Arrest Made After Shots Fired At Molino Home With Young Children Inside

August 22, 2012

A Molino mom says she was terrified when someone opened fire at her Molino mobile home Tuesday night while her two young children were nearby.

Deputies  responded to a call at 7:31 p.m.  that a suspect had fired a gun from a vehicle towards a home in the 700 block of Ayers Street in Molino, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.  There were no injuries and no property damage reported.

The victim, 21-year old Kristi Gulsby, told deputies she was arguing with 19-year old Sharrieff Amin Shabazz of Molino over $6 he had loaned her about three months ago for cigarettes. Gulsby said she had paid him back twice.

Gulsby told deputies that Shabazz began cussing her out and screaming that he wanted his money. She said he then reached into his pants pocket and pulled a gun. As he began walking toward the road, Shabazz opened fire on the mobile home with Gulsby and her two juvenile children, one and four years old, nearby, an arrest report states. Shabazz and another black male identified as “Buger” then ran toward Molino Road.

No one was struck by the gunfire. Gulsby was treated on the scene by Escambia County EMS for chest pains.

Crime scene technicians located three shell casings in a pattern leading away from the residence.

“My babies were right there,”  Gulsby told “They found one right over there,” she said, motioning to where crime scene technicians located a shell casing. “It was so close.”

Shabazz was taken into custody a few hours after the shooting during a traffic stop at the intersection of Fairground Road and Jahaza Street in Molino. As the vehicle pulled over for Escambia County deputies, an ATF  special agent working the case witnessed a silver handgun and two pill bottles being thrown out of the backseat, which was occupied by Shabazz. Deputies recovered a .380 caliber handgun outside the vehicle along with pill bottles containing 18 Lortab and cocaine. Inside the vehicle’s trunk, authorities reported finding marijuana in a Mason jar and plastic bags.

Shabazz was charged with three counts of aggravated assault, discharging a firearm in public, possession of cocaine, and possession of a controlled substance without a prescription. He remained in the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $41,000.

“I just want to move; I don’t want to live here anymore,” Gulsby said after the shooting, wiping tears from her eyes. “I just don’t understand.”

The Gun Response Team also assisted the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office in the investigation.

Pictured above and below: Gunfire rang out at this mobile home on Ayers Street in Molino Tuesday night. photos, click to enlarge.


49 Responses to “Arrest Made After Shots Fired At Molino Home With Young Children Inside”

  1. John on August 28th, 2012 7:51 pm

    Man that was my cousin and her kids right there, that’s so messed up, like seriously, SIX FREAKING DOLLARS!!!! and your gonna shoot at my cousin and her kids!! really, ya better be glad ya ain’t hurt anybody!!!

  2. Mark on August 23rd, 2012 2:52 pm

    Ben Thar –

    Don’t assume that the time I post is the time I read the article. I read the article around 8:00am and even then I read it was for cigarettes.

  3. Bob hudson on August 23rd, 2012 2:30 pm

    And close down all the so call ( white- collar ) federal prisons. You know the one’s who steal millions from people and companies. Put the in the same prisons as those who commit the more common crimes. Put them all in the same lot. They are really no different . Justice is blind, and it should fit all.

  4. Bob hudson on August 23rd, 2012 2:04 pm

    One more thing, NO contact with the out side world but once a month. No letters, no phone calls, nothing. And no use of computers at all. No e-mail, no cell phones. They shall be out of touch with every one they know. They need to spend the time reflecting on what got them to this point.

  5. Bob hudson on August 23rd, 2012 1:51 pm

    Abe, he is a drug user or a pusher, he took a 380 and fired in to a house with children in it. Over 6.00 dollars ? Really, and you think he should get probation? What do you think he would do if it was a lot more money? You see Abe , that is attempted murder , plain and simple. He should get the Max on what the law will him guilty for, no early release, go full term. I think that we have allowed our prison system to be turn in to a time out place. Prison should be a place that is feared. No cable, just standard TV, (there is a reason for that) Make them work 8 hours a day, their live should be reduced to the minimum standard of life. Food , fluids , and shelter. I think they should be made to grow their own food. What I am trying to say is, it should be a place , that when and if they get out, They will swear that that is the last place they wish to go back to.

  6. Me on August 23rd, 2012 1:13 pm


  7. Football Mom on August 23rd, 2012 12:45 pm

    I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that Abe was probably being SARCASTIC??????? Just a wild guess.

  8. David Huie Green on August 23rd, 2012 11:34 am

    “All you people judging him should be ashamed”

    We ARE ashamed of ourselves for thinking shooting toward small children is not a good thing.

    Our judgmentalism is FAR worse than shooting toward small children.

    “I’m sure you’ve never walked a mile in his shoes!”

    I’m not sure I even could. Does he wear size 13 extra wide width too?

    Oh, you mean live his life and do the things he does. I doubt we have, most of us have never even shot a house, say nothing to shooting a house with small children in it. (I even hate to loan people money for cigarettes or other dope, not wanting to contribute to the likely suffering it will cause.)

    Do you really think people should do that before deciding if it is a good thing or a bad thing?

    David for reasonable actions

  9. Lifendason on August 23rd, 2012 10:13 am

    What a shame. I’m glad the mother and kids are okay, but hey, what about attempted murder charges?

    @ Abe, good person? I hate to hear your definition of a bad person.

    I think it’s time for another Charles Bronson to hit the streets.

  10. mommy on August 23rd, 2012 7:48 am

    Hope that $6 was worth it.. Seems like there is a new shooting every night, Im also 21 with a 4 year old, & went to school with this girl .. Its hard to feel safe in your own home anymore… So sad.

  11. Abe on August 23rd, 2012 7:24 am

    Sharrieff Amin Shabazz is a good person he just made a few mistakes. All you people judging him should be ashamed. I guess you are all perfect and I’m sure you’ve never walked a mile in his shoes! I feel that justice would be served best by giving him probation for this mistake so he can focus on collecting more of his bad $6.00 loans.

  12. mnon on August 23rd, 2012 7:01 am

    @Sane America, that is what they all say… I educate myself as well and through all my self education on our war on drugs I’ve never ran across the going exchange rate of pills… or should I say 1 individual pill.

  13. David Huie Green on August 23rd, 2012 3:53 am

    “Didn’t ANYONE read the article??? It CLEARLY states:

    “The victim, 21-year old Kristi Gulsby, told deputies she was arguing with 19-year old Sharrieff Amin Shabazz of Molino over $6 he had loaned her about three months ago for cigarettes.”

    Further proof smoking is hazardous to your health?

  14. Someone on August 22nd, 2012 11:31 pm

    I remember this boy from middle school!

  15. Sane American on August 22nd, 2012 10:26 pm

    Actually, no. I have no experience with prescription meds. Never had an actual need for them. However, I do believe in educating myself on these matters. If you had read the post that I made on the “marijuana mail scheme” article, you would know that I’m educated about the drug world. I think everyone should be, especially parents. I have two young boys and I do not want them to become “druggies”. Educating myself on this subject means I can pass that knowledge on to them in hopes that they can make better decisions in life. I have no beef with you, I just hope that you reserve judgement on others until you get to know them somewhat. If you are a parent, I strongly suggest you do the same. These dealers and pushers aren’t just the thugs on the street corner anymore, their your child’s classmate nowadays. It’s sad, but true. Theyre in the elementary, middle, and high schools now. As I’ve said before, do your research, this subject isn’t hard to find information about.

  16. Mnon on August 22nd, 2012 7:27 pm

    “I just want to move; I don’t want to live here anymore,” Gulsby said after the shooting, wiping tears from her eyes. “I just don’t understand.”

    You don’t understand? Here’s an old proverb “lay with dogs you get fleas” so it all boils down to the company you keep.

    @Sane America, sounds like you know from experience? I had no idea $6 was the going price for pills on the street, as well as most other people who don’t participate in those transactions, or hang out with people who do.

    Everyone wants to blame the police, and wondering why all this craziness is going on in our small town. It has a lot to do with people bringing it upon themselves and then wondering why so & so snapped, or done something crazy. If you mind your own business, associate with decent people, and follow a few common sense rules the likely hood of these things happening to you personally go WAY down.

  17. Ben Thar on August 22nd, 2012 5:21 pm


    You may want to tone it down a tad.
    The article has been revised at least twice since it was originally posted.
    Don’t assume the party started when you walked through the door.

  18. Mary on August 22nd, 2012 5:07 pm

    You cant fix stupid! This world is going to hell in a handbag!! I have lived in the Pcola area all my life..have been in Barrineau Park for 20 yrs!! SHOT OVER 6 BUCKS?? SAD SAD SAD!!! AND people around here wonder why I have 4 dogs!! GEEZ!

  19. stumpknocker on August 22nd, 2012 4:32 pm

    To Debell I am sure some of these weapons are given to these criminals by law abiding citizens,in the form of not locking their vehicles.When you read about a rash of auto burglaries that’s what there getting out of peoples cars.I believe anyone that wants to arm themselves should always have the right, but if your gonna carry a gun then carry it don’t leave it unattended in a unlocked vehicle,or displayed openly in your home.You just never know you may hear something outside go and check your vehicle and find that the bad guy found your weapon and now pointing your own gun at you.

  20. Mark on August 22nd, 2012 2:37 pm

    I’ve seen 3 or 4 comments asking what the $6 was for. Didn’t ANYONE read the article??? It CLEARLY states:

    The victim, 21-year old Kristi Gulsby, told deputies she was arguing with 19-year old Sharrieff Amin Shabazz of Molino over $6 he had loaned her about three months ago for cigarettes. Gulsby said she had paid him back twice.

    So it was for a pack of smokes…mystery solved.

  21. sam on August 22nd, 2012 12:12 pm

    once again. the thugs have guns. arm yourself, get a permit and learn how to use a weapon. then use it if necessary.

  22. That's a real Gangsta on August 22nd, 2012 11:47 am

    Ok granted this should have never happened and we all wish stuff like this would stop. But really 6$. What happened to people do crimes for real reasons. At least make it worth the while

  23. Dbell on August 22nd, 2012 10:48 am

    The same thing is happening to Pensacola and surrounding areas that happened to Mobile years ago. The gangs and thugs are taking over. The guns on the streets didn’t come from careless, law abiding citizens. They’re brought in by the case, given to the drug lords that are operating in the area and they in turn give them to the people that work for them – the distributors and collectors. Sounds like Kristi Gulsby got a visit from a collector over an unpaid debt. And she doesn’t want to live in Molino anymore, so y’all help her pack up and GET OUT.

    Law enforcement is doing all they can, the courthouse has a revolving door because the prisons are full, so what do you do? Be aware. Don’t turn your head and look the other way. FIGHT BACK – because if you don’t, Molino, Cantonment, Pensacola and all the other places around there will be as dangerous as Prichard and Mobile in a very short time. When you see signs of drug activity, you can’t very well run the distributors off – but you can run off the trash that brought the distributors into your neighborhood in the first place. Make things uncomfortable enough for them that they find a more comfortable place to live – like Prichard. Mobile. Miami. New Orleans. Or Columbus, GA. The trash has plenty of other places to live without spreading the disease they’re carrying into places like Molino – and they need to get gone!!!

  24. Sane American on August 22nd, 2012 10:33 am

    Well, it’s clearly drug related. $6 is a going price for some prescription pills that get abused. It’s sad to hear that some idiots out there will pull a gun over this small amount. That being said, the only victims in this story are the children and the neighbors. But then again, the neighbors must not be too worried about it, they didn’t take proper action to prevent it. If you are not smart enough to notice drug activity going on next door, you need to educate yourself. Simple steps like anonymous calls to the ECSD to inform them of what you are seeing can lead to safer neighborhoods. I’m not suggesting that you “rat out” your neighbors, but drug dealers are not neighbors that I want. If you truly take pride in your community, step up and show your neighbors how it’s done. And for the record, a good neighborhood watch program does work. Protect and arm yourselves citizens, with education first and then your guns. You need to know what you’re doing before you do it.

  25. Sandra on August 22nd, 2012 10:29 am

    “Am I the only one that is curious as to what the $6 was owed for?”

    Not really. Most of us can read between the lines.

  26. drug free on August 22nd, 2012 10:20 am

    Think we all know what the 6 dollars was for. Some sort of drug…

  27. Am I the only one.. on August 22nd, 2012 9:52 am

    Am I the only one that is curious as to what the $6 was owed for?

  28. seeing red on August 22nd, 2012 9:49 am

    in responce to big Red I will lock my guns up if you can prombus me that those thugs will wait till I can get my gun out of my safe before they brak in. Don’t come nocking at my door or braking in my house if you don’t won’t to get shot and thats a fact.

  29. drug free on August 22nd, 2012 9:32 am

    She is to blame to. putting her babies in that situation…

  30. Teresa on August 22nd, 2012 9:27 am

    Jr was a great kid in school i worked at his school what happen to you

  31. reallt on August 22nd, 2012 9:22 am

    It seems like a drug deal going bad if he had all that stuff on him

  32. H_Manning on August 22nd, 2012 9:02 am

    I agree with you guys..I used to think this was such a safe place out here, but now I’m scared to take my babies out of the house…People are so quick to grab a gun instead of handling things the right way…I shouldn’t have to be “packin” just to take my baby to school..Just sayin’. Hope we can get a handle on this mess before someone gets hurt…I want our quite peaceful Molino back!! Who’s with me???…….

  33. Bronwynn Hollywood on August 22nd, 2012 9:00 am

    “My babies were right there.” Sounds like attempted murder to me. Over $6.00?? What will this idiot do when he faces a real problem?

  34. Ben Thar on August 22nd, 2012 8:59 am

    All that shooting over a $6 debt? Credit really is tight these days.

  35. eerrr on August 22nd, 2012 8:57 am

    Seriously ppl are going crazy we need all the druggy thugged out gang banging jits off the street. they dont care about babies being inside. all they care about is crime. so lock them up dont let them out on bond so they can go shoot at someone else they need to be in jail or 6 feet under.

  36. Big Red on August 22nd, 2012 8:22 am

    Responding to vapors. Your facts are good however most of the crime is committed by local residents and very few from the 2006-2009 Katrina thugs. The reason guns are so available now is due to legal gun owners being careless. They often leave these guns in their car sometimes unlocked. These thieves break into car and steal them. They also break in homes where they steal more because these weapons are not locked in a safe. So if people would take a little more time and lock down their weapons it would cut down on the amount of guns on the streets. This is reality.

  37. 429SCJ on August 22nd, 2012 8:20 am

    Vapor do not forget the 1982 ATF ban on weapons firing from the open bolt position.
    This was a direct result of the Miami crime explosion that happened in 1980.

    It is time to quit treating the symptoms with more gun laws. I say treat the problem childs directly. I may not be a doctor, but I would gladly put on a physician’s coat or a butcher’s apron if it would help aleveate (alleviate) the problem.

  38. paul on August 22nd, 2012 7:28 am

    Did the shooter just walk up and start arguing or was he someone that they hang around with? Because moving won’t really help when you hang aroung thugs..

  39. The Vapor on August 22nd, 2012 7:22 am

    Starting in 2006-2007, when the Katrina victims were displaced, we had an influx of people from the inner city area of New Orleans. The predators that prey on these people obviously followed suit.

    Some stayed, some left, but the gangland type thuggery was here to stay. Almost all of the violence here is drug/gang/pseudogang related. These are not usually random acts of violence. It has been said that about 90% of violent crimes committed in ESCO are drug related.

    Unfortunately, there is a subset that blames violence on the availability of firearms. IMO there are not enough guns carried and used by the law abiding citizens of ESCO. The gun control laws of 1934, 1968, 1994 did not curb violence in any way. In some areas where gun control is the most strict, gun violence is more widespread. They know that most of the victims they terrorize aren’t allowed to protect themselves outside of their homes. This is sad.

    In 2006, The Supreme Court basically ruled in Heller vs. DC that the Police have no Constitutional, nor Statutory obligation to protect anyone. That is the responsibility of the individual.

  40. So.... on August 22nd, 2012 7:01 am

    Why don’t u people start shooting back geez, all the gun fire and not the first person has reportedly fired back, if someone shot into my home I know for a fact they wouldn’t make it out of my community. Every get ready it’s only gonna get worse, back ur heat even when ur taking the mail out.

  41. Jane on August 22nd, 2012 6:56 am

    If you are concerned, please come to the Mid County Neighborhood Watch meeting on August 27 at 6:30pm at Aldersgate church on Hwy 29. Everyone is welcome! You will learn how to avoid some incidents and how to protect yourself and home. There will be a guest speaker and a sheriff’s deputy there. You can ask questions….please come! I hear all these complaints but people don’t want to “get involved” with a solution.

  42. 429SCJ on August 22nd, 2012 5:35 am

    I believe we are dealing with a disease in these incidents. Theraputic execution is my RX.

  43. derek on August 22nd, 2012 1:35 am

    i am just returning from houston texas and felt safer there. pcola is getting to be a sad little town.

  44. JW on August 21st, 2012 11:55 pm

    I’d like to see a story detailing shootings stats for this area for the past say 10 years. It certainly has seemed liked a ton all at once. But, I for one, have never paid much attention to such stories in the past. It would give us all some perspective and some evidence based knowledge as to whether this is an intensification or not.
    I think when that young Deputy was so brutally shot by that ignorant woman beating person a couple years ago the News media has made this a more front page issue–as it should be. But stats would be helpful by a news outlet that actually delivers NEWS like this website. Before our nurse showed me this site, I wouldn’t even bother with our other area sites–unless I wanted Mobile’s news or what the rich downtown groups wanted to read… Keep it up northescambia…local news for local people

  45. FSU Cottage Hill Grad on August 21st, 2012 10:50 pm

    Unfortnately that notion of this area still being a quiet little town are gone. The population of this county is 300,000 according to the international association of police chiefs most law enforcement agencies report 2.5 officers per 1,000 residents that would require 750 LEOs in the area. ECSO and PPD have approximately 550 combined. Having another 200 is equivelant to having an entire new police force. More LEOs will put more boots on the ground and investigators for this increase in crime and maybe bring more deputies to the north end of the county.

  46. bubba on August 21st, 2012 10:48 pm

    It is only going to get worse.They need to open up all of the sub stations they have closed in Molino and Cantonment. The sheriff want the neiborhood watch to do it all with no support.Not enough officers to big of a area!!!!

  47. smokey on August 21st, 2012 10:31 pm

    Just all of a sudden here lately! What the heck is going on?

  48. Cecil on August 21st, 2012 9:29 pm

    People cant fight fair anymore its so easy to grab a gun ashame what or world is comeing to these days

  49. Leeanna on August 21st, 2012 9:15 pm

    WOOOOOW… So much for small town secure feeling! People run that mouth and grab a gun!!! SAD!!