Escambia Deputy Injured In Fight

July 16, 2012

An Escambia County deputy is recovering after being  injured in a fight Saturday night on Pensacola Beach.

Deputy Terry Hammock responded to the area of Via De Luna and Calle Traviesa to investigate a suspicious vehicle. He made contact with the driver, who was speaking irrationally and could not answer the deputy’s questions.  The driver was unable to provide identification or name the owner the vehicle.

The driver was later identified as 34-year old Richard Leland Massey of Milton.

Massey resisted Hammock’s commands and began to fight with the deputy, the Sheriff’s Office said. Hammock was able to hold Massey on the ground until other officers could arrive to assist him.

Hammock received minor injuries during the altercation and was transported to a local hospital for treatment. The Sheriff’s Office said Sunday afternoon that his condition was not known.

Massey was charged with resisting an officer with violence and booked into the Escambia County Jail. He was later released on a $5,000 bond.


13 Responses to “Escambia Deputy Injured In Fight”

  1. CO-too on July 18th, 2012 3:58 pm

    To Joe:
    You need to do your homework. Military makes more than we do. I guess the job being so lucrative is why we work so very shorthanded so very often. Finally had to go to 12 hour shifts to be able to cover the shifts, which is fine. Most of us do what we do mainly because of the kind of people we are, not because of the $$$ we make. I thank our military when I see them, whether I know them or not!
    No one was whining & complaining, simply stating facts that many people do not know.

    “There are always other people out there willing to do it for less. ” —–Oh, REALLY? Will you PLEASE ask them to submit some job applications…the individuals that can & will actually make it through the training & have the capability to pass the FDLE exam, etc. Oh, ask them to please stay on with the state, too, instead of transferring to the county (they’re benefits are better, county is paying their 3% Gov. Scott took) You do not know what you think you know, obviously.

    To Rivergirl: Thank you, Ma’am.

    To NoExcuses:
    I agree with the contract comments. Boat Captain was reading much more into what Scott L. had to say, hence the barrage. When Gov. Scott is mentioned, our hackles tend to go up as we (DOC employees) continue to see and feel his cuts.

    To Scott L:
    WoooHooo, you go, Baby!!!!!

  2. Dominique on July 17th, 2012 10:31 am

    If you were to look up Richard L. Massey in the Escambia County and Santa Rosa County public records, you will see that he should not have had a bond. The proof is in his pass and very well documented in the court records. How many incidents will it take before a more serious penalty to the Defendant? I pray this ends soon. My prayers for a speedy recovery to the deputy and thank you for all you do.

  3. No Excuses on July 16th, 2012 7:55 pm

    If you’ll read Boat Captain’s blog, I think you’ll see he wasn’t knocking LEO’s – only stating that the CC are the ones who determine how much of the budget the LEO’s get to do their jobs.

    The REAL problem is the government’s current ability to change the “terms of employment” when it suits them. I think employees hired under a personnel system should be entitled to what they were promised in a benefits package, no changes allowed. If changes ARE made, they become effective with employees hired under the system with those changes. That way, a choice can be made, whether to accept employment under that system or not. People already employed should not be jerked around like that.

    I feel the same way about our federal government. I’m in federal law enforcement, and I hate reading about all the proposed “changes” in our retirements and benefits. Thankfully, most have been voted down. I haven’t had a payraise in years either. I feel your pain!

    I just did not think Boat Captain needed the dunking he was getting as I did not hear any anti-law enforcement retoric coming from him – only correction of a misquoted source.

  4. Joe on July 16th, 2012 5:48 pm

    For all those who are whining about pay and benefits, if you don’t like the job, find a new one. There are always other people out there willing to do it for less. The men and women in the military make much less and they would love to come home to a job like that. So please consider those unsung heroes who do so much more for so much less prior to complaining about your stateside job with benefits.

  5. rivergirl on July 16th, 2012 4:51 pm

    @CO You are 100% correct. People are quick to judge our LEO’s and the job they do. I wonder how many of you who put these men and women down would do the dangerous job they do? Probably none!!! Their pay checks aren’t as big as people assume they are. If the tables were turned, and it had of been Massey jumped on, people would be hollering, {POLICE BRUTALITY}!!! Show our LEO’s a little respect!!!

  6. SCOTT LASSITER on July 16th, 2012 3:22 pm

    Boat Captain : The Governor may not approve the County budget, but He dose make changes to retirement and benefit’s of county employees.(Most of the time similar to the way Hitler did things) Why don’t you go float a boat for him since you like him so much. Maybe he will reward you with the same appreciation that he dose law enforcement, police,deputies, school teachers, firefighters, correctional officers, FHP Officers and emt. personnel who you call upon when your boat is sinking. Have a nice day.

  7. County Employee on July 16th, 2012 2:50 pm


    Well Said.

  8. CO on July 16th, 2012 10:10 am

    @ Boat Captain:

    Scott L. knows exactly what Gov. Scott has done to state employees & what he continues to attempt to do (closing & privatizing prisons).

    WE work for the state….protecting the public is OUR mission.
    WE have one of the MOST thankless jobs that exist, which is fine.
    WE don’t require a pat on the back!
    WE are tired of Gov. Scott & the legislature taking/cutting OUR benefits &
    retirement when that’s one of the few things that draws others to our field.
    Police Officers, Correctional Officers, Fire Fighters, EMTs, etc. risk OUR lives,
    often daily, to protect the public…while being paid too-low salaries. (No
    raises for state officers in 7 years, that’s a shame!!!)
    Heck, I have County Deputy friends that have often said they wouldn’t do OUR (Scott L.’s, mine, & our DOC family) jobs.

    I present this question to you, Boat Captain:
    “What would you require in a salary & benefits package to risk your life, daily, to protect the general public? “

  9. molino Jim on July 16th, 2012 8:41 am

    @ boat captain. Part of what Scott said was correct. If FHP officer has a uniform damaged or it’s worn out the officer has to draw a “used uniform” from Tallahassee. There may be others having to use worn gear and equipment.

  10. boat captain tom on July 16th, 2012 7:53 am

    @ Scott

    The Governor does not approve the Sheriff’s budget, the county commissioners do.
    Complain to them about how much they hold back the pay and benefits for deputies.

  11. SCOTT LASSITER on July 16th, 2012 7:30 am

    All this, and Rick Scott continues to strip pay and benefits from public servants who risk their lives every day to protect citizens from people such as this..

  12. Dan on July 16th, 2012 7:22 am

    $5000 is much too low a bail for a scumbag who would choose to
    fight with a law enforcement officer !!!!

  13. Joel T. on July 16th, 2012 6:33 am

    Prayers for a speedy recovery to the deputy.
    Let’s see, deputies shot, deputies beaten…they’re working harder and having more frequent violent encounters than ever. Crime is so out of control that even deputies are becoming victims. Something has to change.