Three Injured In Serious Traffic Crash (With Photo Gallery)

July 1, 2012

For an update to this story, click here. This article is for archive purposes only.

Three Cantonment residents were injured in a serious traffic crash Saturday morning, including a man trapped in his nearly demolished vehicle for about 45 minutes.

The head-on crash happened about 10:30 a.m. on Highway 297A at Eight Mile Creek Road, just northwest of the Nine Mile and Pine Forest Road intersection.

For a photo gallery, click here.

According to the Florida Highway Patrol, 20-year old Tyler Moore was eastbound on Highway 297A in a 2003 Toyota Tundra when he veered into the lane occupied by a 200 Chevrolet Malibu driven by 31-year old David Karrick of Cantonment.

Karrick’s car came to rest upright in a ditch next to the roadway. It took first responders from multiple stations of Escambia Fire Rescue, including a special operations team, about 45 minutes extricate Karrick from the car. He was transported to Sacred Heart Hospital by LifeFlight as a “trauma alert” in critical condition.

Tyler Moore was seriously injured in the crash, while his passenger, 17-year old Kayla Moore of Cantonment, received minor injuries. The brother and sister were transported by ambulance to West Florida Hospital.

Tyler Moore was cited by the FHP for failure to maintain a single lane.

For a photo gallery, click here.

Pictured: Three people were injured in this two vehicle crash Saturday morning on Highway 297A at Eight Mile Creek Road. photos by Kristi Smith, click to enlarge.


48 Responses to “Three Injured In Serious Traffic Crash (With Photo Gallery)”

  1. Dragonfly on December 14th, 2021 3:38 am

    @Matt Forhan I know that this is bizarre after all of these years but if possible I would really/need to talk to you about this accident. David was my cousin and best friend. I was just hoping you could help me get some closure. I have not been the same since it happened and I believe/know that you will be able to help me. I have 3 daughters to raise and when this accident happened it ultimately caused me to lose my job at West Florida Hospital. The day that my cousin was removed from life support was the same day that I was asked to sign my termination paperwork (I worked there for 5-6 yrs). If you don’t feel comfortable with this I completely understand.

  2. Bubba's Big Sister on July 7th, 2012 10:26 pm

    I would like to first say thank you for all the prayers, as they have truly been well received. I have lost my baby brother and we will forever question why this had to happen, but I do not place blame as I really believe this to be an honest accident. Please continue praying for my family as we struggle with so many questions and the absence of a very special person from our lives. I would also like to ask for prayers for the Moore family. This is going to be a horrific struggle for them as well. My heart truly aches for what this young man is going to face for the rest of his life.

  3. Susan on July 4th, 2012 1:46 pm

    Osceola and Brent is out here because they are special rescue crews and have the correct equipment to cut the people out of the cars.. Some times when the wreck us bad enough they need extra help from other stations.. So the rescue crews from in town has to come out here and help the crews that are out here..

  4. Carla on July 3rd, 2012 12:09 pm

    I used to live off 97A and I traveled the 297A road daily. It is very dangerous and is the site of many accidents. An accident is just that: An ACCIDENT! It can happen to anyone. Bubba was a frequent visitor to our home when our kids were growing up. We are praying for him and the Moores.

  5. anonymous on July 2nd, 2012 10:32 pm

    @Kendra………. if your praying to the God i serve you may want to ask yourself if He’d be throwing stones like you. You dont know any particulars of this accident or how fast the young man was traveling. Is it unfortunate?………. without a doubt! Was it a malicious or calculated intent?………. absolutely not! I understand you are upset at the condition of your friend BUT your comments dont help him or the situation. My prayers are for ALL involved.

  6. kendra on July 2nd, 2012 5:28 pm

    It doesnt matter if there was a pothole,a crack in the gravel,a line not painted straight on road…clearly if you hit a pothole and veer into oncoming traffic your going to fast,seriously…..WHAT MATTERS is having your vehicle under control!!!!!! Ive been in many close calls such as this and i honestly feel there is no excuss or reasining with what happened!! Im praying everyday for you bubba,stay strong amd hold on!!!

  7. sniper on July 2nd, 2012 11:59 am

    I wonder why osceola ladder 12 came to this? Aren’t they all the way over near mobile hwy and fairfield? Hope everyone recovers quickly.

  8. Mike S on July 2nd, 2012 8:58 am

    @ Jason, i know the article didnt mention, but if you knew the road, you would know what im talking about..

    none the less, i hope Bubba makes it through.. i heard Tyler has already made it home, which is good.

  9. Jason on July 2nd, 2012 6:54 am

    @Anonymous Kind of strange that you pulled that out of the blue then.

    I think Rob was pointing out that no where in the article did it say that pot holes or construction were the cause of the crash. It also didnt have anything to do with big rigs.

  10. Joseph Hedden on July 1st, 2012 11:53 pm

    When things are thrown at you in a matter of seconds it is hard to think of the best way to handle the situation in a short period of time. I’m praying for both family’s and They are both in Gods hands . May God be with the people who think they are perfect drivers who have both hands on the vehicle and eyes glued on the road at all times. Cause this could happen to anybody at any point.

  11. Mandi on July 1st, 2012 8:27 pm

    Praying for Bubba and his family. I was sad to hear this story as I went to school with Bubba. I pray that he makes a full recovery. I also pray for the others involved

  12. Matt Forhan on July 1st, 2012 8:09 pm

    My girlfriend and I were the first to come up on this tragic scene, and we were with Mr. Karrick until the first group of fire rescue came onto the scene. While he couldn’t talk due to his injuries, he responded when he was spoken to and it seemed to me that he was willing to fight to live with everything he had. We wish him and his family the best and desperately hope that he pulls through this.

  13. Anonymous on July 1st, 2012 5:53 pm

    i hope bubba and tyler both have a full recovery… i know both of them and they are both good people…

  14. Anonymous on July 1st, 2012 5:52 pm

    @ Rob, “Anonymous” was talking about Semi’s taking this road as a short cut, which is the reason of the pot holes and the edges of the roads washing out.. which is why they are re-doing the roads and widening, SEMI’s, not pick ups, so it does have to do with this story tool box.. K-Thanks

  15. teresa/ old school friend on July 1st, 2012 5:03 pm

    I went to school with Bubba, & have known him for years. Bubba, my brother & neighbor hung out alot growing up. I saw him a few months back & we talked for a few. I am in shock that this has happened. You just never know whats gonna come your way til its there so cherish every second as if it were your last. I am saddened by this tragedy. My thoughts & prayers go out to him & his family. And to the Moore family, from what i’ve read it was an honest mistake this happened, there were no drugs or alcohol involved. I’d like to send my thoughts & prayers to your family, too! To Tyler’s parents: Your son is really gonna need your support to get through this horrible tragedy.

  16. Gus on July 1st, 2012 1:36 pm

    Thank you ANON for a update on David. I pray for he, his family and his friends. You have my thoughts and prayers

  17. ANON on July 1st, 2012 11:03 am

    @GUs idk about Tyler but David (Bubba) has both arms broken , both legs broken, a broken hip, brusing on the brain bleeding real bad and they had to remove over a ftof his intestines

  18. Dan & Wilma Gaffney on July 1st, 2012 10:30 am

    We are praying for you Bubba ! May God put his healing hand on you.

  19. stephanie on July 1st, 2012 9:51 am

    I certainly do not believe this is a time to point fingers. Mistakes happen everyday and instead of saying “that driver should learn how to drive or stay home”, wouldn’t it be better if you prayed for his extremely heavy heart right now?? From what I gather, this is a dangerous road no matter who the driver is! Praying hard for Mr.Carrick in his critical condition, and Tyler for a quick recovery. And as far as some of you go, “the other driver” will eventually read these comments and he’ll be crushed to see things you had to say ON TOP of how he already feels! Please consider that and choose your words wisely….

  20. GUs on July 1st, 2012 9:39 am

    Does anyone have any kind of update on Tyler and David?

  21. carlie on July 1st, 2012 9:30 am

    Praying for Bubba, all involved and the families. Such a tragic accident.

  22. rox on July 1st, 2012 9:29 am

    My thoughts and prayers are with Bubba’s family and all involved.

  23. Chris on July 1st, 2012 8:38 am

    Saw it yesterday on my way home from work. I am continuously praying for all involved.

  24. Rob on July 1st, 2012 7:34 am

    @ Anonymous: FYI a No Trucks sign is for Commercial Truck traffic (big rigs, moving trucks, etc, not passenger vehicles. That has nothing to do with this incident.

  25. Anonymous on July 1st, 2012 2:05 am

    Our prayers are for the family of Tyler Moore and David Karrick. We live on 297-A and have witnessed so many accidents that have been a tragedy. The road should have been made wider many years ago and the no truck signs put up. One of the reasons that the road is such a danger is due to the trucks tearing it up. You can hear them at all hours of the morning using 297-A as a short cut. Someone needs to put a stop to all trucks using this highway without a permit. We will continue to pray for Tyler and David Karrick that God will reach down and heal their bodies from this tragic accident.

  26. Chris Tucker on July 1st, 2012 1:57 am

    Praying for Bubba, his family, friends, and all involved.

  27. dmdkl on July 1st, 2012 1:49 am

    So thankful tyler and kayla are ok and praying hard for mr karrick and his family!

  28. Mrs. Cayson on July 1st, 2012 12:21 am

    Everyone needs to pray, pray and pray some more. Thank ALMIGHTY GOD for letting every one survive. And for Mr. Kerrick to survive and heal from the tragedy. Love to both families.

  29. GJ on June 30th, 2012 11:43 pm

    David (Bubba) has been a friend of mine for over 13 years. I am very saddened to hear of such a tragic event tonight. I will keep him and his family in my thoughts. Accidents happen every day and I know the Moore family would appreciate support as well. May time heal all wounds. He is in good care at Sacred and I am sure they are doing all they can to assist in his recovery.

  30. Teacher on June 30th, 2012 11:38 pm

    This was a tragic accident. It was not an “on purpose”. No one wants to be involved in something this awful. It could have been anyone driving the truck, anyone can cause an accident. Please do not make derogatory remarks about someone’s driving when we do not know the cause of the accident. We all make mistake when we drive, we just don’t always have an accident.

  31. Suzi on June 30th, 2012 11:23 pm

    I would like to encourage everyone to go to this site for your Florida drivers license and enter emergency information. This is a service of the Florida Dept. of Highway Safety and will get family members notified much quicker in the event of an accident or other emergency. You can enter information for up to two people but I added cell numbers for other family members to my daughter’s info so they will have more numbers to try since you can add up to three numbers to each person. This will help emergency personnel get in touch with someone for you much quicker.

    I hope all involved will be ok and thanks to for waiting to put the photos of the car out until someone in his family was notified. How awful.

  32. Anonymous Writer on June 30th, 2012 11:20 pm

    I want to thank God for being with everyone during this time. without him, none of these people would be alive. God was truly watching over them. Just had something small to say, please don’t say things such as “the other driver needs to learn how to drive or stay home”. I understand that we are all upset, but I know Tyler on a personal level and he is a good driver. he made a mistake. maybe it is “bigger” than others to some, but its still a mistake, and everyone makes them. he wasn’t drinking and driving, texting and driving, or carelessly driving. he just made an innocent mistake and i am sure that he feels bad enough for what has happened without everyones comments toward him. thankyou. God Bless.

  33. Sam Campbell on June 30th, 2012 11:00 pm

    First let me say, PLEASE keep praying for Bubba. ( David Karrick ) the next few hours are critical for him and he needs your prayers. Thank you William for posting his name. It was because of this website that his mom was notified! Bubba was at that hospital without anyone to tell him that he could make it, that they were there and love him. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart! This website got exactly who Bubba needed to him. You are SO appreciated!

  34. Courtney on June 30th, 2012 10:28 pm

    I’m the big sister of the passengers of the Tundra that was involved in the wreck today on 297A. In times like this it’s easy to try and point fingers and play the blame game. Unfortunately an over-correction on a bad stretch of road under construction left a lot of people reeling with panic and sadness today. I know the Carrick family have consistently been in my family’s mind and prayers today, and especially burdening for the “one that caused the accident.” Life is a precious thing we sometimes take for granted and I can at least speak for the Moore family when I say miracles do happen, God is good and to everything there is a season. We continue to pray that God works a miracle in the life of Mr. Carrick and that each family finds God’s blessings in this time of heartache.

  35. Anonymous on June 30th, 2012 10:18 pm

    I am praying hard, I am glad that Kayla and Tyler made it out safely and I pray for comfort for the other family . I personally know Tyler and he is a very responsible driver and God loving man. Please don’t be so quick to judge him, this could have happened to any of us. Thankyou

  36. Vance on June 30th, 2012 10:12 pm

    My daughter and I were westbound on 9 mile when the firetrucks were heading to the wreck. I pulled over immediately but it seems that people in this county will not pull over for a rescue vehicle as its an inconvienence to whatever their agenda may be. But everytime we see a funeral procession. Everyone and their brother stops on the side of the road for the entire procession.

    Get it right people. Respect the people attempting to hurry to save a life, don’t hinder them or otherwise you’ll be pulling over again for a funeral to pay last respects to someone who was not in a hurry to get where they were going.

    The scene of this accident was a bad one. I’m certainly glad that the county is widening this road now…..

  37. Kim on June 30th, 2012 8:59 pm

    My dad and I were traveling that road about the time of the accident. We were saying how dangerous that area is (297A and 97A). I’ve been driving 30 years, but the narrow road and sharp deep drop offs in that area are dangerous even for an experienced driver. I’m so glad the work has started to widen the road and make that area safer. Thank God for the progress everyone has made, and we’ll continue to pray for full recovery.

  38. Denise on June 30th, 2012 8:41 pm

    I am Denise Dubrock I go to church with the Moore family. While i am thankful for the fact they were not serious ,I am Praying for for the family and David Carrwick! my the Lord place his healing hands on him.May God wrap his family with comfort . God Bless all involved from first responders to the Doctors and nurses.!!!!

  39. Lorrie on June 30th, 2012 7:56 pm

    Please pray for our Family as we have just now found out about David aka (BUBBA). Thank you so much North for being on my facebook. I have now called his Grandparents who are on there way to the hospital and his father who lives about 4 hours away is also on his way. I called the hospital to make sure it was David and they told me about 15 min. ago his sister had just also called to see if it was also him, so I am guessing know one knew he had been in a accident not even his mother.

  40. Gwen on June 30th, 2012 6:48 pm

    Mr. Moore and Mr. Carrick’s families, please know that each of you are in our prayers. We are praying in total agreement that all involved will recover from this tragedy. God bless each of you.

    Thanks to all who responded and helped these families.

  41. Julie Lowery on June 30th, 2012 6:12 pm

    Mike, thanks for posting that Tyler and Kayla are ok. Praying for all involved.

  42. mike moore on June 30th, 2012 5:49 pm

    My name is Mike Moore and my children were involved in this terrible accident today. Though my son has some serious medical issues he will eventually recover. Fortunately my daughter is going to be fine as well. A simple task of dropping his sister off to meet their grandmother turned into much more than ever expected. I ask that everyone be in prayer for Mr. Carrick and his family. An accident, none the less has caused he and his family much heart ache. It is a humbling experience to be grateful for your childrens health while knowing another family is suffering for theirs.Thank you to all of the responders for diligently working on everyone involved..

  43. We drove by on June 30th, 2012 5:31 pm

    Such a tragedy. Praying for all.

  44. Trisha on June 30th, 2012 5:08 pm

    I pulled over for the EMS vehicles flying passed me. I knew something bad had to have happened. And Charlie, you are right, we do have the best in Florida! I hope all recovery and are able to move on.
    Nurse, I agree with you 100%. No one knows the details and even we did, we shouldn’t judge one another. I’m glad this one wasn’t fatal.

  45. Nurse on June 30th, 2012 4:43 pm

    Thinking of all of those involved in this accident today and their family members. Those who are posting about “the one who caused the accident”…please don’t be so quick to place blame. You never know what condition that person might be in as well and no one has determined the cause of the accident yet. Pray for all of those involved, regardless.

  46. Charlie Dillard on June 30th, 2012 2:03 pm

    I was one of the first one’s on the scene. The sound was like two trains ran-
    Can not say enough good about the all Fireman, E M S, Life Flight, F H P
    And the S O.
    Our Tax dollars are well spent on all these People. Thanks to each one that worked this accident. Be glade to pay our taxes dollars for all the First responders . We have the Best in the State of Florida.
    It took three hrs. to move every thing.
    May God Bless the driver of the car and his family.
    We also pray for the one that caused this accident.
    Please learn to drive or stay at home.
    Please slow down.
    Charlie Dillard

  47. Sarah on June 30th, 2012 1:03 pm

    We came upon the scene as lifeflight was finding somewhere to land. I will pray for those involved, as well as the family members. We knew it had to be bad. The road was still blocked off after we made a trip to the Cake Shoppe and went shopping at Target on Nine Mile. I pray for the life of the one in critical condition. This is awful.

  48. Brandy on June 30th, 2012 12:58 pm

    Just drove by this accident. Praying for all involved.