Two Business Owners Busted For Spice

June 8, 2012

The owners of two specialty “smoke shops” in Santa Rosa County have been arrested for selling illegal bath salts and spice.

Michael D. Johnson, owner of Stackhouse Records in Milton, was arrested on six separate warrants after undercover officers made numerous bath salt and spice purchases from his establishment this year.

Johnson was also charged with one count of possession of a controlled substance for a small amount of “spice” that was located in his establishment during a search warrant executed on April 3.  Johnson was also charged with three counts of sale of amphetamine, eight counts of sale of a hallucinogen, one count of sale of a synthetic narcotic, and one count of possession of a controlled substance. He was booked into the  Santa Rosa County Jail without bond.

Rachael Hartsell, owner of Showcase Smoke Shop in Milton was arrested on charges stemming from the execution of a search warrant at her business on April 3. Deputies said Hartsell was found to be in possession over 1,000 packages and 16 different brands of “spice”. She was also charged with selling spice to an undercover officer. She was released from jail on a $85,000 bond.

““We will continue to arrest those responsible for this type of activity. As with all illegal narcotics, they have no place in this county. We will continue to do our very best in shutting down any establishment that disregards the laws that are in place to keep our community safe and drug free,” Sheriff Wendell Hall said.


7 Responses to “Two Business Owners Busted For Spice”

  1. @Darn on June 11th, 2012 12:47 pm

    Reply to Darn

    You said “Legalize marijuana or sell spice pick one” Umm, Ill go with the third option: Neither.

    Exactly who were you giving the ultimatum to? Scratch that…who are you to give an ultimatum?

  2. Bronwynn Hollywood on June 9th, 2012 11:22 am

    Dear “Darn”, you should consider yourself lucky, have you seen the people that make this stuff? It’s not made in a factory by trained employees, it’s made in Bubba’s basement with God knows what. It is not regulated. If you insist on doing it anyway, please lock yourself up somewhere first so you are not able to hurt anyone but youself. SMH

  3. Darn on June 9th, 2012 12:56 am

    I was on this stuff for one year and never had anything bad happen. I wish they would have kept the spice legal. If I ever find somebody that is selling it I will buy it in a heartbeat. Legalize marijuana or sell spice pick one. This is the land of the FREE is it not? I can buy alcohol and cigarettes which are known to kill but yet I cannot buy marijuana which is a natural medicine. This country is so screwed up!!

  4. Bronwynn Hollywood on June 8th, 2012 3:31 pm

    I don’t think Ms. Hartsell would be smiling like that if someone “under the influence” was eating her face off. People, this synthetic stuff is worse than the real stuff! I’m glad they were busted.

  5. concerned parent on June 8th, 2012 10:46 am

    I know for a fact that one of the convenience stores in Century sell that crap and other stuff to minors!!! Makes me sick!

  6. JM on June 8th, 2012 8:01 am

    ““We will continue to arrest those responsible for this type of activity. As with all illegal narcotics, they have no place in this county. We will continue to do our very best in shutting down any establishment that disregards the laws that are in place to keep our community safe and drug free,” Sheriff Wendell Hall said.

    Now if we could just get our judicial system to keep them we might be make
    some headway on the war on drugs. I know it’s doubtful, better parenting is the answer. Know where your children are when they are young. Give them good advice, supervision and consequences to their actions. Do your best, hope for the best and never GIVE UP. Baring all that JUDGE it is now up to YOU. They are adults and they still have not learned nobody is going to put up with them and there are CONSEQUENCES….SO LAY IT ON THEM HARD! It’ really works…..

  7. tallyho on June 8th, 2012 6:55 am

    The picture says it all. One looks like he has know clue what is going on and the other looks like she is injoying all of the attention. Sick people!!