Powered By Chocolate Milk: Run Across Four States For Pensacola Lighthouse

July 30, 2012

A New Orleans man — powered by chocolate milk — has completed a run from New Orleans to Pensacola to raise money for the Pensacola Lighthouse.

Billed as the ‘Krewe du Shoe’ Run, long distance runner George Melichar averaged 60 miles per day to cover the 230 mile distance in four days. Along the way, he could be seen refueling with chocolate milk — one of his run sponsors.

In addition to raising money for the restoration of the Pensacola Lighthouse, Melichars run honored the children attending the Salvation Center School in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

“My passion for running in New Orleans has lead me to serve my community by aiding in recovery.” says Melichar, “As I have traveled the world running marathons, I have come to appreciate the city landmarks, the neighborhoods I run through, and the residents’ enthusiasm as I run pass.”

While the final tally was not immediately available, Melichars goal was to raise $800,000 needed to repoint or restore the weathered masonry in this historical lighthouse tower to ensure it is around for future generations.

“I also hope that by helping to preserve this historical landmark with my four-state run I will also generate attention to the beauty and tourism opportunities available to Gulf Coast visitors.”

To donate or learn more about the Pensacola lighthouse, visit www.pensacolalighthouse.org.

Pictured top: Long distance runner George Melichar on Pensacola NAS near the lighthouse. Pictured inset: Melichar’s run was fueled by chocolate milk. Pictured below: Melichar reaches the Pensacola Lighthouse. Submitted photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enalrge.


7 Responses to “Powered By Chocolate Milk: Run Across Four States For Pensacola Lighthouse”

  1. George Melichar on August 3rd, 2012 8:48 am

    Yes I do train full-time & work full-time++, sew all my clothes, and write philanthropic related letters to political leaders to ask for help reaching my goals = daily body & mind exhaustion; but I get up daily and do the whole process over-and-over again because I want to “CHAMPION” my goals. I love the Gulf South and I have a great passion for the world and the cities I visit through my active participation as a Marathon/Ultra Marathon athlete. My image is just wrapping paper to the true gift that is my heart. I do believe in being part of a solution… when I hear people say what they don’t like about a city I ask “what have you done to fix the issue so you can love or at least like where you live”? Usually I hear silence and I offer a smile + the encouragement to “get involved” :) Who knows may be one day I will run past a rejuvenated neighborhood, a preserved historical landmark, or a swept sidewalk and without even knowing they heard my words; life will have come full circle back to me in a few footsteps of life. Geo

  2. Fonda Thomas on July 31st, 2012 8:57 am

    Yes, George Melichar does look different than most of us and certalinly marches to a different drum. Yet, he puts 100% effort into those causes he feels passion for!
    He left New Orleans just after midnight on Tuesday and reached the western side of Biloxi, Mississippi by 5:00 p.m. That was 17 hours of running with an average of more than 4.5 miles per hour. He stopped only for restroom and rehydration. After a soak in epson salts and a few hours sleep, he was up and ready for day two. Along the way he was interviewed by television and radio stations, newspaper reporters, and stopped by many well wishes for photographs. Yet, he kept a pace for four days that allowed him to arrive at his destinaton very near his targeted time.
    I quote a phrase often used by George, “be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem.” Hopefully his passion and effort will serve as an example that we each can make a difference in this world.
    Event Coordinator for the Krewe du Shoe

  3. Jeff on July 30th, 2012 8:13 pm

    Hmmm~ maybe he gets Cocoa Puffs to sponsor as well. Then, he eats Cocoa Puffs with chocolate milk and he can do 90 miles per day!

    Seriously–good for Mr. Melichar and people like him willing to do something rather than gripe on a blog.

    I’m going to see what I can take to the food bank tomorrow…

  4. Babs on July 30th, 2012 3:13 pm


  5. joe on July 30th, 2012 3:06 pm

    Good story. this shows how we can never judge a book by its cover. this man looks different but he has very strong passions for causes. I wish more people could embrace a cause they care about and do something for it. the world would be a better place. let this man serve as an example of what we can do with motivation.

  6. How In The World... on July 30th, 2012 1:22 pm

    60 miles per day, 4 days straight? Thats ridiculous!!!! He must run all day everyday, non-stop running in place to be able to run 60 miles in one day. Let alone, doing it again 3 more times back to back. I wonder how long he sleeps for after finishing that….. I would think a full week.

  7. 429SCJ on July 30th, 2012 8:41 am

    He certainly appears to march to a differnt drum, but don’t we all.