Century Begins $650,000 Housing Rehab Grant Application Process

August 21, 2012

Monday night, the Town of Century started the application process for $650,000 in housing improvement grants.

If awarded, the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) will be used to rehabilitate or replace  homes that are currently occupied by persons of low or moderate income. Century’s current guidelines do not allow mobile homes to be included in the program, but the council will consider changing that at an upcoming meeting. If Century receives the grant and includes mobile homes, they will only be eligible for replacement, not repair.

The town hopes to learn if their grant application is approved by the end of the year. Applications for assistance will not be accepted until grant approval.

Work is currently wrapping up in the Century on a $650,000 CDBG grant and a $100,000 hurricane retrofit grant that was awarded last year. About a dozen private homes were rehabilitated under the program. [Read more...]

The town has already been awarded $155,000 in grant money to harden homes against hurricanes. The Florida Division of Emergency Management awarded Century $105,000 in Residential Construction Mitigation Program Funds.   The Community Action Program Committee will provide an addition $50,000 in grant money, bringing the total dollars for hurricane retrofits to $155,000.

Pictured: One of about a dozen homes rehabilitated in Century last year using grant funds. NorthEscambia.com file photos, click to enlarge.


4 Responses to “Century Begins $650,000 Housing Rehab Grant Application Process”

  1. mee-maw on August 21st, 2012 11:14 pm

    help me to understand this the town put 86,000 plus into one home but they will not repair a mobile home only in century…..

  2. Observer on August 21st, 2012 11:10 pm

    @Patriot. I believe you just read my mind.

    As soon as I read this I thought…….Holy heck, here we go! The me,me, me mentality. The I am OWED a handout mindset.
    I pray that those who truly need this help and are unable to help themselves due to medical restrictions are the ones who receive these grants and not the ones who are always sitting there with their hand held out waiting for the next government freebie to fall into their lap. Freebies that you, I, and the rest of the hard working citizens inevitably pay for and yet aren’t allowed to benefit from.
    I’d be interested to know what qualifies an individual as being able to benefit from this program.

  3. Patriot on August 21st, 2012 2:45 pm

    Translation: I’m happy to work hard trying to make a better life for my family and I, only to have the Federal Government take money I earned and give it to someone who didn’t earn it.

  4. resident on August 21st, 2012 11:49 am

    good to see the town taking advantage of a program to help residents