Welcome A Local Wounded Warrior Home

July 26, 2012

palmerjosephdaniel10.jpgA local U.S. Marine injured by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan two years ago will be welcomed home to Pensacola Friday, and you are encouraged to joined in the celebration.

Cpl. Joseph Daniel Palmer, along with his wife Becky and his two young children, will be welcomed back at 10:30 a.m. Friday at Pensacola Aviation at 4145 Jerry L. Maygarden Road, behind the Pensacola International Airport.

Palmer suffered extensive combat related injuries in Afghanistan and endured more than a year of medical rehabilitation in North Carolina.

Palmer is a 2004 graduate of Central High School. He joined the Marines in October 2008 and was deployed to Afghanistan in January 2010. He has several relatives in the  North Escambia area, including his sister.


12 Responses to “Welcome A Local Wounded Warrior Home”

  1. katie on July 27th, 2012 10:56 am

    Welcome home, and thankyou for your service!

  2. tamijane on July 26th, 2012 8:30 pm

    Welcome home Daniel, Becky, Cameron & Faith! Your family is so happy to have you back in their arms reach! I know that your Bubba has been praying daily for your return! God bless you for all that you have done for our freedom.

  3. Just me on July 26th, 2012 4:06 pm

    Welcome Home Sir! Thank You for your Service!

  4. I salute you! on July 26th, 2012 3:50 pm

    Welcome home soldier! Thank you for everything that you have done for all of us and your country. I to will be working on Friday, but please know that we would ALL be there if possible.
    Have a great life with your loving family.
    Thank you again!

  5. jim W on July 26th, 2012 10:26 am

    Welcome home. May you be blessed and heal well. When we join the military and raise our right hand an take the oath. We do not know where we will go and what hardship we will endure. But what we do know is we will pay whatever the price will be to protect our constitution, citizens an the oppressed.
    From one veteran to another. We thank you very much for your service to our country.

  6. mom on July 26th, 2012 9:44 am


  7. Sunshine on July 26th, 2012 7:48 am

    I so want to go and join this wonderful event…i will be working at this time but am highly thinking about talking to my boss about getting off and going to it and if i had to i would return back to work :) this is wonderful i thank God for bringing this husband back to his family. I heard the wife on the radio this morning about made me cry.

  8. Sam on July 26th, 2012 7:46 am

    semper fi

  9. bigR on July 26th, 2012 7:29 am

    my thanks and utmost respect goes out to you and all other service members past and present cpl. palmer thank you for your sacrifice

  10. Aunt Anne on July 26th, 2012 7:20 am

    A true American hero! In recent times we’ve seen too many sad homecomings of our young military. We’ve lined the roadways with our heads dropped in sadness and families grieving. Daniel’s homecoming could have ended this way, but thankfully God saw fit to spare him. Please join family and friends on Friday to welcome him to a joyous new beginning. Daniel’s mother, Flora Jean Stanton Palmer, is a Century native. One of his sisters, Melissa Moye, and one of his grandmothers, Frances Stanton Lee along with many cousins, siblings, aunts and uncles remain in the north Escambia area. Come out and celebrate the homecoming of Daniel, Becky, Cameron and Faith!

  11. 429SCJ on July 26th, 2012 6:56 am

    Thank you Cpl Palmer and family. Godspeed.

  12. BONDO on July 26th, 2012 5:04 am

    Thanks for all you have done Cpl. Palmer.