$456 Ticket? Slow Down In School Zones

August 20, 2012

Zoom through the Ernest Ward Middle or Molino Park Elementary school zone at 45 mph and it will cost you … $456 to be exact. Make it 50 miles an hour, and you’ll be talking to a judge.

It’s back to school week in Escambia County, and that means slowing down in school zones. And whether it is Ernest Ward, Molino Park or one of dozens of other schools, law enforcement will be out in force enforcing school zone speed limits. Escambia Fire Rescue and Escambia County EMS will also be in several school zones in an attempt to slow drivers down.

If you are caught speeding in a school zone, be prepared for a big hit on your wallet, not mention your vehicle insurance rates.

Here is a list of fines if motorists are caught speeding in school zones in Escambia County:

  • 1 – 9 mph over the speed limit: $156.
  • 10 – 14 mph over the speed limit: $306.
  • 15 to 19 mph over the speed limit: $406.
  • 20 – 29 mph over the speed limit: $456.
  • 30 plus mph over the speed limit: Mandatory court appearance.

And if you fail to stop for a school bus that is loading or unloading students, that a $271 fine.

Pictured: An Escambia County Sheriff’s deputy makes a traffic stop near Ernest Ward Middle School in Walnut Hill after the driver was clocked speeding in the school zone. NorthEscambia.com file  photo, click to enlarge.


18 Responses to “$456 Ticket? Slow Down In School Zones”

  1. Jared10130 on January 8th, 2013 5:12 pm

    What time are the zone lights on and off? If the bell has rang kids are in class shouldn’t that mean its back to normal Flo of traffic? And why are there no lights or signs letting parents know that the zone is still in after leaving the School? The reason I ask is my wife got a ticket this morning 5mph over after leaving the school 15 min after school started but nothing is posted when you leave the school letting you know that the zone is still in affect.

  2. Rednman on August 21st, 2012 8:19 pm

    I like the way Atmore police do it at the Middle School on highway 21 north of Atmore. They set up in the middle of the road or beside the road with their lights flashing. You can see them from a mile off and you know to slow down because its a school zone.Their goal is safety….not hiding behind some tree hoping some motorist will fly by so they can write them a ticket so big they have to go without electricity to pay the fine.Flashing police car lights will definitely catch the eye and possibly accomplish 100 percent of the goal which is slow down in school zone. There are more ways to skin a cat than one.Instead of parking in some remote area under an oak tree awaiting for a shift change, park in a highly visible area with lights flashing

  3. Gregg on August 21st, 2012 4:05 pm

    I have no issue with the fines but that will not stop the problem. I suggest doubling the points for this infraction and making driving school mandatory in this case but it does not erase the points.

  4. anonymous on August 21st, 2012 9:01 am

    Yes. definitely need to slow down in school zones.

    LOL @
    “I’ve never gotten a speeding ticket while following the law. ”

    No kidding!

  5. molino fl on August 21st, 2012 7:37 am

    they need to go after theses cars and trucks that fly down streets with kids standing at bus stops. i live on Crabtree Church road and they fly down this road coming or going toward tom thumb they know kids are standing here but they dont care.

  6. VaLorie on August 20th, 2012 10:03 pm

    Shouldn’t the safety of children be the priority here? The easiest way to not have to worry about the cost of the ticket is to SLOW DOWN! If someone hit my kid while speeding through a school zone, I can assure you they’d have bigger worries than the fine. I’ve never gotten a speeding ticket while following the law. Since it seems to be a novel idea to not put ones own desires ahead of the safety of others, I’m happy those too selfish to slow down will be severely fined. If you can’t take a moment to watch for kids and drive slow enough to be able to stop if a kid gets in your path, then perhaps you shouldn’t be driving.

  7. Shawn on August 20th, 2012 7:15 pm

    couple that with the 127 dollar parking tickets and they will have bilked us for millions in no time. shame on you.

  8. Bill on August 20th, 2012 6:41 pm

    Why are the kids anymore safe if its a 150 dollar fine or a 700 dollar dollar fine. The driver is more worried about points against their driving record i regards to doing it again. The amount of fine didn’t stop the person from speeding in the first place, cause the fine is after the fact. The City/County is concerned about making money and using the school zone as the excuse.. Just look at the red light cameras. The city of GB only gets less than 40 percent and the camera company gets 60percent. Total BS. Its all about money. I also think if speeding in school zones is such a big issue, and unsafe make the light BIGGER and mabey one on each side of the road. That’s the cheapest and easiest fix.

  9. Marshall on August 20th, 2012 3:54 pm

    Yo MARCUS…If you can not see a Big Yellow Bus, with Multiple Flashing Lights and Red Stop Signs and come to a Stop…then you deserve a Ticket and Fine! Accidents may happen, but it’s much better if that accident is not a School Kid due to someone not stopping for the BIG YELLOW BUS with the FLASHING LIGHTS and STOP SIGNS!!!!

  10. David Schwartz on August 20th, 2012 1:23 pm

    Sheez people. why not just cut off their hands?

  11. Marcus on August 20th, 2012 11:44 am

    Speeding through a school zone over 30mph should result in a mandatory 30 day suspension, 40 hour driving school paid for by the offender, and another driving test simulating a school zone with flashing lights/cutouts of small children and kids all around to give it the real feel for 40 hours. 8 hours a day for a week straight.

    How about traffic infraction school where you have to simulate how to drive properly in a car for hours based on the specific infraction and severity of infraction.

    If someone is caught running a red light, they have to go to an 8 hour red light stopping course. 8 hours of countinuous breaking at red lights and approaching intersections with caution or you fail. Talk about a bigger inconvienence than a $250 fine

    1 hour for not using blinkers
    10 hours for not moving out of the way of an emergency vehicle
    8 hours for running a red light
    3 hours for speeding
    15 hours for wreckless driving
    2 hours for running a stop sign

    Any subsequent infraction within 2 years and the time is DOUBLED.
    All time is on a closed course simulation for that specific infraction continuously repeating the proper way to stop, yield, and proving the proper way to drive with an instructor.

  12. Marcus on August 20th, 2012 11:32 am

    And that’s exactly why we have more reasonable people in America to drown out you’re skewed logic of a $700 moving violation. Everyone makes mistakes, its life. Accidents happen, even to me, but I don’t think unreasonable fines and penalties should be placed on the rest of us.

    Marcus for logical, critical thinking and not letting government profit off of our imperfections even if it costs my life.

  13. Danny Hall on August 20th, 2012 10:50 am

    Wow , what do you mean officer – I was just talking on my cell phone , trying to eat my breakfast & I was only doing 68mph , you got a problem with that ? Why do you policemen always pick on me – its not fair.

  14. CD on August 20th, 2012 10:18 am

    Most school zones will be patrolled but probably not Tate High School speed zone on Hwy 29. If you try to drive LESS than 45 you are subject to being rear-ended.

  15. Jane on August 20th, 2012 7:59 am

    The children need to safe loading and unloading from buses. I know…you are running late but give them a break. And tailgating the person who is behind the bus won’t make it go any faster! You will be much later (or not get there at all) if you have an accident.

  16. Stick to the point... on August 20th, 2012 7:52 am

    @Paul, this article is not about texting and driving; it is about speeding. Please find an appropriate article to make your argument. Also, what you said doesn’t sound correct anyway. If you are texting and driving and kill someone, that would be considered distracted driving and if this leads to a death, then the charge would be negligent vehicular homicide, not careless driving.

  17. paul on August 20th, 2012 7:07 am

    And if you kill someone driving while on a cellphone or texting it’s a $166. fine for careless driving.. When is something going to be done about distracted drivers?
    It needs to be on the same level as DUI.. When people are dying from it, it’s a problem that needs to be addressed.

  18. Freda Whaley on August 20th, 2012 4:50 am

    I personally think failing to stop for a school bus that is loading should be at least $700.00. It’s big, it’s yellow, and it has flashing lights. So it’s not just a matter of not seeing it. And it’s a wonder that kids aren’t killed by drivers who do this. It happens over and over and it might be your child who gets hurt.