Olympic Countdown: Torch Passes Through England (With NorthEscambia Photo Gallery)

July 18, 2012

Tuesday marked 10 days until the official opening of the 2012 Olympics in London, with the Olympic Torch Relay carrying the flame through the town of Crawley, England.

A Molino family living in England was there Tuesday with photos for NorthEscambia.com. To view the photo gallery, click here.

Crawley, with a population of about 106,600,  is located 28 miles south of London.

According to organizers,  a very precise ritual for the lighting of the flame is followed at every Games. It is lit from the sun’s rays at the Temple of Hera in Olympia, in a traditional ceremony among the ruins of the home of the ancient Games.

After a short relay around Greece, the flame is handed over to the new host city at another ceremony in the Panathenaiko stadium in Athens.

The flame is then delivered to the host country, where it is transferred from one torchbearer to another, spreading the message of peace, unity and friendship.

It ends its journey as the last torchbearer lights the cauldron at the Opening Ceremony in the Olympic Stadium, marking the official start of the Games. The flame then stays lit until it is extinguished at the closing ceremony to signify the end of the games.

Pictured top: The Olympic Torch passes through Crawley, England, about 28 miles south of London Tuesday. Pictured inset and below:  The flame is passed from one Torch bearer to another as crowds look on. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


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