Northview’s Neiko Robinson Suspended For Six Games

August 29, 2012

Northview High School Chiefs senior Neiko Robinson has been suspended for six games by the Florida High School Athletic Association after being ejected from a kickoff classic game last Friday night.

Robinson, a transfer from the Flomaton Hurricanes and a verbal commitment to Penn State, was ejected in the fourth quarter after Neino Robinson, Neiko’s younger brother, was flagged for pass interference on a play. A brief scuffle followed,  and Neiko Robinson allegedly threw a punch.

A new FHSAA sportsmanship policy went into effect a year ago calling for an automatic six-game suspension for a player ejected for being involved in a fight. Northview will be eligible to appeal the FHSAA decision.

The Chief will open their regular season at home Friday night against John Paul Catholic at 7 p.m.

Pictured top: Senior Neiko Robinson picks up yardage for the Northview Chiefs last Friday night against Panama City Bay. photo, click to enlarge.


45 Responses to “Northview’s Neiko Robinson Suspended For Six Games”

  1. jay fan on August 31st, 2012 7:47 am

    Rather U was there r not it’s what the film shows.That will be the truth of the matter.

  2. Nhs chiefs on August 31st, 2012 1:26 am

    If u wasn’t at the game to see what happened then u shouldn’t talk at all ! I was there , I seen what happenned . After the play Neilo was walkin away then the player from panama city hit Neiko first but the refs so-called didn’t see it but they seen it when Neiko hit him back. That’s what’s massed up about it .

  3. Jay Fan on August 30th, 2012 6:59 pm

    The jay player was put back to 2 games but we had the film to prove he did not do everything the refs said he did.So if Northview has the tapes of the game they need to get them out to prove who is right and who is wrong.If not he will serve the 6 games im sure.

  4. MicheleG on August 30th, 2012 6:48 pm

    What happened in Jay was that player did not actually throw a punch and it was on video. That is why his suspension was reduced.

  5. Chief fan on August 30th, 2012 10:10 am

    This rule has been in effect for a couple years now. Remember last season a player from Jay got ejected for the same reason, after the appeal the fhsaa reduced the suspension to a couple of games. It should be reduced if it is appealed. The season is just getting started and one player doesn’t make a team. Let’s all go out and cheer the chiefs on to victory every Friday night.

  6. @Chiefs on August 30th, 2012 6:36 am

    What he did in ALABAMA doesn’t mean he can do it in FLORIDA. FHSAA don’t play with you! You either follow the rules or deal with the consequences!!!!

  7. jw on August 29th, 2012 11:04 pm

    The game would have continued 30 years ago with Neiko in it and not be suspended.Whats wrong with the world today?Why has everybody become so soft?A little pushing and shoving in an emotional contest warrants over half of your senior season??!He could have not cared about the play.Neiko is an intense player.Maybe he should have had more control over his anger,but still 6 games is absurd.If he threw two punches ,why…should he had been kicked off the team!?Was he informed of this NEW rule change of an aotomatic 6 game suspension for fighting before the game?Did anybody see this ‘fight’ as its described in the FHSAA rules?Did he beat the guy up?Did he lose control for a moment in the heat of the moment…yea i think so and i dont think this calls for more than half of his senior season suspended.Absolutely ridiculously over board.

  8. nd on August 29th, 2012 8:31 pm

    The way people are getting about all these rules and things these days, they might as well get rid of the equipment and give them some flags. Pushing and shoving is a part of football, or it used to be back in the day. They knock a kid for throwing a punch at a rural school, its not any thing like y.ou would see at a high school game in Pensacola. You get a whole lot more than a punch at those games, nothing is ever said or heard of.

  9. nudo on August 29th, 2012 7:50 pm

    I agree with hall_boy…..Oh and since when is punches part of football?

  10. hall_boy2004 on August 29th, 2012 7:04 pm

    WHY are there so many defending someone who can’t follow the rules. He is not a victim he is a breaker of rules. He has disrespected his coaches and adults and thought he was above the rules. Now he is going to find out if he can “bully” the FHSAA and get away with breaking another rule. I would think that Flomaton or any respectable school would not allow him to join their team. He needs to suffer the penalty for the punch he threw. And if Penn State will not have him, guess he should have thought before he acted on Friday night.

  11. ghetto on August 29th, 2012 6:56 pm

    @chief…I hope you are not his atty. Retaliation is not self defense. Actually, it is the opposite of self defense.

  12. well on August 29th, 2012 6:29 pm

    Very unfortunate, but if it happened there are consiquences to face.
    Seems steep but as others have said, learn from your mistakes and make things better.

  13. Chief on August 29th, 2012 5:44 pm

    @Henry. If he threw the punch as an Adult he wouldn’t face no charges because he acted in self-defense. They guy gave a cheap shot on Neiko from behind. And he retalieated. So know what u tlkn bout before u comment. 6 games is way to many. FHSAA have no sympathy for kids. This kids is a D1 prospect. Why try to suspend him for have the season over a punch. Punches are thrown every play from offensive and defensive liemen.

  14. chief's fan since 2006 on August 29th, 2012 5:34 pm

    this stinks I hope it gets appealed and let the boy play ball, dang ! Come on’ chiefs u know u got to controll your tempature lol !!

  15. SWSCOBIE on August 29th, 2012 5:21 pm

    Stupid rules.

  16. Henry on August 29th, 2012 5:05 pm

    “These are Gladiators, not wedding planners.”

    WRONG. They are NEITHER. They’re kids. They have to learn there are consequences to their actions. What do you think he would get if he threw a punch as an adult? Assault and battery comes to mind, with a lot more severe penalty than sitting out six games. Maybe this will teach him there are times for restraint.

  17. Chief on August 29th, 2012 4:50 pm

    He is not going to Transfer. If he transfer to a school in another state he want be able to play. So dnt believe the RUMORS. He’s going to stay at Northview. They will appeal this and hopefully it is reduced.

  18. jw on August 29th, 2012 4:38 pm

    3 LSU players failed drug tests and they got a one game suspension and was ready for the Bama game.A highschool kid throws a punch after getting pushed in the back and over half of his senior year is over..might even lose his college offer.Its ridiculous

  19. jw on August 29th, 2012 4:33 pm

    Welcome back to the Hurricanes Neiko!!Your welcomed here

  20. Hurricane fan on August 29th, 2012 4:22 pm

    I read one comment that he would be going back to an Alabama school, don’t think it will be his old one!!!

  21. wonder on August 29th, 2012 4:11 pm

    If he was hit from the back while jogging down the field what did the other player get?

  22. Chief on August 29th, 2012 3:33 pm

    Let the kid play.. He retalieated on a player that hit him from behind as he was jogging down field. What if hr would of injured Neiko when he hit him from behind. People with the negative comments need to know what went on before they make a comment. I hope this appeal is approved and the reduce his suspension. Go Chiefs. We are with u 100% Neiko. Haters gone Hate like they been going. Just keep your head up.

  23. ben on August 29th, 2012 3:26 pm

    glad they weren’t that strict in the 80’s.

  24. Boys will be Boys on August 29th, 2012 3:24 pm

    FHSAA is crazy next thing they gone say is lineman cant throw the forearm or somethin crazy like that… IF u are a true Chiefs fan u should be behind him right or wrong…

  25. nudo on August 29th, 2012 3:22 pm

    I wouldn’t worry bout PSU…anyone could play their now.

  26. Wilma Gibson on August 29th, 2012 3:17 pm

    Young men and young ladies are never too young to learn you must play by the rules or pay for not doing so. This may seem harsh but all the players were aware of this rule. I only hope he and other players will have learned a valuable lesson that will serve them well in life. Go Chiefs

  27. Art on August 29th, 2012 2:51 pm

    Football is a physical sport, but punching is not part of the game. This is how you let your team down, by making stupid mistakes. No one is invincible. Oh well, they were winners before he got there.

  28. Abe on August 29th, 2012 2:37 pm

    I’d bet he’d found a way to keep his temper under control if he would have taken a moment to consider the fact that he’s going to be labeled a troublemaker that threw a punch in a game and Penn State as well as most good schools, really don’t want that right now.

  29. TW on August 29th, 2012 2:07 pm

    @South Alabamian,

  30. charlie w. on August 29th, 2012 1:36 pm

    I see another transfer coming. He will go back to Alabama and play every
    game. The FHSAA is about as useless as the NCAA is.

  31. South Alabamian on August 29th, 2012 1:12 pm

    He should forget Florida and all their crazy rules. Transfer to Foley High… we’ll take care of you as long as you take care of us on the field. See ya soon… right?

  32. barrineau on August 29th, 2012 1:02 pm

    The real loss would be if he did not learn anything from this!

  33. Boys will be Boys on August 29th, 2012 12:43 pm

    OHHH NO not a PUNCH…. Get real. Football is a physical sport.. Appeal this and let the young man get back on the field.

  34. bill on August 29th, 2012 12:40 pm

    wow, this has been taken way out of hand six games.

  35. hallboy on August 29th, 2012 12:36 pm

    Agree with nudo… You would think with the poor sportsmanship from last year the staff would have been on top of things this year alittle more. And since 6 games is the rule by the FHSAA I do not see any reason it would be any less or anymore that 6 games. Wonder if Penn State will still be interested in this player after such behavior.

  36. Flomaton on August 29th, 2012 12:29 pm

    I understand rules are rules, but how stupid is the rule six games for a punch, push, or shove. This is the game of FOOTBALL, theres gonna be athletes get mad get ticked off during the game, i mean this is a physical sport. Im not saying what was done was either wrong or right and i do understand theres consequences when theres rules and laws are broken. But i also think that six games is too much. Thats just crazy. Maybe one or two would be suffucient enough to get there attention. These people or whoever they are that makes theses rules in Florida must not have ever played the sport of Football. Hang in there Neiko! Stay focused.

  37. 429SCJ on August 29th, 2012 12:26 pm

    These are Gladiators, not wedding planners.

    I feel a one game suspension with a warning of severe action on a second offense, would have been adequate in adjusting Mr Robinsons conduct.

  38. Go Chiefs on August 29th, 2012 12:23 pm

    Glad he is being punished for his unsportsman like conduct! Northview should not appeal because it would not set a good example for our players. We need leaders at this school that represent Northview on & off the field. Parents & Coaches need to do their part too in teaching our children that our actions will have consequences!

  39. nudo on August 29th, 2012 12:21 pm

    How about Follow the rules…you think after last year Northview will get a break? Think again.

  40. Just sayin on August 29th, 2012 12:15 pm

    Dear “Chief”, The young man ruined his season, not the ref’s. The rules are simple and he chose to break them therefore he only has himself to blame.

  41. Chief on August 29th, 2012 12:02 pm

    6 games is too much. I wonder how many games the other player got since he started the altercation. Smh. Thats gone ruin this young mans season.

  42. Brandon on August 29th, 2012 11:47 am

    Really? Rules are rules he threw a punch get over it.

  43. concerned on August 29th, 2012 11:44 am

    Northview should appeal. The FHSAA referees do not like Northview and would do anything… like throwing a player out of the game in order to make us loose.

  44. THE DOER on August 29th, 2012 11:44 am

    Is this going to be a repeat of last year with unsportsmanlike conduct? The Northview boys learned from that and vowed NOT to let that happen again. If newcomers cannot take the Chiefs’ lead on behavior, then they certainly don’t need to be playing for the Chiefs because it could indeed cost the Chiefs an oustanding season and potential State Championship.

  45. joe on August 29th, 2012 11:38 am

    well, you either
    Play by the rules, or Pay by the rules!
    I guess this young man will pay by the rules for six games.