Allen Memorial UMC Volunteers, Donates Supplies At Jim Allen Elementary

August 12, 2012

Members of Allen Memorial Methodist Church volunteered at Jim Allen Elementary School on Saturday.

They put together first day of school information packets as well as separated and collated kindergarten mathematics workbooks. Allen Memorial Church also donated several backpacks and $322.00 to be used for school supplies.

“Jim Allen Elementary School is very thankful to their partner in education, Allen Memorial Methodist Church,” said Rachel Watts, Jim Allen principal.


3 Responses to “Allen Memorial UMC Volunteers, Donates Supplies At Jim Allen Elementary”

  1. Ron Midlam on August 13th, 2012 6:22 pm

    What a great thing to do. The picture includes Rev, Stuart Worth @ wife, Jen. We all can help each other, just a little caring and a big smile can make another feel good.

  2. Susan Brown on August 12th, 2012 11:51 pm

    As a Jim Allen parent I want to say thank you so very much to you all for spending your Saturday volunteering for our children :-)

  3. Sharon Diamond on August 12th, 2012 10:29 pm

    I think this is such a wonderful thing for the church to do for our children. I sometimes wonder if Escambia County forgets about how needy this area is from time to time. Having the support that we do from local businesses, local churches along with the wonderful individuals who stick their necks out pulling together and volunteering to help is an awesome acknowledgement that this area sometimes doesn’t have. It’s nice to know, read and hear about the good things that occur when the community pulls together and gets recognized for it. Thank you Allen Memorial Methodist Church and all the volunteers.