Scott: Florida Won’t Implement Optional Portions Of ‘Obamacare’

July 2, 2012

Rep. Gov. Rick Scott announced Sunday night that two major provisions in the Affordable Care Act, also known as “Obamacare” are inconsistent with his mission to grow jobs for Floridians, make sure there is adequate funding for education, and to keep the cost of living as low as possible.

The Affordable Care Act does not require states to take any action before the 2012 general election, and the full law does not take effect until January 1, 2014, provided it is not repealed before that date. Scott, like other state governors, has made it clear that even though Florida will opt out of implementing two major, yet optional, provisions, should there be any legal obligation to implement ObamaCare, the state will follow the law.

Florida will opt out of spending approximately $1.9 billion more taxpayer dollars required to implement an expansion of the Medicaid program. A second provision in the Affordable Care Act gives Scott the flexibility to opt out of building insurance “exchanges.”

“Floridians are interested in jobs and economic growth, a quality education for their children, and keeping the cost of living low,” Scott said. “Neither of these major provisions in ObamaCare will achieve those goals, and since Florida is legally allowed to opt out, that’s the right decision for our citizens.”

Florida already has health care safety net programs om [tphts, for those with the greatest need, including assistance for families with incomes up to 133% of the poverty line, and Florida KidCare to ensure no child goes without health care in Florida.

But even though the federal government has promised to initially pay 100% of the increase in Medicaid payments for the first three years of ObamaCare, the burden increasingly shifts to Florida taxpayers in future years. Scott said.

“The real problem with health care is that costs continue to rise. That’s why I believe we need more choice for patients, more free-market competition, increased accountability for providers, and incentives for personal responsibility,” said Scott. “These are the things we can do that will hold down health care costs and make it affordable for more people. Unfortunately, ObamaCare doesn’t do any of those things. In Florida, we are focused on becoming the number one place for businesses so that Floridians have more jobs.”


33 Responses to “Scott: Florida Won’t Implement Optional Portions Of ‘Obamacare’”

  1. Bobby on July 5th, 2012 2:21 pm

    I think Obama should veto the Restore Act read the following.
    I wonder why these republican tea party politicans call this a “water pollution fine” when it’s really A TAX IT’S REALLY A TAX!!!!!!!!!! I guess they use it in the context that fits a political issue. ITS STILL A TAX or it could be a FINE/TAX. Maby Obama should veto this bill since its a TAX. Also everyone shold be aware that this BP TAX /FINE can be used any way the county desires even if it’s not BP related. They still look like a group of vulchers looking for a free bee. I believe this BP MONEY TAX/FINE should be saved and banked for future spill clean up. The next company with a large spill might just throw there hands up and not clean it up like BP has done. We’re lucky BP has done what they have done.

  2. Bobby on July 5th, 2012 2:05 pm

    I think Obama should veto the restore act because of the following.
    I wonder why these republican tea party politicans call this a “water pollution fine” when it’s really A TAX IT’S REALLY A TAX!!!!!!!!!! I guess they use it in the context that fits a political issue. ITS STILL A TAX or it could be a FINE/TAX. Maby Obama should veto this bill since its a TAX. Also everyone shold be aware that this BP TAX /FINE can be used any way the county desires even if it’s not BP related. They still look like a group of vulchers looking for a free bee. I believe this BP MONEY TAX/FINE should be saved and banked for future spill clean up. The next company with a large spill might just throw there hands up and not clean it up like BP has done. We’re lucky BP has done what they have done.

  3. bob hudson on July 4th, 2012 3:44 pm

    Thank you NWFLA Linda, out standing, and very well put. Hope you all have a very happy 4th. God Bless the United States of America.

  4. NWFLA Linda on July 4th, 2012 2:30 pm

    Justice Roberts acknowledged the purpose of this law – an added TAX to Americans who can least afford it. For some convoluted reason yet to play out (the Trojan Horse theory), he cast the deciding vote in favor of it. Uncle Obama’s union cronies, wealthy sports and entertainment superstar supporters, politicians and others are exempted. What do they care? It sounds like a broken record to keep saying research for yourselves but you obviously don’t believe those of us who don’t accept this, the largest TAX increase in America’s history, as something that’s good for this country nor reflective of the personal freedoms (including freedom from TAXATION without representation) on which this country was founded. If it isn’t a tax, why has IRS increased their employee rosters so dramatically? Why will IRS have direct access to your medical records? Connect the dots. Study up on all the other taxes embedded in this monstrosity. Of course, you sure as heck won’t learn anything watching the networks who focus on TomKat divorces, Kardashian weddings, Michelle vacations, and the latest trend in computer software for cars that drive themselves. All engineered on purpose to keep your mind all nice and spongey so you’ll ignore dead border agents, increased taxes, and disappearing liberties. Don’t watch Fox but do diversify your knowledge base.

  5. bob hudson on July 4th, 2012 12:48 pm

    What B.R is trying to say is, if it is from any other source other than a liberal web site or point of view, then it is wrong. fits their style , does it not? Nope its still a TAX

  6. bob hudson on July 4th, 2012 12:42 pm

    Wow, I’m wrong, and misleading? I am not the one lying to the AMERICAN PUBLIC telling them that it is a (penalty), when it was ruled as a TAX. The liberals are.

  7. bob hudson on July 4th, 2012 12:26 pm

    Hey I am misleading and False? Really ? I not the one telling the American people, that it is a so called( penalty) When the court ruled it a TAX, What part of that do you not understand??? We are tired of the liberal lies, and this is a very good example of it.Now in liberal land, where the rule is, ( if you lie long enough it will be come the truth) it might work, but on plant earth, it does not.We will not move forward on this till the liberals admit it is a TAX.And it is a TAX that will be passed on to those who can least afford it. You need to go back and READ how J. Roberts ruled.And no matter how you spin it, or lie about it, will not change his ruling. IT IS A TAX. And thank God we , as the state of Florida do not have to take on this extra TAX. Liberals willing to lie about this will lie about any thing.

  8. Barack Reagan on July 4th, 2012 9:29 am

    I’m sorry to rain on bob hudson’s parade, but everything he’s said on this page is false and misleading.

    Before anyone spends or wastes anyone else’s precious time typing out opinions, it’s important that they have done due diligence in actually reading about and fully understanding the different sides of an issue.

    Bob has not. Listening to Fox News doesn’t qualify as due diligence.

  9. bob hudson on July 3rd, 2012 2:21 pm

    Sorry to sound like a broken record, But I am fed up with liberal lies an deceit . It is time we call them on what they say. Bob Hudson, Blue dog democrat/pro-tea party supporter. Its our country, lets take it back

  10. bob hudson on July 3rd, 2012 2:14 pm

    Bobby, it survived as a TAX, and is enforced by the IRS, (TAX) That was the ruling.Now when are the liberals, the president, and white house going to quit lying to us, that it is not a TAX? Sorry , but all the above mention have lost all of their creditable, because they are lying to the American People. And we will not (move forward) till they admit it. Yes the largest TAX increase made by ANY president. by the way, if they lie about this , what else are they lying about?????????

  11. bob hudson on July 3rd, 2012 2:00 pm

    OH yea Scott is so going in again if he runs. Our state, our rules, and the Supreme Court ruled so. Wow we are almost like Texas, God bless Florida and Texas!!!!

  12. bob hudson on July 3rd, 2012 1:52 pm

    Nope, bobby, it is a tax, that is what the Supreme Court ruled, it survives as a TAX, now in the liberal world , where you can say what ever you like, that is fine. But here on plant earth, its,a TAX. It is enforced by the IRS, (tax collecter’s) for the federal government, you see every one but liberals know it is a TAX, Now when the president and the white house and all the liberal supporters . come clean and quit lying to the American public about this , we can not move forward and will not move forward., until they admit that they just passed the LARGEST TAX increase of any sitting president.We are proud though that this exposes how far liberals will go(by lying) to make their point. The more you deny, the more it makes our point. So until they admit it, what else are they lying about?

  13. Bobby on July 3rd, 2012 12:13 pm

    The individual mandate is not a penalty tax it is a Fine/Tax. Get rid of pink slip Rick the Dictator.

  14. Bobby on July 3rd, 2012 11:36 am

    The individual mandate is not a penalty tax it is a Fine Tax. Get rid of pink slip Rick the Dictator.

  15. bob hudson on July 3rd, 2012 9:11 am

    Ok, B.R. I do not know every thing , but I did just bing 5 articles on what is wrong with European health care. I have a computer also.One problem is a aging group, wow just like us. By the way thanks for socialist pep talk. Sorry I ‘ll take our country and our constitusion any day over what the other counties have.But I see what you are saying as Mr.Obama and liberals seem to obese with running every one’s lives’ Well the liberals have lost all creditablty , since the ruling, its a tax , it passed as a tax.and yet they still will lie and say it is not.The whole country know it is a tax that will affect mostly the middle class and poor. What Romney should do is say, Hey I was wrong, I made a mistake, we tried it, it fail and it was a bad Idea. That’s what I would do.And I would not” move forward ” till the liberals admit it.

  16. Barack Reagan on July 3rd, 2012 8:39 am

    “Europe has the same system, and they are broke, and have very poor health care”

    Europe is not a country, so it can’t be compared to U.S. on this topic.
    However, individual countries can be compared and there are several who have socialized health care, with excellent care at insanely lower costs than the U.S. In other words, it works, it works great, it’s great for the people and it just so happens to be socialism.

    Bob is passionate about his views, and i respect that but he isn’t exactly speaking from a position of knowledge about the subject.

    Most of the people who rail about socialism are equating the concept to the Cuba and the USSR (which was our evil sworn enemy, remember those days) and not comprehending that socialism itself is neither good nor bad, it’s just implemented and run in a good or bad way. Socialist programs in a Democratic society does not mean a country is a Socialist country. Too many people see things in black and white, and want to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

  17. Again on July 2nd, 2012 7:35 pm

    Wow… brain you only pay 167.00 for your premium.. pretty good. You must be single, non smoker, young, extremly good health… etc. For me, it costs 387.00. through work it would cost me over 400.00. This is why I do not have health care! I rather not pay over 300.00 a month for something I haven’t needed in 8 years. If I get sick, I can pay cash and go to the doctor. It makes me sick that the government is trying to force me to get health insurance or penalize me for not having it. I dont have it by choice… Sure I could actually afford it, but I have choosen to not spend my money on it so I can stay debt free. If this goes through, I am going to have to get a THIRD job to pay for my “Tax” or sign up for health care which I will still need a third job to pay for it (As long as I want to stay debt free). I have the option of going with the flow and having the government decide what is the best treatment for me “whether or not I am worthy”. This is against everything I have been taught. Like another person said, we are just sitting by and watching it all happen. When are people going to stop feeling sorry for low lives… We need an end date on Welfare, and it needs to be completely restructured. We need to get back to helping people who have fallen down on thier luck, not people who think welfare is a career path…I believe in Medicare and medicaid.. it helps citizens who can not help themselves. WAKE UP!!! I DID!!!

    FYI… I am black, two kids, single mother and a DEMOCRAT!!! What does that tell you! Also, I am rethinking the whole democrat thing! Moving more towards independent!

  18. No Excuses on July 2nd, 2012 2:16 pm

    Politics aside, I think it’s a good business decision. Why pay for something the state already has? That’s just plain dumb. I thought the article did a good job of outlining what is available for children and adults who may not have the ability to get insurance. There are programs out there, use those! Don’t stick the tax paying folks with another one to pay for. Programs for which the tax payers probably wouldn’t even use because they hold private or group policies.

  19. bob hudson on July 2nd, 2012 1:01 pm

    I agree any one that thinks Europe is that great for medical help, well just go get it and good luck with that.Buy the way if it is manage so well, why are they going broke? Oh that’s right they enjoyed the free ride . Till the gravy train jumped track.

  20. Albert on July 2nd, 2012 12:48 pm

    Brian… I tell you what next time you need cancer treatment go on down to Cuba and see what kind of treatment that gets you. If you live report back….

  21. NWFLA Linda on July 2nd, 2012 12:39 pm

    Bobby, you said “Just think all the county, state, city and federal employees get to keep there insurance we pay for “. You’re paying for it? Really. You do realize all those folks pay taxes, too, don’t you? If you think so little of government employees you’re going to have a real problem with the thousands of new IRS agents being hired to oversee your health and your money. Then there are those panels of government employees who will convene to decide (when not taking one of their many holidays) what medical treatment you and your loved ones may receive. Yep, you’re gonna love it.

  22. Brian on July 2nd, 2012 10:51 am

    These comments still just concern health care right? Anyway, Last fact check I ran Europe as a whole looks to not be “broke” as you put it. What I was trying to get across is the simple fact that health care in these “broke” nations is Considerably better managed than here in the u.s. But for now I will just right my check for 167.42 to pay my premium.

  23. bob hudson on July 2nd, 2012 10:17 am

    Wow ya’ll fail to mention Europe has the same system , and they are broke, and have very poor health care, lets not talk about that. Hey why don’t we cut government, which Obama has INCREASED by 25 %? Why don’t we quit pouring money in to fail solar companies and wasted green energy tech? Why are people coming to this country to get medical help? Well its still a tax, and that’s the new law. Like I said J. Roberts sunk the boat when he said states can opt out. That’s a law to.Good call.

  24. Southerner on July 2nd, 2012 10:10 am

    Gov. Scott should take a stand against socialism!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. Brian on July 2nd, 2012 9:18 am

    Why? do we choose this for are selves. France, United Kingdom and Canada as in right now have some form of Universal or Government funded health care. If other Industrialized Developed countries can do this you would think the United States would set an example, It’s a sad day when Cuba has national health care and the u.s. does not.

  26. PSU1Earl on July 2nd, 2012 8:57 am

    BoB Hudson, I’m afraid no matter what you like to call it… More taxes is the only way we are going to get out of debt any chance that we had of doiing it through cost savings has long but sailed with the Bush tax cut that all but wiped out the Clinton surplus… Then we have the wars, etc… and now we have a ton of debt… even with personal finances, at some point you realize you have to get a second job and raise more money… Well, the country needs additional sources of income and thats called taxes…

  27. bob hudson on July 2nd, 2012 7:42 am

    Supreme Court ruled states can opt out, Great Call Mr.Scott, no we ,or a lot of us do not wish to be saddle with all this future debt. What is funny is watching the liberal base still trying to lie that it is not a tax. Read the ruling it is a TAX. I bet they want to move on because no one wishes to be known as the most taxing president there has ever been.

  28. PSU1Earl on July 2nd, 2012 7:30 am

    Well, by not implimenting the optional parts Scott will insure that Florida will have some of the highest Health insurance rates i the country… Thanks!! :P

  29. Bobby on July 2nd, 2012 6:56 am

    Pink slip crook 5th amendment invoker Rick Scott Needs to go. He knows he’s a one term greedy governor and he will say no to every thing he can. Just think no body can do anything to him except not re elect him. So all you low income retired people are getting what you voted for. Also he is not committed to the lower income non government or non big business citizens of Florida. He truly doesn’t care. If he cared and is already meeting the low income safety net at 133 percent of poverty level why not adopt the fed plan and get those funds if your already paying the bill. It’s that Scott greed about health care exchange. Just think all the county, state, city and federal employees get to keep there insurance we pay for and Scott won’t set up a exchange for the citizens required to purchase there own. Isn’t he a great governer. Scott wants more “free-market competition” . That’s what got us to this high priced insurance. If your sick insurance companies won’t cover you. Also Scott wants “increased accountability” meaning pay more of your own cost and keep paying for those state and fed insurance cost. Dictator Scott needs to go.

  30. huh on July 2nd, 2012 6:51 am

    Scott isnt known for following the laws very well, considering his defrauding of medicare.

  31. sreeths on July 2nd, 2012 2:18 am

    Are Floridian Doctors interested in keeping their rates low to serve those of us who are self employed and can’t keep up with the outrageous costs of medical insurance????

  32. Old Goldie on July 2nd, 2012 1:48 am

    I can’t say what I really think of this “Obamacare” on here. Socialism is here – and we’re just sitting still for it.

  33. brandonzmorin on July 2nd, 2012 12:50 am

    I know how he feels if I lose my job my insurance is gone too. But people should know about “Penny Health” and also if you dont have means of paying for treatment the hospital will file the form and get reimbursed by medicaid.