arrested for DUI but didn’t blow over the limit then that leo would be in deep crap. According to all the case notes on the clerks site, looks like to me due to his first major offense they reduced it and allowed him to attend Drunk driver school. Or either all of the money he has he payed his way out of it. Either way he was arrested for DUI which imho there should be know first offense school for that.

  5. Nodogintherace on August 17th, 2012 5:25 am

    No, I didn’t miss the point, I did my research to see why a DUI charge would be reduced to a wreckless driving charge rather than spout off on something I have no idea about. This excerpt is just one of many I found on why a charge would be reduced.

    If your attorney determines that this is the right decision for you, he or she will enter into a plea bargain with the prosecution. But why would the prosecution agree to this? There may be several reasons. For one, they may not have enough evidence against you or the evidence they do have may be questionable. Rather than facing an acquittal at trial, they’re likely to accept a reckless driving charge. As part of the agreement to amending the charge, the prosecution may demand that you pay a fee and attend DUI-related classes.

    Do some research, tell me if I am wrong.

  6. JustMe on August 16th, 2012 10:16 pm

    You missed the point obviously. Click on the DUI case. You will see he had to compete drunk driving school he was a first offender so that was his way out. Doesnt say they dropped it due to not enough evidence. If he wasnt guilty then why go to drunk driving school? And yeah I have had one speeding ticket when I was 19 or 20. If the dui wasnt on there I wouldnt have a problem. But it is.

  7. Nodogintherace on August 16th, 2012 8:44 pm

    @justme, I looked it up. I didn’t see anything criminal. I think your grasping at straws to call speeding and parking tickets criminal. I do not see a “conviction” of DUI. I see a “charge” of DUI, which was later reduced to wreckless driving. Probably because they had insufficient evidence. So, technically itis not a DUI. I agree with you on people being locked up for drunk driving but that is if they are convicted of drunk driving.

    Have you ever had a speeding or parking ticket? My guess is that you will probably say no.

  8. JustMe on August 16th, 2012 3:41 pm

    @nodogintherace. Look it up for yourself. Rap sheet is defined as a criminal record which he has! Never once said he was a murderer! A conviction of DUI but lowered because he attended drunk driving school. Yeah thats the kind of commisioner I want! Lol NOT. I despise drunk drivers with a passion. Actually I personally think drunk driving should carry a mandatory 5 years locked up then maybe the innocent families that are killed from people like this Barry guy could be reduced. And the one that commented that said glad the christians turned out, I would not group christians in a blanket statement like that because some christians wouldnt want themselves classified as a supporter for Barry.

  9. JustMe on August 16th, 2012 12:36 pm

    Rick sorry I didn’t know that did that. Was on my phone but it had gotten wet and auto correct was adding words.
    And I never invest ANY monety in politicians. Because at the end of the day they are a politician. And I do not even know Mr Barry ”

  10. Rick on August 16th, 2012 10:45 am

    JustMe wrote: ” And Iyou never investlike ANY monety in politicians. Because atI the end of theyou day theyto are ayou politician. And Iyou donever not evento know Mr Barry ” What the heck kind of keyboard are you using?? I might agree with you if I knew what the heck you said.

  11. bubba on August 16th, 2012 8:06 am

    After all is said and done more will be said than done……………..

  12. wishn on August 16th, 2012 7:55 am

    @the truth,

    Tired of all the complaining. Why doesn’t everyone just debate the issues. What is Steven going to do for us versus what is Packy going to do. Who has the best chance of getting their agenda pushed through the board. Who is going to best represent the north end. Vote for whom you want but please stick to the issues not personal slander. I bet neither Steven or Packy will lower themselves to name calling and back biting. Here is to a great campain.

  13. REALLY on August 16th, 2012 7:49 am


    “Why don’t you ask how he got on the UWF baseball team? Or ask how the UWF baseball team got a new tour bus around the same time frame.”

    You have this totally wrong !!! Anybody with common sense knows who’s parents bought the Bus for the UWF Base Ball Team and it wasnt Steve’s !!!

    Are the Packy Supporter’s really so Dillusional as to think just because he glad hands at the Tate High Athletic Function’s mean’s he’s capable of being a Commissioner ?

  14. The Truth on August 16th, 2012 7:39 am

    NoDogInTheRace, there is absolutely nothing about Steve Barry for which I would be jealous. My point is simple, having deep pockets, getting things handed to you and hiding from your spotty past are very much detractions from any canidate that is supposed to be representing ME. Barry’s record and past directly relate to his validity as a voice for the people of north Escambia county. You want him, you can have him, I am just making the populous aware of salient facts regarding this individuals past and the methods by which he has carried on his life.

  15. Dudley Herrington on August 16th, 2012 6:53 am

    Congratulations, MY BROTHER !!!!!!!!!
    I am so glad to see so many Christians turn out to VOTE !!!!

  16. @The Truth on August 16th, 2012 5:24 am

    If you so adamantly oppose someone for having/growing up with/spending money, where is your issue with Archer?? Pretty sure the guy thought he would BUY this election. (Oh yeah, but not pay his taxes) Steven Barry won with half the cash and twice the savvy.

  17. Nodogintherace on August 15th, 2012 11:55 pm

    Justme ……. Rap sheet, really. I looked at the website you posted. It appears to be a few parking violations, a few speeding tickets, a failure to stop at a stop sign, not having his license with him, etc.etc.. Hell, I think he may have ran over a squirrel a time or two, in your eyes, he is probably a murderer. In fact, all of the offenses are traffic related, so if anything he is a bad driver. Ohhhhh I am bored with this…

    The truth …….. What does anything you pointed out have to do with a county commission seat. I did not know he was on the UWF baseball team, nor do I care. Do not care how the team traveled during the time I didn’t care that he was on the team. I will agree with you that having money doesn’t make you smart or wise. Unless you use that money to obtain an education and then use that education to gather experience which makes you wise. I would say he is no dummy, nor we’re any of the candidates he ran against. For you to go on and on about things that are not concerns of the tax payer and are your personal opinion makes you look petty and jealous. So change you name Truth to “The Jealous”.

    Lastly, I think both Packy and Steve would both make good public officials I just don’t think Packy can win from a NPA stance. The common voter in the booth who does not know either is going to vote for a Republican over a NPA most times and those votes add up. With so many people wanting a change, the Republicans are going to catch a wave on November 2 and ride it for all it is worth.

  18. Gonzalez resident. on August 15th, 2012 11:45 pm

    Steve Barry deserves congatulations for hard work involved in the fifth district county commissioner win. He ran against Kevin White the first time and lost by a very slim margin. He spent the time before his next run becoming a superb candidate for office. His knowldge of finance and financial mechanics is just what we need for this district. He is a solid, likable, family man, but more important his degree and proffession make him by far the best qualified. When the red herring objections are refuted, no argument is left for why he was not by far the best candidate. The best candidate won, and will also win in November.

  19. The Truth on August 15th, 2012 9:56 pm

    Patience, its obvious that you are far to dim to engage in an educated conversation so I’ll make this clear and succinct. I think Barry is an unqualified, pampered, silver spoon fed metrosexual who has gotten everywhere and everything in life due to his connections and his FAMILY’s MONEY. His past transgression is a matter of public record. Why don’t you ask how he got on the UWF baseball team? Or ask how the UWF baseball team got a new tour bus around the same time frame. Again, having money does not translate into knowledge nor wisdom (nor talent for that sake). It seems the 2 canidates that finished highest in this primary both have the money it takes to all but buy the seat. Chew on that, just dropping some knowledge on you.

  20. JustMe on August 15th, 2012 9:55 pm

    I am just saying someone criticized me for using the term “character” in describing Mr Barry. If I can look him up on the clerks website and he has a rapsheet longer than most citizens then why the hell would he do us good as a commisioner. I could care less what charitable donations or causes he supports. Commisioners have one job to do and that is serve the entire district not just where the money is. Packy Mitchell all the way!

  21. susan on August 15th, 2012 9:46 pm

    I will be voting for Packy Mitchell in November. He knows what this county needs and will not forget the North end either. So Please vote for Packy!

  22. PATIENCE on August 15th, 2012 9:24 pm

    This question is for THE TRUTH, If you don’t know the difference between CHARITABLE and COMMUNITY SERVICE ,how could you possibly know THE TRUTH? JUST WONDERING.

  23. Barry all the way! on August 15th, 2012 8:45 pm

    I’m very excited to see what Mr. Barry has to offer the north end. His opponent was a practical joke. After all is said and done, he really didn’t have much competition. Way to go Barry!

  24. The Truth on August 15th, 2012 7:48 pm

    Is community service the same thing as charitable service? Just wondering.

  25. JUSTNOTME on August 15th, 2012 6:25 pm


  26. bubba on August 15th, 2012 6:09 pm

    you better do some more homework …….

  27. Patsy on August 15th, 2012 5:05 pm

    Mitchell is a good guy but do your homework; Mr. Barry has FAR more charitable organization involvement than all the candidates combined.

  28. local4life on August 15th, 2012 1:38 pm

    Congradulations Mr. Barry. We have been waiting for a long time for some real change in districts 5 and I know that you are going room be the one delivering it to us. We almost screwed up by voting in the guy who had the most signs and appaerently nothIng else to do but stand and wave at cars everyday. I met Mr. Barry at my front door and I was very impressed with what he had to say. This guy will be our guy for a long time and will do great things for us. No more good ole boys we have an intellectual now with some real ideals for our future. Times are looking better.

  29. Ben Thar on August 15th, 2012 11:18 am

    Congratulations to all the winners, better luck next time to those defeated.

    Now…take down all those dang signs!!!

  30. JustMe on August 15th, 2012 11:08 am

    SROSAMAN as well as any others that want to argue my point and say Mr. Barry is not a “character” as I said. I was not going to bring this to the table but I take offense to being blamed when I was trying to refrain from harming his name. Here is the link
    Go look at it for yourself. Ever wonder why he didnt list his middle name on his political website…but if you google Steven Llyod Barry you will see his finacial office in cantonment list his full name. Thanks and have a good day :)

  31. Irrelevant on August 15th, 2012 10:51 am

    On a happy note, that is one Handsome young man at the top of the page!!!

  32. JustMe on August 15th, 2012 10:50 am

    Hey srosaman..first my saying to you is by your name you are from santa rosa county. Which the last time I checked has no affiliation with escam ia county or even more distict 5. I try not to harm peoples so called good name like “the truth” commented and did. But they are spot on. Investigate your politicians more than reading a sign on the side of a road! And for the record I did not vote for Mr Archer either and I am not upset that my vote didnt win. And Iyou never investlike ANY monety in politicians. Because atI the end of theyou day theyto are ayou politician. And Iyou donever not evento know Mr Barry so to have a personal issue with him is not likely. I want a commisioner that will concentrate more than on the UWF ordeal. But like always we will get shafted once again! But

  33. 429SCJ on August 15th, 2012 10:25 am

    Just fix the potholes in the NorthEnd Stephen and I will be satisfied with you.

  34. L.C. on August 15th, 2012 10:14 am

    Everyone acts like its a forgone conclusion that Mr. Barry is our commissioner. We have the general election in November! I’m voting Packy Mitchell, we need new blood in our government.

  35. The Truth on August 15th, 2012 10:09 am

    I will support an active charity and civic organization member like Packy over a tanning bed debutante like Barry. I guess a DUI arrest is no big deal in the measure of the character of a man.

  36. Keith on August 15th, 2012 9:44 am

    Maybe Mr. Barry will answer the phone when a constituent calls. Kevin White NEVER did.

  37. jeeperman on August 15th, 2012 9:37 am

    Wake up Wilson.
    Even if you win, you got spanked bad, by an unknown newcomer, political virgin.
    Half of your own republicans do not approve of you or your antics.

  38. BMR on August 15th, 2012 9:08 am

    Sorry. Mr Archer,that you didn’t get elected. Congratulations Barry, just a word of advice,we as distric 5 put you in not Pensacola,we are not city,we are country and want no party with the big city,so please put us on the forfront of your mind.We have went far to long with out any help here in the northend. And remember where WalnutHill Florida is located and how to get here.Please take time to visit each home here in the northend thank-you.

  39. Bob on August 15th, 2012 9:05 am

    Seems we can never elect a commissioner from the heart of District 5. I have no problem with Steve,but I do believe as always North Escambia will come up on the short end of the stick. Come on Steve prove me wrong.

  40. WVM on August 15th, 2012 8:53 am


    “Sam Archer should’ve won!!!” That’s like saying I should have been an Astronaut !!! Get over it !! Archer Lost !!!!!

  41. srosaman on August 15th, 2012 7:40 am

    Sir , My personal opinion is a lot different than yours ,I have watched this and a few more races with a open mind I know one of the guys who did not win, but to arrogantly indicate that Steven Barry is some kind of ,as you say character. Either one or two things you have money invested in Sams campaign or you have a personnel issue with Mr Barry. As far as running the district there were is no one close to having the credentials to run this district and I think you are a little upset because you lost. Time to move forward Mister . But please vote even though we differ here. Romney/Ryan for President

  42. Lawson on August 15th, 2012 7:05 am

    Congratulations Steve. I know you’ll represent us well.

  43. Cantonment Mom on August 15th, 2012 6:36 am

    I agree with Just Me!!! We Will be voting for Packy in November too.

    Sam Archer should’ve won!!!

    #Team Archer

  44. fxrshovelhead82 on August 15th, 2012 6:29 am

    Barry had my vote this round and will next round he’s a good family man!

  45. Jane on August 15th, 2012 6:25 am

    Ok people. We will have a new County Commissioner so let that person know what you want NOW. Don’t wait for 6 months and then start complaining. If the person isn’t aware of the issues you think are important they won’t bring them up at the meetings. Two people are still campaigning, so go to a meeting and ask questions and let your concerns be known!

  46. Belinda Perry on August 15th, 2012 5:40 am

    Way to go Steve!

  47. JustMe on August 15th, 2012 2:13 am

    I have never voted independent before, but come November I will definetly vote for Packy Mitchell actually would help him politic to beat this character.