Brother, Sister Released From Jail, Arrested Again In Under 30 Minutes

July 27, 2012

A brother and sister released from the Escambia County Jail Wednesday were back behind bars within 30 minutes.

Johnnie Kennie, 24, and his sister, Jennie Kennie, 19, allegedly created a disturbance in an Escambia County courtroom during a murder trial. Court security officers asked Johnnie Kennie to leave, but he became belligerent and starting using profane language throughout the courthouse. Despite the multiple warnings, Kennie continued his tirade and tried to flee the area when deputies tried to arrest him.

As deputies were able to arrest Johnnie Kennie, Jennie Kennie started yelling at the deputies to “get off her brother”. Jennie Kennie was asked to not interfere, but when she continued, she was also arrested and the duo was taken to the Escambia County Jail, where they were booked on charges of disturbing the peace and resisting an officer without violence. The siblings were released two hours later after posting bond.

Authorities said after Johnnie Kennie exited the jail, he started to cause to a second disturbance in the Central Booking and Detention Center lobby. Kennie was upset that the jail kept $50 that he had on him when he was booked, authorities reported. Jail staff explained to Kennie that he owed the jail $200 from his previous stay and the $50 was put toward his debt.

Not satisfied with this response, Johnnie Kennie, Jennie Kennie and Carri Clements preceded to cause a disturbance in the lobby. When officers responded, Johnnie Kennie tried to run across the street, but his shoes and pants restricted his movement and he fell face first into the middle of the street. When deputies attempted to stop Johnnie Kennie, Jennie Kennie attempted to stop one of the deputies by putting her arms straight out, while Carri Clements jumped on the same deputy’s back. All three were charged with disturbing the peace and resisting an officer without violence and re-booked into the Escambia County Jail.


24 Responses to “Brother, Sister Released From Jail, Arrested Again In Under 30 Minutes”

  1. David Huie Green on July 31st, 2012 2:59 pm

    “the money that an inmate has to pay in order to be an inmate”

    All well and good.

    The question raised, though, is WAS THE CONFISCATION LEGAL?

    CSX owes us money for a fence job.
    Can we just take that money from them?
    No, of course not.

    The man owes the county money for his jail time.
    Can the Sheriff’s department raid his billfold for partial payment?

    For that matter, not that it matters, but did they give him a receipt? Interesting if they did since a receipt says he payed it and he didn’t pay it, it was taken.

    Yes, he should pay. I notice when many of these people are arrested that they still owe $400 to $800 to the county for previous misdeeds. They are released on bond which quite often amounts to more than what they owe. Is their money confiscated too? If not, why not? Are proper procedures being followed?

    David for law enforcement following laws

  2. Scooby on July 31st, 2012 10:37 am

    ” I don’t see any way it would be legal for the Sheriff dept to keep money held while in custody for room and board. It seems this would be up to the court to determine what is owed to whom and how much it will be.”

    If you were to go to , you will see a “FAQ” section….this is where one learns about the money that an inmate has to pay in order to be an inmate…and other fees as well

  3. GMH on July 28th, 2012 9:30 pm

    It will be interesting to see where this goes. I don’t see any way it would be legal for the Sheriff dept to keep money held while in custody for room and board. It seems this would be up to the court to determine what is owed to whom and how much it will be. This in no way takes away how hilariously stupid these 3 were.

  4. hogkiller31 on July 28th, 2012 2:26 pm

    just plain out want a be’s .trying to act like high mighty thug’s

  5. well on July 28th, 2012 12:25 am

    Johnnie Boy has quite the record going. No stranger to the court system.
    Jennie and Carrie should watch which way he runs and then go the other way. :-)

  6. David Huie Green on July 28th, 2012 12:07 am

    Now, having thought on it further — it seems strange to pay yourself out of a person’s wallet.

    I assume he owed for past misdeeds but what if they decided to sell his wallet or his clothes?
    What if they decided to pay out of his credit card?
    What if some underworld thug would kill him if he didn’t get his $50 within a day?
    Okay, probably not kill him but there are those who break legs.

    I wonder if it is policy to pilfer through the effects of the accused to see what they can take.

    I wouldn’t want to be treated that way.

  7. chrstefl on July 27th, 2012 9:23 pm

    Dumb, Dumb and Dumber! What a trio. I needed a laugh for the day. Hahahhaa

  8. W V M on July 27th, 2012 1:20 pm

    That’s some Funny Stuff … At least no one Lost a Finger during this Circus Show !!

  9. LOL! on July 27th, 2012 1:06 pm

    You just can’t make this stuff up! :)

  10. David Huie Green on July 27th, 2012 11:41 am

    “Carri Clements jumped on the same deputy’s back. All three were charged with disturbing the peace and resisting an officer without violence and re-booked into the Escambia County Jail.”

    But she jumped on in a non violent manner?

    Must have been quite a show.

    David missing the good stuff

  11. David Huie Green on July 27th, 2012 11:39 am

    “Jail staff explained to Kennie that he owed the jail $200 from his previous stay and the $50 was put toward his debt.”

    Yet another reason to stay out of jail

    David for saving money for belts

  12. holly maconeghy on July 27th, 2012 11:32 am

    hope someone got this on video! what idiots!

  13. Richard on July 27th, 2012 10:51 am

    Now that’s some funny stuff.

  14. Just sayin' on July 27th, 2012 10:40 am

    I’m surprised the LEOs were able to arrest him through their laughter!!!! I’d have been doubled over with tears streaming down my face!

    Most fitting thought that comes to my mind: you can’t fix stupid.

  15. karma on July 27th, 2012 10:29 am

    …wow…can you just imagine them drunk? just makes one wonder how many things they got away with before karma caught up with them?

  16. Marshall on July 27th, 2012 9:05 am

    Now the Pants and Falling on his FACE…that’s classic for someone that is trying to run from the LEO’s… Maybe he should spend some money on a belt and anger management….

  17. Ben Thar on July 27th, 2012 8:57 am

    While it is admirable that a sister would stick up for her brother, she should have learned it was a losing proposition after the first arrest.

  18. 429SCJ on July 27th, 2012 8:18 am

    If they behave like this now, just imagine how they would conduct themselves in a LE free enviroment.

  19. riversunshine on July 27th, 2012 7:02 am

    Now that’s FUNNY!!!!

  20. SOAPBOX on July 27th, 2012 6:58 am

    Pants on the ground, pants on the ground! Lol!

  21. Chris on July 27th, 2012 5:53 am

    I’ve been wondering how this type of failed escape would be handled, “When officers responded, Johnnie Kennie tried to run across the street, but his shoes and pants restricted his movement and he fell face first into the middle of the street.”

  22. Fred on July 27th, 2012 2:51 am

    I be their mom is proud!

  23. mike on July 27th, 2012 2:46 am

    That is usually what happens when you don’t have control of your temper, and think that everyone is out to pull one over you. That attitude will get you in trouble every time with the right person…fortunately for them it was with the local authorities and not with someone of the same attitude in life. God spared their lives by placing them in the proper place at the proper time with the proper people. He is an on time God!!! A lesson should be learned here, not by just these people, but also by others with the similar problems. Not everyone you come in contact is going to tolerate a bad behavior.

  24. angela on July 27th, 2012 12:55 am

    And, you can’t fix stupid. We will see these idiots in the headlines again real soon. Sad thing is, they are the type that drain our society. I’m sure they have to have public defenders………….this continues the days of our lives.