It’s Going To Look A Lot Like Christmas In Century

July 17, 2012

It may still be July, but the Town of Century is making plans for Christmas.

The town council plans to budget funds to replace aging Christmas decorations across Century — including decorations along North Century Boulevard and a manger scene at the town hall.

“I believe we all want a manger scene,” Council President Ann Brooks said Monday night as she shared municipal Christmas decoration catalogs with the council.

Mayor Freddie McCall suggested that inmate labor from Century Correctional Institution could perhaps be used to construct the manger and save the town money. He also said the town must budget for wiring utility poles for lighted decorations.

Council members will look at the decoration catalogs — deciding whether pole decorations should be trees, wreaths, stars, etc. — and report back at a future meeting.

Pictured top: Century Town Council President Ann Brooks (left) shows a municipal Christmas decoration catalog to council members Sandra McMurray Jackson (center) and Jacke Johnston Monday night. photo, click to enlarge.


20 Responses to “It’s Going To Look A Lot Like Christmas In Century”

  1. David Huie Green on July 18th, 2012 12:40 pm

    “Buddhists must be permitted to place a statue of Buddha in front of City Hall”

    Sounds good. Get a Laughing Buddah.

    David for graven images

  2. rivergirl on July 18th, 2012 10:41 am

    This is so sad. I don’t live in this city or state rather. Something as wonderful as Christmas can turn into a discussion of law suits. The nativity scene is the whole meaning of Christmas. Not the fact of what gift you’ll give or what someone will give you. If YOU don’t want to look, then turn your head. Let the ones who do enjoy it. I’m sure their tax dollars pays for some cause you support.Some people aren’t happy until they make a legal matter out of everything. LET THERE BE PEACE, right?

  3. 429SCJ on July 18th, 2012 12:31 am

    Thinker look to the bright side, the way things are going with the economy and the decline of federal government, things are going to become very simplified in sorting these matters out and putting matters to rest.

    Prepare for the day of the Lord, for it is great and terrible amen.

  4. So Saddened By This... on July 18th, 2012 12:03 am

    Jessica, C.J. and Thinker…Whether you want it or not you are in my prayers tonight! This country was founded on a belief in God and the opportunity to serve THAT very God is why this country was built. It was the very opportunity our forefathers fought for and it sure wasn’t Budda or any other idol. Yes you are allowed to serve your idols here but I’d say that most of our soldiers are fighting for a land who serves Jesus Christ. You have that right to complain simply because of them. Yes, it is a sad day to understand that most all of our forefathers battles have been in vain as it stands now. May this just God of ours have mercy on our souls and lift up all you ignorant misinformed bodies of humanity. Why even celebrate Christmas if your not celebrating the Christ it was named for?

  5. Thinker on July 17th, 2012 7:14 pm

    @ Never Satisfied – Well I’ll be “danged” if I’m going to set around and let one particular religious group use tax-supported land to promote their faith. If they can do that, then Buddhists must be permitted to place a statue of Buddha in front of City Hall in April, followers of Wicca or even Satan must have their displays on appropriate days also. See my point?
    We ALL experience the Winter solstice so there is little protest against evergreen trees, gift giving, Santa Clause and all that. It’s a matter of discretion and respect for others. Meanwhile nobody is preventing any church from having a manger display or even getting together for a BIG cooperative display complete with angels with real feathers and real sheep and donkeys…hallelujah! Have at it, but not on tax-supported property that some local soldiers died to keep free and secular.

  6. Chuck on July 17th, 2012 6:36 pm

    Hopefully, the city council will budget for the inevitable lawsuit.
    (and they may want to set aside money for the appeal that will
    follow after they lose too)

  7. Thinker on July 17th, 2012 6:15 pm

    @ 429SCJ, You have lost nothing. Main Street still has Christmas decorations but most Main Streets limit those to stars, wreaths, candy canes and other non-religious symbols. The Lord’s prayer in public schools was a mistake and it has been rectified to allow room for other individual belief systems. This is not, and should never be, a theocracy, it’s a republic where individuals have equal rights. Your last sentence says it all…”Don’t expect us to change to suit your values, would you change to suit ours.” That works both ways. Secular government is designed to be functional not a medium to advocate a belief system.

  8. Never Satisfied on July 17th, 2012 6:12 pm

    There’s just no way to make some folks happy… If the discussion would have been about a free dinner for Christmas, folks would still complain.. I’ve never seen so much negativity… Century seems to be a “dang if we do, dang if we don’t” town…

  9. 429SCJ on July 17th, 2012 4:07 pm

    Christians and Christ do not polarize people. The Lord welcomes all.

    We are working to take back what those took from us. America is one Nation under God. When I was a kid, we had Christmas decorations on Mainstreet, we had the Lord’s prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance. We do not go to Mecca or Jeruselem telling people that we are offended, no we do as when in Rome. Don’t expect us to change to suit your values, would you change to suit ours.

  10. Ben on July 17th, 2012 2:29 pm

    Amen, brother!

    With public dollars, Christmas is a secular event.

    With your own money, please feel free to build the biggest manger scene you want on your own property, with your own labor. I’ll support you with that all day long.

  11. Thinker on July 17th, 2012 12:56 pm

    Just what Century needs, a lawsuit by The Freedom From Religion Foundation or the ACLU. America is founded on individual religious freedom. To spend tax payers’ money on a Christian religious scene and put it on public property is misappropriation of tax revenue, unconstitutional, inconsiderate, and helps to polarize us. The ACLU is NOT trying to make people afraid to worship as they please…just NOT in the public sphere. It’s all about some Christians trying to use the power of the state to promote one belief system. Thanks Jessica.

  12. Felicia McCaw Jones on July 17th, 2012 10:28 am

    Momma is smiling down. Oh how she loved Christmas.

  13. ABC on July 17th, 2012 10:09 am

    When will the American People realize if they allow religion to be eliminated from our schools, meetings and country they will bring this country down and true democracy will be obliterated…………The enemies from within and work on doing just that every day. We were found on the principal ” In God we Trust” and to eliminate that principal is a sure way for a country to go to hell in a handbasket………………………….

  14. me on July 17th, 2012 9:56 am

    @ Jessica and CW

    Christmas is a religious holiday!! Without Christ , there would be no Christmas!

  15. CW on July 17th, 2012 9:22 am


    I really doubt everyone in Century is religious, but I guess that doesn’t matter, because the town council will spend their tax dollars how they want to.

  16. Greg on July 17th, 2012 7:37 am

    Jessica, with all due respect, that mentality is EXACTLY what the ACLU is trying to create: an atmosphere that prevents Americans from practicing their religion through fear and intimidation. We need to stand up and be counted. I applaud Century Florida and believe good things will happen as a result of their expression of faith.

  17. sylvia & Beau on July 17th, 2012 7:31 am

    Hey guys, Nadine is grinning from ear to ear. LOL She loved decorating for Christmas. We are also happy since most of the decorations the town has is wore out!

  18. Jessica on July 17th, 2012 6:20 am

    Every Christmas there are news stories regarding towns that are sued for displaying religious decorations, such as nativity scenes, at Christmas. I’m sure plenty of local churches will display nativity scenes for those that wish to see them. Perhaps the town should save themselves the possible headache of offending someone, and go with secular displays since it will be tax dollars I assume paying for them?

  19. The Doer on July 17th, 2012 4:42 am

    Great idea on using cost-saving measures, such as the inmates. Another idea, is to utilize the Construction Tech students at Northview High. Some of those students are in their third year of learning various building crafts.

  20. 429SCJ on July 17th, 2012 4:36 am

    Jewish and Muslim inmates might be offended by working on a manger, but it might do their souls good.