Mother Gets 25 Years For Fire Deaths Of Three Atmore Children

July 23, 2012

One of the twin sisters from Atmore accused of  murder after their three young children died home alone in a house fire last year is headed to prison.

Akeevia Lajoseia Abner entered a plea of guilty to three counts of reckless murder and was sentenced to 25 years on each count, to be served concurrently. She had asked the court for youthful offender status in the case, but her petition was denied. As an adult, she had faced up to life in prison on each count.

Her sister, Tekeevia Lajoseialan Abner, is still facing three reckless murder charges in the case.

The sisters were charged in connection with the deaths of 3-year olds Aniyia Abner and Takia Abner, and 22-month old Michael Coleman in house fire last November on 1st Street in Atmore.

A State Fire Marshal’s investigation determined the fire was caused by an unattended stove. Authorities say the mothers had left the children home alone while they were elsewhere in the neighborhood.

“They showed an extreme indifference to these children’s lives and created a grave risk of death to the children by leaving them home alone on November 2, 2011,” the Escambia County (Ala.) District Attorney’s Office said in a prepared statement following the arrests.

Two of the children were found dead in a hallway while the third was found in a bedroom. And prosecutors said that a mattress was blocking the living room door.

Forensics evidence determined that three young children died from smoke inhalation, authorities said.

Pictured top: Three young children were killed in an Atmore house fire in November 2011. Pictured below: This photo shows the oven door propped open inside the kitchen of a home were three children died in a house fire. Pictured below: The scene of the fire the night of November 2, 2011. file photos, click to enlarge.


31 Responses to “Mother Gets 25 Years For Fire Deaths Of Three Atmore Children”

  1. TC on July 27th, 2012 9:06 pm

    They said Tekeevia still faces charges. I thought I’d read neither were granted the youthful offender status. But I couldnt find that article. Breaks my heart to see the photos of those sweet children.

    Its nice to read the comments from the very responsible and mature young mothers. I wish the very best for you and your kids.

  2. TC on July 27th, 2012 8:55 pm

    I don’t think 25 years is enough, certainly serving only 10 years is not enough. In fact its an insult to the young victims. Such beautiful babies, its just so sad. So Tekeevia, the mother of 2 out of the 3 kids got youthful offender status and will only serve 3 years? That is beyond sickening. Neither of these women should ever taste freedom again. Chances are they will both be breeding again and not improve as mothers. Some justice for the children.

    Mentors and role models certainly are needed, but what about individual responsibility? How do you think these two young women would have reacted to a mentor from outside the area? I doubt they would have paid any attention at all.

  3. you think on July 26th, 2012 2:56 am

    con·cur·rent (kn-kûrnt, -kr-)
    1. Happening at the same time as something else. See Synonyms at contemporary.
    2. Operating or acting in conjunction with another.
    3. Meeting or tending to meet at the same point; convergent.
    4. Being in accordance; harmonious.

  4. reading comprehension on July 25th, 2012 10:53 pm

    >>.Hey people! Can you not read? She did not get 25 years, she got 25 years for each count! 75 years!!!!!!!!!

    NO….if you will read the story it says “was sentenced to 25 years on each count, to be served concurrently.”

    Concurrently means “at the same time”. So that’s just 25 years she might be in the slammer until she gets probation.

  5. Wingmamma on July 25th, 2012 10:48 pm

    Hey people! Can you not read? She did not get 25 years, she got 25 years for each count! 75 years!!!!!!!!! If the judicial system will make her serve all 75 years like they should she more than likely will not see the outside again. That will be JUSTICE!

  6. AJ on July 24th, 2012 11:51 pm

    25 years for 3 innocent lives is unbelievable! This is NOT justice. It brought tears to my eyes to even look at the poor babies’ pictures in this article. What did they ever do to deserve to die?? I am not here to judge. They will get their judgement day. I just hope that everytime they close their eyes they hear the screams of what THEY CHOSE to do to these defenseless babies. There is too many mothers (no, they are not all teenagers) who use their children for social status and not care an ounce for their well being. The stove propped open? A mattress blocking the front door? How can anyone commend either one of them for anything?? The only good thing is that the beautiful little ones are in Heaven and away from the evil of this world. Their mothers can never hurt them again.

  7. DJ on July 24th, 2012 8:24 pm

    I commend Akeevia for admitting her guilt and taking the punishment that comes from her actions. Now it remains to be seen if her sister does the same. Good luck to you, Akeevia!

  8. Wally on July 24th, 2012 3:18 pm

    I would only like to say, how sad, these young ladies are ill-responsible, but acting in a manner they have been taught. The example that has been set down before them.No more need for child support. They now will have an all expense paid — room and board for the next 25 years. But what do these 3 children get???? a dark cold box in the ground. Somehow that just does’nt seem fair to me, Maybe it would be justice to put them in a room– lock the door– loss the key and just walk away, (maybe go to a party. ) 25 years is not enough!!! but then again, there is not a # big enough that would be.
    God forgive us!!!

  9. Blair on July 23rd, 2012 11:16 pm

    Right on Molino Mom!!! Lock them up in a house and BURN IT DOWN!!! I’d like to hear them scream!!!

  10. knew them when on July 23rd, 2012 3:24 pm

    these girl’s mother was in prison. they were being raised by an aunt who meant well and tried, but was up against more than she could handle because she had to work as well and the girls were headstrong and irresponsible, as teenage girls who think they know it all are. Social services tried to intervene, but the girls would not listen. There was never enough people to get through to them. Their family tried, the father’s of the babies and the little boy tried, but these teenage babies thought they knew it all and could have the kids and party, too. They believed if they were just down the street, nothing could happen. It is sad and a shame. Seeing the girls occasionally I can honestly say they were indifferent to the kids…except that it was more of a status thing with them. Seems they thought that having the kids made them more important but they were not putting the safety of their children first. I can only hope that prison will help them mature and one day really realize what they did. Maybe in prison they won’t get pregnant.

  11. Sam on July 23rd, 2012 2:33 pm

    WAY TO GO!!!!! Finally a judicial system that knows how to handle things! Escambia, Co FL judges need to take a class in realistic punishment!!!

    This and Penn State news has made my day!!!

  12. David Huie Green on July 23rd, 2012 2:29 pm

    “I cannot believe the powers that be allowed one of them to be tried as a juvenile.”

    Shirking such basic responsibility as taking care of your children isn’t good evidence of maturity. Maybe they never would, maybe they would. We don’t know. In our minds we can hear the children crying out for MOMMY as they died and the mothers partied, but then we know what can and did happen.

    David considering facts

  13. B. Caro on July 23rd, 2012 1:10 pm

    educators…my bad…missed it on the re-read…

  14. B. Caro on July 23rd, 2012 1:08 pm

    TO DHG…this is about personal responsibility. This is about parental responsibility. You are corrrect in stating that humans are able to reporduce at an age that is far beyond the maturity age however, if you are “mature” enough to decide to have consensual sex with a man to make a baby then by all means you now have the reaponsibility to raise that child. Parents of these new parents do not take a stand and insure that the right thing is done. They raise the child themselves or make it easy for the new parent to still have abundant freedom to come and go as they please. We (society) tell children that they have the same rights as adults w/out the responsibility. There is no longer a standard for children anymore. The family unit has been under attack for the last 20-30 yrs if not longer. Of course they did not want it to happen but it did. 3 children between the two of them. She asked for youthful offender status. Did she consider her youth when she had consensual sex with the father of that child? Should he have been charged with sexual battery on a minor then? When are we (society) going to make personal responsibility a matter of the family, a matter to be taught in school at least. Educateors are not solely responsible for the morals of their students, but when parents fail who else is there? DHG…your statements are unreasonable…

  15. SICK TO DEATH on July 23rd, 2012 12:45 pm

    I am so sick of people “trying” to make excuses for these 2 WOMEN. I wish everyone would quit talking about how their being young somehow excuses them from all responsibility for the guilt of “murdering” these innocent babies. If they are not made to accept responsibility for their actions during this time, what will happen next time? I cannot believe the powers that be allowed one of them to be tried as a juvenile. All this is saying to her is, “It’s alright sweetie, you did nothing wrong because you’re too young to understand your responsibilities as a “mother. Just a little slap on the wrist and you can go back out into the big bad world and have another baby and maybe get it right this time. Practice makes perfect. Right?

  16. chris1 on July 23rd, 2012 12:35 pm

    Add on sterilization and not able to adopt for life.

  17. David Huie Green on July 23rd, 2012 12:10 pm

    If you are old enough to give birth then you are old enough to act like a mom. Period.”

    Not necessarily.

    Human females are able to give birth several years before they are mature enough to raise them. That’s why we have cultural and legal protections of minors, to avoid them getting pregnant before they are mentally ready. Those protections fail too frequently, but I imagine they help some.

    David for better culture
    and fewer dead bablies

  18. rivergirl on July 23rd, 2012 11:22 am

    Both of these ”WOMEN” not children, should get life in prison. Their life should be taken away. Those 3 babies lives were taken!!! Being young is no excuse. I had my 1st child at 18. I wouldn’t dared left them alone to go out to have a good time. If you don’t have a sitter, then you stay yourself at home and be with them yourself. They’ll get out in a few years, have more babies, go out and leave them alone,again!!! If the state wants to protect these so called ”youths”, then fix ‘em where they can’t have any more innocent babies to be neglected. Their mug shots makes me sick!!! They look as though they could care less and they were taken right after this happened. Ijust don’t understand some people. Just my opinion.

  19. Just A Reader on July 23rd, 2012 10:28 am

    Just my input,

    Like someone stated above, One most likely had a juvenile record and the other didn’t, that’s why one was granted Youthful offender status and the other denied.

    Secondly, to cut down on confusion, when a sentence is Concurrent, the sentence run together (25 years for all 3 counts) BUT when a sentence is Consecutive they are one after the other (after 25 years are served, she would have to serve the other 25, and then the last 25 =75 years).

    This is terrible and we cannot blame it on their age. There is obviously some other underlying issues that have not been dicussed or disclosed to the public. These young girls didn’t have a support system and no sense of responsibility. We need to pray for this generation of children coming up and stop being so quick to point fingers and blame someone else.

    There is a need for mentors and role models!

    He who is WITHOUT sin case the first stone…

  20. Harley on July 23rd, 2012 10:27 am

    @ Janet- not EVERY teenage mother was involved in the death of these 3 children. Maybe you should re-read the article because it names ONLY the Abner girls as the fault of this tragedy. They were the only ones involved, not a whole group of people that you have catagorized as “babies having babies” might as well blame their parents, teachers, friends, neighbors and everyone else who has crossed paths or has anything in common with these girls. I have dark hair like these girls so does that make me a bad parent? Put the blame where the blame belongs, on these two girls, and stop your blindsided way of thinking. What these two did is exactly that, what THESE TWO did.

  21. Ruby White on July 23rd, 2012 10:08 am

    25 years is not nearly enough time for 3 precious lives…What is wrong with our court system??

  22. charlie w. on July 23rd, 2012 7:32 am

    But it is Alabama, so she will be out in 10 years.

    You are right. Out, drawing welfare, and having more kids. Ain,t america great?

  23. No one special on July 23rd, 2012 6:57 am

    Age had nothing to do with this! A depraved mind is not a sign of immaturity. I was 15 when I had my son (that was 17 years ago) and I would never have left him alone like they did. Heck, I wouldn’t even take a shower without bringing his seat in the bathroom with me! It burns me up to hear people blame stupidity on being a teenage mom. If you are old enough to give birth then you are old enough to act like a mom. Period.

  24. Reading Comprehension on July 23rd, 2012 6:38 am

    “3 counts times 25 would be 75 years?”

    Read the story. It says “to be served concurrently” that means at the same time. So 25 years in the pokie.. But it is Alabama, so she will be out in 10 years.

  25. Janet on July 23rd, 2012 6:35 am

    Molinomomma, it happens when babies are having babies– I agree with David Green, they didn’t think it would happen. In this case, as heartbreaking as it, campassion is better then putting them in a house and burning it down. I persoanlly think 25 years was a little excessive but also agree about a past criminal record.

  26. letmespeak13 on July 23rd, 2012 6:24 am

    I confused on how long the prison term will be. According to the article she is getting ” guilty to three counts of reckless murder was sentenced to 25 years on each count.” Well, 3 counts times 25 would be 75 years??????

  27. In The Know on July 23rd, 2012 6:05 am

    “”"How could one be denied youthful offender status and the other not?”"”

    Because one had more of a past juvenile criminal record than the other.

  28. Lisa Fuller on July 23rd, 2012 5:09 am

    I guess I missed something on the earlier reports of this case. The women are twins. How could one be denied youthful offender status and the other not?

  29. David Huie Green on July 23rd, 2012 1:39 am

    I doubt they wanted to do it, just seemed indifferent.
    More likely just didn’t think things through to their reasonable result.

  30. MolinoMomma on July 23rd, 2012 12:44 am

    .Lock ‘em up in a house & burn it down!! I can’t believe that any human being could do something like that, especially a mother.

  31. wow... on July 23rd, 2012 12:16 am

    this is just terrible… why would anyone want to do this to their kids…