‘10 Commandments Judge’ Roy Moore Addresses GOP Group

August 21, 2012

Roy Moore, conservative Republican candidate for the chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, addressed the Escambia County (Ala.) GOP Monday evening in Brewton. Moore was elected chief justice of Alabama’s highest court back in 2000, but he was removed — and made national news — in 2003 when he refused to follow a federal judge’s order to remove a granite Ten Commandments monument that he had placed in Alabama’s judicial building. Photos by Jodi Peacock for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “‘10 Commandments Judge’ Roy Moore Addresses GOP Group”

  1. joe Gelineau on August 22nd, 2012 1:32 pm

    Hi Roy. I follow your progress from here in Central FL. I wish you and Kayla success in your efforts. I recently quoted you in a paper I wrote for my MLS class on Aristotle and the American Constitution. I drew heavily from your text Our Legal Heritage. If you get a chance maybe we can confer about the upcoming election. Sue and I will be in Florala in late September. We update on occasion thru Lew and Kay.
    Joe Gelineau BOTL ‘69

  2. Beverly Jones on August 22nd, 2012 12:54 pm

    Judge Moore is exactly what our state needs. I know him personally and he lives by God’s instructions. He will stand for Justice and bring Alabama back to being a state that the people can trust in knowing our rights are protected and our children are safe. I am proud to know that he will never deny OUR God.

  3. Cathy Maples on August 22nd, 2012 10:31 am

    Roy Moore is truly a leader the United States needs, he has integrity and good morals. I was appalled when he was ordered to remove the ten commandments. I am worried about America, it seems if you are a Christian you are being scrutinized and defamed in lieu of tolerance for everyone.

  4. 429SCJ on August 22nd, 2012 5:57 am

    I as a Christian, born into what was once a christian nation, support Judge Moore.

    It would be nice if America could be portioned into areas for our diverse population.
    When you store your belongings, do you throw them into one container? I place tools in one area, lawn and garden in another, cooking utensils in the kitchen, ect ect.

    Think of how smoothly things would run, no one getting offended by anothers religious beliefs. The union has become obsolete and eventually will be embroiled in civil war. The efforts to diversify America has yielded nothing but strife.

    I think NorthEscambia and the surronding areas would be a good place for Christians.

  5. huh on August 21st, 2012 10:22 pm

    Clearly he doesn’t follow the law and thats why he lost his position. Sorry, we don’t need law breakers in office.

  6. ET on August 21st, 2012 5:57 pm

    This is the kind of people we need running our country.

  7. ijs on August 21st, 2012 8:12 am


  8. Dudley Herrington on August 21st, 2012 7:06 am

    WE need this GOOD MAN in FLORIDA !!!!!!