Mom Busted For Letting Child, 10, Drive From Taco Bell, Across 9 Mile

July 24, 2012

A Cantonment woman was arrested after allowing her 10-year old son to drive away from a Taco Bell and across a busy major highway.

A witness called the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office to report a young child driving a Buick Century on Chemstrand Road. When deputies found the car, it was stopped in the parking lot of a shopping center across Nine Mile Road from the Taco Bell restaurant. They found 46-year old Janice Louise Pauley behind the wheel smoking a cigarette and the 10-year old boy in the backseat.

The boy told deputies he had driven across Nine Mile Road from the Taco Bell because he wanted to learn to drive, a Sheriff’s Office report states.

Pauley told deputies that she first said no when the boy asked to drive. But when he asked again, Pauley told deputies, she agreed to let him drive away from the Taco Bell and across the four-lane highway.

Pauley was charged with felony child neglect without great harm and given a traffic citation for permitting an unlicensed minor to drive.


28 Responses to “Mom Busted For Letting Child, 10, Drive From Taco Bell, Across 9 Mile”

  1. bk63 on July 26th, 2012 8:00 pm

    Yes, That was dum. But to attack is ? I remember as a child back a few years riding in the back window of my parents car coming home from a trip while looking at the stars. How dangerous was that? There werent any seat belt laws then i think. Im not going to come on here attacking every little thing , Some very dum things people do. name calling, Etc. I get on hot topics like thieves & child molesters. Again, Very not smart thing to do. The education system is why kids are how they are today due to the lack of both parents in the childs life.

  2. Really? on July 26th, 2012 6:29 pm

    I am appalled first of all that this so called “mother” allowed her child to drive. She sill get what she deserves in due time.. He’s going to be one hot mess in a couple of years.

    I am in awe of the grammar used by cw. I mean Seriously! When school lets back in late August, you need to register as well… Lord help us all…

  3. M.H. on July 25th, 2012 8:45 am

    @cw, all I can say is……Nevermind I’m speechless.

  4. lmn on July 25th, 2012 8:42 am

    Craziness! If that child had an accident and killed someone he would have to live with that the rest of his life. THink people think! That is why God gave us brains.

  5. cw on July 25th, 2012 8:16 am

    ok yal give her a brake boys are boy no she shud not let hem drive and she is going to pay for it . But don.t ack like you have not done it your self I see kids all over the place driving they just have not got them yet .and no she was not using her head on this one .she is proble reddie for hem to go back to school like most moms he is driving her crazy

  6. aam on July 25th, 2012 7:58 am


    That was a joke. She looks too old to be the mom, not she is to old to be the mom.

  7. SMH on July 24th, 2012 11:26 pm

    Smoking in the car with your child. She’s already killing him anyways so she may as well have let him drive.

  8. chrstefl on July 24th, 2012 10:20 pm

    Is something in the air these days? Children seem to be more in charge than parents. For they know how to get their way. What happened to parents being in charge? Its called NO son because I said so. It seems people are afraid of hearing them cry or whine… I hope this lady gets help and realizes what kind of danger she is creating. Some people don’t deserve children.

  9. thk on July 24th, 2012 10:09 pm

    stop looking at the bad things ok thye right thigs are she:told the truth and corporated. we all make mistakes some bigger than others. i just hope she leanrs from her mistakes . i hope we all learn from our mistakes. we must ask god to foregive us of our mistakes to.

  10. DJ on July 24th, 2012 8:19 pm

    Welcome to the city folks! That’s another reason why it pays to live out in the country! The difference out here is there is NO major highways or four lane traffic, just back country roads. Heck, if something happened to me and my son was the only one to drive me, I wouldn’t think twice.

  11. Mark on July 24th, 2012 12:44 pm

    @Tammy – You said “she should have her driving rights taken away”

    Driving is NOT a right, it is a privilege! No where in the constitution does it say you have the right to drive.

    Many people believe driving is a “right”, and when they have their “privilege” to drive revoked, they soon learn otherwise.

  12. rivergirl on July 24th, 2012 11:56 am

    @aam A 46 year old can have a 10 year old. I’m 44 and have 11 year old. With that said, you would think she would be more wiser. I don’t let my child ride his bicycle on the highway, much less drive a car on it. Sometimes you have to tell ‘em no for the 2nd time. At least I Do!!!

  13. 429SCJ on July 24th, 2012 11:32 am

    Good parents are a gift from the Lord, honor and do works that make their lives comfortable and give them happiness. You could have wound up like that ten year old boy. I hope things improve for his sake.

  14. your are right!! on July 24th, 2012 11:27 am

    Right on David!!!!

  15. Just sayin' on July 24th, 2012 10:48 am


    Why do you think the boy has to be her grandchild? She’s 46 years old, which would have made her 36 when he was born. Since women are choosing to have children later in life, that’s not at all unlikely. It actually makes it more likely that he was her son rather than grandson. For him to be her grandson, there are two possible scenarios:

    1- She was 18 when she gave birth and that child was 18 when the boy was born.


    2- She was older and her child younger when they each gave birth (for example, she was 20 and her child was 16 or vice versa).

    While neither of those would be that strange an occurrence, they are no more likely than that this child was her own.

  16. Lin on July 24th, 2012 10:25 am

    Thank goodness for the Witness!

  17. Janice Parker on July 24th, 2012 9:57 am

    Agreed that there’s no excuse for what she did and I doubt that she will ever do something like that again but calling DCF is the last thing I would do. Those people are idiots.

  18. David Huie Green on July 24th, 2012 9:03 am

    “she first said no when the boy asked to drive. But when he asked again, Pauley told deputies, she agreed to let him drive ”

    And from this we can see the power of persistence and the danger of not teaching children to accept “NO” as a legitimate and real answer, rather than just a negotiating point.

    David for real parents

  19. micah2021 on July 24th, 2012 9:02 am

    Taco Bell makes you think crazy things.

  20. aam on July 24th, 2012 7:44 am

    I don’t think she has a ten year old unless its her grandchild. She obviously cannot make rational decisions for her “child” so maybe someone needs to help her with that.

    aam: for DCS control on this one

  21. Tammy on July 24th, 2012 7:19 am

    Years ago a 10 year old could drive on the dirt roads,, This peson needs to have her driving rights taken away, If she needs a driver then she will have to find one that is a little bit older,,,

  22. BentStraight on July 24th, 2012 7:16 am

    Shame on this woman for letting a child eat at Taco Bell!
    (oh yeah, and for the driving too!)

  23. resident on July 24th, 2012 6:50 am

    People are getting crazier and crazier…..what would posses someone to let a 10 year old to drive across Nine Mile Rd.? I personally think you should wait till at least 14 or older , then head to the country and find a dirt road that has no traffic.

    @ Kristin….you need to read your drivers handbook….a child can drive by themselves @ 16 years old.

  24. Tina on July 24th, 2012 6:42 am

    Wow!! I hope DCF looks into her, that could have been tragic. It looks to me they need to do a tox-screen on this …LADY…What else does she let him indulge in. And I do agree with not everyone should be allowed to wrecklessly breed… Lord’ your will be done. Have mercy on this young man..

  25. Elizabeth on July 24th, 2012 6:40 am

    I let my 9-year-old sit in my lap and drive in our yard. What’s the difference?! (for the folk who can’t read between lines, that’s sarcasm)

  26. Travis on July 24th, 2012 2:29 am

    Time to start licensing people to have children. My tax’s can stop housing them in jail and when they get taken away.

  27. Jennie on July 24th, 2012 1:42 am

    Wow!! It seems a village has lost their idiot! Some people shouldn’t be aloud to reproduce!

  28. Kristin on July 24th, 2012 12:29 am

    Could that mother be more stupid? What if her 10 year old son had hit and killed some other unexpecting driver? What the hell was this woman thinking? Seriously!? Really!? You cant even drive by yourself til u r 18 yrs old! Wasnt just in the city, but on a 4 lane highway no less! Way to be “smart” lady!