Two Dozen Vehicles Burglarized In Nine Mile Road Area

June 4, 2012

About two dozen vehicle burglaries were reported Monday morning in the East Nine Mile Road area.

According to Sgt. Ted Roy, spokesperson for the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, a few of the vehicles were unlocked, but many had windows broken out.

He said it appeared that suspect or suspects were looking for anything of value that they could find. A few of the vehicles were rummaged through but nothing taken because the owners not left anything of value behind. Items taken from other vehicles included purses, electronics and at least one weapon.

As of late Monday morning, there had been no arrests in the case and little information about a suspect. Roy said that a white Ford F150 had been reported leaving the area by some residents.

“If you are going to leave anything valuable in vehicle, lock the doors and leave the item out of site,” Roy said. “But it’s better not to leave valuables in your vehicle.”

Anyone with information about the vehicle burglaries is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP (7867) or the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620.

The vehicle burglaries were reported between 4:00 and 10:30 a.m. on streets that included Greystone Lane, Hummingbird Boulevard, Ridge Road, Motley Court, Stillbridge Lane, Beatrice Drive and Bobwhite Drive.


10 Responses to “Two Dozen Vehicles Burglarized In Nine Mile Road Area”

  1. disgusted on June 12th, 2012 1:37 am

    My car was one of the cars broken into. Kids have been arrested this time. My car was hit once before and it was a crack head. Either way its lazy, worthless people. I don’t blame the economy. There are plenty of people that are having a hard time and they are not out stealing. I hope they make an example out of everyone who is convicted. They took my wallet which I accidentally forgot in my car. Normally I never leave it in the car. But it was in my car, in my yard and the little thugs had no right to even be on my property. They busted out two of my neighbors car windows and did not even get anything. Everyone is gonna have to start taking extra measures to protect what is ours and report any suspicious activity. It is not people in need committing the crimes it is low life people that have no respect for other people. I truly hope they throw the book at these criminals.

  2. Pcolamomof4 on June 6th, 2012 6:56 am

    Criminals will use yardsales to explore neighborhoods without attracting attention to themselves and to see what kind of stuff they might find and find out routines. A friend of ours about 16 years ago had a yardsale off Langley and they let people into the house to use the phone and bathroom. A few mornings later as they were visiting her mother at the nursing home (something they were talking with neighbors about during the yardsale) a moving van pulled up and almost all of their furniture was stolen. The neighbors didn’t think anything of it because our friends were new to the neighborhood and were still bringing things over from the old house.

  3. Mark on June 5th, 2012 3:49 pm

    To Mad:

    I understand your frustration, but who in the heck leaves “several thousand dollars” of stuff in their vehicle? That’s insane!!

    Keep honest people honest. Lock your doors, keep all your valuables out of sight, and DON’T leave anything of value in your VEHICLE! It amazes me the number of people I know that leave wallets, cell phones, Ipads, etc, just sitting out in plain view.

    You are just tempting fate.

  4. Jerry on June 5th, 2012 9:23 am

    It happened again this morning in Grand Cedars Subdivision between Nine Mile and Olive. Went through unlocked cars and broke windows out of several. It’s happening between 11:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m. I went out to get stuff out of my car at 11:00 and there was no sign of break in. My neighbor 2 doors down left around 3:00 to deliver papers and her car had been ransacked. According to deputies it happened off Brent too.

  5. Jane on June 5th, 2012 6:44 am

    Don’t leave anything of value in your vehicle. You can not trust that someone won’t break into it to get whatever you left in it. It is sad that you can’t even go into a store or go to a movie without someone doing this. But there are no jobs here so people steal.

  6. FL Girl on June 4th, 2012 11:58 pm

    I don’t understand how yard sales effect the crime rate???

  7. Tired on June 4th, 2012 5:12 pm

    We had our SUV broken into at 7:30 am on Pickwood a couple of weeks ago. Credit cards were used 5 minutes later and checks have been presented in an attempt to cash them as far away as Texas. This is not kids.

  8. Big Jim on June 4th, 2012 3:28 pm

    Recent Garage Sales in this area over the past few years are on the increase, That brings people that do not know this area, Into this area and the problems is getting worse each year.
    Dont blame the local residents for their children doing these things to Vehicles.
    People that Steal most often do not do it in their own areas.
    As An EX Deputy, I tried to tell locals about Yard Sales and how it brings others into this area just to look around, Only one way into & out of Motley Ct area, A Vehicle will sit at the church, on the way in, off mottley ct road to stand watch, While others do their Crime.
    Mayfair Had the same problem, Drug Sales,Cars, being Stolen&Damaged as well Homes getting broke into,Due to Look Outs, Who Live in the area, watching for Law. Webster Drive , Bridgdale, Mass Ave.
    And the Neighborhood Watch Figured this out, Same was reported to ECSD. And That was as far any help went to the NHW.
    No Support for the NHWatch from ECSD.

  9. Mad on June 4th, 2012 3:17 pm

    We went to the Carmike Cinema about two weeks ago and someone busted our window out of our truck. It was 4:30 in the afternoon, parking lot full of cars and no one saw anything. They took several thousand dollars worth of stuff out of our truck. It is not just kids that steal it is sorry, lazy no-good dead beats that are too lazy to work and needs $20.00 for their next high. I am tired of working my butt off for people that are too lazy to work and depend on us working people to support them and their habits.

  10. Me on June 4th, 2012 1:36 pm

    I live in the area where all this took place and this happens every year as soon as school let’s out . There are several LEO’s that live in the same neighborhood and it does not seem to make them think twice about it. Kids are dumb and brave.