Accused Colorado Massacre Suspect Makes First Court Appearance

July 23, 2012

The man accused of killing 12 people and wounding 58 others in a Colorado movie theater made his first court appearance Monday, as investigators continue to piece together the events leading up to the shooting.

James Holmes, his hair dyed bright orange, appeared disoriented and unemotional in Monday’s appearance, staring at the floor or straight ahead as the judge told him there was probable cause to charge him with first-degree murder.

The judge then ordered that Holmes be held in detention until next Monday, when he is due back in court to be formally charged. The prosecutor’s office says it is considering pursuing the death penalty.

Holmes has been held in solitary confinement since police arrested him early Friday outside the theater in Aurora, Colorado, near Denver. Authorities say he is refusing to talk about what prompted him to open fire on a crowd watching the film The Dark Night Rises.



25 Responses to “Accused Colorado Massacre Suspect Makes First Court Appearance”

  1. DJ on July 24th, 2012 8:27 pm

    More than likely the mental and/or abuse card will be played for his defense. Time will tell!

  2. 17 Enfield on July 24th, 2012 6:24 pm

    @ Mark; Good idea…..but it will provide us with years of conspirancy questions, such as who was that standing out by his car, on the grassy median?

  3. rukiddingme on July 24th, 2012 11:24 am

    SaddleUpNRide: Nicely said!!! I totally agree.

  4. Mark on July 24th, 2012 10:58 am

    What we need here is a “Jack Ruby”. No court costs, no confinement costs, nice and neat.

  5. David Huie Green on July 24th, 2012 8:52 am

    “grow up and put on your big boy pants. I don’t tell you how to live”

    Wouldn’t that be telling him how to live?

    David considering orders

  6. Bob hudson on July 24th, 2012 8:15 am

    We do not need any more gun control laws, enforce the one’s we have. Give a liberal gun banner, a inch, and he will try to take a mile.You can not do any thing with people who are crazy, But he does need to be put down.

  7. Mic Hall on July 23rd, 2012 8:39 pm

    This guy is nuts. Not that he should be “treated” but instead we should remove his ability to ever hurt anyone again. EVER. Dead is permanent. Not like we don’t know he did it.

    So many liberal nuts say we need to get rid of all guns. The problem here was NOT that we need fewer guns but that no one in the theater was armed.

  8. Mnon on July 23rd, 2012 8:18 pm

    These type of events happen every week in other countries and no one says a word or gets on a soap box to stand up and speak out about it.

    Genocide is still going on in Darfur to this day. Then you have Burma, Somalia, Rwanda, the list goes on. Lets not even mention young girls having their genitals mutilated, raped, murdered and even worse in South America. Young boys watching their families killed and forced into military regimes and learning to perpetuate the violence. Also what about the babies in Asia being killed, dehydrated, ground up, and put into capsules as a vitamin supplement. As well as suicide bombers blowing themselves up killing woman and children in the middle east. All because they aren’t the right race, clan, tribe, religion, and so on.

    America is becoming no better because of the state it is in. Eventually people will realize we are all together in this world, not separate and people like this guy and other tyrants, murderers, rapists, pedophiles must be stopped and taken out of this world. One day we will stop pointing fingers and being arm chair activists against this senseless violence and stand together to put a stop to it.

    Until then learn to live with tragedies like this, just like millions of other human beings in this world has to.

  9. jwgaited on July 23rd, 2012 6:47 pm

    This country is more concerned about the murderers than they are about the victims and their families. When Killers are sentenced to death then give them a few days to say their good-byes, eat their last meal then take them to the electric chair or the lethal inject room and don’t blink an eye when their dead. Their just reward should be death and only death, not sitting in a cell with 3 square meals a day, air conditioning, workout gym, health care, dental care, color tv, etc. Its Our tax monies taking care of these worthless, no account, crazy heathens. This country needs to get their thinking straight. If their sentenced to death… then so be it.

  10. Keith on July 23rd, 2012 6:33 pm

    @ Susan. You are absolutely correct. They are already creating a loophole for this idiot to slip through.

  11. MicheleG on July 23rd, 2012 6:28 pm

    @Bobby, please don’t comment if you don’t know what you are talking about! My Marlin 30-30 will hold seven in the gun and one in the chamber. It isn’t just pistols that will hold 8 rounds.

  12. 17 Enfield on July 23rd, 2012 6:16 pm

    The liberal news media, backed by numerous left-wing politicians and anti-gun organizations, have received yet another reason to push their agenda. Notwithstanding the fact it actually really against the law to murder anybody by any means. The Hollywood crowd will probably never relent to studies that violent movies and video games push some of these impressionable people over the edge. This “suspect” was considered an intelligent person. There are some who see a fine line between genius and insanity. Not merely crazy, just insane. Support the NRA, they are supporting you to protect you and your family.

  13. Holly on July 23rd, 2012 6:09 pm

    @ARE U KIDDING ME— You don’t get what I’m saying..of course what he did was horrible..unforgiving..don’t be ridiculous in the fact that I think any otherwise..what I am saying is that to me..I think putting him to death is too swift..let him rot in jail, where he’ll br subjected to torture beyond belief everyday

  14. RJay on July 23rd, 2012 5:50 pm

    Bobby – grow up and put on your big boy pants. I don’t tell you how to live. If I choose to own firearms, there is no law that is going to make me choose to be responsible. What I guess I’m trying to say is this, laws or not, it boils down to personal behavior and/or responsibility (or lack thereof). If you outlaw firearms then ONLY criminals will have them. If you disarm “LAW ABIDING” citizens then criminals won’t need firearms either. Then criminals can kick in YOUR door without the fear of being shot. Anything can be utilized as a weapon. It depends on your mind set. You can be hit in the head with an ax handle, does that make it a weapon. Should they be outlawed? What I am simply saying is this, don’t take away my right to defend myself because of the actions of criminals. I choose to arm myself BECAUSE of the actions of criminals.

  15. RJay on July 23rd, 2012 5:41 pm

    Are U Kidding on July 23rd, 2012 3:33 pm
    Are u kidding me, some people do need Killing

    I believe that you misunderstood the earlier comment – Sad that the death penalty has to be considered.

    I believe what they were trying to say is that it shouldn’t even be a second thought, it should be automatic. There should be no question as to whether the defendant should be put to death (unless he happens to be found mentally incompetent).

  16. SaddleUpNRide on July 23rd, 2012 5:40 pm

    Its called an eye for an eye!!! People sitting on death row eating off my tax dollars for twenty years or more really gets my dander up!!! Why should WE continue to feed these non humans that have taken innocent lives. They are enjoying their lives on the inside with their A/C, gyms, color TV, 3 meals a day when the greiving families have to remember that their loved ones are gone, gone, gone because of a Kill Happy Monster!!! They are found GUILTY by evidence and twelve jury members… HELLO!! Take them out of the court room after sentencing, straight to the electric chair or lethal injection room and put them out of their misery. Mad Dogs are put to sleep everyday, whats the difference people, Murderers are no better than Mad Dogs. This guy shouldn’t be put in solitary… Put him out in the population and let him get what he deserves. Other inmates Do Not like Killers of women or children. Sooo you think I’m heartless??? If it were my six year old grandson I would definately want him to be put to death… I’d even flip the switch or inject him myself. If the death penality was inforced like it should be and murderers put to death instantly then these other kill happy animals would think twice before killing the innocent!!! If we lived in another country this crazy animal would already be put to death!!

    Sorry North Escambia, I have No reason to be nice about this topic, and neither should you.

  17. baebae on July 23rd, 2012 5:39 pm

    And where is his suffering after he is put to death? Oh you can bet he will suffer…HELL HAS PLENTY OF ROOM…AND IT WILL LAST FOREVER…
    His suffering will be unmerciful…away from the presence of God. So dont worry if they put him to death…

  18. Bobby on July 23rd, 2012 5:31 pm

    Get rid of all guns not legal to hunt ovr 6 shot. Keep handguns and make it illegal yo have a hand gun magazines that hold over 8 shots. This will not stop these crazy people but could cut losses.

  19. Susan on July 23rd, 2012 4:36 pm

    by the looks of the pictures I’d say he’s laying groundwork for an insanity plea.

  20. Are U Kidding on July 23rd, 2012 3:33 pm

    Are u kidding me, some people do need Killing…… He killed 12 people, and
    you seem to think that is ok, what is wrong with you. A 6 year old who just wanted
    to see a movie… They need to Hang this Killer form an oak tree on all TV stations
    at Noon including cable!!!!!! Its called an eye for an eye… This is why these things
    happen, no real punishment… And hes Mother said she was not surprised, what
    a great mother, NOT!!!! He also can not be crazy, to be able to think all of that through. So dont start that excuse.
    Love ,Most Americans

  21. a mother on July 23rd, 2012 3:07 pm

    I would really hate to be this kids mother.. she is suffering so much disappointment and now she is also going to loose her son.

  22. Just My Opinion on July 23rd, 2012 3:01 pm

    Hmmm……Sit him in a theater…..wide open shot I say! Jerk – how sad!

  23. David Huie Green on July 23rd, 2012 3:01 pm

    “Sad that the death penalty has to be considered.”

    Not that I completely disagree (since the death penalty itself makes clear that we believe some people need killing), but the Supreme Court once ruled the death penalty was unconstitutional because it wasn’t evenly applied. The states responded by making it automatic in certain cases. The Supreme Court then ruled those laws were unconstitutional because they did not allow judges to take other factors into account, to not allow them to apply it unevenly.

    The truth is that they were trying to do away with the death penalty but citizens just wouldn’t cooperate.

    Several states gave up or decided for moral reasons to do away with the death penalty no matter what the crime. Colorado is not one of them. Not that there’s anything we could do which would match this crime.

    David for those grieving

  24. Holly on July 23rd, 2012 3:00 pm

    Personally, I think the death penalty is too good for them. Put them to death, and where is thier suffering?? I say make them sit and rot

  25. well on July 23rd, 2012 2:17 pm

    Sad that the death penalty has to be considered. If found guilty, it should be automatic. Time to stop housing these people.