Three Sentenced In Massive Tax Preparer Fraud Case

June 14, 2012



Three more people have been sentenced to probation in a case that the IRS says was the biggest tax fraud case of its kind in Alabama.

Linda Thomas, 58, of Repton, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to defraud the Internal Revenue Service and was sentenced to five years probation.

Tax preparer Alice Mobley, paid $10 to $20 per person to Thomas to gather social security numbers to fraudulently use on tax returns. Those selling their information were paid $500 for adult numbers and $600 for childrens’ numbers. When Mobley’s Preyear Tax and Check Cashing in Atmore, Mobley’s home and other business locations were raided by federal agents on March 4, 2010, investigators found complete identification information on 536 people, including Social Security cards, Medicaid cards and other documents.

Mobley also “split” dependents, using the identity of some children on one return to obtain Earned Income Credit, and on other returns to obtain Child Credit and Dependent Care Credits. Mobley’s firm also prepared returns which claimed business tax deductions for business which did not exist and farm tax deductions for clients who did not have farms, the DOJ said.

Two other people that worked for Mobley, Fretizell Locke-Wiggins and Latana Locke, were sentenced to three years probation for their part in the tax scheme.

Mobley pleaded guilty last year to conspiracy, tax perjury, wire fraud and aggravated identity theft for orchestrating what was described as a systematic schedule to file thousands of false tax returns and defraud the government of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

She was sentenced to 6 years and 3 months in federal prison by Chief U.S. District Judge William Steele. She will also forfeit $593,949.77 in cash and property seized from her home and business locations in March 2010, and she was ordered to pay $720,067 in restitution to the federal government.

Federal agents raided Mobley’s Preyear’s Tax & Check Cashing, LLC on Ridgely Street in Atmore and other locations in March 2010.

Pictured above: A federal agent enters Preyear’s Tax & Check Cashing, LLC in Atmore March 4, 2010. Pictured inset: Agents search a vehicle at the business. Pictured below: A federal agent and an Atmore Police officer talk to an employee of the business during the raid. exclusive photos, click to enlarge.



8 Responses to “Three Sentenced In Massive Tax Preparer Fraud Case”

  1. lawful citzen on June 16th, 2012 7:44 am

    Some of the clients that had their taxes done at this place, were audited and had to pay back money. Not sure if the ones that sold their information got into any trouble.

  2. Henry Coe on June 16th, 2012 7:39 am

    Joe, where do you put disabled Veterans who live off the government? What about the children and spouses of those who were KIA?
    I have no problem paying for a child through SS who lost a parent through their service to America.
    Some folks pay into SS for decades and then become disabled before the age of retirement. That is what SSDI is for.
    My sister paid into SS for almost two decades and then only got SS for 6 months while she was dying from a brain tumor. There are many years that she didn’t get to collect on. There are many others who pay into to SS and never get to collect anything.
    While you are being whiny and narcissistic Joe about the taxes you pay, remember at any moment you could end up becoming disabled and need help from the government.
    Many paid taxes that built the roads, rail roads and bridges that make capitalism possible for you to have.
    I’m just saying, it isn’t all about you. It never was and it never will be.
    Paying taxes is part of being an American and paying for civilization. It helps to provide security and the general welfare of society. It’s a patriotic duty that has continued from the days of old and helps with preparing a future for those to come.
    No, it isn’t perfect. When we have people like yourself complaining about Americans in need getting food or health care, but subsidies to the Oil Companies while they make record profits isn’t even on your perspective radar, something is very wrong.
    There are specific things to complain and politic about when it comes to government wasting money, but I don’t think attacking the sick, elderly or poor is the way to go when we are talking nickles and pennies against real government waste to big corporations & lobbyist in the form of really big dollars.

    There are better things to complain about in regard to waste. Waste in big dollar give aways that don’t contribute to the betterment of our society.

  3. Sick and Tired 2 on June 15th, 2012 3:58 pm

    I think Joe is referring to those on Social Security disability not those who have worked all their lives paying SS and are now drawing on it. So…the next question is why are they not going after each and every one of those people who sold their info to these criminals?

  4. JM on June 15th, 2012 8:25 am

    I am on S.S. and Medicare Joe, Plus I have Blue Cross and Blue Shield.
    We worked all our lives and paid our taxes and our Social Security and
    our Blue Cross and Blue Shield.

    Are you saying WE are on the Dole out? We pay taxes on our Social Security
    also, is does that sound like we don’t work for our money. Where do you
    think Social Security Comes From….WE worked all our lives to pay into
    this crooked system. Do you think any of the millions of boomers are HAPPY

    Joe S.S. was OURS in the first PLACE…..

  5. Bob on June 14th, 2012 3:24 pm

    Folks be thankful..If she had gone before Judge Ginny Grenade she would have only gotten six months and six weeks house arrest.

  6. rukiddingme on June 14th, 2012 10:43 am

    No, you are not the only one. I am pretty outraged myself. Probabtion? Really? You aided in a crime, and you just get probabtion probably because you gave info. If you can’t to the time, don’t do the crime! Please! And am I wrong in thinking that this is why I know people got 9 to 10 thousand back on taxes? Did they take theirs to this place and get extra children added to theirs? I work my you know what off, and these people do this, and others profit as well. It’s all crap!

  7. jeeperman on June 14th, 2012 10:33 am

    I agree Joe.
    Maybe the IRS had to give them the probation deal in order for them to squeal enough to get Mobley to plead guilty.

  8. Joe on June 14th, 2012 9:41 am

    once again the criminals get a slap on the hand and “we” the tax payers, or perhaps it is just “me” the tax payer has to foot the bill for this justice.
    Am I the only one outraged here? Or am I the minority because I am not on social security or disability or medi care or any kind of public assistance?
    I think most folks will not care because they dont work for their money any how!! more people should speak up if this bothers them. too many people are dependant on the government now and do not even know how to legally provide for themselves or their families.
    I know there are some tax payers and workers left out there, we need to speak up and let the politicians know how we feel!
    Or am I just crazy???