Supreme Court OKs Obama’s Health Care Plan (With Romney Reaction)

June 29, 2012

[VOA] The U.S. Supreme Court handed President Barack Obama a major victory Thursday, upholding the key part of his controversial health care plan in a 5-4 decision.

The so-called “individual mandate” requires Americans to have health insurance or face a financial penalty.  U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the court’s more liberal justices, writing in his majority opinion that “because the Constitution permits such a tax, it is not [the court's] role to forbid it, or to pass [decide] upon its wisdom or fairness.”

Justices Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor voted with Roberts to uphold the law.

President Barack Obama hailed the ruling as a victory “for people all over this country whose lives will be more secure because of this law and the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold it.”  He also said the court decision reaffirmed that in the United States, the wealthiest nation on Earth, no illness or accident should lead any family to financial ruin.

“Whatever the politics, today’s decision was a victory for people all over this country whose lives will be more secure because of this law and the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold it,” said President Obama.

Meanwhile, presumptive Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney promised to repeal the law on his first day in office, if elected.  He said “Obamacare was bad policy yesterday.  It’s bad policy today,” and warned the law will cause up to 20 million Americans to lose health care coverage they like or want to keep while also killing badly needed jobs.

“What the court did today was say that Obamacare did not violate the Constitution,” said Romney. “What they did not do is say that Obamacare was good law or that it’s good policy.  Obamacare was bad policy yesterday.  It’s bad policy today.”

​​The Obama administration had argued the “individual mandate” is valid under the U.S. Constitution because all Americans will need medical care at some point in their lives, and there is no practical alternative to insurance.

Twenty-six states filed suit against the reform law, contending that individuals cannot be forced to buy insurance, a product they may neither want nor need.

Republican lawmakers were quick to respond to the court decision, using it to launch a renewed effort to repeal the law in its entirety.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner, told reporters the court’s ruling underscored the urgency to act.

He said, “There’s a lot of resolve amongst our colleagues and amongst the American people to stop a law that’s hurting our economy, driving up the cost of health care and making it more difficult for employers to hire new workers.”

U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell also lashed out at the law, saying it “made the problems it was meant to solve even worse – the supposed cure has proven to be worse than the disease.”

Pictured top: President Barack Obama talks on the phone with Solicitor General Donald Verrilli in the Oval Office after learning of the Supreme Court’s ruling on his health care plan. Pictured top inset: Obama delivers a speech on the health care plan late Thursday morning. Pictured bottom inset: Republican Mitt Romne responds to the Supreme Court ruling, vowing to repeal ‘Obamacare’ plan if elected. Courtesy photos for, click to enlarge.


29 Responses to “Supreme Court OKs Obama’s Health Care Plan (With Romney Reaction)”

  1. bob hudson on July 2nd, 2012 9:06 am

    It is still a tax. And I like to see the way liberals are trying to spin it, just like they do with every thing.

  2. Bobby on July 1st, 2012 9:32 pm

    Ok big deal it’s a penalty “tax” for the 1 percent that choose not to buy the required policy. Just think if your one of those greedy business owners with less than 500 employees you don’t have to offer health care insurance but if you do you get a tax break. Also all you retired military , US government workers you don’t loose your health care insurance that all the rest of us pay for you that has to buy there own insurance. Just think all those county, city, state, national guard, sherriff and police don’t losse ther insurance that we pay for and have to buy our own also. Just think all the house and senate insurance we pay for they dont loose. Isn’t this a great country that out of this whole thing with healthcare we can fight over is the word “tax” isn’t that great. I’m sure glad that I can help all those previous listed and buy my own health care insurance and complain about the word “tax”.

  3. RealityCheck1 on July 1st, 2012 7:32 pm

    Its a shame that everyone is so focused on the problem that they can’t see the solution. I’ll give you a prime example of a country that is doing quite well with universal healthcare…Norway. Norway actually has a surplus in there economy right now. As for education; higher education is also free. Yes, they are taxed, but the tax is spent on people.
    I think it is sad that most people cannot afford insurance to help with there medical needs. Any doctor will tell you that preventative care is the most important health care one can have. Instead of being able to attend bi-annual check-ups, they wait until something is wrong, and they visit the E.R.. They are not able to pay for the physicians fee, and they obtain numerous medical collections on their credit. Now this starts to stunts the economic growth of this individual.

  4. bob hudson on July 1st, 2012 3:23 pm

    Yes the Supreme Court HAS RULED IT TO BE A TAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So now no matter how the president and the liberals or the Media,try to spin that it is not, they are lying.Wow imagine that!Yep Justice Roberts gave the liberals a Trojan horse. It survives as a TAX, And no matter what the liberals say, they cannot change the ruling.

  5. NWFLA Linda on July 1st, 2012 10:26 am

    Biggest tax increase in the history of our country!!! Folks who don’t have a problem with that must not be paying taxes or don’t yet realize exactly how much of an increase this will be over and above the tax levied on them for merely not purchasing something. All those expecting free stuff from Uncle Obama need to realize they will now be required to pay for their own insurance or pay this tax. A tax increase which is something Uncle Obama promised he would never inflict on middle class Americans. And stop focusing on healthcare. Look at all the other intrusions into our lives this gives Uncle Obama and his people – things that have no earthly connection to healthcare. It’s so easy to repeat the liberal talking points. Research for yourself what this is going to do to you in all aspects of your life. Be smarter than folks like Pelosi and others who approved this thing not knowing what it contained. And if you believe it’s all so that baby and granny can receive medical care, check back in and let us know how that’s working if this thing were to go into effect. Talk to anyone who has ever sought care in other countries and ask yourself why, when someone really needs a special treatment or surgery, they come to the United States. Well, on the bright side, they won’t come here anymore. Maybe even the illegals will start staying home.

  6. 429SCJ on July 1st, 2012 7:22 am

    I feel Mr Obama and the Demorcrats have made a nice gesture for the history books.

    Why did the Democrats not first fix the deficit FIRST, before implementing this program in this economy. Mr Obama wants to bring more people into a bankrupt system. I guess people can use their welfare checks to pay for their health insurance. I enjoy a good magic show, but this is not sustainable.

  7. Bobby on June 30th, 2012 1:43 pm

    So if everyone has to buy there own health insurance what has the tea party and republicans got to complain about. It’s not a tax it’s a penalty. It’s not going cost the gop or tea party. Stop whining. I had a friend that claimed to be harecore republican tea party supporter who thinks no body deserves any help. She is sick but the first in line to receive all the benifits she didn’t want anyone else to get because they didn’t look like her. She even gave her house away to her relatives years before she became sick enought to draw Medicare, Medicade and SS she still lives in the house with new retired husband who is on SS and Medicare.

  8. We'rescrewed... on June 30th, 2012 1:04 pm

    Here’s from a 20 year old’s point of view:

    I graduated 3 years ago from NHS. Wonderful feeling yet I was diving into “you know what” creek as soon as I left the property. I work 50-70hrs a week. Does that mean I keep my money? NO! It means I pay for high insurance, high bills, high everything. I can’t save to go back to school, and my parents “make too much” for me to get funding. Ironically enough, they pay NONE of my bills and have no influence on my life. I cannot prove it nor can I fight that to get funding. I’d have to be pregnant and barefoot mooching to get some help. This government does not seem to help the future of our lives. My generation is lazy, rude, and has no self respect what so ever. I was raised by a railroad worker/farmer and a house wife. They taught my family to GO TO SCHOOL and work for WHAT YOU WANT TO HAVE. I was never taught to feed off of others and make someone ELSE give me what I want. I can’t imagine having everything taken from me as an established adult would be dealing with currently, but I surely don’t see it any easier starting out. I just would like someone who doesn’t have any self respect to think about those who have dignity and self preservation and imagine life as I live it. I was considered the more fortunate, but you slimy scumbags have made it nearly impossible for me to be that. I now consider you the more fortunate. You can sit on your lazy butts, eat free food, talk on a free phone, and let your bank account fill up. I hope there is a revolution. I hope the guns come out and the fires burn. People will not get an idea of what life is like until they have nothing again. What it all boils down to is that there is no amount of power like that of human basic instincts. When it gets bad, we’ll see who depends on WHO!

  9. 429SCJ on June 30th, 2012 6:02 am

    We are going to need a government agency to track and deal with those who will not accept and acquire insurance or the mark.

  10. billy on June 29th, 2012 9:47 pm

    What do you expect from a socialist president?

  11. mc on June 29th, 2012 8:08 pm

    Obama care may not be perfect, but at least somebody did something.

  12. Honest on June 29th, 2012 7:48 pm

    Here is my personal opinion. I believe in Medicare, social security and medicaid. Only if the individual who receives it really needs it. One thing all these have in common is that it helps children and the elderly, people who can not help themselves. I personally have had my children on Medicaid twice. Twice because once I was able to afford health insurance I got it for my children. As of right now me and my husband do not have health care, because we can not afford it. And it makes me sick that the government will be forcing me to have health care or I will have to pay a fine. Fyi, both of us work and always have. I just that the insurance through our jobs cost too much. It is what it is. I feel that coming from a person who does not have health insurance, for me to say it is wrong is saying a lot! I dont want it. I do not want to be forced to have something that I can not afford. It is not right for others who are fortunate to have to pay for this. If there is something seriously wrong with me I will just pay cash for the ER right now. If I am forced to do this, I will not have any say WHAT SO EVER when it comes to the type of care I will receive. I like being in control and making the decisions. I do not want a doctor to have anymore control than what they already have. I want to be givin the options and I want to decide my fate. Not the government.

    Ron Paul 2012

  13. bob hudson on June 29th, 2012 6:56 pm

    Another odd thought is, you know all those Occupy Wall street folks who wanted free health care, well guess what? They now have to buy insurance, because it is a tax and a federal law.Does not matter if your state goes along with the medicaid plan or not. Food for thought.

  14. bob hudson on June 29th, 2012 6:02 pm

    Justice Roberts gave the liberals a Trojan Horse, they just do not realize it yet.

  15. bob hudson on June 29th, 2012 3:55 pm

    So the Supreme Court agree’s this is a tax. If it where not, then it would not have passed. So why is the White House Press Secretary Jay Carney stating that it is not a tax? On the day AFTER the Supreme Court ruled it a tax?

  16. bob hudson on June 29th, 2012 3:12 pm

    So as it stands, lets say I can afford insurance,I go get it, and the company gets to keep the money, and I get a tax credit.Cool. no money going to the government. Insurance companies, can now come down a little because Uncle Sam just said that if I do not buy it I get taxed.And besides they now have a whole new market that they can sell to.Still no money going to the government.Lets say 26 states opt out of extended medicaid coverage, still no money going to the government.So who does that leave?Why it leaves those who can least afford it, the poor and middle class.and the college students who must pay back those student loans they borrowed. This is right is it not, you prove you have insurance,you pay no tax? Wow , congraulation’s liberals you just got a tax passed on those who can least afford it.

  17. Mckinley2971 on June 29th, 2012 12:02 pm

    The political establishment on every level has wrecked this country.

  18. CW on June 29th, 2012 10:12 am

    Nothing will change as far as care is concerned. If you want decent healthcare you’ll need to pay for it yourself. If it isn’t the insurance companies saying “no” it’ll be the government saying “no”. Even in Canada and the UK, the people with the best healthcare pay for it out of their own pocket.

  19. David Lamb on June 29th, 2012 9:45 am

    Jimmy Carter was ,in my opinion, the worst President in history. That was before Barrack “INSANE” Obama came along. Now Jimmy CArter is the second worst President in my lifetime. Keep smoking whatever you smoke Kathy, It is rattling your brain! This man has destroyed more Rights in 4 years than anyone. Four more years and we will be totally dependent on “Suga Daddy”.! wont be able to move without his permission! ABBO! Anybody But Barrack Obama 2012! even Hillary would be an improvement! For a Republican to want Hillary is a statement!

  20. bob hudson on June 29th, 2012 9:12 am

    Do you think Roberts was thinking, Well congress created this mess, and congress must do what the people want, or need to,I’m going to kick this thing back to congress, and let the people and congress fight it out?They did say that the feds have no right to force you to buy any thing. It is a TAX.

  21. bob hudson on June 29th, 2012 9:00 am

    New song for Obama and Holder, ( You got to know when to HOLDER, know when to folder, know when to walk away, know when to run) Just a laugh!

  22. Freedom on June 29th, 2012 8:58 am

    So Republicans are “a nasty group of ignorant people.” Wow! I have to say that type of labeling/thinking is part of the problem with our world today. Someone is not nasty or ignorant just because they do not agree with the actions of the democratic party. The reason we have different parties is because we do not all think the same. The division/diversity is suppose to be healthy for our country. Yes, I am a republican, and no, I do not agree with Obama’s health care plan. However, I wouldn’t call someone nasty or ignorant just because they do.

  23. NWFLA Linda on June 29th, 2012 8:48 am

    Here’s some reality from an ignorant Republican. This bill is about more than healthcare and represents the opposite of what this country was founded upon. Obama argued endlessly it wasn’t a tax; did so while providing monetary rewards to democrats who found it unpalatable and changing the rules to get it passed. His representative argued before the Supreme Court it was not a tax. Now it seems this monstrosity passed only as a tax. This opens the door for him and his minions to become involved with every aspect of your life. If they can tax you for not buying something they can tax you for things you don’t purchase or do that they deem desirable. Battery operated cars. Sensible shoes. Limited trips to fast food restaurants. Limited number of pets. Guns taxed out of our hands. Ridiculous sounding? Who in their right mind would have thought a person could be taxed for not buying something? Not the same as home or car insurance. We choose to purchase those items. Healthcare was the trial balloon. Chosen because their harangue about dying babies, tottering old people, and, of course, discrimination for anyone opposed to it, bypassed rational thought and aimed straight at the emotions of the clueless. We don’t know all the non-healthcare related horrors embedded in this bill. IRS will now monitor the health of everyone in your home and have immediate access to your bank account. Panels of non-medical government employees will decide what procedures you are or are not worthy to receive. A paramilitary force, answerable only to him, will be established. Research this “healthcare” bill a little to discover all the hidden treasures in store for America. Get educated about what he’s shoving down America’s throat before you high-five him.

  24. bob hudson on June 29th, 2012 8:45 am

    Simple, He is pro-gay marriage, pro-abortion(any time,no limit on term ) anti-gun( ask Holder about that) pro-redistrbution of wealth, increased government by 25% in 4 years, 5.5 trillion and growing national debt( ya’ll will not talk about that)Greatest tax increase over any president( OBAMACARE TAX) And of course he and the EPA have set out to destroy the energy companies, Wasted BILLIONS in fail GREEN TECH companies.Oh yes REFUSES to up hold the law of the land he was SWORN to protect, by not enforcing immigration laws, or securing our borders, and has fought the states tooth and nail about clearing the voters poles so we will not have another ACORN scandal Has surrounded him self with know communist(Van Jones comes to mind) remember his GREEN CZAR? Although , he did not directly endorse OCCUPY WALL STREET groups(WINK, WINK) He does(feel their pain) HA!

  25. David Huie Green on June 29th, 2012 8:36 am

    “All I hear on tv or internet news is what Obama needs to do, or what he will not do. And that is not just the current President, that has happened with ALL of our Presidents while in office. Hardly anyone SUPPORTS our President! ”

    I hate to break it to you, but that IS support, to advise people what you think would be good for them to do. That’s why concerned citizens have done it for every president back to George Washington. It doesn’ t mean they will be right or wrong, just that is is part of the process of democracy.

    David with surprising news

  26. huh on June 29th, 2012 8:11 am

    You know, I support our President! All I hear on tv or internet news is what Obama needs to do, or what he will not do. And that is not just the current President, that has happened with ALL of our Presidents while in office. Hardly anyone SUPPORTS our President! We need to come together to make a positive change in this world, and it looks as though only trinkle of effort is put into that by the population. Whether you’re a dem. or rep. or third party voter, once someone has been chosen, throw that negative emotion out of the window and try to make the best with what you have. I personally feel Obama is doing a great job, COMPARED to what/who else we have to vote for! The other options are scary to me. And remember people, Obama can’t do it by himself, that’s why there is voting. Otherwise, I think a lot of other things would already be done, but he can’t do it all alone unfortunately. So, great job Obama. You got my vote for next term.

  27. bob hudson on June 29th, 2012 7:58 am

    Well what we have now is the (Obamacare health TAX) Can’t wait for you all to enjoy the benefits of having a government run panel tell you that no, you may not have the drugs or meds you are taking because the drugs you . take cost to much. If you wish to change some thing they will say no. Oh the long hours and the doctors visits and the drugs you will take(hope they do not kill you) to prove that what you where taking was what really worked. oh yes hope you get a doctor willing to do the paper work and keep up with it , or you will start all over.And it will take months.If you want cheap , well you got it,No more new drugs that hit the market, remember the government has now hired doctors, to turn you down, saves them money.And the government will set the policy, because its their plan. Its a plan all right, its a third world plan.I figure it this way, they never read the bill, Obama lied to us, so did the liberal congress, ITS A TAX. By the way Obama has all ready started letting companies, and unions opt opt out of it , so who picks up their slack? Why the working folks will. All those who will qualify not to have to pay, who will pick up their slack?

  28. Bobby on June 29th, 2012 7:54 am

    Good job President Obama.
    As to all they nay sayers. We are tired of your whining negetive attitudes about every aspec of President Obama term. If it wasn’t for people like President Obama we woud be walking on dirt roads shoeless covered in sewage and carrying our water in buckets from the creek and no health care.

  29. Kathy on June 29th, 2012 5:47 am

    Good job Mr. President, thank you for your service, intelligence and great wit and ability to let the repubs crap roll off your back. They are a nasty group of ignorant people who vote as told and have no idea what reality is.