Clerk Of Court: Newcomer Childers Dethrones Political Fixture Magaha

August 15, 2012

\Political newcomer Pam Childers defeated political fixture and incumbent Ernie Lee Magaha in the primary race for Escambia County Clerk of the Circuit Court.

Magaha, 84, first took office in 1956 and had won 14 straight elections.

Childers will face a write-in candidate, Henry John Misiak, on the November ballot.

“This is probably a changing of the guard,” Childers said as she celebrated her win, giving credit to Magaha for his many years of service. “I am going to give back to the public with an open door policy, technology initiatives…and look forward to serving the public.”

Childers is a longtime certified public accountant and has served as the financial services manager for the City of Pensacola.

Pictured: Political signs at the precinct located at the First Baptist Church of Bratt. photo, click  to enlarge.


18 Responses to “Clerk Of Court: Newcomer Childers Dethrones Political Fixture Magaha”

  1. Dishearted on August 17th, 2012 9:45 am

    When it come to who to vote for it is the better of the two EVILS, in this case we the people of Escambia County are in big TROUBLE. all around..we need to fix the internal problem that the Leaders have created…

  2. boat captain tom on August 16th, 2012 4:08 pm

    @ Mary Peddicord,,,,,,,,Perhaps you should return to MD for your remaining years. Down here we appreciate dedicated public employees………Remember, he was elected by the people of Escambia County……….Good luck on your trip back north.

  3. Doug on August 16th, 2012 12:23 pm

    @Emmy… Okay – I see your point. In most work places, it’s customary to thank a person and wish them well when they depart – as long as they are leaving on honorable terms. As a public servant, his record has been above reproach (for the most part). Yes, he is old and could have chosen to retire some time ago. It’s a bit harsh not to pat the old warrior on the back as he goes off into retirement. Just my thoughts…

  4. Emmy on August 16th, 2012 11:40 am

    @Doug…I think it is wonderful that anyone is able to make that salary in Escambia County. I do find it amusing that so many people are thanking him for his service. It was after all a paid position. I would thank him for his service as well had he done it for free.

  5. Trish on August 16th, 2012 11:34 am

    I do not personally know Pam Childers but I have been in meetings where she has attended. She is one very smart woman when it comes to financial workings. She is not soft on the job and has strong oppinions. I think she will do an excellent job for the county and has a vast knowledge of the financial world.

    @ Ben: yes Ms. Childers is an attractive woman but believe me she has the brains to go with it and did not get to where she is based on her appearance. A tad sexist remark if you ask me.

  6. Doug on August 16th, 2012 10:32 am

    @Emmy… You seem a bit frustrated at Mr. Magaha’s $129,805 annual salary. He has done an exceptional job for over 50 years or we would not have reelected him – right? I don’t think he negotiated his salary. It’s set by the county leadership each fiscal year. We don’t need to ridicule him for his pay – it was public record and anyone else who earned the position would have been paid the same.

  7. CD on August 16th, 2012 2:30 am

    Thank you Mr. Magaha for your lifetime of dedication. I cannot remember any election that I did not vote for you……..until now. Take pride in knowing you served your community well. Enjoy your retirement. You’ve earned it.

  8. Small Minded Gal on August 16th, 2012 1:32 am

    With all due respect Mrs. Mary P. who are you to judge an entire community?? SMALL MINDED??? maybe you should move back to Annapolis, MD and finish out your years there, instead of lowering your standards and living with all of us small minded, small thinking citizens in Escambia & Santa Rosa counties!!!! It’s the south ma’am……..feel free to leave!!!

  9. Mary Peddicord on August 16th, 2012 12:34 am

    I read, with interest, all of the comments concerning the voting outcome of Magaha vs. Childers. I have lived in this area for less than 2 years, having lived the previous 63+ years of my life in Annapolis, MD. My first thought is that Mr. Magaha should have left this job many, many years ago and I do not believe that “an elected position” is meant for ANYONE to hold for a lifetime (much less 2 lifetimes). Second, in reading the comments, I have come to realize what a “small town” Pensacola really is and how “small thinking and small minded” many of the citizen’s really are. I should say, that I was not involved in this election as we live in Santa Rosa Co, but we had a very similar election is this County. I am happy for the results in both counties as I believe “new blood” and “new thinking” is necessary every few years. Good luck to all of the new candidates.

  10. dw on August 15th, 2012 7:38 pm

    Mr Magaha, thank you for your service, both as a Veteran and as a good public servant. I know you, I have only met your challenger.

    Clerk- elect Childers , congratulations. As you prepare to take your new consider: Those who outwardly and secretly remained loyal to their boss will likely transfer that loyalty to you as they determined to remain loyal to their boss win or lose.
    Those who secretly ‘gave you inside info’ will only remain loyal to you until things don’t go their way. They will do unto you as they did unto Mr Magaha. Please ponder long and hard before terminating or demoting anyone. You may ultimately find cause to do so. But not now, not till they display a need to be gone. Loyalty begets loyalty. The same is true in reverse for disloyalty.I offer this thought as one who has been in the arena and seen outcomes both ways. I sincerely wish you well overseeing all of our tax dollars!
    I wish you well in the post you have one.

  11. brent on August 15th, 2012 5:12 pm


  12. Gayle on August 15th, 2012 3:43 pm

    It will be interesting to see how she will handle any conflicts of interest regarding her attorney husband, Bruce Childers and that other family member, W.D. Childers.

  13. Henry Coe on August 15th, 2012 11:25 am

    Dethrones? IMO, that is a poor choice of words and disingenuous toward the people who voted and made this choice along with being disrespectful toward Mr Magaha and his years of Public Service that should be appreciated and respected.

    A side note to those who were upset about Mr Magaha getting a retirement as well as a paycheck, which many long time public servants do, voting him out doesn’t save any money. He still gets his retirement and who ever runs that office still gets a paycheck.. He ran the Office with integrity and we should demand no less from Childers.

  14. Emmy on August 15th, 2012 9:18 am

    Yes, thank you for your years of service Mr. Magaha. And you’re welcome for the high salary you got paid all those years which is much higher than what most live off in this county! And we will be sure to hold Pam Childers to the innovation and integrity that she keeps talking about, and hope she fills any open positions with qualified personnel rather than those in the downtown crowd who she might owe favors to.

  15. 429SCJ on August 15th, 2012 9:15 am

    Mr Magaha you have had a wonderful productive career and served us well, thank you sir.

  16. Bob on August 15th, 2012 8:28 am

    Ernie has been a welcome mat for the citizens of Escambia County. Hate to see him lose this race but the truth is he should have bowed our many years ago. He is a good man that should be able to enjoy some years of his life not having to be scrutonized by the public..

  17. Ben Thar on August 15th, 2012 8:04 am

    At least she’s purtier than Ernie Lee. Other than that, nuthing much.

  18. Dana on August 15th, 2012 8:01 am

    Uncle Ernie, I know you will be missed. You have been in office since well before I was born and it feels strange to me for you to not have the office any more. Thank you for all your years of service!