Driver Injured When Log Truck Overturns, Cited For Careless Driving

July 24, 2012

[Updated 3 p.m.] An Atmore man was injured when the log truck he was driving overturned this morning near Bay Springs.

The accident happened just before 9 a.m. on South Highway 99 near  Sunrise Trail, just north of the railroad crossing. The Florida Highway Patrol said Danny Wayne Boyington, 48, was at fault in the crash.

Witnesses told the FHP that Boyington’s 2005 Freightliner was in both the north and southbound lanes as he traveled southbound and attempted to negotiate a curve. He over-corrected, ran off the paved portion of the roadway and overturned onto the shoulder of the road.

Boyington was transported by Escambia County EMS to Molino and then airlifted by LifeFlight to a Pensacola hospital. His injuries were reported by the FHP to be minor.

There were no other vehicles involved.

The Molino and Cantonment stations of Escambia Fire Rescue also responded to the crash.

Pictured top and below: The driver of this log truck was seriously injured in this Tuesday morning crash. Pictured inset: The driver was airlifted to a Pensacola hospital. photo, click to enlarge.


28 Responses to “Driver Injured When Log Truck Overturns, Cited For Careless Driving”

  1. d on July 27th, 2012 11:25 am

    i would love to see this road fied like other roads tht dont really need fixing but have already gotten done…i to wreck on the road on a straight part f hwy 99 i had deer run out in front of me roads were wet i hit a pot hole on the white line causing me to run off the road a lil which i pulled to far to the left cause all i seen was horns then pine trees thank God we went to the left cause all i seen on my right where we were headed was pine trees but we crossed the road and the undernneath of my car caught a stump and we flipped…thank u Jesus we were ok after a while coulda been worse ….i pray that they fix it so maybe it will help and be safer

  2. Connie on July 25th, 2012 7:30 pm

    That curve is dangerous for cars and trucks alike. If you don’t know the road then you shouldn’t judge

  3. Kevin on July 25th, 2012 1:48 pm

    First off let me say that I am also a CDL driver. I have lived on this road for 39 years. My Mom almost lost her life when a dump truck side swiped her in a straigh section, so it’s not just the curves!! The road is too narrow, and the curves are sharp and flat! The driver of this truck may have been driving a little too fast to suit the FHP, but I doubt the man set out that morning to lay a load of logs on the side of the road!! As for taking someones CDL there a many more regular operator licenses out there that should be pulled first. A commercial driver has a set anount of hours he or she can drive in a day, but people can get in their car, pickup, RV, motorcycle, etc… and drive until total exhaustion!! People always want to place blame somewhere other than themselves. Show me someone that does not break any traffic laws, and I will be first in line to shake their hand!! Let’s place this blame in the proper place, with the county commisioners, for not adressing the severity of the condition of this and many other roads in the county!! Why should Crabtree Church and Jacks Branch rd have shoulders paved ahead of 99, when they are already wider. I really hope and pray that no one gets seriously injured or killed on this road before 2015 when the county claims they are going to work on it!!

  4. wife on July 25th, 2012 11:31 am

    I’m glad and thankful he is ok an I know my husband does no wake up an say who I should run over I love my husband an it makes me upset just cause he had one accident out of 25 years of please be saying a pray for him

  5. A Truckers Daughter on July 25th, 2012 10:42 am

    For the woman speaking on taking a mans CDl’s away for overturning a truck. Well there are always more than one aspect to look at it. For one yes it may have been his fault completely. Or have you ever stopped to think maybe the load was loaded too heavy or it could have been loaded where it was heavier on one side. therefore it would cause the truck to sway over the line and the wood to shifty causing the truck to overturn. Maybe you should consider the facts in all before you jump and say take someones means of supporting themselves or a family. If it was not for the log truck drivers you would have the Toilet Paper in your bathroom when you wake up every morning. Or much less lots of other daily necessities you need in order to provide for your family. So think about there Time when they are running 500 miles a day and who knows you may not even reach that in a weeks time. Just so you are comfortable in your home!!!! You may have lived in areas where the logging industry is major and you may think its a problem, I myself am Thankful for the Log Truck drivers and all the others that make this world go around. Without them you would not have the fine things you have now. A Bus, train, boat or airplane will only get what you need so far and then who are you relying on the good truck drivers day in and out. So think before you speak. Best wishes to the Driver and his family!!!

  6. Cindy on July 25th, 2012 8:42 am

    That curve is a bugger I always slow way down on it. And as for the road itself it is way to narrow. I use to live up that way as a child and still travel it alot. It suprises me everytime I travel it that in 40 + yrs they have never widened it. But I keep hoping one day thay will. You just have to be very careful on that road and slow down for the curves.I hope the driver will be ok and next time he will slow way down .

  7. Area Resident on July 25th, 2012 8:07 am

    This is a very dangerous curve. There have quite a few wrecks over
    The years. FDOT really needs to work on the elevation in and out
    Of the curves . This road is also extremely narrow
    Causing trucks to be on the yellow line or get over
    The line when negotiating the curves.

  8. Sunshine on July 25th, 2012 7:37 am

    I’m with Fred on this…It does look terrible and we really shouldn’t be negotiating on speeding everybody does a little speeding…sure we should all slow down most of the time, but that was like what someone was saying earlier about the police being around well all in honesty that’s the only real time anyone slows down…I don’t think we should bash the driver because of his driving…just thank God he is ok and no one else got injured in the accident…live each day as your last…yesterday is gone tomorrow may never come you only got to live for today…

  9. Margie Hays on July 25th, 2012 7:29 am

    Driving any vehicle in a way the makes you creep out of your lane is a recipe for disaster. Thank God nobody else was on that curve . ..THIS TIME. Having lived in multiple areas where loggig is a major industry, I know this is an industry-wide problem. The truckers’ time = money, and nobody should have to tell them to operate safely (they should be responsible operators in the first place.). But I do believe citizens would be justified in demanding the revocation of anybody’s CDL if they are cited at fault for careless, reckless, or unsafe operation more than once. I hope and pray the driver recovers from his injuries and realizes he can make a difference now by speaking out to other drivers. No driver makes a cent while they’re laid up recovering from injuries or paying deductibles for an at-fault accident.

  10. martie on July 25th, 2012 4:34 am

    I drive 99 and 97-a everyday and there are no police to enforce any road laws. The trucker is not the only one to watch for. You have to watch for golf carts, 4 wheelers, cows, ect… The tucker is at fault for not slowing down. Everyone should look at themselves and their own speeds, just because there aren’t any cops around to enforce the law doesn’t give you the right to speed!

  11. randy on July 24th, 2012 10:00 pm

    I know this road and I will not diss the truck driver for going too fast, Maybee we can have some signs showing a safe speed for this corner. Even a truck driver knows when to slow down

  12. randy on July 24th, 2012 9:49 pm

    maybee there should be some safe speeds posted, I know this curb and several log trucks have lost control on it. I do agree they may have been going to fast. But FDOT look at the highway. make it safe

  13. drivers daughter on July 24th, 2012 6:58 pm

    this is my father…im just glad my daddy is okay,and you all need to get your facts stright before posting comments about father doesnt drive fast,and he does everything the correct way..he has a grandson to live for he wouldnt dare drive fast…this was not my fathers fault and he wasnt driving careless….just saying

  14. Southern Bell on July 24th, 2012 6:15 pm

    Yes a log truck driver cost my mom her life it was a dark morning he pulled out in front of her I have a big fear of log trucks because of that

  15. Mom of 3 on July 24th, 2012 6:13 pm

    I live on 99 South of this accident and want to remind all of the truck drivers and cars that travel down this road……… School starts on Aug 20th and there are buses stopping around every corner.

  16. MolinoMom on July 24th, 2012 5:43 pm

    I recognize this area really well, I was driving less than the speed limit after crossing the tracks and approaching this same spot when a logging truck very much like this (White) one came around that curve at a very high rate of speed in both lanes, I had to run off the road and almost wrecked and guess what…..that truck driver didn’t even slow down to see if we were alright, so I know first hand how they use both lanes to take this curve. If they were doing the speed limit they wouldn’t need to take both lanes…are a few seconds worth someones life? These speeding trucks know it’s unsafe to drive on these narrow roads—-SLOW DOWN BEFORE YOU KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE!

  17. brent on July 24th, 2012 5:12 pm

    An empty log truck passed me on 99 this morning headed toward hwy 97 at @7:30 am he too was using both lanes as he came into view. these guys exceed the speed limit all the time as do the chip wood trucks . If they get paid by the load…then time is $$$, so safety goes out the window…SLOW DOWN before one of you kill someone. they should be made to use interstate, 113, and hwy 29 only and its already bad enough having to deal wth the non-drivin morons in regular vehicles…

  18. linda on July 24th, 2012 5:12 pm


  19. rrader on July 24th, 2012 5:08 pm

    As for the ticket it taking care of and this truck has the lord with him the lord will take care of it

  20. reader of the news on July 24th, 2012 4:36 pm

    “it what u call accident not his fault”

    He got a ticket for careless driving. The FHP thinks it was his fault. Just sayin.

  21. Scott on July 24th, 2012 4:36 pm

    too fast, like I said.

  22. wife on July 24th, 2012 4:28 pm

    Driver is ok it what u call accident not his fault

  23. Jennifer on July 24th, 2012 3:28 pm

    GLAD TO HEAR THE DRIVER IS OK…I have known the driver for several several years….He is a good truck driver and been doin that job for almost my whole life…..He has trained other drivers, hauled sand, gravel, logs, etc……I’m just glad my Uncle Danny is OK….

  24. driver on July 24th, 2012 2:13 pm

    It was me ex’s father…. He is o.k.

  25. fred on July 24th, 2012 1:53 pm

    What a terrible looking accident. I hope the driver will be okay. Just wondering if the load shifted and turned him over.

  26. dnl on July 24th, 2012 12:29 pm

    Sharp curve on a very, very narrow road. Hope the driver is going to be OK.

  27. W V M on July 24th, 2012 11:49 am

    Hope the Driver is Ok . I travel that road all the Time . I can be a dangerous one .

  28. Jane on July 24th, 2012 10:08 am

    Hope the driver is going to be Ok. it can be a dangerous and hard job.