Scott Continues Against Optional Parts Of Health Care Law

July 7, 2012

Gov. Rick Scott continued on Friday to argue against setting up exchanges to help people find health insurance, saying they won’t make health coverage cheaper and may not give people coverage they want.

In response to a question after a speech to newspaper editors, Scott continued to criticize the exchanges, part of the federal health care law, and repeated his position that the state won’t start one.

In the larger scheme that may not matter: the law says the federal government will operate health exchanges in states that don’t design their own.

Florida would have a chance to have some influence on the design of the exchange if it were to do its own, but Scott said Florida would forgo that chance because the whole idea is flawed.

“We’re not going to implement the health care exchanges because it’s not going to drive down the cost of health care, it’s going to raise the cost,” Scott said, while speaking at the Southeastern Press Convention, a meeting near Destin of newspaper editors and publishers from several southeastern states.

A health exchange is envisioned as something like a “store” for buying health coverage, choosing from multiple insurance companies. Health policies that would be available would be pre-chosen by the exchange, which would also seek to standardize what the plans offer to make comparisons on price easier. The exchanges are aimed mainly at people who don’t have coverage through their employer, and are a key part of the effort to reduce the number of uninsured.

In a similar way to how people who are employed typically don’t have a lot of choices about their insurance, people in the exchanges would also have a similar set-up; someone working to link them up with a health plan, with different tiers of coverage based on what they can pay. Insurance bought through exchanges would also be portable, so people wouldn’t lose their coverage based on changing jobs.

While not addressing the lack of choice most people covered by their employer have, Scott said the choice issue is one of the main reasons he’s opposed to exchanges.

“The government will dictate the rules,” Scott said at Friday’s convention appearance. “The problem with the exchanges is the government is going to dictate the type of policies. The policies that will be on there are the kind of policies you might not want to buy.”

Scott’s resistance to the idea comes as lawmakers have started to think about what role, if any, they have in deciding how Florida moves forward in the implementation of the new federal health law, which was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court last week and mostly goes into effect in 2014.

Several Republican legislators said last week that they believed lawmakers would have a role – though Scott has been vocal over the last several days in his insistence that Florida’s mind is already made up on rejecting optional parts of the health care law.

Florida also will be able to opt out of an expansion of Medicaid that is contemplated by the new law as helping get people covered, and Scott has said Florida will do so, and repeated that assertion on Friday.

“We already have a Medicaid program that covers the most vulnerable people in our state,” Scott said. “I don’t know if we have another $500 million, $700 million. I don’t know where it’s going to come from.”

But the Palm Beach Post reported Friday that leaders in the state Senate have been “working on a plan” to implement the exchanges, and also are still considering whether to expand Medicaid.

One of the key questions that has emerged is what power the governor has, versus the power of lawmakers on the issue.

The Legislature determines the state’s Medicaid budget, but the governor has line item veto power. The functional implementation of any Medicaid expansion would be done by the Agency for Health Care Administration, which answers to the governor. Major Medicaid changes are also approved by the federal government.

And, as noted earlier, if Florida doesn’t implement a health care exchange, the federal government has said it would do so for the state. In some other Republican-run states, officials have said now that the health care law has been found constitutional, they want some say over design.

And two elections will play a role in the ultimate outcome in Florida. Republicans are hoping that if they can elect Mitt Romney president this year and elect a GOP majority in both chambers of Congress, they can repeal the Affordable Health Care Act. And with the act scheduled to mostly take effect in 2014, the executive branch part of its implementation in Florida will be up to whoever is elected governor that year, when Scott seeks re-election for the first time.

By The News Service of Florida


33 Responses to “Scott Continues Against Optional Parts Of Health Care Law”

  1. Bobby on July 10th, 2012 2:21 pm

    Bob that’s exactly what I expected from you. Just say no bob. Go back and watch your radical leaders on fox news and those radio jockeys they need your money. Or maby you need to go back to school and take government classes. They didn’t have that when you were in school I’m sure. Use your brain Bob. Stop letting those radical news people continue brain washing you. Wake up Bob the health care law has a fine included in the actual wording it’s not a tax as written.

  2. Bobby on July 10th, 2012 1:20 pm

    Bob that’s exactly what I expected from you. Just say no bob. Go back and watch your radical leaders on fox news and those radio jockeys they need your money. Or maby you need to go back to school and take government classes. They didn’t have that when you were in school I’m sure. Use your brain Bob. Those classes will help you understand how govt. works and you want have to use your imagination as much or rely on those radical news people that has lead you astray.

  3. Bob hudson on July 10th, 2012 8:15 am

    Bobby, guess what? There are a lot of( blue dog democrats) that are fed up with Obama also, and we sure will not be voting for his highness. Fire Obama 2012

  4. Bobby on July 9th, 2012 7:08 pm

    So Lu Lu I coninue. You can choose those words but you think when others do its childish. You even go on to mock and voice your views in childlike grade school name calling “Poor confused Barry. Poor confused followers who mock and fear Tea Party values and beliefs.g “. You almost made me think that finally there is someone that made sense about the healthcare issue but quickly figured out you just another but a minutely more educated republican tea party GOP greedy almost  nonhuman #%^#%^*^%#.
    You know your right about those words but it just makes me feel good. O by the way are you one of those retired grey hair govt. pension drawing greedy people we associate with tea party people or one of those that’s mad because you  not first in line for freebie. Also 3 years can’t make up for the cost bush 2 has cost us in war nor can 11 years of bush  business tax cut help our tax problems. Go watch that fox news now. 2of2

  5. Bobby on July 9th, 2012 6:03 pm

    Well Lu Lu by what your saying that “50% of wage earners (those making from as low as $33,000 to as much as a Kennedy) pay 97% of all federal personal income taxes”. What makes that wright if less than 50% of family’s making 133% of poverty level or less comprising 100% of part time minimum wage employees with no benefits (healthcare). Why don’t they derserve affordable healthcare especially women that premiums are rated higher than men and people with existing conditions deserve healthcare. Bonner was interviewed remember he is a republican 3rd in succession for the president. He vowed to repeal your term “obamacare tax” that’s actually a affortable healthcare act and one of those childish terms your complaining about. Bonner vowed to resend all the healthcare law even whats in effect now. According to the health care act as written even  you want to call the “fine” a tax when as written in law as a fine and Romney agreed. There again another as far as your term grade school name calling your doing exactly what your complaining about by saying “Uncle Obama’s”, “As for the ObamaCare TAX”,  it’s another way socsialist Barry engineered to gain more control over aspects of our lives having nothing to do with healthcare” so what’s your point. 

  6. bob hudson on July 9th, 2012 3:41 pm

    Well Texas is not going to enforce it! God Bless Texas.Hope a bunch more jump in also.

  7. bob hudson on July 9th, 2012 2:46 pm

    NWFLA Linda, you make a lot of good points, but then again when was a liberal ever interested in the truth?

  8. NWFLA Linda on July 9th, 2012 11:33 am

    What’s interesting is how quickly one side in these discussions becomes almost hysterical, resorting to terms like crappy, stupid, freeloader, bloated, stinky old, greedy, self-centered to try and minimize the other’s beliefs and refute facts presented. Slinging personal, grade school level insults when the harsh light of grown up reality isn’t in their favor. There has been way too much regurgitating Uncle Obama’s talking points to argue them all but for the constant babbling about “rich, arrogant, wealthy people” not embracing this new TAX while not paying existing taxes and supposedly camping out in the ER on the hardworking folks’ dime, try these facts as explained by mainstream financial experts. Top 50% of wage earners (those making from as low as $33,000 to as much as a Kennedy) pay 97% of all federal personal income taxes. Many of the more wealthy have income (double) taxed in their Corporate returns. The lower 50% pay 3% of taxes. This addresses those actually filing returns. About 40% whose income falls below the required paying level or who receive benefits like Earned Income tax credits actually get more back than they pay in. As for the ObominationCare TAX, it’s another way socialist Barry engineered to gain more control over aspects of our lives having nothing to do with healthcare. This huge TAX increase will reduce quality and quantity of actual medical care available and call into question your worthiness to receive it. But, hardcore supporters would rather perpetuate the mindless class warfare Barry has them focus on to accomplish his agenda. He’s so manipulative, he even lied to mirror his community’s events in his autobiography! All things considered, why would he tell the truth? Poor confused Barry. Poor confused followers who mock and fear Tea Party values and beliefs.

  9. Jack on July 9th, 2012 10:14 am

    Republican\tea party definition: greed, selfish, paranoid, non understanding, no women’s rights, against gay rights, against taxing business, for taxing middle class, against any type of healthcare for anyone, against any people that wants to be legalized immigrant, for war example bush 2, against any Obama issues good or bad, doesn’t care about the poor, eliminate women’s healthcare issue already within health care law, against unions, against environment issues.

  10. Bob hudson on July 9th, 2012 8:23 am

    Sure I know what a liberal is, and the perfect example , is President Obama.and sadly , most of the democratic party.And now the poor, and middle class will have to buy insurance, because it is a TAX, even if the state’s opt out of the medicaid expansion. With no help from the Federal government to help to by insurance., Wow that’s going to hurt , But hey who care’s right? The liberals got their way on this. So once again, they punish those who they wish to help.Its like throwing and anchor to a drowning man.

  11. Bobby on July 9th, 2012 7:05 am

    O Barney now youve changed the subject. Focus Barney, stay within the scope of the article. Remember we’re talking about healthcare for everyone and Medicaid expansion. We’re talking about those rich arragant selfish people that don’t want to contribute any of there hard earned money.

  12. Kathy on July 9th, 2012 6:54 am

    Yeah,yeah the know it all republican lower middle class knows it all, cause FOX news told you so, it is the truth.
    So smart, where is the tax? You mean the freeloaders tax? You have paid to cover the uninsured for all these years adn now you resent them being charged, well that just plain un-republican. The FREELOADERS TAX or are you one of them that you use the emergency room while we all pay for it. Seems to any intelligent person that a tax paying citizen would appreciate the free loaders being charged something for all the free care they consume. I love it you wouldn’t know a liberal if you stepped on him. You would have to watch FOX to tell you or some filthy rich guy guy living off of your labor.

  13. Bob hudson on July 8th, 2012 6:56 pm

    Bye, bye, Mr.Obama, we do not need you or want you. Thanks for the new TAX, and the burden of the new national debt.

  14. Bob hudson on July 8th, 2012 6:19 pm

    Liberals are great ——–. at spending other folks money, and telling you how to live, what to buy, So ,admit its a TAX, And if you did read the entire bill, how long does it take to read 2700 pages that congress never read? You know what I really do not like about liberals? Its the fact they can not tell the truth, the truth is what ever serves them to day. Sorry I do not support killing children(abortion) He does, I do not support same sex marriage, he does, I believe in immigration control and securing our borders, he does not, But after reading some of your post I am convinced that some of you do not have a clue about How Federal dollars are spent with states,and what happens when you jump in to bed with Uncle Sam.But I read loud and clear your hatred of any one who might oppose you. Good. makes my day when I see a liberal lose it and go off.Just makes my point.The simple fact is Liberals support Socialism. And really do not care what happens to their subjects(poor and mid class) Its all about them and their elitist ideas. Never trust a poll taken by a liberal news group. Hey, They are lying about the Obamacare TAX, what else are they lying about????????????????

  15. Bobby on July 8th, 2012 5:54 pm

    I just figured out why Scott and his business buddy’s are going overseas to the air show. They need new jets and have a board meeting with Romney about there offshore bank accounts. Bob was you invited to the meeting with your heroes.

  16. Bobby on July 8th, 2012 4:57 pm

    Barney instead of calling Andy Andy Andy for help get on the band wagon about all those not paying there share for the last 11 years of bush tax cuts. That would lighten your tax load that is if you pay tax or you might be one of thoes huff and puff tax dodgers were talking about or maby one that’s never paid any tax just whined about them. If you think Romney or Scott is going to leed you out of your tax burden with big business you’ve been hooded and brain washed if you have one. If big business with no increase in average wages for 10 years and average work week at part time 34 hours that limits qualification for benefits and have the largest cash reserve ever you’ve been misled. If you have listened to your doctor’s and believe them about healthcare you are being misled. Most doctors don’t offer healthcare through there business or any other benefit. If you believe any of what they say you are lost.

  17. James Broel on July 8th, 2012 2:08 pm

    Bob Hudson I hope you are wrong. We don’t need more out of touch Mitt Romney. I actually read the law and it’s a great thing!!

  18. Bob hudson on July 8th, 2012 1:28 pm

    Well if his intention was to rip this country apart, he has done a fine job. But we are going to fire him in November.

  19. Bob hudson on July 8th, 2012 1:17 pm

    Bobby ,please call the Pres. and tell him it is a TAX, please inform the rest of the liberals to. Yep the greatest TAX ever passed on the middle class and the poor. And do not forget the 5.5 trillion and going up national debt he has saddle us with.

  20. Bobby on July 8th, 2012 7:19 am

    I see Scott’s going oversees to a air show with his big business crony’s. The news article said it wasn’t going to cost anything to tax payers the cost is covered by private donations. What does he need a new jet for is healthcare companies. I also see that he’s sicking FDLE after three Florida Supreme Justices for them using notary’s that work for the state. I wonder why he wants to replace these justices. He’s got to be up to something he wants changed via his hand picked justices. He’s crocked he’s got to go sooner the better. He truly doesn’t care about the average Florida citizen.

  21. us whatever... on July 7th, 2012 9:02 pm

    Funny how people fight wars in other countries so that the other countries are happy but noone wants to help any in their own USA.

  22. Bobby on July 7th, 2012 7:46 pm

    The only thing that makes a republican/tea party person mad at the well fair office is that there not in front of the line. You know all those people that cut in front of you in line or driving is greedy pepubs. You know why repubs complian so much because they bought all that overpriced property and can’t get the government to buy it from them. You know repubs think there the only ones that dodges paying there tax. You know why repubs are so made about the health care fine. They can’t figure how not to pay it. You know all those 80 thousand jobs was created by business and and doctors using part time staff without benifits. You know all those yard people with mowers on trailers ther against the healthcare and don’t ppay taxes on income either. Neather does those cash only tree trimmers, stump grinders, yard raking, or cash only handyman, most cash only business don’t report all the cash,neither does your doctor if they require you to pay cash. These are the type people that are against heathcare. There all like Scott he needs to go. Got to go look at the big marlin that those poor repubs have caught.

  23. Bobby on July 7th, 2012 6:34 pm

    The only thing that makes a republican/tea party person mad at the well fair office is that there not in front of the line. You know all those people that cut in front of you in line or driving is greedy pepubs. You know why repubs complian so much because they bought all that overpriced property and can’t get the government to buy it from them. You know repubs think there the only ones that dodges paying there tax. You know why repubs are so made about the health care fine. They can’t figure how not to pay it. You know all those 80 thousand jobs was created by business and and doctors using part time staff without benifits. You know all those yard people with mowers on trailers ther against the healthcare and don’t ppay taxes on income either. Neather does those cash only tree trimmers, stump grinders, yard raking, or cash only handyman, most cash only business don’t report all the cash,neither does your doctor if they require you to pay cash. These are the type people that are against heathcare. There all like Scott he needs to go. Got to go look at the big marlin that those poor repubs have caught.

  24. Kathy on July 7th, 2012 4:58 pm

    It is a tax and should be a lot higher. All you free riders who use the emergency room and expect us the tax payers to cover for you. Done and over with and about time. I would call republics conservatives if I thought they were, but I think they are outright selfish and self centered worried about the me and not the US. I love President Obama and I think he has done a great job with what he has to work with, a bunch of stinky old repubs who only care about protecting big business and filling their pockets while they give you a load and you buy it lock stock and barrel.

  25. Sara on July 7th, 2012 4:12 pm

    For all you GOP’s that don’t believe govt. should be in healthcare, please deposit all of your & your parent’s Medicare/Medicaid cards in the drop box & be prepared to pay cash for your elderly parents care. This universal healthcare can be done successfully & relieve 47 million Americans the stress & burden of living with no health coverage; while it is currently covering young adults thru their parents policy. Gov. Romney initiated the universal health coverage in Mass. The hypocrisy knows no bounds with him. The Republican’ts have never tried to work with the President; they have the same old song & dance of Reagan. Don’t tax the very wealthy & the $$ will trickle down to the masses. Guess what? They don’t trickle down, they send it to overseas bank accounts like Romney so they don’t have to pay taxes on it. The people that believe the crap they come up with on Fox News need to broaden their horizons & look @ actual facts instead of sound bites provided to stir up the crazy band of GOP nutters.

  26. Bobby on July 7th, 2012 2:45 pm

    Do you know the definition of Affordable Health Care is to a republican, tea party and business men.
    If it don’t cost me nothing it’s ok.
    You do no that if there’s any additional cost thrurough business in a tax that tax is added to the cost of what they produce and the total additional cost is paid for by everyone. So the “business” pays nothing extra.

  27. Bobby on July 7th, 2012 1:36 pm

    Just think. You got Scott not wanting to implement health care with other states. He’s telling you your going to do it his way. With no comment as to how your going to get the required insurance even though the Florida Senate is trying to figure out how to do it. You would think he was for BIG BUSINESS IN THE STATE NOT YOU. Also everyone that’s against healthcare if you would tear up your Medicare/Medicaid and drop your government retirement healthcare and stop drawing social security then you could go enjoy your life the way you want. I know I’ve heard people tear up there draft card to prove a point but never heard of anyone dropping Medicare/medicaid or SS to prove a point why not be the first. Of course this is only meant for the retired that complain the most.

  28. Bobby on July 7th, 2012 11:52 am

    Scott’s a lyer he overstated the cost for implementation of healthcare. The full cost he stated included the Feds input cost an other cost not associated with healthcare that would not be realized untill 2020. He will be long gone by then and most of you old tea party blow Hards will too. He’s blowing this out of proportion for his own greed also to keep his political grey hair republican tea party agenda going. He doesn’t care about any of you old disabled or poor class of people. You can’t see that. Just think he doesn’t want to creat a insurance exchange for people that are required to purchase insurance that probably will include every company employing 500 or less employees. You think he’s for you. This guy’s got to go.

  29. Bob hudson on July 7th, 2012 10:59 am

    That’s right.

  30. Southerner on July 7th, 2012 10:22 am

    One of the best things that could be done for health care is to get the government out of it.

  31. Bob hudson on July 7th, 2012 9:30 am

    By the way Gov.Scott Keep it up. We don’t want it , don’t need it, can not afford it!

  32. Bob hudson on July 7th, 2012 9:28 am

    Kathy, when are the liberal Obama supporters going to tell the truth , and admit that It is a TAX? The way the Supreme Court Ruled?

  33. Kathy on July 7th, 2012 8:55 am

    Must be going to hurt his healthcare companies. What a ding-dong.