No Charges To Be Filed In Toddler Shooting

July 4, 2012

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office has announced that there will be no charges filed in connection with the weekend shooting of a two-year old child.

The toddler sustained a gunshot would to the stomach area, according to investigators,  Sunday afternoon about 3:30 at a home in the 7300 block of Pine Forest Road. The toddler was airlifted by LifeFlight helicopter to a Sacred Heart Hospital where he remains hospitalized in stable condition.

The child was with his mother, Angela Matthews, as she was visiting her boyfriend, Kevin Vestal, at his home. The 2-year old was separated from another child and put into a bedroom by Matthews, the Sheriff’s Office said. Later, a loud bang was heard and the child was found with the wound.

“Kevin Vestal had a firearm stored in this room, and wasn’t aware that the two-year old was in there. The case has been ruled accidental and no charges will be filed,” Deputy Matt Baxter, spokesman for the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office said.


10 Responses to “No Charges To Be Filed In Toddler Shooting”

  1. No Excuses on July 6th, 2012 3:03 pm

    Yep Kathy – that bad ‘ole gun jumped right up and shot that little child!

    Come on – it’s tragic, but accidental. During life, accidents are going to happen! By your logic, we need to stay away from spoons, nail clippers or anything else that might hurt us.

    We’ve tried to explain this to you numerous times when you go on your rants against guns. You have a right to feel like you do – just don’t force it on the rest of us!

    I, for one, plan to keep my guns. We have snakes and other threats on our place in Molino. Will I shoot someone for being on my property? No. But, if they are coming into my house with the intent to harm me or mine, then all bets are off and I will use my weapons. None of them are where a two year old or other child could get them either.

  2. speedy2588 on July 6th, 2012 10:27 am

    Ok, so he didn’t know the child was in the bedroom, let’s give him that one. Did he not know there was kids in his house? He should have had the gun secured with small children in his house!!!!!! No one its that stupid to leave a loaded gun out when there are little ones in the house. And for a 2 year old to be able to get it, it had to be pretty low.

  3. Just me on July 5th, 2012 9:03 am

    @ABR…..the article states that the Man was not aware the child was in his room. Perhaps the kids were fighting and the mom put her child in the room as a ‘time out’ type thing. Apparently he was not aware the mother had done that. It could happen.

    I’m all for folks reading the whole article, maybe even twice, before responding.

  4. Terri Sanders on July 5th, 2012 8:09 am

    A time out for the toddler….not soon forgotten…

  5. abr on July 4th, 2012 6:44 pm

    this story makes no sense frist it says The 2-year old was separated from another child and put into a bedroom then it says they wasn’t aware that the two-year old was in there. how did you not know they was in there if he was put there

  6. Dorothy on July 4th, 2012 3:58 pm

    People should be allowed to have guns, but only responsible people. They should be put in locked cabinets not under beds or in closets where someone can get them easily, such as this child did.

  7. Marie on July 4th, 2012 8:57 am

    Mnon, I couldn’t agree with you more! Criminals will get guns no matter what and we will be left defenseless.

  8. Greg on July 4th, 2012 7:48 am

    Kathy….you are on the track to enlightenment!

  9. mnon on July 4th, 2012 7:05 am

    Kathy, guns are good, it is irresponsible people who make them bad. If we did not have the rights to have guns, only the criminals would. Next time you’re assaulted, your house is broken in to while at home, etc. throw your shoe at the assailant and then tell us how effective it was.

  10. Kathy on July 4th, 2012 5:57 am

    Guns are good, guns are great, don’t take my guns away from me. The government is bad but guns are good. Democrats are bad but guns are good. Sad,sad,sad.