Ensley Man Shoots His Wife Of 45 Years

June 26, 2012

A Escambia County man is charged with shooting his wife of 45 years Monday night in Ensley.

Jerry Marvin Wallace, 64, was charged with aggravated battery using a deadly weapon and booked in to the Escambia County Jail without bond after the incident about 10:30 p.m. on St. Christopher Road, just west of Highway 29 and north of 9½ Mile Road.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office said deputies found Wallace outside in swing on the porch of the couple’s home when they responded to the report of a shooting victim. Inside, they found his wife, whose name has not been released, on the couch barely conscious and suffering from a gunshot wound. She told deputies that she and Wallace had been arguing all day and that he had threatened to kill her.

Wallace admitted to deputies that he had shot his wife after an argument in which he threatened to kill her. Investigators recovered a revolver with one spent cartridge.

The wife was transported to a Pensacola hospital. Her condition has not been released.


28 Responses to “Ensley Man Shoots His Wife Of 45 Years”

  1. Christian on October 26th, 2013 9:44 pm

    Try being the grandson of all this.i have been through alot they were always there for me.i luv them to death.especially my grandfather papa jerry.we went fishing all the time.and my grandmother,she is living with us recovering after 1 year and now 4 months.she had a broken hand her dominant.she couldn’t do anything.while my parents were at work,I cooked for her and then fed her.ive never been through this before and I don’t want to be in it again.

  2. Gregg on August 10th, 2012 5:34 pm

    As a relative, They are both good people, and hard working people. We all have issues and breaking points. I am not close to them, my wife passed 8 years ago who is how I was related. Sharon is a outstanding woman. People everywhere do stupid things for frivoulus reasons. This is not the ECSO fault. Jerry made the decision to do this he is solely at fault, it was his choice that caused this tragedy.

  3. Gina on June 28th, 2012 11:49 am

    I wonder who called 911 to report it, a neighbor on the news said they heard Jerry telling Sharon he was sorry, then the police showed up.
    Also… Sharon is doing well, has had surgery and has already been released from the hospital. She will have a long road of physical therapy, but that is ALOT better than what the outcome could have been. Please keep the prayers going for Sharon AND Jerry.

  4. Robyn on June 27th, 2012 2:59 pm

    Praying for Ms. Wallace and their family! Such a tragic event!

  5. erica on June 27th, 2012 11:19 am

    @ kathy,
    that is such an ignorant statement! i get soooo tired of foolish people because if u had an intruder coming into your home u would be praying u had a gun to protect yourself before they beat robbed raped or killed u. people like u have never had anything bad happen to them i guess so u think this way. any police officer will tell u that an intelligent person needs to own a gun to protect themselves, they cannot be there with u. a gun in hand is better than a cop on the phone!

  6. Bob on June 27th, 2012 9:19 am

    Seems to me ‘Citizen’ has a lot of inside information. I would guess he or she works in the dept. or has close ties to someone who does. I think it should come out of the closet and identify itself so we can use all this valuable information to help the general population make a better decision come election time. If any of this is correct.

  7. Concerned on June 27th, 2012 7:26 am

    You mention how many times deputies have been called to this address as if you knew. But you never say how many. Since this seems to be part of your basis for argument against Sheriff Morgan (not for or against just like facts) how many times have they been to that address and done “nothing”. I have seen this type of vague comment before and found it to be merely inflammatory and unsupported. I would hope that this is not another instance.

  8. Kathy on June 27th, 2012 6:28 am

    See, guns are safe everyone should have one, only the thieves and thugs are dangerous!!

  9. A neighbor on June 27th, 2012 2:07 am

    I have lived in the same street for the last 10 years and never saw or heard any thing that would indicate this would happen! Didn’t hear anything until the day after, when we saw the news crew. My 9 year old was afraid to go to bed last night, we told her that he was in jail and couldn’t hurt her, I’m wondering what we are going to tell her when he gets out of jail and moves back in the house.

  10. Simple Man on June 26th, 2012 10:16 pm

    Wow…and for someone to blame this on the “Sheriff”….HA! You got to be kidding me……For real…what Is this WORLD coming too???

  11. PensacolaMom on June 26th, 2012 7:31 pm

    from reading the comments…the person CITIZEN sounds like they may have had a bad experience with the Escambia S O. My take on this is…if you don’t like something or someone…then throw it away or leave. The S O does the best they can do with what they have to work with. Not many people want law enforcement jobs, so therefore so few employees to secure a large area. Too bad Ms. Wallace didn’t alert someone beforehand about his irrate behavior earlier in the day.

  12. Erie on June 26th, 2012 6:19 pm

    Reminds me of the Freddie Willhite 911 call they played all over the news a few years back. Google search Freddie Willhite 911 call, it easy to find.

    Seems like an eriely similiar situation.

  13. TW on June 26th, 2012 6:02 pm

    Wow I guess after 45 yrs, he couldnt take it anymore…smh!!!!

  14. 429SCJ on June 26th, 2012 4:47 pm

    A man of his word and a nut!

    Prayers for Mz Wallace’s recovery and disposition of Mr Wallace.

  15. cmw on June 26th, 2012 4:42 pm

    Prayers for the wife. Any news of her condition?

  16. Dianne Johnson on June 26th, 2012 4:23 pm

    Do u realize how many deputies are killed each year answering domestic disturbance calls? Not just in your area but every state-so we should stand behind Morgan and every deputy . What makes u think a re election is going to change anything–how well do u really know the MAN or what ever that is up against him? THINK THIS OVER!

  17. Citizen on June 26th, 2012 3:16 pm

    Ok, I’ve read the comments. Do you have any idea how many times the s/o has responded to this address? Do you think that if action would have been taken sooner, it wouldn’t have come to this? I have no problem with the men and women working the streets and have the up most respect for them. Where my problem lies is we need more officers on the street and every one wants to blame any one but Morgan. Please take note to all the double and triple dippers he’s hired back under contract. These folks don’t work the street. They sit around in their office and wonder where they’re going to eat lunch and check their bank accounts. There’s a lot of money tied up in salaries at the s/o that could be used to hire more officers so this type of conduct wouldn’t happen. Morgan himself said he didn’t believe in the double dipping and said he didn’t need contract workers at the office, he would have enough people there to do the job with w/o hiring contract people. This is not just the only incident, there was a shooting in Mayfair last night as well. I think there was over 50 rounds fired in that incident. Open your eyes people, the man hasn’t a clue what he’s doing. When there’s a negative comment on a blog about him, his few supporters try to defend him using any name that comes to mind.

  18. Sharle on June 26th, 2012 1:29 pm

    The person at fault here is the person who did the shooting. It is stupid to blame someone who was not even on the premises. The Sheriff’s department cannot be everywhere.

  19. Old Goldie on June 26th, 2012 1:28 pm

    And people ask me why I’ve been single for 25 years…..

    When are the cops and other people going to take domestic abuse seriously?

  20. reader of the news on June 26th, 2012 12:52 pm

    ..well another comment concerning the ESCO..change is needed indeed…but its not the ESCO..they are men and women just like you Citizen, they are not “super human” they don’t have super radar implanted in their minds/ears/eyes so that they know where and when a violent crime is going to happen..they are are indeed an “exceptional” group of people and deserve more respect than they get in this county! …change is needed …try PRAYER ..can’t go wrong with that.

  21. fish621 on June 26th, 2012 12:44 pm

    Dear Citizen, please come out of the dark ages. How do you think the sheriff or his office can prevent someone from shooting their husband or wife if they want to. It is not like Mr. Wallace called the sheriff and said “hey I am going to shoot my wife, want to come stop me before I do it” crime has been around since Cain and Able and always will be. The only difference is the media has it in your face before the gun get’s cold. I hope she recovers and he goes to jail. Prayers for the family of both, this will be tough on their children if they have any.

  22. barrineau on June 26th, 2012 12:43 pm

    After 45 years of marriage ……what was the breaking point ?

  23. someguy on June 26th, 2012 12:42 pm

    “Well, another violent crime in Escambia County. Change is needed at the Sheriffs Office to prevent this reoccurring news.”

    … because the SO can prevent every person from owning a weapon and allowing their emotions to overtake them during some type of domestic dispute. Right on, pal.

  24. Darlene on June 26th, 2012 12:34 pm

    Dear “Citizen” — under your theory, does that mean when a fire happens, we need to change the Fire Chief? Makes more sense for the county government to provide more money for the Sheriff’s Department to hire more deputies to patrol the streets to make them safer. Why don’t we take some of the money being spent to build multimillion dollar projects downtown and on the beach and improve our local schools and law enforcement? Anyone on a budget understands that luxury items only come after the basics are provided for. Let private organizations supply entertainment venues, so the government can concentrate on stabilizing our county.

  25. cmw on June 26th, 2012 12:26 pm

    I totally agree with Carolyn Bramblett! The Sheriffs Office can not help what crazies get ahold of guns and commit these crimes! There`s some things law enforcement can not do!!!!

  26. boat captain tom on June 26th, 2012 12:08 pm

    @ Citizen,
    This ain’t Dodge City and Sheriff Morgan ain’t Matt Dillon you simple mind. One man can’t stop all crime in the county. Get your head out and address the real problems…………

  27. Carolyn Bramblett on June 26th, 2012 11:15 am

    Change is needed at the Sheriff’s Office? What? Shooting someone when it’s not self defense is a wicked thing and what has that to do with the Sheriff?

  28. Citizen on June 26th, 2012 8:39 am

    Well, another violent crime in Escambia County. Change is needed at the Sheriffs Office to prevent this reoccurring news.
