Scott Doesn’t Know How Florida Would Afford Medicaid Expansion

July 1, 2012

Officials in Gov. Rick Scott’s office emphasized that the governor hasn’t made a decision on whether Florida should expand the Medicaid program under the federal health care law after the governor said on a morning radio show that if Florida were to do so, he doesn’t know how it would be paid for.

“I don’t know how we’re ever going to be able to afford it,” Scott said in an interview on WOKV radio in Jacksonville. The Supreme Court ruling on Thursday upholding the federal Affordable Care Act also said states have the right to opt out of any Medicaid expansion required under the law without risking the loss of existing Medicaid dollars.

The host, Rich Jones, asked Scott if he would push for Florida to opt out of the Medicaid expansion.

Scott replied: “Here’s what you’ve got to look at: I don’t know how we’re ever going to be able to afford it. I mean, look at how tough our budgets are now. My first year I had over a $3 billion budget deficit walking into the fiscal year. Last session I had almost a $2 billion deficit. I mean, Medicaid is the biggest issue we have. Medicaid has been growing at three and a half times our general revenue. We can’t afford it. The federal government cannot just keep raising our taxes.”

The law relies in part on states taking on large numbers of new Medicaid patients – though the federal government would pick up the cost at first and 90 percent of the cost down the road. Still, even at having to pay only 10 percent of the cost of new Medicaid patients, several Florida lawmakers said this week that the state may opt out.

A spokesman for the governor said, however, that Scott “has been very clear that he hasn’t made a decision yet.” The spokesman, Lane Wright said it is being studied.

“He has policy staff and legal staff working on this,” Wright said. “He wants to make sure we fully understand what the decision means for Florida before moving forward.”

By The News Service of Florida


19 Responses to “Scott Doesn’t Know How Florida Would Afford Medicaid Expansion”

  1. bob hudson on July 2nd, 2012 4:02 pm

    By the way, so I guess we will pay for those who commit felony crimes and can’t get a job because of their record, guess we will pay for those who had more kids than they can pay for, guess we will pay for those who do not and will not go to work, Easier to be a thug , gang member than work for a living,Easier to be a Occupy Wall street drug user than to go go look for a job. So these are the new poor? Really you want me to pay for their insurance? Nope, will not happen, Why should I or any hard working American give money to a government that will not manage its money? Sorry, it is not going to happen, Hey you fail in college? Go learn a skill go to work and pay back your debt. All you gang members? Starve, who cares? Not my problem, and I will not pay for your bad mistakes.I am fed up with the liberal mentailty that we owe you. We owe you nothing, go get it on your own.By the way It is still a Tax. Obama needs to quit lying.

  2. bob hudson on July 2nd, 2012 1:27 pm

    Thank you Mr.Obama for the soon to be 6 trillion more dollars in debt. Can’t get national debt under control but we sure know how to raise tax’es,on those who can not afford it. Grow government 25% larger, Oh yea good job.All most, for got for those who are so opposed to loop holes (liberals) they sure do not mind using them when they can, (by definition of tax) He said TAX. not penalty.

  3. bob hudson on July 2nd, 2012 1:16 pm

    Nope read what Roberts said, it survives as a tax, not as a penalty,you are putting words in in his mouth, because congress can levy a tax. Now until the President, and the white house and the liberal democrats, suck it up, and admit it is a tax , we will not move forward. And this should be hammer on like a broke horse shoe.Its simple , they are lying, This is why you never trust a liberal.They will not tell the truth even though the whole country, knows it is a tax..

  4. Bobby on July 2nd, 2012 12:02 pm

    Stll blowing hot air. Is steam blowing from your ears. You just proved the type person you truly are. Thoes type people set in the House with Boneer (Ha Ha) he’s old too and needs to get out of the way for new blood. Limit there terms. Eight years of bush can’t be corrected in 3 years by anyone. And by the way it is a penalty “tax” by the definition of the word tax duuuu.

  5. bob hudson on July 2nd, 2012 10:34 am

    Don.t know could be that the majority of us do not want it, And he knows it. Good call Scott.

  6. Sara on July 2nd, 2012 10:01 am

    I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that he owns (deeded to his wife) a chain of walk-in clinics used frequently by uninsured Floridians.

  7. bob hudson on July 2nd, 2012 8:54 am

    I have know many people and you know what is funny, personal decisions . They say , man I’m broke. But I sure am enjoying that big srceen TV I just bought, I can hardly afford cable any more. I had to have that new truck, I’m not buying used. we with out this weekend ,man I should not have spent all that money, oh well had a great time.No I do.not bring my lunch, I’d rather eat out. Yea I should have worked more last week ,but just did not feel like it. I know, that phone was good , but its not the latest, only cost me and extra 200.We don;t cook, we just eat out, its easier What are you crazy? I can’t afford insurance, my credit card bills are to high. hey its just a 12 pack, it will get me thru the night. I just can’t make it on this kind of money. I don’t see how you do it, we both make the same.Welcome to the new poor class.

  8. bob hudson on July 2nd, 2012 8:20 am

    I have a cure, repeal it, and start over.Justice Roberts said we have that right. So lets do it. But the good news is I think Obama is going to throw Holder under the bus. Who would think that the DOJ would run illegal guns to Mexico, just to start a new type of gun control? And what else is he lying about.?

  9. bob hudson on July 2nd, 2012 8:12 am

    Because of my success, ? Yep, went to work learned a craft, then when to work every day no matter what or where, work long hard hours and earned every penny of it. Just like any one can. So quit whining, about those who do not try. And no I do not want to pay for any one else’s health care. And I do not want it passed on to me. So this Obamacare tax really only effects the middle class and the poor. because now they HAVE to buy insurance Thats alright, J.Roberts sank his boat when they ruled states can opt out .And from every one I have talk to they are very upset with The liberal Mr.Obama.But it is funny watching the liberal base still trying to lie that it is not a tax.And you see there is the problem, they are still lying, so what else are they lying about? Fast & furious ? Not letting states clean their voters roles? Why are they not enforcing the immigration laws or protecting or borders? Real hard working Americans , know a tax when they see one, and do not like being openly lied to.He may have won a battle, but has lost the war.

  10. bob hudson on July 2nd, 2012 6:40 am

    With friends like liberals , who needs enemies?

  11. bob hudson on July 2nd, 2012 6:38 am

    Well Bobby the liberals need to suck it up and call it what it is , the largest tax ever passed on the middle and poor of this country.Its a tax,

  12. Bobby on July 1st, 2012 8:14 pm

    Bob you haven’t cured anything with those screaming paranoid rants if you read the definition of a tax then it’s still a penaltity “tax” for those whining about the word tax. You sound as if you would rather see people die from and loose everything for the fight over the word tax. It’s sounds like from your rant that you want to keep all your money, hord amo and dig a root cellar to store your horded items you’ve collected. But the whole problem is cost of living for all that you enjoy because of your success isnt enjoyed at all by those at “133 of the poverty level” that working make 30g for a family of 4. If you were in that situation I’m sure you would have a different view. Pink slip Rick Scott is one of those tea party republicans that all they can say is no even if it’s wright for the country or american citizins and a democratic suggest it. Pink Slip Rick needs to be replaced ASAP. Bob give a suggestion to cure the problem don’t just rant. Just saying no solves nothing.

  13. bob hudson on July 1st, 2012 3:34 pm

    Bobby, do you have any clue what happens when you take money from the federal government? They give you just enough to get started, then you have to foot the rest of the bill under THEIR rules, And it is still a Tax, now explain to us how it is not?What part of the Supreme Court ruling, stating it survives as a TAX, do you NOT UNDERSTAND???????????????

  14. Bobby on July 1st, 2012 9:30 am

    Most of you making comments don’t have a clue what your whining about. It’s simple read the law. Your paying for this anyway. Who’s pink slip Scott to determin whose at poverty level or not. The whole issue is the greed of business owners. Am quit whining do smoothing positive make some positive comments give us a solution to the problems Medicade and health care.
    Jane how can this be a cost to companies when they can stop offering healthcare and eliminate that issue. Remember it’s up to you to purchase health care not the employer. That makes greedy business life easy quite whining.

  15. huh on July 1st, 2012 7:43 am

    “Scott indeed did give a deposition in 2000 in which he invoked the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution 75 times”

    So the guy that defrauded medicare, invoked the Fifth amendment 75 times… You guys have to agree something is wrong with that picture.

  16. Fernando Ruiz-Ocana on July 1st, 2012 7:06 am

    I am an independent voter. I am disabled so it would not affect me because I have Medicare. However, I know of several small business owners who have no health insurance and are just a serious illness away from financial devastation.
    Please pass the law.



  17. Jane on July 1st, 2012 6:34 am

    What people don’t seem to understand is the massive cost of Obamacare. It isn’t just what it costs taxpayers, it costs businesses so much to cover employees that it is a job killer. They hire less people because they can’t afford to cover them even if they need the employees. With less revenue from people working, the government (state and federal) cannot afford it. Nothing is free when it comes to health care.

  18. Friction against the machine on July 1st, 2012 6:13 am

    Welcome to the demise of the American Empire which will collapse under the weight of these massive social programs. We can no longer send men into space but we can subsidize fornication so that unwed mothers can get Medicaid and create future welfare receipants. The social programs will never be reined in so long as we have leaders without vision like Obama and so long as we have candidates like Romney who is more concerned with his own political career than having a vision for America.

  19. Kathy on July 1st, 2012 5:55 am

    Medicaid is going to grow at a 10% rate anyways. The guy is not the brightest, the sad thing is is the care won’t be anything near what middle class and upper class folks get.