Cantonment Man Arrested In Marijuana By Mail Scheme

August 17, 2012

A Cantonment man has been arrested for his part in a marijuana through the mail scheme.

John Chase Griggers was charged with three felony counts — conspiracy to possess marijuana, possession of marijuana with the intent to distribute and possession of cocaine.

In November  2011, a U.S. Postal inspector contacted the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office about a suspicious package. A K-9 alerted on the package, which was then delivered to a business on Highway 29 north of 9½ Mile Road. That’s where deputies said Griggers signed for the package, which contained marijuana,  as “Donald Trump”.

Deputies determined that right after the delivery, Griggers sent a text to Kevin Earl Jackson of Pensacola. Deputies tracked Jackson down, and he told them he had packages mailed to Pensacola on numerous occasions and distributed marijuana inside them after taking possession.

Griggers told deputies that he would receive the package for Jackson and in turn Jackson would pay him with money and a little bit of marijuana.

During a search of Griggers’ business, deputies also found a quantity of cocaine, according to an arrest report.

Griggers was released from the Escambia County Jail a $15,000 bond. He is set to appear in court for an arraignment hearing on August 31.

Jackson was arrested in late November for his part in the scheme and was sentenced earlier this year to three years in prison.


23 Responses to “Cantonment Man Arrested In Marijuana By Mail Scheme”

  1. bk63 on August 19th, 2012 10:01 pm

    Sane is right again. Some just watch tv & beleive what they hear. Others who are considered Questionable know alot more than they r givin credit for. Alchohol & tobacco, Pharmacutical drugs are far worse than Marijuana or Cocaine. They make more money by keeping them Illeagle. Lawyers & State make a killing by fines, Probation etc. People need to get smart. Quit being so trusting of our Quote “Leaders”. Especially In Washington. Leaglize them & make tax revenues. Make tobacco & Alchohol illeagle. Yeah right. Dont know anyone who has died from marijuanna usage. Some have died stealing it .

  2. skeeter on August 19th, 2012 10:08 am

    @SMaxson……3 yrs a slap on the wrist? So now tax money has to take care of this man for over 1000 days x 3 meals a day along with medical and dental…..yea he may get some type of bill to later blah blah blah……..Then you say they dealing poison…..but the prescription drugs we take has far worse side effects than what we are having treated……..Alcohol and tobacco are very bad, but to much money in Washington to do anything about it and those two think three is a crowd……my sister is a breast cancer survivor and the only thing that helped her thru nausea from kemo treatments was marijuana. And when you see your baby sister in pain you will do anything to make it go away for even 2 hours. That was 3 years ago, she does not smoke it now and have no desire to, but she will tell you that it help her and all cancer patients should have that option…I say yes to marijuana and no to legalizing all other drugs……a plant versus chemicals……

  3. paul on August 18th, 2012 12:48 pm

    I don’t recall too many people being charged with being under the influence of marijuana / vehicular homicide.. Alcohol.. the legal drug..

  4. smokey on August 18th, 2012 10:31 am

    @just sayno, You meant your father was a functioning alcoholic not a dysfunctional or he would have been the opposite kind of person.Quit trying to teach class when you still need to study. @ FRed your right ,pot is not harmless,but niether is driving a car,playing baseball, or cooking in the kitchen. It should however be a right and a freedom for those who want it. So you do your thing I’ll d mine. Legaliz it now and save our country tons of money,because the ones that want to do it are going to anyway and you and all the laws and lawmen in the country can’t stop it.

  5. Sane American on August 18th, 2012 9:17 am

    To those who are saying “do the research”, I have. I have written dissertations on this subject that most of you would not understand. When you folks do your research, you go to the Internet. You’re going to have to do better than that. Travel the world and get your hands dirty while doing some research. The receptors in the brain are not destroyed by marijuana, but rather “insulated” by a layer of “fat” that slows down the transmittal of “information”. (Trying to use words all can understand.) The whole marijuana debate takes different meanings to different people. Teens want it legalized cause it’s fun. Adult users want it legalized because it’s a matter of liberty, freedom, and the right to choose for ones’ self. You know, basic American beliefs. Now for the challenge, who knows why pot is illegal? I do, but I want to see you do your research. And no, taxes is not the correct answer. Get to work class!

  6. BBunny on August 18th, 2012 9:02 am

    “many successful people smoke weed every day”

    Lots of successful people are women beaters,pedophiles and serial killers too.

  7. JustsayNo on August 18th, 2012 8:52 am

    My father was a dysfunctional alcoholic. He got up every day of his adult life and went to work and we never went without as kids. The greaest guy anybody would tell you. He never missed a day in church or of work but the fact is, just because he was successful in life and a great man and father doesn’t change the fact that he was an alcoholic. Just because “you” think you’re successful in life doesn’t make you not a pothead if you smoke marijuana. It makes you delusional. If you smoke weed you are a criminal, buying it and possessing it under the current laws makes it so. That doesn’t make you a success in my book. It makes you a loser who is good at what you do…

  8. SMaxson on August 18th, 2012 8:35 am

    Smoking weed doesn’t mean you’ll be a successful person infact more than not the people using it are less than successful. Sure successful people may smoke marijuana but so do alot of losers and if your successful for how long? Until your first failed urine test? Successful isn’t being good at what you do knowing that your success could end at the words “we need you to fill this cup”.

  9. fred on August 18th, 2012 8:05 am

    Read the research and then make your decision. Pot is not harmless. Like cocaine, it does damage by overloading receptors in the nervous system. It’s nowhere near as bad as crack, don’t get me wrong. Today’s pot is much stronger than it was back in the 70s when we were kids. I know a lot of people hold this opinion that it’s no worse than alcohol (which is very dangerous when used in large amounts over a long time), but it really is. Just read the research and arm yourself with the scientific facts.

  10. MIKE O. on August 18th, 2012 7:54 am

    All of these arguments are crazy. Marijuana is just as bad for you as drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes. But, its NOT worse than anything else either. Alcohol is legal, but I havent worked a job yet where you can drink, even the slightest amount, while working. Operating heavy machinery, driving, or whatever, doesnt matter. Those people arent doing it impaired. I’m sure if marijuana was legal, it would be no different in society than it is now. People would smoke after work or on weekends, and for the most part, doing it in privacy. You dont see many people walking down the street getting drunk, drinks in hand. And those who are, are jobless lowlifes already, so why not offer them a joint?

    I say what the hay? Smoke or dont smoke. We all have choices in life. Its up to YOU to make the right one.

  11. val on August 18th, 2012 7:46 am

    addiction is a health problem. instead of locking criminals(which are only criminals because its illegal) up we need to spend the money on addiction treatments and therapy and start catching REAL criminals. just because you smoke weed doesnt mean your going to end up with an std, zero memory, and a cocaine habit. many successful people smoke weed every day.

  12. yea buddy on August 18th, 2012 7:29 am

    Legalize it

  13. SMaxson on August 17th, 2012 11:01 pm

    For Those that think we should legalize marijuana because you smoked it and nothing bad ever happen to you. Thank God that you stayed healthy but not everyone that smokes weed is so lucky. I have a sister that smoked weed for about 7 years and then her habit progressed to cocaine and other drugs. She is 42 years old today and has no short term memory. She is HIV positive and will never live on her own because she isnt mentally capable of doing it. I watched a bright, young 17 year old spend a lifetime in abusive relationships and prostitute herself out to get her next fix. I watched her young life slip away and there was nothing anyone could do. You say nothing happen to you? Well then I’d thank your lucky stars that you were one of the lucky ones but not everybody has the same ending to their story that you do. Legalizing marijuana isnt the answer..

  14. paul on August 17th, 2012 4:20 pm

    I never said I thought people should be high on drugs when operating heavy equipment, driving or anything like that.. As far as I know all companies like that do random testing anyway, they check for alcohol too..As an offshore worker I know about the tests.. I just don’t see anything wrong with pot.. Just in case you’re wondering I don’t smoke anything..

  15. Frewnel on August 17th, 2012 2:12 pm

    To “paul on August 17th”
    Dude, do you like, operate heavy machinery, or like, have a job where being stoned on the job, like dose’nt matter ?
    There are so many unintended consequences to decriminalizing marijuana.
    Sure government could tax it, but then you could’nt get or hold a job, who want’s a “stoner” working for them ? Very few I would think !

  16. fred on August 17th, 2012 1:37 pm

    I disagree with paul and smokey. There is a growing body of research indicating permanent cognitive impairment among heavy marijuana users. Don’t take my word for it, do the reading yourself. I’m not saying that alcohol abuse is harmless, far from it, but marijuana is not harmless as you contend. I would also add that current laws and punishments for driving under the influence (mainly alcohol) indicate that police, judges and lawmakers don’t see alcohol abuse as harmless either.

  17. sandydog5 on August 17th, 2012 12:55 pm

    Try looking at it from another viewpoint. Whom would you rather have in your jail, marijuana smokers or rapist and murderers?

    Time to put Reefer Madness aside and get educated on cannabis.

  18. paul on August 17th, 2012 12:39 pm

    Pot should be decriminalized.. If people could just grow their own it would take the profits out of it.. It’s something that we can drink or smoke cigarettes and legally kill ourselves slowly but a natural herb will get you thrown in jail.. something is Wrong with that picture..

  19. smokey on August 17th, 2012 10:52 am

    If it wasn’t illegal these people wouldn’t be criminals. This stuff needs to be legalized and we can quit wasting so much time,money,and resources on putting people in jail for wanting to smoke weed. It’s harmless . I smoked it for 27yrs., but had to quit for health reasons. I always kept a job, never got arrested,raised a family and it never caused a problem. Alcahol is way worse,but people won’t admit it because the ones who are police,judges,lawmakers,all the way to the white house like it. Stop this nonsense and let people be free to do what they want.

  20. Sane American on August 17th, 2012 10:24 am

    Well, the U.S. gov’t needs to revisit its’ policy on illegal drugs anyway. We allow alcohol and tobacco use legally and hundreds of thousands die each year because of it. We criminalize marijuana and it produces zero deaths from use of the stuff. I wonder, if one could grow they’re own pot, would marijuana be a problem? Compare the dollars spent to prevent a relatively harmless drug like pot to the amount spent on tobacco and alcohol related things, i.e. dui’s, vehicular manslaughter, court costs, educational programs, medical costs associated with tobacco and alcohol. I’m not saying to take your alcohol away because it’s harmful to society, but don’t think you can tell everyone that pot is bad when legal drugs are worse. For God sake, prescription drugs do more harm to the body than pot does. I’m not an advocate for pot, I’m an advocate of personal freedom.

  21. Ben Thar on August 17th, 2012 8:33 am

    Using the mail to ship marijuana? These two are so stupid. Everyone knows you send marijuana by FedEx.

  22. SMaxson on August 17th, 2012 5:47 am

    3 years for selling drugs? really? This is why the drugs are running rampant in Escambia County in spite of all the drug busts and the hard work done by all agencies to eradicate them from our society. The thugs dealing this poison know that they will receive a simple slap on the wrist and the money they make is worth it to them because the sentences are a joke.

  23. 429SCJ on August 17th, 2012 2:05 am

    A great orator, who made the mistake of not using FED X, or was it getting into the dope business?