Dish Network Customers Could Lose WEAR 3 On Thursday

August 14, 2012

Local Dish Network customers could loose ABC programming — an agreement between Sinclair Broadcasting and Dish Network is set to expire just after midnight Thursday.

If a new agreement is not reached before the deadline, Dish customers will no longer be able to watch WEAR 3. The companies are disagreeing over the contract that allows Dish to carry Sinclair programming and how much Dish Network pays for the programming.

“Although Dish and Sinclair have been negotiating for quite some time in an effort to reach a new agreement, at this time it does not appear that these efforts will be successful,” Sinclair said in a statement.

Sinclair also said the disagreement is not just about fees. “The inability to reach agreement with Dish is about more than just money, including what rights Dish will have with respect to the Sinclair signals.”

Dish Network said Monday that Sinclair is seeking “a massive price increase”.

“We carry more than 1,800 local broadcast stations nationwide. Sinclair is asking for more than any other station anywhere in the country,” said Dave Shull, senior vice president of programming for DISH. “This goes beyond pure corporate greed — it’s profoundly insensitive to the needs of the public.”


13 Responses to “Dish Network Customers Could Lose WEAR 3 On Thursday”

  1. sam on August 15th, 2012 5:12 pm

    i’m thinking a majority of you don’t remember having only channels 3,5,and 10 to choose from. and to top it off you watched em in black and white and had to get up to change channels.

  2. William E Livingston on August 15th, 2012 10:16 am

    All of the pay for service providers have issues. Invest in a HD Signal booster and get free Channel 3 any time you want. I pick it up with a cheap set from wally world when ever ATT UVERSE GOES OUT which is rare. I love Uverse. Depending on where you are If you have a HD tv odds are you can Pick up Channel 3. I live in milton and can pick it up better than on any of the pay services I have had.

  3. sam on August 15th, 2012 6:46 am

    as long as i can see BAMA in the fall, i’m good. mess with my football and i go shopping.

  4. tv addict on August 14th, 2012 7:42 pm

    Time to lean how to live without TV

  5. Marcus on August 14th, 2012 4:57 pm

    PNJ is going out of business! Hahahaha Shows greddy companies right. I hope they all dissolve and have to come back super cheap. Just think, if we all ended subscriptions and did without TV for a few months until they all dissolved. Lower the rates or well cut you off!

    Power the people. I haven’t had TV for months and I’m doing just fine. Use you’re phone for news and weather.

  6. Just Me on August 14th, 2012 3:08 pm

    Tired of all of this mess from the liberal media anyways!! They just dropped the “WE” channel and now a local channel. But of course, I still pay the same, no discount. Think it’s time to just cancel it all and stick with Netflix!

  7. Gigi on August 14th, 2012 2:14 pm

    You’re not realizing that it’s Sinclair causing the problem, not the dish network nor the cable company when they battled it too. Sinclair is asking for too much money. Each channel that is broadcast must be paid. Some of these channels are quite greedy and want to squeeze it for more. If the satellite/cable company pays every broadcaster what they want, they will have to pass this cost on to you. Now I know you don’t want that.

  8. Fred on August 14th, 2012 10:12 am

    Let em drop it. You can still get it for free via antenna, it’s just an input selection on your tv. I wonder if Dish will reduce their rate accordingly? LOL

  9. smokey on August 14th, 2012 9:55 am

    They say this every year and it goes down to the wire,but I have had dish for over 10 years and have never lost local channels.@ Lc, you might need your dish adjusted.The only time I lose signal is a real heavy storm. Another thing is when a hurricane comes thru and tears down the cable, cable customers have to wait for days if not weeks to get service. I get it soon as I crank my generator.

  10. boat captain tom on August 14th, 2012 9:11 am

    Hey, it aint just the satellite companies. I think it was comcast that go into it with channel 3 last year. Everyone want more money………..

  11. Hmm... on August 14th, 2012 8:41 am

    I think this is hilarious. While our Viacom channels were out on DirecTV, I had Dish Network customers telling me that I should change to Dish because “this kind of thing never happens with Dish Network.” This makes you think. Hmm…

  12. Lc on August 14th, 2012 7:37 am

    We have Dish network and hate it ,, always losing a single,even on days when the weather is fine, the time out is also a pain in the neck as soon as are contract is up we are dropping them like a hot rock .

  13. Fedup! on August 14th, 2012 4:50 am

    I am so sick and tired of this. This goes on every year. It’s the main reason why I will never sign with a satellite company.