Century Looks At Regulating Mobile Homes

August 16, 2012

About one in five housing units in Century is a mobile home, and the town is looking at regulating those mobile homes and elimination of substandard or dangerous units.

The oldest inhabited mobile home in Century was built in 1958, and about 60 percent of the 203 mobile homes in Century are older than 1995.

The Florida building code has been updated several times  — in 1995, 2002 and 2004 — to increase construction standards based upon wind speed ratings. Florida began requiring stricter installation standards for manufactured homes in 1995 and 1999.

Just 25 of the mobile homes in Century were constructed after 2003 to high wind standards for site built and modular buildings.

Municipalities are required to allow mobile homes in permitted mobile home parks, but they do not have to allow them in any other zoning district, according to a presentation by Debbie Nickles, a consultant for the Town of Century.

Most communities have ordinances that make it unlawful to allow substandard or dangerous homes or to fail to take action to correct the problem or remove the home, according to Nickles’ presentation. “žWhen the jurisdiction identifies substandard or dangerous homes (including mobile or manufactured homes) code enforcement action is initiated.”

The town is also considering just how the aesthetics of mobile homes might impact economic development.

“žIf conventional single-wide mobile homes or manufactured homes are located on the major roads and entrances into a town, especially a historic town, the whole character of the town is affected,” the presentation states.

In more rural areas of the community, or in areas that allow one dwelling unit per acre or less, there are few compatibility issues with manufactured homes, but in areas that allow more than one dwelling per acre, there are concerns that the manufactured homes may be incompatible with the majority of the surrounding neighborhood.

Century may consider opportunities that will assist homeowners will repairing or replacing substandard or dangerous mobile or manufactured homes, or methods to improve the energy efficiency and wind rating of the homes.

During a future update of Century’s Land Development Code, Century may consider mobile and manufactured home ordinances that would address were the homes are allowed, definitions for substandard or dangerous homes and identify a code enforcement procedure to address violations.

Photos courtesy Town of Century presentation, click to enlarge.


38 Responses to “Century Looks At Regulating Mobile Homes”

  1. just tired on August 18th, 2012 10:20 pm

    FYI, The powers that be probably will apply for a grant to repair or purchase new mobile homes , but it’s not just to benifit those who are in need.of repairs.they are not that concerned with improving the residences of Century; that’s just a byproduct!

  2. Armymajorswife on August 18th, 2012 4:16 pm

    I’m from Century and it kills me to ride through most areas, not all. Some people just don’t care while others are elderly and need help. A lot are just lazy. I call it like I see. Thousands were spent years ago on new mobile homes for a lot of people. Now they are in disrepair. Not all mobile homes are trashy. Some have been built around, added on to, and kept up. Most though, need to be removed. You can’t keep giving people a handout. At some point they are going to have to do it themselves or rely on family, for the elderly persons. Personally, if they want to live like that, let them. I just hate to see more money go into housing around there. The longer you give freely to people, the longer they will sit around with their hands out and take. Accountability, that’s all I’m saying. And yes, I agree that everyone needs a little help sometimes. Not house after house, after food stamps, afdc, medicaid etc….. for years and years/generations!

  3. get real on August 18th, 2012 10:59 am

    Well as far as the story on century. I do believe the people could do better, and I don’t think they should get hand outsw because, if u go down the road they r all sitting out side or walking down the road ,,GET A JOB…If they want better then let them work for it. I have three jobs, not because I have to it because there is things that I want,, Not that I need. want

  4. Ben Thar on August 17th, 2012 10:04 pm

    I think everyone should live in a trailer at some point in their lives. Believe it or not, it provides for some rich memories. I’m glad for the time I spent there in my childhood.

    That being said, you shouldn’t live in one forever.

  5. Frewnel on August 17th, 2012 1:44 pm

    To Abe
    I disagreed with you on the Romney visit in another story, but I’m with you on this one!
    I also liked “old man on August 16th, 2012″ comment !

  6. David Huie Green on August 17th, 2012 1:40 pm

    “I did it on my own. Nothing was handed to me, no one “made a way for me” and I didn’t have some “good opportunity” thrown my way. I worked my tail off ! “

    Nobody lives in a vacuum, not even astronauts.
    Therefore, everybody had some degree of help from others.

    Our parents didn’t kill us when we were little and sometimes trying. In fact they fed, clothed, sheltered us, taught us to be whatever we are. Even the ones who gave up their children usually gave them to better people than themselves or people better able to care for them.

    They didn’t do it alone either. Sometimes those clothes were given by others who saw a need or simply didn’t need them any more as their children had outgrown them. Baby showers are for giving things expectant mothers will need.

    Public education is given to children, as much as they are ready and able to receive ere graduating. (Some even graduate with two years of college under their belts from dual enrolment. Freely given by the taxpayers, us.)

    Employers seldom give jobs only to people they know can do the job. They HOPE they can do the job or that they can learn to do the job, but even the act of giving someone a chance is help. (Note to some unemployed: if you act like you won’t perform the job in an acceptable way, a potential employer would be foolish to try you out. Help him help you.)

    We all get some help from some others, but we have to use it to build on, not simply as an unending source of income. As the lady said, work.

    David in a generous world

  7. Frewnel on August 17th, 2012 12:35 pm

    Century “may consider” opportunities that will assist homeowners with repairing or replacing substandard or dangerous mobile or manufactured homes, or methods to improve the energy efficiency and wind rating of the homes.

    There ya go you “Holier Than Tho” peoples, jump in thar and donate ya TIME and MONEY, if ya sooo damned concerned !

  8. smokey on August 17th, 2012 10:42 am

    The last comment states “some” people. So it’s not directed at everyone.

  9. CW on August 17th, 2012 9:43 am

    Many of the houses in Century look worse than the trailers.

  10. Not Just for the Mobile Homes on August 17th, 2012 8:03 am

    “The town is also considering just how the aesthetics of mobile homes might impact economic development.

    - Maybe the officials who are looking at this regulation need to look at the “aesthetics” of their own residences.

  11. blessed to have a home on August 16th, 2012 11:28 pm

    Over the last four years, I have had family members and friends who have been laid off or lost their job. Some have found jobs, less pay, working two jobs, others have not. During this time their homes have been foreclosed on. It is not because they were lazy, slobs, or didn’t care. It was because they did not have the money to make their house payments, make car payments, keep insurance, pay utilities, and keep food on the table. One family actually had to live for a while in a metal building 900 square foot , no showers, no functioning kitchen, with a couple of kids. The families I mention above, including the family in the metal building all live in trailers now. They are truly CONTENT and thankful for their “homes”. It is not the house that makes the home. It is the people who live in them. To them it is a “real” home. Who are we to judge. But for the grace of God everyone who has posted on here negative remarks or making fun, it could be you living in a trailer.

  12. smokey on August 16th, 2012 10:47 pm

    Some people are content with what they have because they are too lazy to better themselves and hide behind the word “content”.

  13. Lisa McCann on August 16th, 2012 10:22 pm

    First of all I dont have any insecurities ,& you didn’t do it by yourself your ex husband helped like you said on weekends plus with his child support on top of that you stated your kids helped you out, but you toot your horn the way you see it, & stop lying to yourself & stop trying to be momma of the year I said what I did in the other comment was to point out to you is nobody can do all that without help & some people are content with what they have and don’t have to compete to keep up with the “Jones” and you were the one that made the comment I didnt get no handout I did it all on my own. A handout is a handout doesn’t matter what kind

  14. Observer on August 16th, 2012 9:33 pm

    I am assuming that you were referring to me with the post that you left to @curious since I don’t see anyone who has posted here named “curious” and it is my post that you seem to be pointing fingers at as being doubtful.

    First of all, I owe you no explanations but I will respond to your comment. You are sorely mistaken if you somehow think that I, in any way, referred to your or anyone else’s trailer as being “disgusting.” I did refer to the fact that so many residences appear to be unkempt and pride in ownership or pride in community seems to be at an all time low in the area.

    My response was to the gentleman who said that if someone had not “had their way made for them” or “had some good opportunities put before them”……… that we would also be living in trailers, (I personally would find his comment more offensive to you than my own comment was, but to each his own.)

    My children were in early middle and early high school at the time that I was going to nursing school so my oldest daughter picked my youngest daughter up at school which allowed me to remain at work or school, whichever I was at that day and also prevented the need for me to pay for daycare, and for the record,I was at work or school 7 days a week for over 3 years. As for weekends, my children spent those with their father which would have occurred whether I was in school to further my education or not. So, Yes, I did do it on my own and am darn proud of it and I am now reaping the benefits of so many years of sacrifices. The years that I spent working and being in nursing school 7 days a week also taught my daughters the importance of determination, education, work ethics and that they can do ANYTHING they set their minds to.

    I do hope that you are happy being the Queen of your single wide trailer but look to pin your insecurities on someone else and don’t try to pin someone down because they chose a different route than you.

    The only thing that I said is that I see many trailers in Century in a state of disarray and I think this is a common problem in Century as I have seen it all over the county.

    I can assure you that I DID do it on my own and am dang proud of it, as are my children. If you have a problem with that, well, that’s on you and your opinion will not change mine regarding this article. There is nothing in life that cannot be accomplished with hard work and determination and I have taught my children the same by being a role model.

    Not a darn think handed to me. (and I STILL did it.)

  15. Lisa McCann on August 16th, 2012 8:20 pm

    @ observer, since you had no handouts, I have to wonder who took care of your kids while you were doing all this without any help you say. But if you did I’ll give you both hands up cause I know daycare is high and you can’t hardly work a fulltime job and go to college much less raise kids all @ the same time without some sort of help. I am married with kids my husband has a good job with benefits without food stamps etc.. i will not have a 30 year mortgage because we live in 1 of those payed off disgusting trailers. So i am happy being the queen of my singlewide trailer

  16. Henry Coe on August 16th, 2012 7:36 pm

    So, you guys want to use government to push your values on others and their property?

    I’m sure this idea is primarily born of Realtors using government to intrude on peoples lives and property to inflate the over all real estate values. Government will go along with it because higher property values means more revenue in property taxes.

    I support changes in the law by way of grandfather effect. If someone bought property and put a trailer on it 20 years ago in compliance with code, leave those folks alone. Just because you might not like their purple trailer doesn’t mean you should have a right to change it. It’s their property.

    When that property changes hands one day, then force the owner to comply with newer codes.

  17. fred on August 16th, 2012 2:36 pm

    @Abe –
    I have to join the chorus of dissenters to your post. I worked hard in school, worked at a job as well, paid my way through college, worked very hard and saved like crazy to afford a home of my own. Like many others, I have worn out lots of tools and sweated gallons to keep up my little house so it will keep me safe from the elements and look presentable. No one made a way for me, except my parents who taught me to work and take care of what I earned. I feel compassion for those who are too ill or infirm to care for their own places, but I’ll bet most of these messy residences are occupied by able bodied people. I don’t know, but if I had to bet right now, that’s where my money would be – 4 out of 5.

  18. Observer on August 16th, 2012 2:25 pm

    “It amazes me the amount of people that have had a way made for them criticize those less fortunate. Yes, you have had some good opportunities that have been put before you or else you’d be living in that trailer.”

    Really? You think that everyone who doesn’t live in a trailer ” had a way made” for us? You think we’ve had “some good opportunities put before” us? Really?

    You don’t think that maybe no one made a way for us but OURSELVES, that we have worked hard to earn the things that we have? I take great offense to that comment.

    I worked a full time job to pay for a college education while also raising children as a single parent. I did it on my own. Nothing was handed to me, no one “made a way for me” and I didn’t have some “good opportunity” thrown my way. I worked my tail off ! Now I happen to be bearing the fruits of my labor so don’t tell me it can’t be done. If I can do it, ANYONE can.

    As a couple of people on here have already said, it’s about pride in what you own and in your community and it seems that is severely lacking in SO many areas of Century.

    Not a Darn thing handed to me.

  19. smokey on August 16th, 2012 1:20 pm

    OOOO, Abe. Some of us didn’t have”a way made for us”. Our parents brought us up to work hard if you want it then make your own way. I started in a home like that, but I kept working until I moved on to something better. Most of these people sit idle waiting for a handout. I believe they should be left alone. If thats where they are and want to stay there ,it’s their business. But don’t wait for someone to make it better for you. Go get it. But like I said if their happy there then leave them alone, it’s their life.

  20. David Huie Green on August 16th, 2012 1:10 pm

    If a trailer was manufactured in 1958, that means it has survived everything the Good Lord threw at it since then. Including Fredrick, Elena, Opal, Ivan, Dennis and assorted other storms.

    Some hit harder than others but it is not really a bad track record when you think about it.

    David for sturdy homes

  21. old man on August 16th, 2012 1:06 pm

    maybe centry will get a grant and spend 86000 on remodeling this trailer

  22. Abe on August 16th, 2012 12:42 pm

    It amazes me the amount of people that have had a way made for them criticize those less fortunate. Yes, you have had some good opportunities that have been put before you or else you’d be living in that trailer.

    These people are not asking for anything except to be left alone. If the City does not like what they see let them build a fence on the right of way.

  23. C.O. Jones on August 16th, 2012 12:13 pm

    It is not just Century, it is all Escambia County. The point of property owner ship is t to have your values increase. Nothing increases if it is not taken care of and maintained. Escambia county needs a housing authority that keeps standard s for rental property. Most times these places are all someone can afford, and I have seen many lanlords take advantage of that. There will always be Slobs, but our values will rise if we have improvements made by those who have years of income with little effort.

  24. Margielu on August 16th, 2012 10:07 am

    @eeyore and anyone else disturbed by mobile homes/trailers/modular homes, etc…if you see something unsafe about anyone’s home, are you volunteering to help fix it? Have you given any thought to what circumstances or illnesses the occupants, owners, tenants, etc may have experienced or are going through today? That they have survived and are glad to even have a home? If not, may I suggest you find a way to volunteer your time, sweat and money to help your neighbors live in safer conditions. It sounds like you may have been blessed in different ways from some of your neighbors. Why not pass it on, and be a blessing to them?

  25. Really Century? on August 16th, 2012 9:53 am

    Do you people not realize that Century is trying to better itself? Escambia County, Santa Rosa County, Pensacola and pretty much every real city and county in Florida has these same regulations in place.

    But no, let’s not make the people in Century live like the rest of us. Seriously, you want someone to live in that trailer at top of the page?

    I know you don’t. The problem with Century is responsibility. Many of the residents do not want take responsibility for themselves. It’s an entitlement society. You gotta GIVE me a FREE trailer. And phone. And a ride. And food. And medical care…blah, blah, blah. We’ve heard it all. Get off you lazy bum and work if you want a new trailer or groceries. I’m tired of paying for it.

  26. Abe on August 16th, 2012 9:42 am

    I think that Century should have underground power lines and an ordinance forbidding outdoor advertising. While we’re at it let’s make an ordinance that overweight or short people not be allowed in public office or civil service.
    I mean, this is Century afterall!

  27. smokey on August 16th, 2012 9:22 am

    I’m sure some of these people are living the best they can and some are waiting on Obama to “give” them something better to live in and not take care of. Got the food stamps,got the free medical,got the free cell phone,hey!,just waiting on the free home. Next will be free cars and a gas card.

  28. mnon on August 16th, 2012 9:15 am

    This has nothing to do with classy or not, it has to do with keeping your place in order. Even an old model mobile home can look fine with upkeep. The elderly have an excuse they can’t keep up with the lawn and a mobile home. Most aren’t elderly at all they just do not have any pride in their home or community. Letting grass grow up to the window seals, keeping junk in the front yard, etc. Some are even throwing in people in mobile homes being poor, being poor is one thing, being a filthy slob is entirely different. Century should regulate mobile homes coming into the area after they pass whatever they will pass on them. Start citing others for trash/junk in their yards piled up. Use the funds from those citations to assist everyone. And yes I live in an older model mobile home and yes I’m on a fixed income, and no my place and yard doesn’t look like a shack in the middle of a jungle of weeds and junk. I have a little more pride in what I own and a little more consideration for my neighbors than to let it get that way.

  29. Rob D Blind on August 16th, 2012 9:08 am

    What is up with everyone thinking they can tell someone else what they can or can’t have on the property they own. First off all it’s not your property. If you don’t like it, look the other way. If it bothers you really bad move!!!! If you say you shouldn’t have to move because their property looks bad, well they shouldn’t have to clean up just because you don’t like the way it looks.And yes I do know what it is like, I have an abandon house next door to my house and two more next to my property. The yards are over grown, but they are NOT MY PROPERTY& NOT MY BUSINESS. Mind your own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. food for thought on August 16th, 2012 7:53 am

    Please remember that while yes some of the trailers are in bad shape, the people living in them are humans. My grandparents lost their home in hurricane Ivan and have to live in a trailer now. Would they like a better home? Of course they would, but living on a very fixed income and being advanced in age it isn’t going to happen. If I could afford to make 2 house payments I would gladly pay for a house for them in addition to my own but lets face it, who can really do that?

    Eeyore, while my family’s home isn’t in the same shape as some of the ones posted in the pictures, it is still a trailer. Thank GOD for that trailer or they would be homeless. They keep (with our help at times) their yard clean, trailer in good order, and have made it into a home since they lost the one that they had built many years ago. It is sad that some of the trailers have fell into such a state of disrepair, but that is not true in all cases. I found your comment to be overly harsh when you do not know everyones circumstances in life. Please remember that sometimes life throws you curve balls and you have to make due with what you have. But whatever type of structure you live in, you should do so with PRIDE. Meaning that you should maintain it and keep it presentable to the best of your ability. Which I believe my grandparents do.

  31. charlie w. on August 16th, 2012 7:30 am

    A case of the government sticking their nose into something that should be left alone. I feel sure that the people living in the mobile homes would rather have a nice home but they can,t afford one. Even if a home was given to them, taxes and insurance would put them on the street. Big brother sticking his nose where its not needed, again!

  32. dnl on August 16th, 2012 7:17 am

    ‘Just 25 of the mobile homes in Century were constructed after 2003 to high wind standards for site built and modular buildings’

    But yet the mobile homes that are there have made it through some major hurricanes. They may not be the most glamorous looking homes, which I think is the biggest issue that people have, but they can’t say they aren’t built to the proper wind code.

    I can agree to upgrade when something is replaced but don’t agree to go and make them ’spruce it up’ because someone else doesn’t like the appearance.

  33. Carolyn Bramblett on August 16th, 2012 6:53 am

    Century has done great at getting loads of taxpayer dollars to fix up private homes and they probably will continue as long as the status quo continues in our country.

  34. sam on August 16th, 2012 6:40 am

    momma used to tell me, “you don’t have to be rich to take a bath.”a lot of these folks in Century just don’t care. you could give em a mansion and in six months it would look like a low rent housing project.

  35. haveaheart on August 16th, 2012 6:07 am

    “make those folks have a real home…or at least a modular home…they are just a little more expensive than the trailer homes…”

    And are you going to provide monies to pay for a “real” home?! Come on! I know trailers aren’t “classy” but, I KNOW some can’t afford anything more than what they have. Do you not think they want a “real” home?! Most of these trailers are paid off. And, you suggesting that “they are just a little more expensive than the trialer homes” have no clue what it is to live without money. I DO! From my experience, there was barely money for a power bill, let alone a house payment! Thankfully, I don’t have to live like that anymore, but I have family who still live in trailers. And they wouldn’t be able to make a house payment at all! Sure, I’m all for clean up and get things tidy, but you are talking about getting rid of someone’s home because it’s not pleasing to your eye!

    “Century may consider opportunities that will assist homeowners will repairing or replacing substandard or dangerous mobile or manufactured homes”

    I feel that Century should be OBLIGATED to assist with repairs or replacing the homes if they are the ones wanting such a change. Again, most of these people are poor and can’t afford what they need. So, have hearts and let’s not put these folks in a worse situation.

  36. U pay on August 16th, 2012 4:36 am

    Nowadays in Florida, it takes an act of God to get a mobile home to pass inspection. More and more and more rules and regulations are added everday. I think if century wants all the mobile homes that have been grandfathered in to meet code or the owners be forced to get a new one, century should have to pay. @eeyore- sorry, everyone cant afford to just go buy a “real home”. Maybe you haven’t seen the prices of mobile homes on the market today, but they’re NOT cheap, maybe to you but not to everyone.

  37. 429SCJ on August 16th, 2012 1:36 am

    I have passed the blue one on the top, but just can’t seem to remember where?

    Maybe these people are living as best they can on the resources available to them.

    It never hurts to clean up the yard, that is if you are physically able to.

  38. eeyore on August 16th, 2012 12:58 am

    …well its about time! welcome to the 21st century! make those folks have a real home…or at least a modular home…they are just a little more expensive than the trailer homes…