Romney Nominated, Christie Wows Delegates

August 29, 2012

[Tampa] Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney was officially nominated as the Republican Party’s presidential candidate Tuesday, ending a lengthy selection process that began with the Iowa caucus vote in early January.  Republican delegates attending the party’s national convention in Tampa also heard a  rousing speech from New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

Although there was no suspense about the outcome, Republicans went ahead with the traditional roll call of the states that assured Mitt Romney of the presidential nomination and a showdown with Barack Obama in the November election.

Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan was also nominated to be Romney’s vice presidential running mate.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, a favorite with conservative activists within the party, delivered what is known as the convention keynote speech that touched on the main themes the Republicans will emphasize during the campaign.

“I don’t know about you but I don’t want my children and grandchildren to have to read in a history book what it was like to live in an American century,” said Christie. “I don’t want their only inheritance to be an enormous government that has overtaxed, overspent and over-borrowed a great people into second-class citizenship.  I want them to live in a second American Century.  A second American Century.”

Delegates also gave a warm reception to Mitt Romney’s wife, Ann, who is likely to play a larger campaign role in trying to attract women voters.

Ann Romney also sought to highlight her husband’s personal side, part of a broader Republican effort this week to help Romney better connect with voters.

“I can’t tell you what will happen over the next four years,” she said. “But I can only stand here tonight as a mother, a wife, a grandmother, an American, and make you this solemn commitment:  This man will not fail!”

Romney joined his wife onstage briefly after her speech amid cheers from delegates.

Some of Romney’s former rivals for the Republican nomination have also rallied around him at the convention, including former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum, a favorite of social conservatives within the party.

“We are stewards of a great inheritance,” said Santorum. “In November we have a chance to vote for life and liberty, not dependency. A vote for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will put our country back in the hands of leaders who understand what America can and, for the sake of our children, must be to keep the dream alive.”

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16 Responses to “Romney Nominated, Christie Wows Delegates”

  1. nick on August 31st, 2012 10:33 pm

    @ Bob Hudson, please explain why the majority of republicans continue to promote the privatization of prisons when it has been a huge failure in other states and has proven to cost taxpayers. The same republicans that accept huge campaign contributions from these company’s and have been given the facts that it has been a threat to public safety. Please explain how that is moral.Explain how Ray Sansom’s theft of tax dollars was less of a sin then abortion or gay marriage. Please explain how Rick Scott’s company’s theft of medicaid, the biggest in history was any less of a crime than abortion, Explain why you think that some cases of abortion like rape and incest is alright but any other case if abortion is murder as you stated in a post in another article. Is the life of a child from a rape any less of a life? Please explain why you are so vocal on your opinion of Obama, but never say anything about the robber barons in the republican party.

  2. Otto on August 29th, 2012 5:47 pm

    “i already knew alot of it from watching glenn beck…”

    “That qualifies as an oxymoron.”

    Touché Jeff!!!

  3. Bob hudson on August 29th, 2012 4:47 pm

    Well thank you Henry, I am sure you posted it very well, would love to read it, but I have no use for facebook, If you are my friend, I’ll just call you up and we can talk. Or they can call me. My friends are alive and in person when we talk. Just not my cup of tea. If you do not agree with the other side , you should read about why they act and think the way they do. Like I said before Ex-blue dog democrat, starting this year, When the Party endorse same -sex marriage, well that is the straw that broke the camels back. Stayed with the party thought we could save it,(blue dog values) but it is not worth saving any more. Let the liberals have it. From what I have read, the DNC is going to be a pro gay-abortion fest. About right , they sure can not run on their record. 16 trillion dollar national debt. 6 in 4 years.

  4. Henry Coe on August 29th, 2012 4:15 pm

    @Bob Hudson, No Cell phone, dish or cable here either. I’ve been keeping up with both sides for decades and was a Republican until 1995 and an Independent unto 2003.
    I’m sorry you miss getting graced & enlightened with my input for your 5 questions, but you could join Facebook. I’m just sayin’. :-)

  5. Bob hudson on August 29th, 2012 4:00 pm

    Well good for you Henry, I would love to read it, but I don’t do face book, I do not carry a cell phone , nor do I have dish. I am plain and simple. But I do read a lot. And I read from both sides , liberal and right wing. Fair is Fair.

  6. Henry Coe on August 29th, 2012 3:02 pm

    @Bob Hudson. My comment or reply to your post ended being about 10,000 words. (Not really, but a lot and it probably won’t get the seal of approval by the NorthEscambia powers that be.

    I posted it on my facebook at henry.coe

  7. Christy's mother on August 29th, 2012 12:04 pm

    Principles are more important than popularity!!!!!

  8. me on August 29th, 2012 11:55 am

    I watched Christ Christy’s speech. I was impressed! Gov. Christy has good, solid values. He is a true American. I agreed with what he said that America must do what’s right for the country even if it will hurt their career. I believe that Romney has the same vision, and he has the knowledge and experience to bring back America!

  9. Jeff on August 29th, 2012 10:21 am

    “i already knew alot of it from watching glenn beck…”

    That qualifies as an oxymoron.

  10. jcellops on August 29th, 2012 10:00 am

    im a conservative republican and was able to watch alot of the RNC convention speeches….i especially liked mia love, from utah and FORMER democratic representative from alabama, arthur davis…he is one smart guy who is definately going places- i loved his courage…. he saw how many in the country were duped by the “hope and change” wave and the rapidly declining direction that president obama is taking our country…it was encouraging and refreshing to hear him speak!….i also saw the documentary movie 2016 yesterday….i already knew alot of it from watching glenn beck….d’souza was able to put it all together and connect the dots….i walked away from the movie not so much disturbed by obama, but LIVID with the liberal media who refused to DO THEIR JOB!!!! they ignored and covered up the blatant radical roots of our president- i blame them 100% for the current condition of our country.

  11. Bob hudson on August 29th, 2012 9:29 am

    Henry, explain how you spend 6 trillion dollars in 4 years?, explain, why the white house has not come up with a budget in 4 years, since the dem’s controlled both the house and the senate for the first 2 years ? Explain why he is overriding ICE not deporting the illegals and lying about how many he has deported? Explain why he is not protecting our borders? Also 51% of us pay all the taxes while the other 49 pay none. Free ride is over . Ex-democrat, voting Romney/ Ryan

  12. mc on August 29th, 2012 8:53 am

    Most of these people that say they voted for Obama, but won’t do it again, are really republicans who voted republican. Its an old trick used by both sides. The only time these clowns actually worked together and got anything done was when Bill Clinton was president with the republicans controlling the house and senate.

  13. 429SCJ on August 29th, 2012 8:51 am

    Corporate raider, olagarch (oligarch) or Americas last hope?

    I look at Obama’s failure and think maybe we should go with Romney. I just wish we had Ron Paul in the oval office.

  14. FED Up on August 29th, 2012 8:31 am

    Well. so much for Democrats opinion. I myself am a registered Democrat but I can’t handle anymore of this CHANGE! While Romney would be taking on a much worse situation than Obama did in the beginning, we need to give him (or anyone different) a chance to bring America back to her feet. I voted Obama in 2008 but I won’t make that mistake again. Michelle Obama has spent more on vacations and good timing than any other President’s wife. All this in a time when people are losing their jobs and then their homes! I want a President that is not ashamed of our country and who will honor our flag and all that she stands for. God bless America again!!!!!!

  15. Friction against the machine on August 29th, 2012 7:49 am

    The RNC should learn that the candidate who has the most money for purposes of buying the nomination is not always the best choice. November will illustrate this point.

  16. Henry Coe on August 29th, 2012 5:28 am

    It’s interesting that when Republicans talk about decency and debt, that they never talk about getting rid of corporate welfare to companies that have been making record breaking profits for years.

    Chris Christie’s should have been about things that would promote Romney and his plans, but it was just self promoting of Christie and unfounded smears toward Dems with zero accountability for the parts of the debt were incurred by GWB’s administration or that 2/3’s of the Stimulus money went to help states with payroll for Police, Fire Departments & Teachers.
    Contrary to Conservative propaganda, the Stimulus was not a failure. It did what it did and since, somewhere over 4 Million jobs have been created in the private sector. None of that has anything to do with being dependent on government.

    I’m all for real political discourse and debate, but truth be told, in order to do that the GOP and RNC need to get real with their discourse. The same old Hate, fear and smear is just going to mislead Republicans into supporting candidates that only care about tax cuts for the Uber Wealthy and using tax dollars for funding privatized prisons and more wars oil.