Volunteers Needed For Escambia County Committees, Boards

June 17, 2012

The Escambia County Board of County Commissioners is seeking volunteers for the Escambia County Health Facilities Authority, the Escambia County Investment Advisory Committee, the Pensacola-Escambia Development Commission and the Escambia County Value Adjustment Board.

The Escambia County Health Facilities Authority was established by Florida law. The purpose of the authority is to assist health facilities in acquisition, construction, financing and refinancing of projects. Knowledge of finance and/or health care administration is required to sit on this authority. Authority members serve a four-year term of office.

The Escambia County Investment Advisory Committee was established under a County ordinance. The duty of the Investment Advisory Committee is to review and recommend changes regarding the investment practices of Escambia County. The Committee shall review the County’s portfolio activity for compliance with the Escambia County Investment Policy. Documented expertise in finance and investments is required for this appointment. Appointed members shall not be employed by any office of County government and shall be residents of Escambia County. Appointed members may not engage in any private financial dealings with the County during their tenure on the Committee and for a period of two years thereafter. Committee members serve a three-year term of office.

The Pensacola-Escambia Development Commission was established through Florida law.  The Commission’s duties are to actively seek new industry for the area and promote expansion of existing industries.  The Commission is also responsible for promoting and developing industrial parks and promoting tourism and convention activities for the Escambia County area.  Commission members serve a two-year term of office.

The Escambia County Value Adjustment Board was established in accordance with Florida Statutes. The Value Adjustment Board provides for the hearing of all petitions, complaints, appeals and disputes concerning taxable assessment of properties. The Board membership shall consist of two Commissioners, one of whom shall be elected chairman; one citizen appointed by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC), two members of the District School Board, as elected from the membership of that body; and one citizen appointed by the School Board. The citizen Board members must own homesteaded property in Escambia County, cannot be a member or employee of any taxing authority and cannot be a person that represents property owners in any administrative or judicial review of property taxes. Board members serve a one-year term of office.

If interested in serving on any of the commissions or authorities listed above, contact Judy Witterstaeter at (850) 595-4917 to submit a résumé before Wednesday, June 27.


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